11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

Did you not read about the $4000 in tax credits to help you afford health care coverage?

All tax credits mean is someone else is going to foot your bills which is what I thought you liberals were against?

Well... I guess if we are footing the bills for a douche canoe like you, we should for everyone. Oh, I forgot, you don't give a shit if other people are footing YOUR bills, it's everyone else you hats.

Actually it bothers me very much that I can not afford to Provide Insurance for my kids, and would pain me to get help.

Still nobody has explained to me how I am going to end up with insurance for only 6.3% of my Income when currently they want about 15% for a good Policy. Who is going to pay for the Difference? How can I expect that to be sustainable.

Costs need to go down, that is the only real Solution.
Oh, Social Security isn't an entitlement program. It's insurance, and all those lies about it going bankrupt? Yeah, they're lies.

Anyway...enough of the people who don't care, and yet call me haters when they neg-rep my posts simply because they can't neg-rep facts.

Now that's Horse Shit. SS was started as a pay as you go Plan, but well over Half of the money going out now, Goes to SSDI which in most cases is money going out, that was not first paid in.

And yes, with out Reforms it is indeed going bankrupt.
Did you not read about the $4000 in tax credits to help you afford health care coverage?

All tax credits mean is someone else is going to foot your bills which is what I thought you liberals were against?

Well... I guess if we are footing the bills for a douche canoe like you, we should for everyone. Oh, I forgot, you don't give a shit if other people are footing YOUR bills, it's everyone else you hats.

I don't think he hats anyone.
Oh, Social Security isn't an entitlement program. It's insurance, and all those lies about it going bankrupt? Yeah, they're lies.

Anyway...enough of the people who don't care, and yet call me haters when they neg-rep my posts simply because they can't neg-rep facts.

Now that's Horse Shit. SS was started as a pay as you go Plan, but well over Half of the money going out now, Goes to SSDI which in most cases is money going out, that was not first paid in.

And yes, with out Reforms it is indeed going bankrupt.

I just said this on another thread, but I think it fits here too.

One of the questions lost in the dynamics of most discussions is really was this the time for such a law? We are in a fiscal crisis and spending is out of control with insurmountable debt climbing to before unseen heights.

The streets were not littered with dead bodies before ACA. Medicaid was insuring the most needy of the population and many still ignore the fact that our penetrable borders are causing most of our problems.

For years, Congress has ignored the elephant in the room by allowing amnesty to criminals who came across these borders illegally, usurped our medical services beyond their bounds.

If all administrations and Congresses had taken this issue seriously, we wouldn't be facing the medical crisis we have now. Instead the present administration lends a helping hand to illegals, refuses to help states with ICE commitments and leads us down the path of even more unsustainable medical demands than we currently have.

Let me take these one at a time.

  1. The issue here is driving down the cost of health care, not forcing people that elect not to buy insurance to do so. Once you realize that, all I can say to the fact that the CBO thinks this will expand the ownership of insurances is, so fracking what?

  1. By forcing people that elect not to buy it to actually buy it, it drives down the cost of health insurance. That's sort of the whole point.

    [*]Nice, but, once again, how will this make health care more affordable.

    Again, the more people there are paying into the system, the more costs are kept down. Duh.

    [*]Capping premiums will reduce the price of insurance for some people, but it won't help with the main issue, which is reducing the price of health care.

    I'd really like to hear what your ideas to actually lower the cost of health care would be, exactly. Because I can think of one way to do it: single payer option, but we all know your asshole just puckered, so we can forget about that.

    [*]I guess he missed the news, it is a tax, not a penalty.

    It's a penalty, assessed under the tax code, where government derives its power to penalize on things like this. Call it a tax, call it a penalty. The bottom line is that by the time it's fully implemented, it won't be the MASSIVE FUCKING TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES!!! But if you get your "facts" from Fox, well, that would explain you not getting this concept.

    [*]How does the fact that a company pays its employees more make it richer? Wouldn't paying them less actually help make the company richer by giving it more money? Once again, how will this reduce the price of health care?

    Dude. Really? Small businesses can get up to a fifty percent tax credit. You don't see how that doesn't make them richer? And it's not about what you pay them as much as it is the number of employees you have and the money you pay them.

    Again, for the fourth time I think, the more people in the system, the lower the cost. It's why YOUR FUCKING SIDE came up with the mandate in the first place, genius.

    [*]I love the idiocy that says an insurance company cannot discriminate by practicing common sense. It is not discrimination to charge a person with MS, diabetes, and high blood pressure more for insurance than you charge an athlete.

    It is discrimination, asshole. And you are HEAVILY in the minority on this one. It's a human decency component that apparently you've managed to outlive. Again, Mensa Man, the more people we have in the system, the less insurance companies have to charge, therefore no NEED to exclude coverage based on prior condition.

    You're all sorts of fail on this.

    [*]Any money on how long a tax on insurance is going to last once the unions get involved in lobbying for a tax cut?

    I thought your side was going to kill unions anyway, yeah?

    [*]Preventing insurance companies from spending money on preventing fraud, what a wonderful idea. Once again, how is this going to reduce costs for health care?

    The point, dipshit, is that they are supposed to spend it on YOU, the person they are covering. If they can't figure out how to use that remaining 15% to cover CEO bonuses and fraud protection, guess they'll have to make a sacrifice. I just love that you're such a Conservative that you think making a company that you pay SHITLOADS of money to actually gives you what you're paying them for.

    How will it drive down the costs of health care? Well, considering that before Obamacare, companies could spend as much as they wanted on those extra administrative fees, executive bonuses and advertising, guess what, asshole? That's why over a billion dollars in rebates are going back to the consumers.

    IN LAYTARDS TERMS: It means they were over-fucking-charging! YAY! I Spelled it out like I was talking to a shoe!

    [*]I guess that depends on which CBO estimate you look at. If you look at the one that assumes that the Medicare cuts apply only to Obamacare he has a point, If you look at the one that says you can't count the Medicare cuts as paying for Obamacare and count as savings to Medicare at the same time it gets a bit more complicated.

    Hmm. Guess we have ourselves a "Who gives a fuck" stand off. I say my shit's legit. So, yeah.

    [*]Admitting that the current reduction of costs has nothing to do Obamacare and then claiming it does at the same time, amazing.

    It's just called having integrity and conceding that it's not ALL DUE to Obamacare, but ask any health care professional and they will tell you that a lot of companies have been changing the way they do business in anticipation of it coming into effect.

    Again,you lose so fucking hard because you butt up against FACTS.

    [*]Finally he gets around to talking about the only issue that matters, attempts to reduce the cost of medical care. Why did it take so long, and why doesn't he point out anything that will work? Is it because he is trying to deflect from the fact that nobody actually thinks most of this crap will work?

Again, everything he talked about does actually pertain to keeping health care costs down, but you have to actually be perceptive enough to understand why having so many more people insured is so important to how well it works...Just ask Mitt Romney.

Tell me something, since all of this has been discussed ad infinitum on this board, and all over the internet, over the last 3 years, what makes you think no one knows about it buy progressives? How come all you presented was opinion when you claimed you have facts that were previously unknown?

You wrote what you wrote and you have no idea why anyone would think you're either intentionally or unintentionally ignorant to the facts? Really? You don't understand why getting the most amount of people covered is so vital to this thing but you don't know why we'd think you're ignoring the facts?

It's not a massive tax hike; nor will it balloon health care costs. It's far from perfect, but until we get single payer, it's a great fucking start.
Hey The T, instead of neg-repping me with "WRONG" as the comment, why don't you come at it like a man and actually debate all these facts. Are you telling me these facts aren't facts? Or do they just completely fly in the face of all the propaganda you swallowed like a chicken shit?

I'd love to have an honest discussion over health care. Last great one I had was with Vaard over at Hannity.
Two awesome, your bang for your buck systems out there are the French and the Swiss.

No one wants to talk on your side. It's your side or the highway. And the Obamacare bill is a dogs breakfast and completely unwieldy.

Exactly, they just want to pretend the other side has no ideas, and have everything there way, even though they know their bill is flawed.

The only thing I heard from the GOP when this was being worked on in Congress was:

A. Tort Reform(which was implemented in the plan)
B. Exchanges(which was also implemented)
C. Buying across state lines(which I don't think was)

So...the GOP got two out of three items that they wanted...seems like compromise to me....Dems wanted a strong public option(which would have gave you your "free"), but the GOP and the blue dogs screamed bloody murderer....so, they acquiesced.....once again.....COMPROMISE. This ridiculous fallacy of the no compromise Dems is bullshit.

Btw....France has single payer and Switzerland was the template fir the AHCA.
So what if I can't afford 6.3% of My income? I make over 29,000 and have a Family of 4. We currently have no Coverage and struggle to make payments on all our bills each month.

So tell me how Obama Care is going to help me come up with 6.3% of my income to pay for Insurance please.

Did you not read about the $4000 in tax credits to help you afford health care coverage?

Guess I don't understand how they can say I wont pay more than 6.3% of my income. Is that with or with out the Credit? How much out of Pocket will it cost me, remember I have basically 0 Extra money right now. The last time I Tried to Get insurance for my family on my own, they wanted nearly 12,000 dollars a year for it.

Forgive me if I don't see how I am going to end up with Free insurance, and free is what I need, Because I could not possibly afford another dime out of Pocket. Not with the Current Economic Climate anyways.

I'm not your accountant, so I have no idea what your income situation is. It sounds to me though that you need to maybe read up on Obamacare, because from everything you've said, you're in the exact PERFECT situation to benefit greatly from it.
All tax credits mean is someone else is going to foot your bills which is what I thought you liberals were against?

Well... I guess if we are footing the bills for a douche canoe like you, we should for everyone. Oh, I forgot, you don't give a shit if other people are footing YOUR bills, it's everyone else you hats.

I don't think he hats anyone.

Willow is a retired she on Medicare...and yeah...she's hateful as hell.
How many Government run programs work as advertised or in a cost effective manner and what makes you think Obamacare will be different?
All tax credits mean is someone else is going to foot your bills which is what I thought you liberals were against?

Well... I guess if we are footing the bills for a douche canoe like you, we should for everyone. Oh, I forgot, you don't give a shit if other people are footing YOUR bills, it's everyone else you hats.

Actually it bothers me very much that I can not afford to Provide Insurance for my kids, and would pain me to get help.

Still nobody has explained to me how I am going to end up with insurance for only 6.3% of my Income when currently they want about 15% for a good Policy. Who is going to pay for the Difference? How can I expect that to be sustainable.

Costs need to go down, that is the only real Solution.

The point, my dear Conservative friend, is that they won't be able to charge you more than 6.3% of your income for insurance. You'll either be covered under medicaid, or you'll make enough that with the tax credits you will be able to afford it.

You guys do know what the first "A" in "ACA" means right? Maybe you should stop calling it "Obamacare" and just focus on the abbreviation's meaning.
How many Government run programs work as advertised or in a cost effective manner and what makes you think Obamacare will be different?

The Post Office. That's right, the one government run program that everyone shits on. But I dare you to walk into a law firm and tell them they have to use FedEx, UPS or a courier for EVERYTHING they mail. They'll tell you to fuck yourself. Why?

Because you can still send a letter buttfuck cheap and rely on it getting to where it needs to go as quickly or slowly as you need it to. I love the Post Office, and the Conservatives in this country that shit all over it perfectly epitomizes what's wrong with your side right now.

When the government holds a service or product below market value it creates a shortage.
Hey The T, instead of neg-repping me with "WRONG" as the comment, why don't you come at it like a man and actually debate all these facts. Are you telling me these facts aren't facts? Or do they just completely fly in the face of all the propaganda you swallowed like a chicken shit?

negged for whining about being negged, bitch.
How many Government run programs work as advertised or in a cost effective manner and what makes you think Obamacare will be different?

The Post Office. That's right, the one government run program that everyone shits on. But I dare you to walk into a law firm and tell them they have to use FedEx, UPS or a courier for EVERYTHING they mail. They'll tell you to fuck yourself. Why?

Because you can still send a letter buttfuck cheap and rely on it getting to where it needs to go as quickly or slowly as you need it to. I love the Post Office, and the Conservatives in this country that shit all over it perfectly epitomizes what's wrong with your side right now.


The Post Office tries to do well, But now they are facing massive Deficits precisely because Government Refuses to let them Operate like a Business. Forcing them to keep 6 Day a week delivery, And not allowing them to lay people off, or Close Post offices. Which of course means they lose money.

Besides the Post office is a very poor Comparison. You would be better served comparing Obama Care to MC, or SS, Or Medicare Part B. All of which have proven to Cost Exponentially more than we were told they were, with ever shrinking Benefits for people Collecting.

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