$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

I understand what you're saying but loan paperwork now includes pay back schedules so they know exactly how much they will be paying back every month and for how long.

I get that, but people that want things don't even consider it. Look at the housing crash for instance. The paperwork explained everything, and things people didn't understand they could hire an attorney for. They had no care about being on an ARM or that since the interest rate is only 1 or 2%, it's only going to go up from there. They were so mesmerized by the idea if I just sign these papers, I have a house.

My solution is the best: Make it a law that nobody can attend college until the age of 21. Let these kids live with their parents and work for a few years. If they still want to attend college at 21, they'll be more mature, learn a lot more about what they want to be for the rest of their lives, talk to people in different lines of work. If they smartly saved, they'll be able to pay for their college in cash......or at least a large part of it.
I think what many don’t understand is that truly elite colleges, or more so even average colleges who offer higher level courses and programs, are very demanding. You dont have time to “work a side job” and still pass.

Yes going to State U or Local Tech for a functional skill degree may work for some. We need those jobs and those programs.

But higher level, more demanding programs and schools? Places like Harvard, Stanford, Vanderbilt, or the more demanding programs at less well known institutions, require an almost 24/7 effort to pass. And it also demands extra curricular activities to round off that education. You arent gonna pass in these programs while also working 30 hours a week at the FedEx warehouse.
Ah good point. Yes, you’re right, these degrees are NOT securing jobs that pay us enough to repay the loan. Which is why we had the “Fight for $15” campaign, and now even that’s inadequate, so we should raise wages to fix that problem. I suggest a $20/hr minimum wage, and then as workers move up the ladder it becomes $25, $30, $40 an hour and so on, so borrowers CAN repay these loans.

So cancel the debt or raise the wages. Or a combination of some of both. Problem solved.

Gimme, gimme, gimme. Problem solved. That solves nothing. This solves nothing and will only act to push college costs higher. If you'd actually paid attention in class you'd know that this will only exert upward pressure on cost.

Handouts of one sort or another are your only answer. Not go apply for a job that makes more money, or get a degree that will pay more money, or work in a trade that will pay an ass-ton after a few years of an apprenticeship, or any one of a number of ways to improve your situation.

Literally disgusting. An entire generation of helpless simpletons that can't see their way through the most basic of life's challenges. Wait until the shit really hits the fan in one way or another, which it will. They'll crumple like wet paper right down to the last whiny puddle of piss.
Gimme, gimme, gimme. Problem solved. That solves nothing. This solves nothing and will only act to push college costs higher. If you'd actually paid attention in class you'd know that this will only exert upward pressure on cost.

Handouts of one sort or another are your only answer. Not go apply for a job that makes more money, or get a degree that will pay more money, or work in a trade that will pay an ass-ton after a few years of an apprenticeship, or any one of a number of ways to improve your situation.

Literally disgusting. An entire generation of helpless simpletons that can't see their way through the most basic of life's challenges. Wait until the shit really hits the fan in one way or another, which it will. They'll crumple like wet paper right down to the last whiny puddle of piss.

Exactly. College can teach you a lot of things, but irresponsibility should not be one of them.
A college educated work force helps everyone. The employer, the coworkers, the customers, all benefit from having college educated employees
Not always. Many jobs don’t require any degree and very few really require a Bachelor’s Degree or more. I find a lot of people end up being over-educated for the job they actually do. I’m not interested in paying for those people’s educational mistakes.
I think what many don’t understand is that truly elite colleges, or more so even average colleges who offer higher level courses and programs, are very demanding. You dont have time to “work a side job” and still pass.

Yes going to State U or Local Tech for a functional skill degree may work for some. We need those jobs and those programs.

But higher level, more demanding programs and schools? Places like Harvard, Stanford, Vanderbilt, or the more demanding programs at less well known institutions, require an almost 24/7 effort to pass. And it also demands extra curricular activities to round off that education. You arent gonna pass in these programs while also working 30 hours a week at the FedEx warehouse.

I know several people who worked 60-80 hours a week and went to private schools. They also paid off their debt. They weren't leeches and a drag on society.
But your new car helps no one but you. A college educated work force helps everyone. The employer, the coworkers, the customers, all benefit from having college educated employees.
if that education is not good enough to pay for itself then it does not benefit anyone especially the one who received it...
...this is another left wing scam by academically educated administrators who made sure and make sure the bulk of society only gets a social education making it easier to run these kind of scams past them.
The only solution to actual and real debt forgiveness is the schools forgiving the debt, everything else is just making someone else foot the bill which is not debt forgiveness.
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Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
Shouldn't this be moved to the Satire or Humor forum?

It's certainly funny but it doesn't belong in a Political forum.
You freely accepted the loans

And probably spent at least some of the money partying
I once had a young man take my pre-license real estate course. He had a small business selling snow cones on one of our university campuses. He also had several rental houses. One day I overheard him talking to another student who asked him how he got the start-up money and down payments. "From my student loans", he answered. Was it true? Was he lying? I have no clue but given how closely government guards our tax dollars, I believe it to be true.

A trillion wasted on Afghanistan and trillions more wasted on imperialist interventions worldwide, is NOT protecting our people.

You can’t really be this uninformed.
Few people would disagree that we should have gotten out of Afghanistan many years ago. We did not. Afghanistan was a massive training ground for terrorists. That is not in dispute. President Biden's method of exiting was a monumental clusterfuck. We still have translators and hundreds of others who worked with us for decades trapped and being hunted by terrorists. How many of those terrorists are coming to cross our open Southern border?

Just as President Obama turned Syria over to ISIS and President Trump took it back.

That President Biden has turned Afghanistan back over to the Taliban, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda is a danger to our country. A critical danger.

Specifically, how is further dividing our country, pitting class against class protecting our country?

Which is why we had the “Fight for $15” campaign, and now even that’s inadequate, so we should raise wages to fix that problem. I suggest a $20/hr minimum wage, and then as workers move up the ladder it becomes $25, $30, $40 an hour and so on, so borrowers CAN repay these loans.
Why don’t you beggars run a “stop wetbacks from holding down American wages” campaign?
Wouldn’t such a campaign benefit your pet blacks and the like?

(watch this folks….he/she won’t dare engage in this line of questioning)
I once had a young man take my pre-license real estate course. He had a small business selling snow cones on one of our university campuses. He also had several rental houses. One day I overheard him talking to another student who asked him how he got the start-up money and down payments. "From my student loans", he answered. Was it true? Was he lying? I have no clue but given how closely government guards our tax dollars, I believe it to be true.
College students are notoriously bad at managing money
Why don’t you beggars run a “stop wetbacks from holding down American wages” campaign?
Wouldn’t such a campaign benefit your pet blacks and the like?

(watch this folks….he/she won’t dare engage in this line of questioning)
5 stars for that comment
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
Why exactly do you leaches think that other people should be required to pay YOUR debt?

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