100-year-old unrepentant Stalinist dies and goes to hell

Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.

The Communists were never 'bosom buddies' with Hitler's Germany.

God- don't you people ever read history?

Hitler came to power on a tide of right wing anti-communism.

In the German election, May 1928 the Party achieved just 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) in the Reichstag. The highest provincial gain was again in Bavaria (5.11%), though in three areas the NSDAP failed to gain even 1% of the vote. Overall the NSDAP gained 2.63% (810,127) of the vote. Partially due to the poor results, Hitler decided that Germans needed to know more about his goals. Despite being discouraged by his publisher, he wrote a second book that was discovered and released posthumously as the Zweites Buch. At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.

At the end of 1928, party membership was recorded at 130,000. In March 1929, Erich Ludendorff represented the Nazi Party in the Presidential elections. He gained 280,000 votes (1.1%), and was the only candidate to poll fewer than a million votes. The battles on the streets grew increasingly violent. After the Rotfront interrupted a speech by Hitler, the SA marched into the streets of Nuremberg and killed two bystanders. In a tit-for-tat action, the SA stormed a Rotfront meeting on 25 August and days later the Berlin headquarters of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) itself. In September Goebbels led his men into Neukölln, a KPD stronghold, and the two warring parties exchanged pistol and revolver fire.

The German referendum of 1929 was important as it gained the Nazi Party recognition and credibility it never had before.

On the evening of 14 January 1930, at around ten o'clock, Horst Wessel was shot at point-blank range in the face by two members of the KPD in Friedrichshain.[31] It led to fatal consequences. The attack occurred after an argument with his landlady who was a member of the KPD, and contacted one of her Rotfront friends, Albert Hochter, who shot Wessel.[32] Wessel had penned a song months before which would become a Nazi anthem as the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Goebbels seized upon the attack (and the weeks Wessel spent on his deathbed) to publicize the song, and the funeral was used as an anti-Communist propaganda opportunity for the Nazis.[33]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class. Nevertheless, wrote Bullock, the heaviest responsibility lay with the German Right, who "forsook a true conservatism" and made Hitler their partner in a coalition government.[39]

Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag

At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels set up the "Anti-Komintern." It generated masses of anti-Bolshevik propaganda, with the goal of demonizing Bolshevism and the Soviet Union to a worldwide audience.[24]

After Hitler got control of the government- he began systematic persecution of Communist members

German Communists were among the first to be imprisoned in concentration camps.[65][66] Their ties to the USSR concerned Hitler, and the Nazi Party was intractably opposed to communism. Rumors of communist violence were spread by the Nazis to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler his first dictatorial powers. Hermann Göring testified at Nuremberg that Nazi willingness to repress German Communists prompted Hindenburg and the old elite to cooperate with them. Hitler and the Nazis also despised German leftists because of their resistance to Nazi racism. Many German leftist leaders were Jews who had been prominent in the 1919 Spartacist uprising. Hitler referred to Marxism and "Bolshevism" as means for "the international Jew" to undermine "racial purity", stir up class tension and mobilize trade unions against the government and business. When the Nazis occupied a territory, communists, socialists and anarchists were usually among the first to be repressed; this included summary executions

And of course the Nazi's fought the Communists in Spain

When wasn't Hitler fighting Communists? Well he never stopped- but he had a treaty with Stalin from August 23, 1939- to June 22, 1941- slightly less than 2 years.

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.

Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.

he supported the mass murdering philosophy of communism.....he was evil.

Please provide the quote where he says he supported mass murder?

Stalin and Hiitler were evil- as was Stalinism and Fascism.

But there is nothing about the theory of Communism that demands, suggests or encourages mass murder- and the millions of Americans who were Communists in the 1930's didn't believe in mass murder- and didn't believe Stalin was a mass murderer.

This man was an idealist who went to Spain to fight Fascism- so of course you piss on his memory.

That is what good Right Wing Nut jobs do.

Marx himself said that there were people too far behind the historical curve to catch up and they would have to be killed....

Praising this guy for joining one group of socialists to fight another group of socialists, both of which ended up murdering millions of people is like praising a member of one violent drug cartel for fighting another drug cartel......in the end they are both violent drug cartels.....
Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.

The Communists were never 'bosom buddies' with Hitler's Germany.

God- don't you people ever read history?

Hitler came to power on a tide of right wing anti-communism.

In the German election, May 1928 the Party achieved just 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) in the Reichstag. The highest provincial gain was again in Bavaria (5.11%), though in three areas the NSDAP failed to gain even 1% of the vote. Overall the NSDAP gained 2.63% (810,127) of the vote. Partially due to the poor results, Hitler decided that Germans needed to know more about his goals. Despite being discouraged by his publisher, he wrote a second book that was discovered and released posthumously as the Zweites Buch. At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.

At the end of 1928, party membership was recorded at 130,000. In March 1929, Erich Ludendorff represented the Nazi Party in the Presidential elections. He gained 280,000 votes (1.1%), and was the only candidate to poll fewer than a million votes. The battles on the streets grew increasingly violent. After the Rotfront interrupted a speech by Hitler, the SA marched into the streets of Nuremberg and killed two bystanders. In a tit-for-tat action, the SA stormed a Rotfront meeting on 25 August and days later the Berlin headquarters of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) itself. In September Goebbels led his men into Neukölln, a KPD stronghold, and the two warring parties exchanged pistol and revolver fire.

The German referendum of 1929 was important as it gained the Nazi Party recognition and credibility it never had before.

On the evening of 14 January 1930, at around ten o'clock, Horst Wessel was shot at point-blank range in the face by two members of the KPD in Friedrichshain.[31] It led to fatal consequences. The attack occurred after an argument with his landlady who was a member of the KPD, and contacted one of her Rotfront friends, Albert Hochter, who shot Wessel.[32] Wessel had penned a song months before which would become a Nazi anthem as the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Goebbels seized upon the attack (and the weeks Wessel spent on his deathbed) to publicize the song, and the funeral was used as an anti-Communist propaganda opportunity for the Nazis.[33]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class. Nevertheless, wrote Bullock, the heaviest responsibility lay with the German Right, who "forsook a true conservatism" and made Hitler their partner in a coalition government.[39]

Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag

At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels set up the "Anti-Komintern." It generated masses of anti-Bolshevik propaganda, with the goal of demonizing Bolshevism and the Soviet Union to a worldwide audience.[24]

After Hitler got control of the government- he began systematic persecution of Communist members

German Communists were among the first to be imprisoned in concentration camps.[65][66] Their ties to the USSR concerned Hitler, and the Nazi Party was intractably opposed to communism. Rumors of communist violence were spread by the Nazis to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler his first dictatorial powers. Hermann Göring testified at Nuremberg that Nazi willingness to repress German Communists prompted Hindenburg and the old elite to cooperate with them. Hitler and the Nazis also despised German leftists because of their resistance to Nazi racism. Many German leftist leaders were Jews who had been prominent in the 1919 Spartacist uprising. Hitler referred to Marxism and "Bolshevism" as means for "the international Jew" to undermine "racial purity", stir up class tension and mobilize trade unions against the government and business. When the Nazis occupied a territory, communists, socialists and anarchists were usually among the first to be repressed; this included summary executions

And of course the Nazi's fought the Communists in Spain

When wasn't Hitler fighting Communists? Well he never stopped- but he had a treaty with Stalin from August 23, 1939- to June 22, 1941- slightly less than 2 years.

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.

Why is it you guys always say that because hitler fought the international socialists that means he wasn't a socialist.......that is so child like.....

hitler was a socialist who fought other socialists for power.....he hated the international socialists and only cared about Germany....but hitler was a socialist...completely......

Like saying that because the Bloods fought the Latin Kings that means the Bloods weren't a violent street gang........
Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.

The Communists were never 'bosom buddies' with Hitler's Germany.

God- don't you people ever read history?

Hitler came to power on a tide of right wing anti-communism.

In the German election, May 1928 the Party achieved just 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) in the Reichstag. The highest provincial gain was again in Bavaria (5.11%), though in three areas the NSDAP failed to gain even 1% of the vote. Overall the NSDAP gained 2.63% (810,127) of the vote. Partially due to the poor results, Hitler decided that Germans needed to know more about his goals. Despite being discouraged by his publisher, he wrote a second book that was discovered and released posthumously as the Zweites Buch. At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.

At the end of 1928, party membership was recorded at 130,000. In March 1929, Erich Ludendorff represented the Nazi Party in the Presidential elections. He gained 280,000 votes (1.1%), and was the only candidate to poll fewer than a million votes. The battles on the streets grew increasingly violent. After the Rotfront interrupted a speech by Hitler, the SA marched into the streets of Nuremberg and killed two bystanders. In a tit-for-tat action, the SA stormed a Rotfront meeting on 25 August and days later the Berlin headquarters of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) itself. In September Goebbels led his men into Neukölln, a KPD stronghold, and the two warring parties exchanged pistol and revolver fire.

The German referendum of 1929 was important as it gained the Nazi Party recognition and credibility it never had before.

On the evening of 14 January 1930, at around ten o'clock, Horst Wessel was shot at point-blank range in the face by two members of the KPD in Friedrichshain.[31] It led to fatal consequences. The attack occurred after an argument with his landlady who was a member of the KPD, and contacted one of her Rotfront friends, Albert Hochter, who shot Wessel.[32] Wessel had penned a song months before which would become a Nazi anthem as the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Goebbels seized upon the attack (and the weeks Wessel spent on his deathbed) to publicize the song, and the funeral was used as an anti-Communist propaganda opportunity for the Nazis.[33]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class. Nevertheless, wrote Bullock, the heaviest responsibility lay with the German Right, who "forsook a true conservatism" and made Hitler their partner in a coalition government.[39]

Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag

At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels set up the "Anti-Komintern." It generated masses of anti-Bolshevik propaganda, with the goal of demonizing Bolshevism and the Soviet Union to a worldwide audience.[24]

After Hitler got control of the government- he began systematic persecution of Communist members

German Communists were among the first to be imprisoned in concentration camps.[65][66] Their ties to the USSR concerned Hitler, and the Nazi Party was intractably opposed to communism. Rumors of communist violence were spread by the Nazis to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler his first dictatorial powers. Hermann Göring testified at Nuremberg that Nazi willingness to repress German Communists prompted Hindenburg and the old elite to cooperate with them. Hitler and the Nazis also despised German leftists because of their resistance to Nazi racism. Many German leftist leaders were Jews who had been prominent in the 1919 Spartacist uprising. Hitler referred to Marxism and "Bolshevism" as means for "the international Jew" to undermine "racial purity", stir up class tension and mobilize trade unions against the government and business. When the Nazis occupied a territory, communists, socialists and anarchists were usually among the first to be repressed; this included summary executions

And of course the Nazi's fought the Communists in Spain

When wasn't Hitler fighting Communists? Well he never stopped- but he had a treaty with Stalin from August 23, 1939- to June 22, 1941- slightly less than 2 years.

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.

So when the communists purged their ranks, sending other communists who had been good communists before the purge to gulags, does that mean the communists who did that weren't actually communists...

You guys are so simple in your ability to think.
The Spanish Fascists were in cahoots with Hitler and Mussolini.

And the other side was in cahoots with Stalin.

Let us not forget that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not only in cahoots with Stalin, but considered Stalin a lovable "Uncle Joe".
Well they were soul mates if you can consider the possibility that either of them had a soul. They both took savage pleasure in locking innocent people in concentration camps. No wonder liberals love them.

What bullshit.

FDR took no 'pleasure' in locking up Japanese Americans- an action that was supported by the vast majority of Americans at the time- yes a blemish on American history- but only a total idiot or a partisan moron would compare those camps to the murder and genocide of Joseph Stalin.

FDR is one of the most admired Presidents in American history- but I can understand why RWNJ's like yourself despise him- after all he:
  • Led America to victory in World War 2- defeating both Fascist Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • Led America out of the Depression
  • Gave Americans Social Security
  • Gave Americans the GI Bill
  • Gave Americans Unemployment Insurance
  • Gave Americans Bank Depositers Insurance.
Of course Conservatives despise all of that.

He did not lead us out of the Depression and in fact his anti business attacks and his excessive taxation prolonged and deepened the depression.......it wasn't until the industrial capacity of the rest of the world was destroyed by the war that we came out of our depression.....
Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.

he supported the mass murdering philosophy of communism.....he was evil.

Please provide the quote where he says he supported mass murder?

Stalin and Hiitler were evil- as was Stalinism and Fascism.

But there is nothing about the theory of Communism that demands, suggests or encourages mass murder- and the millions of Americans who were Communists in the 1930's didn't believe in mass murder- and didn't believe Stalin was a mass murderer.

This man was an idealist who went to Spain to fight Fascism- so of course you piss on his memory.

That is what good Right Wing Nut jobs do.

This is where marx states that those people 2 stages behind the creation of a true communist state will have to be destroyed....The Basques of Spain, the Bretons.......

The truth starts at 17 seconds......it shows that mass murder is always a part of socialism....

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.
When you make a pact to divide an other country between the two of you, then you are not mortal enemies to each other = you are buddies ganging up on a third one. So, again. The Communists did not fight Nazism because of their ideological differences. They fought because they were attacked. Simple is that. Your original spin was a nonsense.
Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.
When you make a pact to divide an other country between the two of you, then you are not mortal enemies to each other = you are buddies ganging up on a third one. So, again. The Communists did not fight Nazism because of their ideological differences. They fought because they were attacked. Simple is that. Your original spin was a nonsense.

Quite the rationalization and revisionist history.

I pointed out the facts- you just can't accept them.

Hitler attacked Communists virtually his entire political career- from the 1920's until 1945- with one less than 2 year period where he allied himself with Stalin- while putting German Communists in concentration camps.

German Communists and German Fascists fought each other constantly.

You just can't handle the truth.
Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.

he supported the mass murdering philosophy of communism.....he was evil.

Please provide the quote where he says he supported mass murder?

Stalin and Hiitler were evil- as was Stalinism and Fascism.

But there is nothing about the theory of Communism that demands, suggests or encourages mass murder- and the millions of Americans who were Communists in the 1930's didn't believe in mass murder- and didn't believe Stalin was a mass murderer.

This man was an idealist who went to Spain to fight Fascism- so of course you piss on his memory.

That is what good Right Wing Nut jobs do.

This is where marx states that those people 2 stages behind the creation of a true communist state will have to be destroyed....The Basques of Spain, the Bretons.......

The truth starts at 17 seconds......it shows that mass murder is always a part of socialism....



Why do Right Wing Nut Jobs always think a video on Youtube is such a relevant source?

Perhaps because it is harder to quote?
The Spanish Fascists were in cahoots with Hitler and Mussolini.

And the other side was in cahoots with Stalin.

Let us not forget that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not only in cahoots with Stalin, but considered Stalin a lovable "Uncle Joe".
Well they were soul mates if you can consider the possibility that either of them had a soul. They both took savage pleasure in locking innocent people in concentration camps. No wonder liberals love them.

What bullshit.

FDR took no 'pleasure' in locking up Japanese Americans- an action that was supported by the vast majority of Americans at the time- yes a blemish on American history- but only a total idiot or a partisan moron would compare those camps to the murder and genocide of Joseph Stalin.

FDR is one of the most admired Presidents in American history- but I can understand why RWNJ's like yourself despise him- after all he:
  • Led America to victory in World War 2- defeating both Fascist Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • Led America out of the Depression
  • Gave Americans Social Security
  • Gave Americans the GI Bill
  • Gave Americans Unemployment Insurance
  • Gave Americans Bank Depositers Insurance.
Of course Conservatives despise all of that.

He did not lead us out of the Depression and in fact his anti business attacks and his excessive taxation prolonged and deepened the depression.......it wasn't until the industrial capacity of the rest of the world was destroyed by the war that we came out of our depression.....
As I pointed out- FDR-
  • Led America to victory in World War 2- defeating both Fascist Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • Led America out of the Depression
  • Gave Americans Social Security
  • Gave Americans the GI Bill
  • Gave Americans Unemployment Insurance
  • Gave Americans Bank Depositers Insurance.
Of course Conservatives despise all of that

The Depression was raging when FDR came into power- it was over when he died. What led to virtual zero unemployment in the United States?

Massive government spending- spending on the arms industry, paying the salaries of millions of soldiers and war time government employees.

Of course Conservatives despise FDR for doing what Hoover couldn't.
Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.

The Communists were never 'bosom buddies' with Hitler's Germany.

God- don't you people ever read history?

Hitler came to power on a tide of right wing anti-communism.

In the German election, May 1928 the Party achieved just 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) in the Reichstag. The highest provincial gain was again in Bavaria (5.11%), though in three areas the NSDAP failed to gain even 1% of the vote. Overall the NSDAP gained 2.63% (810,127) of the vote. Partially due to the poor results, Hitler decided that Germans needed to know more about his goals. Despite being discouraged by his publisher, he wrote a second book that was discovered and released posthumously as the Zweites Buch. At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.

At the end of 1928, party membership was recorded at 130,000. In March 1929, Erich Ludendorff represented the Nazi Party in the Presidential elections. He gained 280,000 votes (1.1%), and was the only candidate to poll fewer than a million votes. The battles on the streets grew increasingly violent. After the Rotfront interrupted a speech by Hitler, the SA marched into the streets of Nuremberg and killed two bystanders. In a tit-for-tat action, the SA stormed a Rotfront meeting on 25 August and days later the Berlin headquarters of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) itself. In September Goebbels led his men into Neukölln, a KPD stronghold, and the two warring parties exchanged pistol and revolver fire.

The German referendum of 1929 was important as it gained the Nazi Party recognition and credibility it never had before.

On the evening of 14 January 1930, at around ten o'clock, Horst Wessel was shot at point-blank range in the face by two members of the KPD in Friedrichshain.[31] It led to fatal consequences. The attack occurred after an argument with his landlady who was a member of the KPD, and contacted one of her Rotfront friends, Albert Hochter, who shot Wessel.[32] Wessel had penned a song months before which would become a Nazi anthem as the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Goebbels seized upon the attack (and the weeks Wessel spent on his deathbed) to publicize the song, and the funeral was used as an anti-Communist propaganda opportunity for the Nazis.[33]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class. Nevertheless, wrote Bullock, the heaviest responsibility lay with the German Right, who "forsook a true conservatism" and made Hitler their partner in a coalition government.[39]

Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag

At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels set up the "Anti-Komintern." It generated masses of anti-Bolshevik propaganda, with the goal of demonizing Bolshevism and the Soviet Union to a worldwide audience.[24]

After Hitler got control of the government- he began systematic persecution of Communist members

German Communists were among the first to be imprisoned in concentration camps.[65][66] Their ties to the USSR concerned Hitler, and the Nazi Party was intractably opposed to communism. Rumors of communist violence were spread by the Nazis to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler his first dictatorial powers. Hermann Göring testified at Nuremberg that Nazi willingness to repress German Communists prompted Hindenburg and the old elite to cooperate with them. Hitler and the Nazis also despised German leftists because of their resistance to Nazi racism. Many German leftist leaders were Jews who had been prominent in the 1919 Spartacist uprising. Hitler referred to Marxism and "Bolshevism" as means for "the international Jew" to undermine "racial purity", stir up class tension and mobilize trade unions against the government and business. When the Nazis occupied a territory, communists, socialists and anarchists were usually among the first to be repressed; this included summary executions

And of course the Nazi's fought the Communists in Spain

When wasn't Hitler fighting Communists? Well he never stopped- but he had a treaty with Stalin from August 23, 1939- to June 22, 1941- slightly less than 2 years.

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.

So when the communists purged their ranks, sending other communists who had been good communists before the purge to gulags, does that mean the communists who did that weren't actually communists...

I have no idea what your little RWNJ brain thinks that has to do with Hitler and his Fascist party fighting Communism for 25 years.
Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.

he supported the mass murdering philosophy of communism.....he was evil.

Please provide the quote where he says he supported mass murder?

Stalin and Hiitler were evil- as was Stalinism and Fascism.

But there is nothing about the theory of Communism that demands, suggests or encourages mass murder- and the millions of Americans who were Communists in the 1930's didn't believe in mass murder- and didn't believe Stalin was a mass murderer.

This man was an idealist who went to Spain to fight Fascism- so of course you piss on his memory.

That is what good Right Wing Nut jobs do.

Marx himself said that there were people too far behind the historical curve to catch up and they would have to be killed.........

Feel free to cite an actual quote- not some Youtube hack job.
Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.

The Communists were never 'bosom buddies' with Hitler's Germany.

God- don't you people ever read history?

Hitler came to power on a tide of right wing anti-communism.

In the German election, May 1928 the Party achieved just 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) in the Reichstag. The highest provincial gain was again in Bavaria (5.11%), though in three areas the NSDAP failed to gain even 1% of the vote. Overall the NSDAP gained 2.63% (810,127) of the vote. Partially due to the poor results, Hitler decided that Germans needed to know more about his goals. Despite being discouraged by his publisher, he wrote a second book that was discovered and released posthumously as the Zweites Buch. At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.

At the end of 1928, party membership was recorded at 130,000. In March 1929, Erich Ludendorff represented the Nazi Party in the Presidential elections. He gained 280,000 votes (1.1%), and was the only candidate to poll fewer than a million votes. The battles on the streets grew increasingly violent. After the Rotfront interrupted a speech by Hitler, the SA marched into the streets of Nuremberg and killed two bystanders. In a tit-for-tat action, the SA stormed a Rotfront meeting on 25 August and days later the Berlin headquarters of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) itself. In September Goebbels led his men into Neukölln, a KPD stronghold, and the two warring parties exchanged pistol and revolver fire.

The German referendum of 1929 was important as it gained the Nazi Party recognition and credibility it never had before.

On the evening of 14 January 1930, at around ten o'clock, Horst Wessel was shot at point-blank range in the face by two members of the KPD in Friedrichshain.[31] It led to fatal consequences. The attack occurred after an argument with his landlady who was a member of the KPD, and contacted one of her Rotfront friends, Albert Hochter, who shot Wessel.[32] Wessel had penned a song months before which would become a Nazi anthem as the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Goebbels seized upon the attack (and the weeks Wessel spent on his deathbed) to publicize the song, and the funeral was used as an anti-Communist propaganda opportunity for the Nazis.[33]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class. Nevertheless, wrote Bullock, the heaviest responsibility lay with the German Right, who "forsook a true conservatism" and made Hitler their partner in a coalition government.[39]

Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag

At this time the SA began a period of deliberate antagonism to the Rotfront by marching into Communist strongholds and starting violent altercations.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels set up the "Anti-Komintern." It generated masses of anti-Bolshevik propaganda, with the goal of demonizing Bolshevism and the Soviet Union to a worldwide audience.[24]

After Hitler got control of the government- he began systematic persecution of Communist members

German Communists were among the first to be imprisoned in concentration camps.[65][66] Their ties to the USSR concerned Hitler, and the Nazi Party was intractably opposed to communism. Rumors of communist violence were spread by the Nazis to justify the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler his first dictatorial powers. Hermann Göring testified at Nuremberg that Nazi willingness to repress German Communists prompted Hindenburg and the old elite to cooperate with them. Hitler and the Nazis also despised German leftists because of their resistance to Nazi racism. Many German leftist leaders were Jews who had been prominent in the 1919 Spartacist uprising. Hitler referred to Marxism and "Bolshevism" as means for "the international Jew" to undermine "racial purity", stir up class tension and mobilize trade unions against the government and business. When the Nazis occupied a territory, communists, socialists and anarchists were usually among the first to be repressed; this included summary executions

And of course the Nazi's fought the Communists in Spain

When wasn't Hitler fighting Communists? Well he never stopped- but he had a treaty with Stalin from August 23, 1939- to June 22, 1941- slightly less than 2 years.

Far from being 'bosum buddies' with communists- Hitler despised them- and persecuted them- and after the invasion of the Soviet Union- murdered millions of Soviet citizens and soldiers.

Like all good Right Wing Nut Jobs- and history revisionists- it is amusing to note that neither of you even tried to dispute what I pointed out- the history of Nazi conflict with Communism from its founding until the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Now lets talk about the Nazi's coalition with German Conservative groups

16 October: Liberty Law campaign officially begins. The Nazi Party joins a coalition of conservative groups under Hugenberg's leadership to oppose the Young Plan.

The German National People's Party (German: Deutschnationale Volkspartei, DNVP) was a national conservative party in Germany during the time of the Weimar Republic. Before the rise of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) it was the major conservative and nationalist party in Weimar Germany. It was an alliance of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements, and supported by the Pan-German League.[10

On 27 January 1933, Ribbentrop invited Hugenberg to a secret meeting at his house in an attempt to win his participation in the proposed "government of national concentration." Hugenberg had nearly scuttled Hitler's chances of getting the Chancellorship when he objected to Hitler's proposed Cabinet line-up; complaining that too many portfolios went to the Nazis and not enough to the D.N.V.P

Yes- thats right- when Hitler formed his government- he did so with a coalition between his own party- and the leading Conservative Party in Germany.

Within Germany- the Nazi Party always fought Communists- and allied with the Conservative Party- and included the Conservative Party within its own coalition government.

Because of course- Conservatives were the Nazi's natural allies- and Communists- their natural enemies.

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