11,000 DOW by 3/31?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent
11:20 am EDT 3/25/10

10,926.39 Real-Time Quote

+90.24 / +0.83% Today’s Change

Dow is up over 4400 points (68%) since the passing of Stimulus/TARP

How is that Hopey/Changey stuff work'n for ya???
Of course Mega Corps like Big Government. They collude with politicians to have regulations put in place which squash competition. Now they are salivating over the additional 8 pts. of GDP that ObamaCare will put under government control.

You poor boobies on the Left never grok that Big Government Cronyism always attempts to preserve the Big Business status quo at the expense of real competition and real job creation.

Even at 11,000, it is far below the prior peaks. Much wealth has been transferred from the middle and working classes during this "financial crisis", manufactured to order by your elected representatives for the benefit of their cronies.
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How is that Hopey/Changey stuff work'n for ya???

Just fine thanks and thank you Mr. President. Just mentioning that we're approaching 11,000 because on another board someone said, after the most recent dip, that we'd be seeing 7,500 before we saw 10,500 again. Whatever you may think about HCR, the markets hate uncertainty and with its passage, a rise isn't surprising.
Don't worry about finding a job and producing anything, just make a living off of the stock market.

or at least get rich giving seminars and selliing books convincing others they can do that :)
11:20 am EDT 3/25/10

10,926.39 Real-Time Quote

+90.24 / +0.83% Today’s Change


It's probably going to get close to 12,000 before it comes crashing down. Once the stimulus bill was passed, I put my money in the market. Of course, they've built a house of cards so it's like riding a tsunami: you can make a lot of money, but you could get killed in the process.

I'll keep watching the market to determine when it's time to put my money into safer investments. When the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, I moved all my money out of the stock market which saved my retirement. Eventually, exiting the country might be the only option.
The Dow was over 13,000 at the beginning of May 2008.

A better question that the stupid propaganda in the OP is: who benefited from the wealth destruction caused by the financial crisis - and who is benefiting from the recovery?
11:20 am EDT 3/25/10

10,926.39 Real-Time Quote

+90.24 / +0.83% Today’s Change


It's probably going to get close to 12,000 before it comes crashing down. Once the stimulus bill was passed, I put my money in the market. Of course, they've built a house of cards so it's like riding a tsunami: you can make a lot of money, but you could get killed in the process.

I'll keep watching the market to determine when it's time to put my money into safer investments. When the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, I moved all my money out of the stock market which saved my retirement. Eventually, exiting the country might be the only option.

There is another very important aspect: The Bush Tax cuts expire next year. The Cap Gains rate increases from 15% now to 23.8% (20% plus the ObamaCare 3.8%). A great many investors are cashing out now.

Watch out for the banking industry to increasing the hyping of equities to retail investors while their larger & institutional clients liquidate. The small investors will be left holding the bag in early 2011 as the market falls.
if you think anything other than perception is driving this run up you all are insane.....

wallstreet is betting people will buy into this bubble and they will get out and leave you holding the bag....

The Dow was over 13,000 at the beginning of May 2008.

A better question that the stupid propaganda in the OP is: who benefited from the wealth destruction caused by the financial crisis - and who is benefiting from the recovery?

well i watched my goldman sachs stock go from 200 to 52 to 200.......

and b of a go from 65 to 3 to 16.... and wells fargo go from 40 to 8 to 30

so you tell me....

seems timmys old firm is doing just fine....not to mention all the banks holding aig's bag
Of course Mega Corps like Big Government. They collude with politicians to have regulations put in place which squash competition. Now they are salivating over the additional 8 pts. of GDP that ObamaCare will put under government control.

You poor boobies on the Left never grok that Big Government Cronyism always attempts to preserve the Big Business status quo at the expense of real competition and real job creation.

Even at 11,000, it is far below the prior peaks. Much wealth has been transferred from the middle and working classes during this "financial crisis", manufactured to order by your elected representatives for the benefit of their cronies.

And something tells me that you didn't have any issues with the 'old peaks'.
if you think anything other than perception is driving this run up you all are insane.....

wallstreet is betting people will buy into this bubble and they will get out and leave you holding the bag....


Perception? Isn't that what drives wall street at all times? Wall street makes it's money predicting the future. Betting that people will do something that will enhance the price of this or that. If that isn't perception, I don't know what is.
Don't worry about finding a job and producing anything, just make a living off of the stock market.

or at least get rich giving seminars and selliing books convincing others they can do that :)

Is it somehow a bad thing that those are ways in which someone can achieve wealth?

You sound like you would just prefer everyone be a proletarian with their only possible source of income being that they bust their asses at a 9-5 everyday for 50 or 60 years.
We had an intra-day reversal today, meaning that we were up strong into the middle of the day, then closed down hard in the last two hours. Given that stocks are up about 15% since the beginning of February, this looks like it could be the start of a correction. I thought that we were going to keep rising until the end of the month and maybe into the jobs report next Friday, but today is considered to be a negative, at least in the near-term.
We're coming into April though, which is historically a strong month.

Maybe a correction and then a gap back up during April?
Don't worry about finding a job and producing anything, just make a living off of the stock market.

or at least get rich giving seminars and selliing books convincing others they can do that :)

Is it somehow a bad thing that those are ways in which someone can achieve wealth?

You sound like you would just prefer everyone be a proletarian with their only possible source of income being that they bust their asses at a 9-5 everyday for 50 or 60 years.

Nope it is just that our nation cannot survive on the market alone. We must actually produce something.
And that those making their money on the market are actually making it on the backs of those who actually work for a living producing things.

I see the sarcasm was lost on ya, sorry.
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