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102 Utah miners laid off because of 'war on coal,' company says

No coal, No oil, No drilling, No nuclear.................

And these mindless imbeciles on the left wonder why we are dependent on foreign energy
No coal, No oil, No drilling, No nuclear.................

And these mindless imbeciles on the left wonder why we are dependent on foreign energy

They've been told over at Huffington post that natural gas is the new answer... until Obama's EPA starts hitting them too. It's amusing to see the new angle they have to come up with everytime their hypocrisy is revealed.
Bitter grapes.

The guys business is failing so he blames the election results.

What a tool.


EPA planning new anti-coal regulations for after election - National Government | Examiner.com

According to Conn Carroll at the Washington Examiner on Sunday, the Environmental Protection Agency is planning new anti-coal regulations to be implemented at the end of the month should President Barack Obama win reelection on Tuesday. These regulations will prevent new plants from being built and will cost Americans nearly a trillion dollars.

More than 50 EPA staff are now crashing to finish greenhouse gas emission standards that would essentially ban all construction of new coal-fired power plants. Never before have so many EPA resources been devoted to a single regulation. The independent and non-partisan Manhattan Institute estimates that the EPA’s greenhouse gas coal regulation will cost the U.S. economy $700 billion.​
Enjoy your higher energy prices, moron.

You are the moron. Because coal can't do the job for the price of honstly clean gas you think that our energy industry won't make any money? No idiot, coal loses 700 billion and gas makes as much or more.

Or you could just start a horse shoeing company and yell at cars.
Yes, because coal miners can just start working at the natural gas mines.

Meanwhile, where are the power plants being built to replace the coal plants being shut down?

If you mention wind and solar, I'll laugh in your face, as it so richly deserves.
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"make a horse shoeing company and yell at cars," is the most concise way to tellan idiot that he's an idiot. Nice.
Same question for you:

What's currently being built to replace the coal plants being shut down?
The coal industry crybabies could sell a lot of coal overseas but they won't garantee that the dust from the trains is controlled 100%. They cannot gaurantee that trains full of coal will not run off the tracks and polute any streams or rivers.

WE don't have to accept any risk so a handfull of rich coal company owners can make more billions.

Guess what? That isn't our problem. That is THEIR problem.

Yeah! FUCK the miners!
People making up more excuses to fire people and increase profits.

All this is.

You can't make any profits if there is no one to buy your product.


Okay, so can you morons stop claiming Obama wants to put people to work now?

glad you came to your senses about the trickle down theory you party has been humping for decades
See, that was just stupid. But typical.

Meanwhile, we'll just put you down as another retard who doesn't mind Obama putting people out of work.
Let the misery begin. A smart person would have an alternative in place before he kills the mainline source of energy but not the dumbass in the wh. oh no.. not us,, we can't have a pipline, here, let's give Brazile 20 billion dollars so their people can have some energy.. :D

you missed the "alternative in place" in post #3.

So now that natural gas is beating coal in the market, the coal miners union is of no use to you anymore, so throw them out with the dirty bath water? Your party uses naive, misinformed people and when they're of no use to them any longer, they throw them out. Why didn't you have the same train of thought with the auto workers? There are 'alternatives in place' for their work, so it's no longer needed? Guess the auto workers union was too many votes to miss for the coming election, but the coal miners weren't enough in number to merrit your loyalty? Not that the democrat party has any loyalty, which has been shown time and again, yet the saps just keep going back.
Coal Miners? Union Sits Out Presidential Race - NationalJournal.com
FAIRMONT, W.Va.—After giving then-Sen. Barack Obama a full-throttled endorsement in the 2008 presidential election, the United Mine Workers of America has decided not to endorse either Obama or the presumptive Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, in 2012.
“As of right now, we’ve elected to stay out of this election,” said Mike Caputo, a UMWA official and a Democratic member of the West Virginia House of Delegates. “Our members right now have indicated to stay out of this race, and that’s why we’ve done that.... I don’t think quite frankly that coalfield folks are crazy about either candidate.”​
The UMW knows Obama is out to screw them.
How many electric plants are converted to run on natural gas and not on coal? Enjoy your electric bill, it's going up and you're not only foolish enough to defend it, you'll smile and take it up the ass while it's happening. ;)
Lefties think it's an honor to be screwed by Obama.
From your own article:

Coal demand from U.S. power generation companies is down 17 percent this year, according to the federal Energy Information Administration's most recent figures. That's due in large part to low market prices for natural gas, and has the EIA forecasting the lowest coal consumption in at least two decades by the nation's electricity industry.

Trends in power generation have also put coal-fired plants at a higher risk for retirement. In its annual Energy Outlook, the EIA reports that 49 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity will be retired in the next eight years. That represents about one-sixth of the existing coal capacity in the nation and less than 5 percent of total electricity generation in the U.S.

The laws of supply and demand are not managed by Obama. You people REALLY need to get your heads out of your asses and quick. The election is over...
Then there's no need for the EPA's new regulations on coal, is there?

Oh, wait:

President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has devoted an unprecedented number of bureaucrats to finalizing new anti-coal regulations that are set to be released at the end of November, according to a source inside the EPA.

More than 50 EPA staff are now crashing to finish greenhouse gas emission standards that would essentially ban all construction of new coal-fired power plants. Never before have so many EPA resources been devoted to a single regulation. The independent and non-partisan Manhattan Institute estimates that the EPA’s greenhouse gas coal regulation will cost the U.S. economy $700 billion.​
Natural gas will be eliminated the same way as coal. The EPA is already starting its war on fracking. Invest in a good coat.

Can we rely on that prediction based on how good your election predictions were?


EPA regs could hamper oil, natural gas production, report says - Washington Times
Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the Obama administration is poised to deal a major blow to U.S. oil and natural gas, a leading industry group charged Thursday.
Domestic production of both fuels could plummet if proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations, designed to limit emissions from well sites, go into effect later this year, according to an extensive new study commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute.
The natural gas extraction technique known as “fracking” would be hardest hit, and fuel extracted via the popular process would drop by about 52 percent, according to a new study commissioned by API. Total gas production would decrease by about 11 percent, while domestic oil production could fall by as much as 37 percent, the report says.​
Can we rely on you being an Obama bootlicker?

Hint: Yes.
So what exactly is it that you people want?

You want the price of natural gas to rise sufficiently to make coal marketable again? Will that make you happy? When your heating bill goes back up to $500 a month wil you be happy?

Keep in mind, you're talking to people who were unanimously certain that Romney was going to win the election,

despite the polls, because the polls were skewed. They're no more capable of accepting the facts about coal and natural gas than they were capable of accepting the polls.
You keep ignoring the facts about the EPA's new regulations on fossil fuels.

That doesn't mean they don't exist.
So what exactly is it that you people want?

You want the price of natural gas to rise sufficiently to make coal marketable again? Will that make you happy? When your heating bill goes back up to $500 a month wil you be happy?
I want Obama to stop fucking up the economy based on shit science from envirowhackos.

Meanwhile, Obama's policies will make energy prices rise -- and you, dutiful sheep that you are, will blame conservatives.

Lest we forget, Robert Murray is the guy who spent years screaming bloody murder about how safety regulations were bankrupting him, and was fined many times for violating regulations. And then Murray's Crandall Canyon mine collapsed in 2007, killing 6 miners. That's the kind of human being that Republicans now call their hero.

This especially leaves poor Dave with a problem. He just declared coal miners were awesome people because they don't like Obama, but his hero happily puts those miners at severe risk for a buck. It will be interesting to see how Dave resolves this contradiction. To exactly what depths will Dave stoop to in order to defend the miner-killer?

Keep in mind, you're talking to people who were unanimously certain that Romney was going to win the election,

despite the polls, because the polls were skewed. They're no more capable of accepting the facts about coal and natural gas than they were capable of accepting the polls.
You keep ignoring the facts about the EPA's new regulations on fossil fuels.

That doesn't mean they don't exist.

Are you accepting the fact that lower natural gas prices are the main reason coal mining is being scaled back?
I get the salt lake channels in Idaho, and I grew up in Utah. This murray guy is kind of a BS'er
He had a mine cave in and kill several miners a few years ago
People making up more excuses to fire people and increase profits.

All this is.

so when you milk those Holsteins do you keep the ones around that don't give any milk

No, you fire them apparently... even though we're talking about coal workers and not milking cows. I didn't realize coal miners suddenly ran dry. Oops! There's no more coal mining left in this one! Send him to the slaughterhouse!
So what exactly is it that you people want?

You want the price of natural gas to rise sufficiently to make coal marketable again? Will that make you happy? When your heating bill goes back up to $500 a month wil you be happy?

I think it would be a good idea to start manufacturing cars that shit on the roads so we can bring back horses as a good way to travel in the cities.

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