$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

She's a millioniare for one .

So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Not $12,000.

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

I'd bet not.


You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.
Doubtful Trump wears $12,000 suit jackets, he also made his money in the private sector unlike witch and her husband:slap:

Giving paid speeches and selling books are part of the "public sector" now?
Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Say's the psychotic sociopath.
So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

Not $12,000.

I'd bet not.


You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.
Doubtful Trump wears $12,000 suit jackets, he also made his money in the private sector unlike witch and her husband:slap:

Giving paid speeches and selling books are part of the "public sector" now?
Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Say's the psychotic sociopath.
And dump made his money ripping little people off A con man with teams of lawyers not paying his debts

You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.
Doubtful Trump wears $12,000 suit jackets, he also made his money in the private sector unlike witch and her husband:slap:

Giving paid speeches and selling books are part of the "public sector" now?
Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

Say's the psychotic sociopath.
And dump made his money ripping little people off A con man with teams of lawyers not paying his debts

And dump made his money ripping little people off A con man with teams of lawyers not paying his debts

But to be perfectly fair, that description fits 100% of corporate America.
So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

Not $12,000.

I'd bet not.


You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.
Doubtful Trump wears $12,000 suit jackets, he also made his money in the private sector unlike witch and her husband:slap:

Giving paid speeches and selling books are part of the "public sector" now?
Nobody bought her book, and nobody wants to hear her speeches other than the crony capitalists, who hope to gain favor..She has made no money outside of politics genius:slap:

"Politics" isn't the same things as the "public sector".

I've spent my life working in politics, but I've never worked in the public sector.

"Politics" isn't the same things as the "public sector".

I've spent my life working in politics, but I've never worked in the public sector.

Where we differ is you don't call building up our infrastructure an investment in our future I do Yes it costs money everything costs money Maybe use some of the money overseas billions will be taxed when returning home, for infrastructure?

Maybe look at it this way:

A person works at a widget factory. He performs a function necessary for it's production. The worker gets paid for that work, and of course that makes him a profit. The company takes those widgets and sells them to a wholesaler and the company makes profit. The wholesaler sells them to the stores and the wholesaler makes a profit. The store sells those widgets to customers, and the store makes profit.

When you build a road, a bridge, a towpath......anything, the taxpayers have to pay the workers, and the buck stops there. Anything the government funds is not salable. Therefore public funding of infrastructure is not the same as what takes place in the private for-profit market.

Maybe look at it this way:

A person works at a widget factory. He performs a function necessary for it's production. The worker gets paid for that work, and of course that makes him a profit. The company takes those widgets and sells them to a wholesaler and the company makes profit. The wholesaler sells them to the stores and the wholesaler makes a profit. The store sells those widgets to customers, and the store makes profit.

If the owner of the widget factory is smart, she/he would purchase the supplier of the materials and become the wholesaler.

When you build a road, a bridge, a towpath......anything, the taxpayers have to pay the workers, and the buck stops there. Anything the government funds is not salable. Therefore public funding of infrastructure is not the same as what takes place in the private for-profit market.

Except 99% of infrastructure is bid to private companies. As you read this, private local companies are repaving approximately 60 miles of roadway in Vegas. Federal and State monies are being used. Those monies will stay local to help our economy. For each dollar that is spent in the local economy equates to $1.70 in the US economy.
Someone should ask her how many jackects she has so that people who are losing their jackets in this economy will be really pissed off at them.
Except 99% of infrastructure is bid to private companies. As you read this, private local companies are repaving approximately 60 miles of roadway in Vegas. Federal and State monies are being used. Those monies will stay local to help our economy. For each dollar that is spent in the local economy equates to $1.70 in the US economy.

That is nothing special. That goes on in the public and private sector. What we are talking about here is the difference between the public and private sectors.

The reason the Pork Bill was an utter failure is because DumBama thought he would try to do things differently. In a normal economy, the private sector goes to work, creates money, and government takes some of that money for government responsibilities. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector. DumBama wanted to try the opposite which is the public sector support the private sector.

And that old rag that public money creates $1.70 for every dollar spent is a false calculation. It's the same speculation that the Democrats had with social programs. If that were true, our economy would be roaring right now because of so many people on the dole. 95 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. If there were any truth to that theory, the food stamp people alone would have generated a great economy.
Except 99% of infrastructure is bid to private companies. As you read this, private local companies are repaving approximately 60 miles of roadway in Vegas. Federal and State monies are being used. Those monies will stay local to help our economy. For each dollar that is spent in the local economy equates to $1.70 in the US economy.

That is nothing special. That goes on in the public and private sector. What we are talking about here is the difference between the public and private sectors.

The reason the Pork Bill was an utter failure is because DumBama thought he would try to do things differently. In a normal economy, the private sector goes to work, creates money, and government takes some of that money for government responsibilities. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector. DumBama wanted to try the opposite which is the public sector support the private sector.

And that old rag that public money creates $1.70 for every dollar spent is a false calculation. It's the same speculation that the Democrats had with social programs. If that were true, our economy would be roaring right now because of so many people on the dole. 95 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. If there were any truth to that theory, the food stamp people alone would have generated a great economy.

That is nothing special. That goes on in the public and private sector. What we are talking about here is the difference between the public and private sectors.

You mean the private sector is mostly or partially funded by the public sector and those dollars pay local salaries and boost the local economy? One of my five companies derives 40% of it's income from public monies.

Another great example where public funding helps locals is the Las Vegas Motor Speedway which was built directly and indirectly on mostly public monies. EDC is here this week. Over five days, EDC will provide $650M into the local economy; that's $650M IN FIVE DAYS! That wouldn't be possible without a public and private partnership. Neither would the road in front of your house.

The reason the Pork Bill was an utter failure is because DumBama thought he would try to do things differently. In a normal economy, the private sector goes to work, creates money, and government takes some of that money for government responsibilities. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector. DumBama wanted to try the opposite which is the public sector support the private sector.

No. Republicans didn't receive their handouts.

And that old rag that public money creates $1.70 for every dollar spent is a false calculation. It's the same speculation that the Democrats had with social programs. If that were true, our economy would be roaring right now because of so many people on the dole. 95 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. If there were any truth to that theory, the food stamp people alone would have generated a great economy.

Really? Explain to me what happens to a dollar spent at 7-11.

More than 1/2 of the 'people on the dole' are rich and corporations who spend very little in the economy. That's why I push my $23.50/hr plan which takes the 'dole' monies from the rich and corporations and places it in the hands of workers.
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket

So the fuck what? She can afford it. You Right Wingers have to make up your mind about what you believe in because to be honest, you're all becoming a laughing stock.
* grins and munches popcorn. Don't ya just love Leftist hypocrisy? LOL You need to tell Helly that ugly jacket isn't worth 12 cents. Perhaps you "enlightened liberals" can even clean up her peepee pads she squats over.. Make sure to hit the right corner.
Except 99% of infrastructure is bid to private companies. As you read this, private local companies are repaving approximately 60 miles of roadway in Vegas. Federal and State monies are being used. Those monies will stay local to help our economy. For each dollar that is spent in the local economy equates to $1.70 in the US economy.

That is nothing special. That goes on in the public and private sector. What we are talking about here is the difference between the public and private sectors.

The reason the Pork Bill was an utter failure is because DumBama thought he would try to do things differently. In a normal economy, the private sector goes to work, creates money, and government takes some of that money for government responsibilities. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector. DumBama wanted to try the opposite which is the public sector support the private sector.

And that old rag that public money creates $1.70 for every dollar spent is a false calculation. It's the same speculation that the Democrats had with social programs. If that were true, our economy would be roaring right now because of so many people on the dole. 95 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. If there were any truth to that theory, the food stamp people alone would have generated a great economy.

That is nothing special. That goes on in the public and private sector. What we are talking about here is the difference between the public and private sectors.

You mean the private sector is mostly or partially funded by the public sector and those dollars pay local salaries and boost the local economy? One of my five companies derives 40% of it's income from public monies.

Another great example where public funding helps locals is the Las Vegas Motor Speedway which was built directly and indirectly on mostly public monies. EDC is here this week. Over five days, EDC will provide $650M into the local economy; that's $650M IN FIVE DAYS! That wouldn't be possible without a public and private partnership. Neither would the road in front of your house.

The reason the Pork Bill was an utter failure is because DumBama thought he would try to do things differently. In a normal economy, the private sector goes to work, creates money, and government takes some of that money for government responsibilities. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector. DumBama wanted to try the opposite which is the public sector support the private sector.

No. Republicans didn't receive their handouts.

And that old rag that public money creates $1.70 for every dollar spent is a false calculation. It's the same speculation that the Democrats had with social programs. If that were true, our economy would be roaring right now because of so many people on the dole. 95 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job. If there were any truth to that theory, the food stamp people alone would have generated a great economy.

Really? Explain to me what happens to a dollar spent at 7-11.

More than 1/2 of the 'people on the dole' are rich and corporations who spend very little in the economy. That's why I push my $23.50/hr plan which takes the 'dole' monies from the rich and corporations and places it in the hands of workers.
You mean the private sector is mostly or partially funded by the public sector and those dollars pay local salaries and boost the local economy? One of my five companies derives 40% of it's income from public monies.

Another great example where public funding helps locals is the Las Vegas Motor Speedway which was built directly and indirectly on mostly public monies. EDC is here this week. Over five days, EDC will provide $650M into the local economy; that's $650M IN FIVE DAYS! That wouldn't be possible without a public and private partnership. Neither would the road in front of your house.

Yes, government money can help, but it's not the same as the private market because they don't create goods or services for profit.

We are going to have the Republican convention here. It's a huge help to our economy. But once it's over, the money stops just like it does with construction projects. That's much different than a factory or service that continues creating profit and providing jobs year round. There is a much longer domino effect in the private market than the public. The money keeps circulating.

Really? Explain to me what happens to a dollar spent at 7-11.

More than 1/2 of the 'people on the dole' are rich and corporations who spend very little in the economy. That's why I push my $23.50/hr plan which takes the 'dole' monies from the rich and corporations and places it in the hands of workers.

Do you even know what being on the dole means? Rich people are not on the dole and neither are corporations.

Why Rich Consumers Matter More
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She's a millioniare for one .

So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Not $12,000.

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

I'd bet not.

You don't think Trumps suits don't cost that much ??? Playa please ! With his ego he probably demands that he have the most expensive suits around .

You think he shops at Macy's ? Wears a Timex?

Don't make me google "Melania Trumps wedding ring ".
The difference is he EARNED his wealth while she sold our rights to get hers.

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