11 bombs found in pickup truck of Capitol protester

Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.
Why, it wasn't a terrorism charge when the libber thugs were burning cities with them earlier this year...
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.
Why, it wasn't a terrorism charge when the libber thugs were burning cities with them earlier this year...

I am ALL FOR accountability for EVERY ACT OF VIOLENCE, VANDALISM and LOOTING that has gone
on in the USA----everyone----no excuses like-----
"too many people in jail" ----or "inequity in racial make-up of imprisoned population"---or any of the other crap claimed by ------uhm......????
After disarming the pipe bombs at the Capital from other rioters, the bomb squad addressed 11 Molotov cocktails, an M4 Carbine assault rifle and one handgun in the truck bed near the Capital under a fabric cover. Police later found two additional guns on Coffman, one each in his left and right pockets.
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After disarming the pipe bombs at the Capital by another rioter, the bomb squad addressed 11 Molotov cocktails, an M4 Carbine assault rifle and one handgun in the truck bed near the Capital under a fabric cover. Police later found two additional guns on Coffman, one each in his left and right pockets.
Or in other words, exactly one car's worth of material in an Antifa starter kit.
After disarming the pipe bombs at the Capital by another rioter, the bomb squad addressed 11 Molotov cocktails, an M4 Carbine assault rifle and one handgun in the truck bed near the Capital under a fabric cover. Police later found two additional guns on Coffman, one each in his left and right pockets.
Or in other words, exactly one car's worth of material in an Antifa starter kit.

try not to jump to conclusions-----of course the motives of the armed people should be ascertained---
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.
Progressive protesters had IEDs and Molotov cocktails all summer and leftie loons didn’t give a shit.

More faux concern zzzz
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.
Progressive protesters had IEDs and Molotov cocktails all summer and leftie loons didn’t give a shit.

More faux concern zzzz

so true------but (for my part) ------the zzzz's regarding that issue will have to be ADDRESSED
before the latest "cocktails" are addressed
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.
Molotov Cocktails aren't bombs. They are homemade incendiary devices. ..:cool:

six of one, half dozen of the other
I guess now we get to hear about how the left planted the bombs there, made the blobbers storm the capitol and how Trump will still be sworn in next week.
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol
Mostly Peaceful. 97% peaceful
If you are part of a illegal mob, you are as guilty as the ones you helped pull the trigger.

"as guilty" is the operative phrase. -----I agree that
it is wrong to attend ANY demonstration which engages in unlawful acts. As soon as the events get
ILLEGAL----law-abiding people should LEAVE. I consider it an ethical principle. Those who choose to
stay and participate should be subject to criminal prosecution. THUS---all those who entered the
capitol building have, IMHO. committed a crime as
has any person who has participated in a BLM
"peaceful demonstration" that included vandalism.
looting, trespass, etc. As to incitement----another
conundrum -------THERE ARE TOO FEW JAILS
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol.
This is terrorism charge. Should get a few decades plus some more.

Obviously this guy is either a fool, or just another useful idiot of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left....
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol
Mostly Peaceful. 97% peaceful
If you are part of a illegal mob, you are as guilty as the ones you helped pull the trigger.

"as guilty" is the operative phrase. -----I agree that
it is wrong to attend ANY demonstration which engages in unlawful acts. As soon as the events get
ILLEGAL----law-abiding people should LEAVE. I consider it an ethical principle. Those who choose to
stay and participate should be subject to criminal prosecution. THUS---all those who entered the
capitol building have, IMHO. committed a crime as
has any person who has participated in a BLM
"peaceful demonstration" that included vandalism.
looting, trespass, etc. As to incitement----another
conundrum -------THERE ARE TOO FEW JAILS
If the BLM protestors had a legal permit to march, speak, wave flags & signs in a designated area & they stayed inside that area & conducted themselves within the permitted guidelines, then they needn't be arrested or charged.

Regardless of the lies people spread in the media, Every Rioter arrested in the the Michael Brown riots here in Ferguson, MO that was brought before the grand jury here in St. Louis county, MO got indicted!!! My friend sat on that grand jury for 6 months & they indicted 100's of them.

I'm sure the Trump Rally didn't have a legal permit for Rioters to storm the capital with bombs, incendiaries, weapons, guns, handcuffs, hangman's gallows, etc. Trump could clearly see they possessed illegal items & told them to march on the Capital to take our country back. Military lead the way!!!
Here's an update on the peaceful protest that occurred recently in the Capitol
Mostly Peaceful. 97% peaceful
If you are part of a illegal mob, you are as guilty as the ones you helped pull the trigger.

"as guilty" is the operative phrase. -----I agree that
it is wrong to attend ANY demonstration which engages in unlawful acts. As soon as the events get
ILLEGAL----law-abiding people should LEAVE. I consider it an ethical principle. Those who choose to
stay and participate should be subject to criminal prosecution. THUS---all those who entered the
capitol building have, IMHO. committed a crime as
has any person who has participated in a BLM
"peaceful demonstration" that included vandalism.
looting, trespass, etc. As to incitement----another
conundrum -------THERE ARE TOO FEW JAILS
If the BLM protestors had a legal permit to speak, wave flags & signs in a designated area & they stayed inside that area & conducted themselves within the permitted guidelines, then they needn't be arrested or charged.

Regardless of the lies people spread in the media, Every Rioter arrested in the the Michael Brown riots here in Ferguson, MO that was brought before the grand jury here in St. Louis county, MO got indicted!!! My friend sat on that grand jury for 6 months & they indicted 100's of them.

I'm sure the Trump Rally didn't have a legal permit for Rioters to storm the capital with bombs, incendiaries, weapons, guns, handcuffs, hangman's gallows, etc. Trump could clearly see they possessed illegal items & told them to march on the Capital to take our country back. Military lead the way!!!

??? I missed it-----you got a link supporting your
claim that Trump urged armed rioters to BREAK INTO

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