11year Old Girl Saves Mother...with A Gun...2.5 Million + 1


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, in some research on guns used to save lives and stop crime, they put the number at 2.5 million times a year....this is not the only study number that high....add this one to the total...an 11 year old girl saves her mother from a brutal stabbing....by using a gun...

Video 11 Year Old Girl Shoots Man Who Attacked and Stabbed Her Mother Saves Her Life

now tell me...anti gunners...it would have been better if the girl didn't use a gun...right? As bad as her mother being stabbed was...it was worse that the girl stopped it with that gun....right?

In a better world...she would not have,had that gun...and she and her mother would have been sad, but necessary victims...because all guns in the hands of regular people,are bad....right?
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I admit that I'm not sure how to feel about this situation. I'm a big supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights, and believe children should be taught how to properly handle and shoot a gun if there is one in the house. My problem with this story is that I still believe a gun should be put up somewhere in the house where an 11 year doesn't have access to it without permission. There have been many cases of defensive gun use, but I'd venture a guess that very few have involved an 11 year old pulling the trigger.
Yes, some believe a child should be raped and murdered, if the choice of self defense involves a gun.

Name one person.
You stated that this child who saved herself should not of had access to self defense.

The first sentence of my post was me admitting that I'm not sure how to feel about the situation. Of course I'm happy everything turned out okay in this particular story, but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving a gun easily accessible to an 11 year old. I'd venture a guess that even the NRA suggests keeping your guns away from small children, unless they are supervised.

This story had a decent ending, but it isn't an everyday event. Most stories about guns being used for defense involve adults. In fact, this is the first one I have ever read about a kid as young as 11 years old using one for defense.
All cool, but not anyone's call here as to what an '11-yr old' should or should not do relative to defense. That is a family matter.

Yes, some believe a child should be raped and murdered, if the choice of self defense involves a gun.

Name one person.
You stated that this child who saved herself should not of had access to self defense.

The first sentence of my post was me admitting that I'm not sure how to feel about the situation. Of course I'm happy everything turned out okay in this particular story, but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving a gun easily accessible to an 11 year old. I'd venture a guess that even the NRA suggests keeping your guns away from small children, unless they are supervised.

This story had a decent ending, but it isn't an everyday event. Most stories about guns being used for defense involve adults. In fact, this is the first one I have ever read about a kid as young as 11 years old using one for defense.
You posted specifically that she should not of had access to a gun.

I did not quote your original post but you sought to confront my point.

So I simply read what you wrote, and you did state the victim should not of had access to the weapon that saved her.

I did speculate on the rape, it is not clear that the intruder would of raped the 11 year old girl after he killed her mother. Stuff like that typically never happens, right.
Yes, some believe a child should be raped and murdered, if the choice of self defense involves a gun.

Name one person.
You stated that this child who saved herself should not of had access to self defense.

The first sentence of my post was me admitting that I'm not sure how to feel about the situation. Of course I'm happy everything turned out okay in this particular story, but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving a gun easily accessible to an 11 year old. I'd venture a guess that even the NRA suggests keeping your guns away from small children, unless they are supervised.

This story had a decent ending, but it isn't an everyday event. Most stories about guns being used for defense involve adults. In fact, this is the first one I have ever read about a kid as young as 11 years old using one for defense.
You posted specifically that she should not of had access to a gun.

I did not quote your original post but you sought to confront my point.

So I simply read what you wrote, and you did state the victim should not of had access to the weapon that saved her.

I did speculate on the rape, it is not clear that the intruder would of raped the 11 year old girl after he killed her mother. Stuff like that typically never happens, right.

I'm sorry, but I didn't mean for it to come across as anything but my opinion. Sometimes I don't understand how my posts come across to others. :tongue:

Personally, I don't have any kids, but if I did I would keep any firearms well out of reach. If other parents don't that is their decision. I admit that my perspective may be skewed. I'm a grown man (child) who lives in a relatively safe neighborhood. I'm not a single woman, living alone with an 11 year old girl.
I wish living safe was easy, but it is not. I have had the opportunity to live in brasil, the saddest tragedy I can personally bear witness to is a 6 year old boy who saw his parents brutally murdered while at home. This boy lived in the Favela. Pure lawlessness in a place where guns are illegal for the average citizen to own.

I would trust my 9 year old with a loaded gun. But I do not own a gun I have and will again. And when I do, they will be accessible by my children.

But if I am to think like this and think ahead, a big dog is best to protect ones children at home.
No matter how the picture is looked at, to me, what matters most is the fact that the girl's mom is still here and that is because of what the girl did. :) :) :)

God bless you and the girl and her mom always!!! :) :) :)


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