$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

How about all the folks that got PPE loans forgiven?

That's all good?

It was the government that forced businesses to close putting millions out of business and millions of others out of work.

NO ONE forced students to take out thousands of dollars in loans to study ancient art.

It was the government that forced businesses to close putting millions out of business and millions of others out of work.

NO ONE forced students to take out thousands of dollars in loans to study ancient art.
What business did MGT or Gaetz close?
Breaking: Biden stock market tanks on Fed bracing America for job losses, recession, higher interest rates. University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business warns Biden's student loan forgiveness could bloat to $1 trillion. Biden's inflation spending keeps inflation near 40 year high. Nothing but good news from team Biden today holy crap!
yes. Please take my money and pay off some rich kid's college tuition loan. and while you're at it...send another billion or two to rich fat cat politicians in Ukraine who will send some of it back to democrats here!!! My family will do just fine.

Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
YOU willingly sought the loans, and you were probably thrilled to get the money. No one forced you to take the cash.

It is YOUR obligation - NOT your neighbor's. And now it's time to act like a man and pay your own fucking bills.

Quit whining and behaving like a worthless fucking deadbeat.

I worked graveyard shift, full time, and paid for every class, every book, and anything else I needed. Lots of other people did the same.

So quit begging, you'll make people hate you.
Right? This is another example of how Democrats screw Americans under the guise of "fairness and decency".
Yes it is, If they borrow the money then THEY can pay it back not the taxpayers. Another load of shit brought to you by the kings of shit the Dems. Can hardly wait for the mid terms when those idiots lose power.
Everyone earning under $1 millon should get $1 million in their bank accounts every Jan 1st.

This is Example A of why I post here but don’t necessarily engage with other posters. I wont lower myself to this garbage.
Will you start whining again when you get the tax bill for your loan welfare package and have to pay oh say 20% on it??
Any more "forgiveness" needs to come from the colleges and universities who gouged you chumps, NOT the taxpayer. I paid for my college and my kid's college I don't think I should pay for yours too.

You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.
You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.
Those PPP loans kept a lot of people from having to collect unemployment and kept a lot of small businesses from going under completely.

What will forgiving student loans do that rivals that?

And it's the everyone has to go to college mindset along with guaranteed student loans that has resulted in an artificial inflation of tuition.
You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.

PPP loans were designed to be forgiven when they were first made.

Corporations wouldn't have taken them, if they were told they would have to pay them back.

The PPP plan was designed to keep millions of people out of the Unemployment Insurance program at the start of the pandemic and prevent that system from failing. Not to help billionaires or other employers

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