$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

If this does go through, I'm looking forward to the op complaining about the extra 10,000 added to his salary. You gonna owe big time, and Biden just hired 87,000 irs agents. To make sure you do!
Why don’t you beggars run a “stop wetbacks from holding down American wages” campaign?
Wouldn’t such a campaign benefit your pet blacks and the like?

(watch this folks….he/she won’t dare engage in this line of questioning)

This is Example A of why I post here but don’t necessarily engage with other posters. I wont lower myself to this garbage.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
I'm glad you idiots think it's good to pay those loans for the students. Biden proving once again how stupid he is.
This is Example A of why I post here but don’t necessarily engage with other posters. I wont lower myself to this garbage.
“I really hate when someone makes too much sense and shuts my dumb begging ass down.”
Ok, how about this one then:


Two-thirds of American employees regret their college degrees​

I don't regret my degree although I've never worked in that profession. It taught me problem-solving, organization, self-discipline, and many other skills for later in life.

There were probably other far less expensive ways to learn those skills.
So no one will get loans to go to college?
What is your alternative?
Simple, a dwindling number of students will bring down tuition. That's a fine alternative as far as I'm concerned.
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We bailed out banks. Why not students?
Great comparison!

As you know, the banks repaid the loans, early, and with interest. Why not students?

Perhaps you have the banks confused with General Motors. We (taxpayers) lost billions on that boondoggle as President Obama saved the auto unions.
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So how does a non rich person pay for college without a loan?
You maintain good grades in high school. Then you attend a community college for the first two years while living at home and WORKING. Following that, you attend a state university and continue to work. If you have to work another semester, you work a full and part-time job to save for the next semester.

I don't know about your state but here in Florida, we have a Bright Futures program for Florida resident students with good grades. It provides grants for our students to attend Florida colleges and universities.

I think what many don’t understand is that truly elite colleges, or more so even average colleges who offer higher level courses and programs, are very demanding. You dont have time to “work a side job” and still pass.

Yes going to State U or Local Tech for a functional skill degree may work for some. We need those jobs and those programs.

But higher level, more demanding programs and schools? Places like Harvard, Stanford, Vanderbilt, or the more demanding programs at less well known institutions, require an almost 24/7 effort to pass. And it also demands extra curricular activities to round off that education. You arent gonna pass in these programs while also working 30 hours a week at the FedEx warehouse.

IF you're attending Harvard or the like, money is not a problem for you.

Did you know that the massive endowment held by Harvard and other like schools is so large that they could afford to offer free tuition, forever, and never run out of money?

As a teen, I always set a goal of having a Lamborghini, Masserati, or another such car. I never achieved that goal, so I settled for other cars as well as a toy '66 GOAT.

I couldn't afford Harvard, so I attended what was then, a junior college and then the University of Miami. A private college but far, far, cheaper than today. No student loans, no social life during the school year either.
Few people would disagree that we should have gotten out of Afghanistan many years ago. We did not. Afghanistan was a massive training ground for terrorists. That is not in dispute. President Biden's method of exiting was a monumental clusterfuck. We still have translators and hundreds of others who worked with us for decades trapped and being hunted by terrorists. How many of those terrorists are coming to cross our open Southern border?

Just as President Obama turned Syria over to ISIS and President Trump took it back.

That President Biden has turned Afghanistan back over to the Taliban, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda is a danger to our country. A critical danger.

Specifically, how is further dividing our country, pitting class against class protecting our country?

You’re making excuses for a war that cost trillions, but did nothing for 99% of Americans. It did enrich the war profiteers who no doubt kicked back some of their ill gotten gains to the two criminal gangs of the duopoly. This is how wars work in America. No?
This is Example A of why I post here but don’t necessarily engage with other posters. I wont lower myself to this garbage.

You are the moral arbiter of nothing. You want what others have worked for, both in this thread and your other where you are advising people not to pay their rent and saying universal housing should be a thing.

All you want is for someone else to carry your load. There is no need to 'lower yourself', you are already garbage.

JFC, buy yourself a mirror you abject idiot.
This will zero out my remaining student loan.
As I did not earn this money and cannot disagree with more this "forgiveness" I will donate it, probably to the Firearm Policy Coalition, so they can keep up their good work in protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Thank you, Brandon.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.
Why do you believe the federal government should force other people to pay for your student loans?

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