101 year old pedophile convicted in the uk

^^^ Forgive me if these are dumb questions, but what took so long for him to be busted for it? With him being so old now, what is the point in punishing him?

God bless you and his victim(s) always!!!


P.S. Are his victim(s) still here?
^^^ Forgive me if these are dumb questions, but what took so long for him to be busted for it? With him being so old now, what is the point in punishing him?

God bless you and his victim(s) always!!!


P.S. Are his victim(s) still here?
Unfortunately police is not perfect. Maybe they didn't know anything about him until a few years ago :(
^^^ Well if his wrong doing was really done back in the 70's and 80's, how is busting him for it even possible now, unless there isn't a statue of limitations where ever he is for what he is being charged with.

God bless you always!!!


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