111 In Phoenix Today...

Back in 2001 I helped build this gas turbine plant for the heathens in California...........

Mohave, Arizona................


We always had to check the sub floors for these pesky critters..

They just hide and use camo................


The Mojave rattlesnake is now considered to be in the cobra neurotoxin class. Scary fucking snakes....they don't back off. I've never seen one.
They came into the construction site with their buddies the scorpions...............The snakes came into the wrong place..............They didn't last long.............

but those dang pesky scorpions............they were escape artist.............we pull up floor grid after floor grid trying to get them and they'd just haul ass down one of the conduits...........we never did get the 2 that had decided to call that sub station room home..........

They came into the construction site with their buddies the scorpions...............The snakes came into the wrong place..............They didn't last long.............

but those dang pesky scorpions............they were escape artist.............we pull up floor grid after floor grid trying to get them and they'd just haul ass down one of the conduits...........we never did get the 2 that had decided to call that sub station room home..........


The little bark scorpions are the bad ones...they'll hide in shoes, bedding, in your kitchen cupboards. We used to pick them up with tweezers and put them down the garbage disposal....they make a nice little grinding noise. Back in the day before pesticides the folks out here used to put the legs of their beds in pans of kerosene to keep them at bay.
6% Humidity............................lol

Yeah it's hot, but you'd wilt with a 100 degree heat index where I was at today...........In LA..................Lower Alabama...............

Workers from the dry states come here and sometimes brag about how they can handle the heat and tell us the 110 degree whether and are the first ones to WILT when they face the humidity here.....................

I'm no fan of heat, dry or wet, but I'll take Arizona heat over any place with wet, nasty heat. There's no relief from that kind of heat. You can shower, turn on the AC, wear a cold pack, this heat just laughs at you. Then, it'll be cloudy, and look like what would be a cool, overcast day anywhere else, but it'll still be stinking hot. I'm quite content with California weather. It gets hot, but not sweat my balls off hot. :thup:
6% Humidity............................lol

Yeah it's hot, but you'd wilt with a 100 degree heat index where I was at today...........In LA..................Lower Alabama...............

Workers from the dry states come here and sometimes brag about how they can handle the heat and tell us the 110 degree whether and are the first ones to WILT when they face the humidity here.....................

I'm no fan of heat, dry or wet, but I'll take Arizona heat over any place with wet, nasty heat. There's no relief from that kind of heat. You can shower, turn on the AC, wear a cold pack, this heat just laughs at you. Then, it'll be cloudy, and look like what would be a cool, overcast day anywhere else, but it'll still be stinking hot. I'm quite content with California weather. It gets hot, but not sweat my balls off hot. :thup:
I actually wanted to relocate to Colorado....but my wife can't handle the cold...............so here we remain where I grew up..............

Sweated my balls off today at work as usual............It's summer in the south...........
I actually wanted to relocate to Colorado....but my wife can't handle the cold...............so here we remain where I grew up..............

Sweated my balls off today at work as usual............It's summer in the south...........

I spent a few years in Colorado before I came down here. It's dry air up there.....in Gunnison it hits -35 with the sun out. Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a place everybody should see....eerie dark, deep canyon....feels haunted.
Same say it's hotter than a two-peckered goat
....I say it's PERFECT.

And of course that temperature is in the shade. I've run two miles, driven to the post office without the AC on, and have been refinishing two end tables and prepping a third outside. And I'm almost 68. Imagine how rugged I must have been as a young lad.

BullKurtz....strong like Bull.
Yeah, and where were you when the truck needed loading this evening?
Yeah, I was in Phoenix one day last year at 108.

"Dry heat" my ass.

You ought to try Mena, Arkansas, at 108 and 98% humidity.

Other than the docks of Vietnam, the most gut wrenching, puke inducing heat I ever felt.
6% Humidity............................lol

Yeah it's hot, but you'd wilt with a 100 degree heat index where I was at today...........In LA..................Lower Alabama...............

Workers from the dry states come here and sometimes brag about how they can handle the heat and tell us the 110 degree whether and are the first ones to WILT when they face the humidity here.....................

I'm no fan of heat, dry or wet, but I'll take Arizona heat over any place with wet, nasty heat. There's no relief from that kind of heat. You can shower, turn on the AC, wear a cold pack, this heat just laughs at you. Then, it'll be cloudy, and look like what would be a cool, overcast day anywhere else, but it'll still be stinking hot. I'm quite content with California weather. It gets hot, but not sweat my balls off hot. :thup:
I actually wanted to relocate to Colorado....but my wife can't handle the cold...............so here we remain where I grew up..............

Sweated my balls off today at work as usual............It's summer in the south...........
Just take a Colorado vacation in the Summer.

I don't blame her for vetoing the cold.
Same say it's hotter than a two-peckered goat
....I say it's PERFECT.

And of course that temperature is in the shade. I've run two miles, driven to the post office without the AC on, and have been refinishing two end tables and prepping a third outside. And I'm almost 68. Imagine how rugged I must have been as a young lad.

BullKurtz....strong like Bull.
running in 100 degree heat aint too bright bull.....no matter your age....
Same say it's hotter than a two-peckered goat
....I say it's PERFECT.

And of course that temperature is in the shade. I've run two miles, driven to the post office without the AC on, and have been refinishing two end tables and prepping a third outside. And I'm almost 68. Imagine how rugged I must have been as a young lad.

BullKurtz....strong like Bull.
running in 100 degree heat aint too bright bull.....no matter your age....
He was raised by Yankees.

His Southern blood kin don't run; we just die in place.
running in 100 degree heat aint too bright bull.....no matter your age....

I do it all the time. When it starts getting over 100 I'll just reduce the length of the run. This weekend is supposed to be over 110 so I probably won't run at all or I'll wait until night maybe. I have my limits.
LOL. A bunch of pansies. 71 and working in a steel mill. On occasion, it is a bit warm.
Yeah, I was in Phoenix one day last year at 108.

"Dry heat" my ass.

You ought to try Mena, Arkansas, at 108 and 98% humidity.

Other than the docks of Vietnam, the most gut wrenching, puke inducing heat I ever felt.
Yikes, yeah.

I do remember being with the family at Disneyworld™ for July 4th, where I believe it was 150 degrees with 180 percent humidity, or at least it felt like it.

Not big into the humidity thing.

running in 100 degree heat aint too bright bull.....no matter your age....

I've been doing it for 35 years. I walk a quarter mile to warm up, run two, and walk the quarter mile back, so the actual run only lasts about 16 minutes. I stopped 3 years ago because of a foot injury....in a couple months I gained 20 pounds and when I first went back out couldn't run more than a quarter mile without getting winded. Started my routine again, the weight fell back off and I quickly regained my stamina. If I ended up stranded out on a highway, I'd be less apt to succumb than a person not used to exercise in the heat.....at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Same say it's hotter than a two-peckered goat
....I say it's PERFECT.

And of course that temperature is in the shade. I've run two miles, driven to the post office without the AC on, and have been refinishing two end tables and prepping a third outside. And I'm almost 68. Imagine how rugged I must have been as a young lad.

BullKurtz....strong like Bull.

Most people's recollections of themselves when younger do indeed require imagination. ;)

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