100-year-old unrepentant Stalinist dies and goes to hell

The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

The Americans who fought for Communism in Spain were not heroes, as the media has portrayed them. They were die-hard Stalinists, and they killed each other off in purges ordered from Moscow.

The experience of fighting in Spain, and witnessing Communist atrocities, turned socialist George Orwell into one of the strongest voices against Communism.

Delmer Berg remained a dedicated Communist his entire life, and never repented the crimes he committed in Spain, including attacks on the Catholic Church.

Berg is now in that special place in hell where Communists go. Good riddins to bad rubbish.

Yeah- his kind were called 'pre-mature anti-fascists' in the 1950's- for having the gall to oppose fascism before it was politically popular to do so.

I guess that makes you a post pro-fascist.
Commies are the worst kind of asshole. They think they're doing all this crap to create a better world. They think of themselves as "do-gooders" even while they're murdering millions of people. Total fuckheads.

Yeah- especially those 'do-gooder' commies who were fighting Hitler- total fuckheads.......no wonder you hate them.....
"100-year-old unrepentant Stalinist dies and goes to hell"

It's the 1950s all over again – including republican fear-mongering and lies about 'communists.'
Yeah, and we all know that special place in hell is for women who do not support Hillary anyway. Stalinists go to a worker's paradise of their own making, I hope.
One of the more ignorant, reprehensible, and moronic of conservative lies was that 'communism' existed as a single, monolithic entity, seeking 'world domination,' with its nefarious efforts orchestrated solely from Moscow – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
One of the more ignorant, reprehensible, and moronic of conservative lies was that 'communism' existed as a single, monolithic entity, seeking 'world domination,' with its nefarious efforts orchestrated solely from Moscow – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Ha ha, you're a fucking Commie, but it's been defeated, and all you have left is your fading dreams of a glorious future that never will be.
Fascism and Communism are just two sides of the same progressive leftist coin.

They were competing liberal ideologies trying to create a socialist workers paradise. .... :cool:
Commies are the worst kind of asshole. They think they're doing all this crap to create a better world. They think of themselves as "do-gooders" even while they're murdering millions of people. Total fuckheads.

Like Stalin said: "One death is a tragedy, million deaths is statistics".
Fascism and Communism are just two sides of the same progressive leftist coin.

They were competing liberal ideologies trying to create a socialist workers paradise. .... :cool:

Can we add Nazism in there?
The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

The Americans who fought for Communism in Spain were not heroes, as the media has portrayed them. They were die-hard Stalinists, and they killed each other off in purges ordered from Moscow.

The experience of fighting in Spain, and witnessing Communist atrocities, turned socialist George Orwell into one of the strongest voices against Communism.

Delmer Berg remained a dedicated Communist his entire life, and never repented the crimes he committed in Spain, including attacks on the Catholic Church.

Berg is now in that special place in hell where Communists go. Good riddins to bad rubbish.

Thousands of misguided dreamers flocked to Spain to fight for a cause that they must have known was a loser.

Similar to today misguided dreamers flock to ISIS because they are just as ignorant as their Communist predecessors of yesteryear.

Catholic church was no better than ISIS. .... In Spain they had fascist state headed by the Spanish catholic church who was aligned with hitler
The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

The Americans who fought for Communism in Spain were not heroes, as the media has portrayed them. They were die-hard Stalinists, and they killed each other off in purges ordered from Moscow.

The experience of fighting in Spain, and witnessing Communist atrocities, turned socialist George Orwell into one of the strongest voices against Communism.

Delmer Berg remained a dedicated Communist his entire life, and never repented the crimes he committed in Spain, including attacks on the Catholic Church.

Berg is now in that special place in hell where Communists go. Good riddins to bad rubbish.

Go bow to your statues , Berg fought fascist catholic church scum in Spain

Berg was not alone in his commitment to combating fascism abroad. From around the globe, 40,000 volunteers amassed to assist the Spanish Republicans struggling against Franco’s forces from 1936-1939. Roughly 2,800 men and women from the United States joined the 15th International Brigade, naming their contingent the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. For many Lincolns, their time in the Brigade was linked to a life of progressive activism. Today, their legacy is preserved by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) in New York.

Delmer Berg, Last Surviving Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veteran, Dies at 100 | The Volunteer

So the communist socialist fought the national socialist....as they say, a pox on both of them.......

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