$10K in student loans forgiven by Biden; Fine but its NOT ENOUGH

You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.
I am against all corporate welfare, it needs to end, that means welfare for GM, Amazon and NPR and Amtrak. The inflation rate is stripping Americans of any wage gains they made and are behind by more than 2.4% and what was the Democrats idea? Pass a spending bill that included pork to their pet corporations, and will raise inflation, sorry the Democrats are no more for working Americans than Republicans, I tire of your propaganda, btw, I was more than Republicans that crashed the economy as shown yo you over and over and yet you persist in your lies. With your dishonesty on display, why would anyone believe you.

The PPP plan was different and Democrats were all for it as it kept many on payroll that would have been laid off and collecting unemployment and at the same time government offered unemployment with hefty bonuses each week and nothing was needed to be repaid, another spin from you.
Im not gonna try to act ungrateful or anything. $10,000 isnt chump change. But it is FAR from enough. If he’s planning a series of $10K forgiveness events, say another 5-6 over the next 2 years, fine, thats real progress.

Now that we see Biden CAN and WILL forgive loans, we must keep up the pressure until its all forgiven. America needs an educated workforce. We make all workplaces smarter, more effective and just to put it bluntly, we add more modern era social views to the building that otherwise may get overlooked.

Thank you President Biden for this “down payment”. Now its time to talk bigger, much bigger.
Are you a marxist?

Snowflakes feel entitled to have their nose wiped by government no matter what they want

Marx would be proud
Those PPP loans kept a lot of people from having to collect unemployment and kept a lot of small businesses from going under completely.

What will forgiving student loans do that rivals that?

And it's the everyone has to go to college mindset along with guaranteed student loans that has resulted in an artificial inflation of tuition.
What is your excuse for high tuition before any student loans were forgiven?
PPP loans were designed to be forgiven when they were first made.

Corporations wouldn't have taken them, if they were told they would have to pay them back.

The PPP plan was designed to keep millions of people out of the Unemployment Insurance program at the start of the pandemic and prevent that system from failing. Not to help billionaires or other employers
And student loan forgiveness is designed to help students...Farmers get their loans forgiven as do industrialists. The US gave away millions of acres to people and interest-free loans to build a railroad. The US helps businesses grow and to reach markets.
I am against all corporate welfare, it needs to end, that means welfare for GM, Amazon and NPR and Amtrak. The inflation rate is stripping Americans of any wage gains they made and are behind by more than 2.4% and what was the Democrats idea? Pass a spending bill that included pork to their pet corporations, and will raise inflation, sorry the Democrats are no more for working Americans than Republicans, I tire of your propaganda, btw, I was more than Republicans that crashed the economy as shown yo you over and over and yet you persist in your lies. With your dishonesty on display, why would anyone believe you.

The PPP plan was different and Democrats were all for it as it kept many on payroll that would have been laid off and collecting unemployment and at the same time government offered unemployment with hefty bonuses each week and nothing was needed to be repaid, another spin from you.
Well, you missed that train by a couple of hundred years.
I'm glad you idiots think it's good to pay those loans for the students. Biden proving once again how stupid he is.

No this is YOU proving once again that you don't have a clue about the economy. You think it's a good idea to keep young people prisoner in their parents' basement, unable to afford to move out, and get a home of their own, because of student debt.

80% of American wealth goes to the top 10% of corporations and wealthy Americans. As an economic model, this is not sustainable. In Norway, it's 50%, in Canada, it's 40%. In order to have a thriving First World economy, you need a thriving middle class.

The American middle class is dwindling, with more people falling back into poverty, than are rising into wealth, Unless and until you re-balance your tax code to reward work and not just wealth, you will continue your slide into second world status.
Those PPP loans kept a lot of people from having to collect unemployment and kept a lot of small businesses from going under completely.

What will forgiving student loans do that rivals that?

And it's the everyone has to go to college mindset along with guaranteed student loans that has resulted in an artificial inflation of tuition.

What is the difference between tax dollars going to PPP loans or unemployment insurance. It's the same amount of government money going into the economy. The big difference here is that with UI, the money goes DIRECTLY to the workers, and the corporation cannot skim any of the money.

Trump's PPP loan program, which Mulvaney insisted have no Congressional oversight, has been called out by the Office of Budget Management as having lost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars through fraudulent loans. Many companies only kept the workers long enough to get loan forgiveness, and then fired them.

Last but not least, for workers who had already been laid off, or terminated, the PPP did NOTHING. If you want to help PEOPLE who have no jobs, give the money to the PEOPLE who have no jobs, not their bosses.
And student loan forgiveness is designed to help students...Farmers get their loans forgiven as do industrialists. The US gave away millions of acres to people and interest-free loans to build a railroad. The US helps businesses grow and to reach markets.

The point I made was that when people make student loans, they are told in advance that they will have to pay it back, period, and it isn't even dischargable in a bankruptcy.

Those facts made some people hesitant to take the loan in the first place or be quick to pay it back.

Makes those people look like suckers for actually honoring their obligations.
No this is YOU proving once again that you don't have a clue about the economy. You think it's a good idea to keep young people prisoner in their parents' basement, unable to afford to move out, and get a home of their own, because of student debt.

if a young adult doesn't have a job, or perhaps only a part time gig as a coffee shop barista or socialist book store cashier- it isn't the student loan that's keeping him in his parents' basement.

Maybe if they studied electrical engineering or proctology in college instead of Lesbian studies or German poetry, they'd have the skills to buy their own home like my nephews and nieces have. Regardless of any student loans.
The point I made was that when people make student loans, they are told in advance that they will have to pay it back, period, and it isn't even dischargable in a bankruptcy.

Those facts made some people hesitant to take the loan in the first place or be quick to pay it back.

Makes those people look like suckers for actually honoring their obligations.
Yes, student loans are dischargeable in bankruptcy. Suckers? I am one of those that was in college in the early eighties when the govt. gave you grants for school and loans were small, until Regan. I paid my student loans and it doesn't make me feel like a sucker to see this happening, now we can discuss too big to fail economic advantages the US govt. gives corporations over small businesses.
You were fine with Payroll Protection Loans to privately owned billionaire corporations, all of which were "forgiven". You have no problem with loan forgiveness to corporations and the wealthy.

Republicans have brainwashed working people into believe that cash, in the hands of poor people, is WRONG. No minimum wage raises - they're bad. Keep working people broke and desperate and they'll work for any amount of money and be grateful.

When Republicans crash the economy, they bail out banks, insurance companies, the auto industry, and other privately owned businesses, but not their people.

In other first world countries, our tax dollars go to programs for the people, not the corporations. Health care, education and infrastructure, income support for low income people. The world's leading countries have cheap or free education right through university.

In the USA, private, for profit universities will charge whatever the traffic will bear, because it's all about profit.

Yes, it is about profit. What's wrong with profit?

I have no idea what your complaint is about the working people. On one hand you complain about PPP, and the other you complain about government not taking care of the working. Well WTF do you think PPP was about? It was taking care of the working when there was no work. A friend of mine works for a company that got one of those loans. A lot of times he said they just played cards. Other times they'd find something to do like sweep the floors or a machine that needed painting. Yeah, they Fd off a lot, but at least they had a place to work every morning. His family income was uninterrupted.

For those who were out of work, unemployment is pretty generous; no, not the kind of money some people were used to making, but for not working and sitting home, not bad money at all. During the DumBama recession my neighbors company closed down. He stayed on unemployment for two years. When he ran all that out, he took a job at his brother-in-laws company which he could have taken anytime in those two years.

Your problem is you have no understanding of our country. Our founders didn't want people depending on the federal government like people in your country do. They setup our system so that people could take care of themselves IF THEY WANTED TO.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
if a young adult doesn't have a job, or perhaps only a part time gig as a coffee shop barista or socialist book store cashier- it isn't the student loan that's keeping him in his parents' basement.

Maybe if they studied electrical engineering or proctology in college instead of Lesbian studies or German poetry, they'd have the skills to buy their own home like my nephews and nieces have. Regardless of any student loans.
I studied engineering and the majority of white engineers were replaced by engineers from India.
And student loan forgiveness is designed to help students...Farmers get their loans forgiven as do industrialists. The US gave away millions of acres to people and interest-free loans to build a railroad. The US helps businesses grow and to reach markets.

Much of the money given to "American Farmers" during the trade war with China, didn't go to some weathered man riding a tractor in the field. It went to New York corporations who own farmland in the midwest. Or worse, South American owned corporations who have purchased American farm land, while the small family owned farmers were declaring bankruptcy in record numbers.

I worry about farm consolidation. I grew up in farming country, and I now live in rural Ontario. I see what's happening in farming. Large farm corporations taking over. Young farmers can't get a start, without inheriting land, because land is $10,000 or more, per acre. Family farmers live on the land. They drink the water. When farmers started dying of cancers from the chemicals they were using on the land, it woke up the entire nation to the dangers of chemical pollution.

Just the idea of some guy in a 3 piece suit in New York making decisions which will affect land erosion, the water table, and any number of environmental issues based on what's best for the land, and the people living on it, is just laughable. The decisions will all be based on what's most profitable, because (a) they don't live there; and (b) the ONLY function a corporation has is to make the most amount of money possible.
No this is YOU proving once again that you don't have a clue about the economy. You think it's a good idea to keep young people prisoner in their parents' basement, unable to afford to move out, and get a home of their own, because of student debt.

80% of American wealth goes to the top 10% of corporations and wealthy Americans. As an economic model, this is not sustainable. In Norway, it's 50%, in Canada, it's 40%. In order to have a thriving First World economy, you need a thriving middle class.

The American middle class is dwindling, with more people falling back into poverty, than are rising into wealth, Unless and until you re-balance your tax code to reward work and not just wealth, you will continue your slide into second world status.

What is the difference between tax dollars going to PPP loans or unemployment insurance. It's the same amount of government money going into the economy. The big difference here is that with UI, the money goes DIRECTLY to the workers, and the corporation cannot skim any of the money.

Trump's PPP loan program, which Mulvaney insisted have no Congressional oversight, has been called out by the Office of Budget Management as having lost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars through fraudulent loans. Many companies only kept the workers long enough to get loan forgiveness, and then fired them.

Last but not least, for workers who had already been laid off, or terminated, the PPP did NOTHING. If you want to help PEOPLE who have no jobs, give the money to the PEOPLE who have no jobs, not their bosses.
You're an idiot.
Much of the money given to "American Farmers" during the trade war with China, didn't go to some weathered man riding a tractor in the field. It went to New York corporations who own farmland in the midwest. Or worse, South American owned corporations who have purchased American farm land, while the small family owned farmers were declaring bankruptcy in record numbers.

I worry about farm consolidation. I grew up in farming country, and I now live in rural Ontario. I see what's happening in farming. Large farm corporations taking over. Young farmers can't get a start, without inheriting land, because land is $10,000 or more, per acre. Family farmers live on the land. They drink the water. When farmers started dying of cancers from the chemicals they were using on the land, it woke up the entire nation to the dangers of chemical pollution.

Just the idea of some guy in a 3 piece suit in New York making decisions which will affect land erosion, the water table, and any number of environmental issues based on what's best for the land, and the people living on it, is just laughable. The decisions will all be based on what's most profitable, because (a) they don't live there; and (b) the ONLY function a corporation has is to make the most amount of money possible.
I don't drink the well water on my farm, it's a little putrid.
Yes, it is about profit. What's wrong with profit?

I have no idea what your complaint is about the working people. On one hand you complain about PPP, and the other you complain about government not taking care of the working. Well WTF do you think PPP was about? It was taking care of the working when there was no work. A friend of mine works for a company that got one of those loans. A lot of times he said they just played cards. Other times they'd find something to do like sweep the floors or a machine that needed painting. Yeah, they Fd off a lot, but at least they had a place to work every morning. His family income was uninterrupted.

For those who were out of work, unemployment is pretty generous; no, not the kind of money some people were used to making, but for not working and sitting home, not bad money at all. During the DumBama recession my neighbors company closed down. He stayed on unemployment for two years. When he ran all that out, he took a job at his brother-in-laws company which he could have taken anytime in those two years.

Your problem is you have no understanding of our country. Our founders didn't want people depending on the federal government like people in your country do. They setup our system so that people could take care of themselves IF THEY WANTED TO.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

PPP was NOT about "taking care of people". It was yet another bailout of privately owned corporations, at the expense of American taxpayers. In 2008, W bailed out Big Banks and Big Insurance companies - all of whom are privately owned, and millions of working American taxpayers, lost their homes.

You bail out privately owned corporations when a recession hits, and then cut taxes for these same people, when times are good. Public losses, private profits are doing NOTHING but further enriching the top 10%, which the middle and working classes are paying for it all.

THIS is why your middle class is shrinking, and the rich are getting richer. Neither Jeff Bezos, nor Amazon, pays ANY income tax, and yet the State of New York was prepared to give them $9 billion in infrastructure and transportation improvements, paid for by New York taxpayers.

This is fiscal insanity, and it's not economically sustainable. 80% of the wealth going to the top will turn you into Venezuela.

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