$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

I am against all corporate welfare, it needs to end, that means welfare for GM, Amazon and NPR and Amtrak. The inflation rate is stripping Americans of any wage gains they made and are behind by more than 2.4% and what was the Democrats idea? Pass a spending bill that included pork to their pet corporations, and will raise inflation, sorry the Democrats are no more for working Americans than Republicans, I tire of your propaganda, btw, I was more than Republicans that crashed the economy as shown yo you over and over and yet you persist in your lies. With your dishonesty on display, why would anyone believe you.

The PPP plan was different and Democrats were all for it as it kept many on payroll that would have been laid off and collecting unemployment and at the same time government offered unemployment with hefty bonuses each week and nothing was needed to be repaid, another spin from you.

Democrats repeated voted against the PPP, but it soon became apparent that Mitch McConnell would NEVER vote for anything that put money in the hands directly of the workers, so they finally approved it, but they wanted oversight, and couldn't get that.

Democrats repeated voted against the PPP, but it soon became apparent that Mitch McConnell would NEVER vote for anything that put money in the hands directly of the workers, so they finally approved it, but they wanted oversight, and couldn't get that.

The enhanced unemployment but billions of extra cash to the working class, I kept working during Covid because of the PPP plan as did millions of other workers, the money didn’t need to be repaid if it met certain criteria as it was used for operating expenses only. It was designed for small business to remain afloat or other wise face closure and permanent layoffs.

As far as student loans, they were not designed to be forgiven, the PPP was.
You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.

You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Forgiven? Was that part of the legislation of the Payroll Protection Program?

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

Bail out? You mean the TARP loans that were repaid at a huge profit to the Treasury?
PPP was NOT about "taking care of people". It was yet another bailout of privately owned corporations, at the expense of American taxpayers. In 2008, W bailed out Big Banks and Big Insurance companies - all of whom are privately owned, and millions of working American taxpayers, lost their homes.

You bail out privately owned corporations when a recession hits, and then cut taxes for these same people, when times are good. Public losses, private profits are doing NOTHING but further enriching the top 10%, which the middle and working classes are paying for it all.

THIS is why your middle class is shrinking, and the rich are getting richer. Neither Jeff Bezos, nor Amazon, pays ANY income tax, and yet the State of New York was prepared to give them $9 billion in infrastructure and transportation improvements, paid for by New York taxpayers.

This is fiscal insanity, and it's not economically sustainable. 80% of the wealth going to the top will turn you into Venezuela.

THIS is why your middle class is shrinking, and the rich are getting richer. Neither Jeff Bezos, nor Amazon, pays ANY income tax,


and yet the State of New York was prepared to give them $9 billion in infrastructure and transportation improvements, paid for by New York taxpayers.

In exchange for tens of thousands of jobs and over $30 billion in additional tax revenues.
I am against all corporate welfare, it needs to end, that means welfare for GM, Amazon and NPR and Amtrak. The inflation rate is stripping Americans of any wage gains they made and are behind by more than 2.4% and what was the Democrats idea? Pass a spending bill that included pork to their pet corporations, and will raise inflation, sorry the Democrats are no more for working Americans than Republicans, I tire of your propaganda, btw, I was more than Republicans that crashed the economy as shown yo you over and over and yet you persist in your lies. With your dishonesty on display, why would anyone believe you.

The PPP plan was different and Democrats were all for it as it kept many on payroll that would have been laid off and collecting unemployment and at the same time government offered unemployment with hefty bonuses each week and nothing was needed to be repaid, another spin from you.
What is your definition of corporate welfare?
What percentage of high school grads went to college in 1980? What percentage today?
What percentage of high school grads went to college in 1980? What percentage today?
Why does it matter when that amount was reduced severely during Reagan?

it has doubled since 1981 yet, in the six decades from 1950 to 2010, the U.S. population had increased from 157.8 million to 312.2 million, a total gain of 98% at an average annual rate of 1.1%
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Democrats repeated voted against the PPP, but it soon became apparent that Mitch McConnell would NEVER vote for anything that put money in the hands directly of the workers, so they finally approved it, but they wanted oversight, and couldn't get that.

That's just goofy. But then, that's your only purpose.
Why does it matter when that amount was reduced severely during Reagan?

it has doubled since 1981 yet, in the six decades from 1950 to 2010, the U.S. population had increased from 157.8 million to 312.2 million, a total gain of 98% at an average annual rate of 1.1%

Put a lot more students into college with unlimited government loans and act surprised when the colleges boost tution.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
Receiving taxpayer reward for avoiding your financial responsibilities is the epitome of absurd.
It will allow middle class (mostly) young people to start businesses, start families, buy homes. buy cars..

That's pretty damn good. Youth is where innovation lies

If someone refuses to pay their student loans, and instead sticks it to the taxpayers, I sure the hell would loan them money to buy a home, car or start a business.
Why aren't these young people responsible for paying off their loans? How about the government paying off the loan on my home?
Put a lot more students into college with unlimited government loans and act surprised when the colleges boost tution.
Hmm, and here I thought homes still cost us 40k like in the 1980s, why inflation has increased in every aspect of human social strata or did you not notice that gas was no longer eighty cents?

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