100-year-old unrepentant Stalinist dies and goes to hell

The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

The Americans who fought for Communism in Spain were not heroes, as the media has portrayed them. They were die-hard Stalinists, and they killed each other off in purges ordered from Moscow.

The experience of fighting in Spain, and witnessing Communist atrocities, turned socialist George Orwell into one of the strongest voices against Communism.

Delmer Berg remained a dedicated Communist his entire life, and never repented the crimes he committed in Spain, including attacks on the Catholic Church.

Berg is now in that special place in hell where Communists go. Good riddins to bad rubbish.

Go bow to your statues , Berg fought fascist catholic church scum in Spain

Berg was not alone in his commitment to combating fascism abroad. From around the globe, 40,000 volunteers amassed to assist the Spanish Republicans struggling against Franco’s forces from 1936-1939. Roughly 2,800 men and women from the United States joined the 15th International Brigade, naming their contingent the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. For many Lincolns, their time in the Brigade was linked to a life of progressive activism. Today, their legacy is preserved by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) in New York.

Delmer Berg, Last Surviving Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veteran, Dies at 100 | The Volunteer

The lincoln brigades were helping the communists......they were wrong...they helped one of the worst evils mankind has ever seen.......

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises.

When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party — Mises's identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Nevertheless, apart from Mises and his readers, practically no one thinks of Nazi Germany as a socialist state. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of thesubstantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the all
Fascism and communism are just two flavors of leftist socialism.

Kinda like flavors of ice cream......one is vanilla and the other chocolate.....but they are still both ice cream. .... :cool:
Fascism and communism are just two flavors of leftist socialism.

Kinda like flavors of ice cream......one is vanilla and the other chocolate.....but they are still both ice cream. .... :cool:

Great minds think alike....I often use that analogy.....
And here is some more...

Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

So when Nazi ideologist Gregor Strasser proclaimed:

We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this system whatever happens!

. . . he was just saying that because, in Stanley’s mind, socialism was “fashionable.” Obviously there’s some truth to that. Socialism was popular. So was nationalism. That’s why nationalists embraced socialism and why socialists quickly embraced nationalism. It wasn’t a big leap for either because they’re basically the same thing!

In purely economic terms, nationalization and socialization are nothing more than synonyms (socialized medicine = nationalized health care).

Read more at: Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review
Fascism and communism are just two flavors of leftist socialism.

Kinda like flavors of ice cream......one is vanilla and the other chocolate.....but they are still both ice cream. .... :cool:

The problem the left has today....it is called the "internet." See....they used to be able to just call someone a "Right Wing" fascist.....and get away with it.....the media, the lefties in education, and lefty politicians would spread the myth that fascists were right wing. The only way to argue with them would be to go to a library and research something called "Books" in order to find the facts to show that they were lying.....

The internet changed that...now in a matter of seconds all the truth, the facts and the reality of left wing socialism, wether it is nazism, Italian fascism or international communism can all be seen as different flavors of socialism......and the lie can no longer escape without being challenged.....

Now.....normal people can actually see that the nazis/fascists were nothing more than a different style of socialist......and that socialism is responsible for the murder of close to 100 million people or more...all around the world......
The Spanish Fascists were in cahoots with Hitler and Mussolini.

And the other side was in cahoots with Stalin.

Let us not forget that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not only in cahoots with Stalin, but considered Stalin a lovable "Uncle Joe".
Well they were soul mates if you can consider the possibility that either of them had a soul. They both took savage pleasure in locking innocent people in concentration camps. No wonder liberals love them.
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It seems that anybody who fought fascism is now labelled a communist.
Part of me thinks that this is just lazy labelling by idiots. However it is possible that right wing politics has veered so far off the scale that the nazis are now seen as the good guys.
My Taid fought the nazis. He voted conservative all his life but he also had a moral compass.
The International Brigade were heroes and I hope they build a statue to this gentleman.
Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.
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Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
Go and study history. They - the communists - were bosom buddies with Hitler (dividing Poland in between them) until Barbarossa happened. That's why they fought Hitler not because they disapproved Nazism. What an uneducated, low information idiot.
It's you that needs to read history.
It's you that needs to read history.
I do. I do read a lot.
BTW, what was incorrect in my post? Let me know then I read upon that a little more. Don't just sling shit, bolster your opinion with something substantial.
Fighting against fascism has always been inherently moral, regardless of the motive.
You do not have to choose between Communism and fascism. There are other alternatives, like supporting democracy and freedom.
Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.
Yep they fought the fascists before the rest of the civilized world fought them in WWII

Sounds like the OP thinks the fascists were good guys.

Compared to communists everybody is good guys.
Here is who FJO thinks is a 'good guy"

The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

The Americans who fought for Communism in Spain were not heroes, as the media has portrayed them. They were die-hard Stalinists, and they killed each other off in purges ordered from Moscow.

The experience of fighting in Spain, and witnessing Communist atrocities, turned socialist George Orwell into one of the strongest voices against Communism.

Delmer Berg remained a dedicated Communist his entire life, and never repented the crimes he committed in Spain, including attacks on the Catholic Church.

Berg is now in that special place in hell where Communists go. Good riddins to bad rubbish.

Thousands of misguided dreamers flocked to Spain to fight for a cause that they must have known was a loser.r.

So fighting fascism 'was a loser' of a cause?
Last known American who fought fascists in 1930s Spain dies in California

Doesn't sound like such a bad fellow...unless you're a fascist.

he supported the mass murdering philosophy of communism.....he was evil.

Please provide the quote where he says he supported mass murder?

Stalin and Hiitler were evil- as was Stalinism and Fascism.

But there is nothing about the theory of Communism that demands, suggests or encourages mass murder- and the millions of Americans who were Communists in the 1930's didn't believe in mass murder- and didn't believe Stalin was a mass murderer.

This man was an idealist who went to Spain to fight Fascism- so of course you piss on his memory.

That is what good Right Wing Nut jobs do.
The Spanish Fascists were in cahoots with Hitler and Mussolini.

And the other side was in cahoots with Stalin.

Let us not forget that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not only in cahoots with Stalin, but considered Stalin a lovable "Uncle Joe".
Well they were soul mates if you can consider the possibility that either of them had a soul. They both took savage pleasure in locking innocent people in concentration camps. No wonder liberals love them.

What bullshit.

FDR took no 'pleasure' in locking up Japanese Americans- an action that was supported by the vast majority of Americans at the time- yes a blemish on American history- but only a total idiot or a partisan moron would compare those camps to the murder and genocide of Joseph Stalin.

FDR is one of the most admired Presidents in American history- but I can understand why RWNJ's like yourself despise him- after all he:
  • Led America to victory in World War 2- defeating both Fascist Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • Led America out of the Depression
  • Gave Americans Social Security
  • Gave Americans the GI Bill
  • Gave Americans Unemployment Insurance
  • Gave Americans Bank Depositers Insurance.
Of course Conservatives despise all of that.

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