*11K Russians Dead A Month 2 Months In*

I would find all of the information coming out of western sources a whole hell of a lot more believable, if it were always accompanied by, how many Ukrainian losses were also suffered.

We also hear about huge strategic Ukrainian victories, how many Russians are captured or dead, dwindling supplies, Russian Generals that are captured or supposedly killed, Russians that protest or flee, etc. . .

BUT? We don't here any, not a single word of bad news from the Ukrainian side. Hardly a peep of how they banned the Ukraine media that was pro-Russia, or how the Ukraine government has censored all news, how it is assassinating any politician that does not toe the line, how it is now banning political parties, making Ukraine as much of a totalitarian state as Russia. . . .

How many Ukrainian soldiers are dying each day? What is the state of their supply? How many are deserting because their government has become the very thing they thought they were fighting against?


If it is clear, that your source is making no effort to present an unbiased picture? Yeah, then it is clear, it is only an information war on the mind. . . nothing but war propaganda.

The only folks that believe this? Are the folks that WANT to believe it. . .

They're hanging on...that's all we need to know

Thanks largely to aid from the US. Good job Biden
Sorry bout that,

1. They are bleeding Russians in this war.
2. To the tune of 11k a month.
3. At this pace Russia will send their warriors to the grave to the tune of 130k a year.
4. Sounds pretty bleak, maybe they should, *BACK THE FUCK OFF?*
5. Anyway, Putin is one sick puppy and this war may fizzle out once he's dead.
6. Then the troops that are left can head back home to their families.


"It comes as the latest findings from Kyiv show 21,800 troops have been "liquidated" while Putin’s “special military operation” continues."

7. By any war standards Russia is losing, big time, but yeah go on down there as Trump said, "Genius"
8. Thats around 366 a day.


That is silly.
Russia is NOT "losing bigtime".
Russia is constantly gaining more ground, while the Kyiv forces not only are constantly retreating, but are surrounded in several places.

The Russian losses of 20 k in a country of 150 million, is 0.013% of the population.
In WWII, the population of Russia was smaller, about 100 million, and they lost over 40 million, which is over 40% of the population.

And after the Donetsk is liberated, Russia does not have to risk a single additional soldier.
They can just keep destroying the economy of the Ukraine, until they surrender.

There is something wrong with you for even bringing this up, since it is so obvious.
So why try to defend the fact the Ukraine is guilty of deliberately committing acts of war that started this whole thing?
Why did the Ukraine murder 14k ethnic Russians, try to join NATO, steal Russian oil, etc.?
The only reason they could have done all these incredibly stupid things, is the US bribed them to do it.
Russia is constantly gaining more ground, while the Kyiv forces not only are constantly retreating, but are surrounded in several places.
I guess you missed the retreat of the Russian forces from Kyiv
The Russian losses of 20 k in a country of 150 million,
That's more than a third of their losses in Afghanistn...in just two months
Sorry bout that,

1. Another fast car drives in picks up the President, they race off.
2. They gone before the Glass Onion buildings hit the dirt.


That is stupid.
Russia would easily win in a nuclear war with the US.
They have 10 times as many nuclear weapons, and have much better hardened defenses.

Are you aware that if there was a nuclear war, cellphones, US cars, elevators, computers, planes, airports, etc., would no longer work in the US?
That is stupid.
Russia would easily win in a nuclear war with the US.
They have 10 times as many nuclear weapons, and have much better hardened defenses.

Are you aware that if there was a nuclear war, cellphones, US cars, elevators, computers, planes, airports, etc., would no longer work in the US?
Sorry bout that,

1.Your goofy as hell, Russia is the good guys you say, but if Ukraine takes down the Glass Onions, Russia nukes USA?
2. Thats beyond stupid, I need to make a new word to describe how stupid you are!
3. And the new word is,,......BuchaDuffas

I guess you missed the retreat of the Russian forces from Kyiv

That's more than a third of their losses in Afghanistn...in just two months

Shifting forces from Kyiv to Donetsk is a way of reducing civilian casualties.
It is not a retreat from Ukrainian territory.

The Soviets were never fighting a war in Afghanistan, but just trying to help promote stability after an assassination.
The people of Mariupol can surrender at any time.
And the people murdered at Bucha were killed by the Ukrainian ASOV Battalion because they had Russian names, accents, etc.
Stop spewing Russian lies, sock puppet

The Azov Battalion is trapped in the steel mill in Mariupol...a couple hundred miles away

Christ you might as well be Putin's press secretary
Sorry bout that,

1.Your goofy as hell, Russia is the good guys you say, but if Ukraine takes down the Glass Onions, Russia nukes USA?
2. Thats beyond stupid, I need to make a new word to describe how stupid you are!


The Ukraine can't "take down" anything.
And if the US starts fighting this war directly instead of with Kyiv puppets, then the US will get the retaliation.
The Ukraine can't "take down" anything.
And if the US starts fighting this war directly instead of with Kyiv puppets, then the US will get the retaliation.
Just give up.

EVERYONE can see that you are a Russian stooge.

Hell you don't even pretend any more
You ae preaching to the choir but where are the figures coming from? The Ukraine government or are they invented by three writers from something called "Express"?
Shifting forces from Kyiv to Donetsk is a way of reducing civilian casualties.
It is not a retreat from Ukrainian territory.

The Soviets were never fighting a war in Afghanistan, but just trying to help promote stability after an assassination.
That is stupid.
Russia would easily win in a nuclear war with the US.
They have 10 times as many nuclear weapons, and have much better hardened defenses.

Are you aware that if there was a nuclear war, cellphones, US cars, elevators, computers, planes, airports, etc., would no longer work in the US?
Sorry bout that,

1. Now Biden is dumb, but his advisers will keep him from sending in our troops.
2. Biden started this war, Ukrainians will end it.
3. I just revealed the plan to end it in 3 hours time.
4. Glass Onions gotta go.

Who do you want to win this war?
I want it to be over, and if you have read what Putin has said about it? There will be no victory for Ukraine. It will only escalate until Russia wins, or until Ukraine ends up looking like Libya or Syria after the Anglo-American/NATO alliance got done with them.

If you don't know this, you are ignorant and uninformed.

The sooner Russia achieves it's goals? The sooner the people of Ukraine stop suffering.
They're hanging on...that's all we need to know

Thanks largely to aid from the US. Good job Biden
Yeah. . . because Nazis in Ukraine are more important than the poor and middle class in America.


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