$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.

If a degree is productive and you are not a lazy bum then you will make enough money to pay back the loan.

If you can't pay back the loan then that means your education was worthless (or you are worthless) so why should somebody else be required to cover for you?
Great comparison!

As you know, the banks repaid the loans, early, and with interest. Why not students?

Perhaps you have the banks confused with General Motors. We (taxpayers) lost billions on that boondoggle as President Obama saved the auto unions.

That's different. DumBama had to make sure those union workers kept working to pay their dues so that money comes back to the Democrat party come election time.
You’re making excuses for a war that cost trillions, but did nothing for 99% of Americans. It did enrich the war profiteers who no doubt kicked back some of their ill gotten gains to the two criminal gangs of the duopoly. This is how wars work in America. No?
In your opinion, we should have done nothing subsequent to 9/11.

What is our exit strategy for our proxy war with Russia?
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In your opinion, we should have done nothing subsequent to 9/11.

What is our exit strategy for our proxy war with Russia?
Yeah there’s that black and white thinking. It’s either what the corrupt state did or it’s doing nothing.

Think better.
The OP...
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.

Maybe you should have gone to a cheaper school that you could afford rather than making bad decisions and pawning them off on someone else
YOU willingly sought the loans, and you were probably thrilled to get the money. No one forced you to take the cash.

It is YOUR obligation - NOT your neighbor's. And now it's time to act like a man and pay your own fucking bills.

Quit whining and behaving like a worthless fucking deadbeat.

I worked graveyard shift, full time, and paid for every class, every book, and anything else I needed. Lots of other people did the same.

So quit begging, you'll make people hate you.

Peach45 just believes there is no debt so large or so overwhelming that it can't be dumped on our children.

Some generation has to eat the bullet from our parents poor financial decisions, and I want that to be us, not my children
Biden's ridiculous student loan giveaway will accomplish one thing. It will prove to these deadbeats that it PAYS to be a fucking deadbeat.

This is the time that students SHOULD be learning to be responsible for the results of their own decisions.

THEY wanted the money. They got it. Now they should pay it back. All by their widdle selves. Whiney assholes.
Biden's ridiculous student loan giveaway will accomplish one thing. It will prove to these deadbeats that it PAYS to be a fucking deadbeat.

This is the time that students SHOULD be learning to be responsible for the results of their own decisions.

THEY wanted the money. They got it. Now they should pay it back. All by their widdle selves. Whiney assholes.
$10K or even $20K out of a debt of $60K or more is not going to do anything like that
$10K or even $20K out of a debt of $60K or more is not going to do anything like that
Sleazebags who have no problem taking (stealing) the hard-earned dollars the government extorted from their neighbors are already deadbeats.

They would be more honest if they would climb into their neighbor's window in the middle of the night and steal the money themselves. Instead of letting the rotten asshole, biden, steal the money for them.

Either way, the asshole students who whine about paying their own debts are still DEADBEATS. They're worthless assholes on top of it.

They begged for the money. They got it. They now should pay it back - themselves -without whining.
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