$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

Oh please, Obama didn't double $#!t! The cost of "W's" wars came a calling which had been off budget for years; not to mention the subsequent stimulus needed to keep the whole economy from collapsing! Overall spending went down to cover Republican malfeasance during the term before Obama even got there! What budget was ever vetoed or even questioned before he got there? Spare me the blame for an economy on the brink, loans to save the auto industry, and the high cost of those wars that had to wane down! Give me a break! ;-/

Right, and the Pork bill was free? No, that was nearly a trillion dollars. Commie Care? Much more than a trillion dollars by the time the next administration is burdened with that.

Bush must have been an amazing man to have all this blame on him many years after he was long gone. Gee, I wonder if you leftists and Socialists will be doing the same with DumBama after he's gone? Chances are no. Why? Because rule number in in the lib playbook: It's never a Democrats fault......never.
Oh please, Obama didn't double $#!t! The cost of "W's" wars came a calling which had been off budget for years; not to mention the subsequent stimulus needed to keep the whole economy from collapsing! Overall spending went down to cover Republican malfeasance during the term before Obama even got there! What budget was ever vetoed or even questioned before he got there? Spare me the blame for an economy on the brink, loans to save the auto industry, and the high cost of those wars that had to wane down! Give me a break! ;-/

Right, and the Pork bill was free? No, that was nearly a trillion dollars. Commie Care? Much more than a trillion dollars by the time the next administration is burdened with that.

Bush must have been an amazing man to have all this blame on him many years after he was long gone. Gee, I wonder if you leftists and Socialists will be doing the same with DumBama after he's gone? Chances are no. Why? Because rule number in in the lib playbook: It's never a Democrats fault......never.

Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy! :9: :banana2: :321:
You're not taking note that his Republican Congress is sabotaging any ideas the man has at the moment! They don't want anything to happen as long as he's the President so they can say "he hasn't done anything" when there are plenty of things he'd love to do! It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see we need investments in infrastructure, but the House won't authorize any additional spending even if it helped the economy! Bridges, roads, and utilities all need an upgrade, but they'll wait until Hillary gets in there; they hate Obama so much! :argue: :321:

Whether we need to spend on infrastructure or not, it doesn't help the economy. It's like saying repaving your driveway makes you richer. No, it doesn't. You may need to do it, but it's spending, not "investment."

And the Republicans suck. They say no to Obama's wasteful spending programs, but for eight years under W they punished fiscal conservatives who opposed it
The economy isn't helped with 1000's of good paying jobs fixing our roadways buildings and 1000's of bridges that are in desperate need of repair?

No, it doesn't help the economy, that money is taken out of the economy. Explain how repaving your driveway because it's full of pot holes makes you richer. It's a necessary expense, but richer it does not make you
First off the nation is in desperate need of mass infrastructure NOT my driveway 2nd it gives opportunity for 1000's to get well paying jobs People working people spending You have problems with that?

Swish, didn't process my point. I helped you with color. Here's how you fill a pool. Take a bucket of water out of the pool, throw a bunch of it on the ground (overhead), then throw what's left back in. Repeat enough times and the pool will be full!!!
So we just wait for you to be crossing that bridge and see it split in half That 80 year old bridge?
Oh please, Obama didn't double $#!t! The cost of "W's" wars came a calling which had been off budget for years; not to mention the subsequent stimulus needed to keep the whole economy from collapsing! Overall spending went down to cover Republican malfeasance during the term before Obama even got there! What budget was ever vetoed or even questioned before he got there? Spare me the blame for an economy on the brink, loans to save the auto industry, and the high cost of those wars that had to wane down! Give me a break! ;-/

Right, and the Pork bill was free? No, that was nearly a trillion dollars. Commie Care? Much more than a trillion dollars by the time the next administration is burdened with that.

Bush must have been an amazing man to have all this blame on him many years after he was long gone. Gee, I wonder if you leftists and Socialists will be doing the same with DumBama after he's gone? Chances are no. Why? Because rule number in in the lib playbook: It's never a Democrats fault......never.
Bush was amazing Gave us a bs war lowered taxes on billionaires at the same time, and gave us the greatest recession ever Truly an amazing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pos
Bush was amazing Gave us a bs war lowered taxes on billionaires at the same time, and gave us the greatest recession ever Truly an amazing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pos

He lowered taxes on just about everybody, but a lib only sees what he wants to see.
Bush was amazing Gave us a bs war lowered taxes on billionaires at the same time, and gave us the greatest recession ever Truly an amazing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pos

He lowered taxes on just about everybody, but a lib only sees what he wants to see.

Giving $300 to the common man did nothing but deepen the deficit! What was criminal was the thousands of dollars given to rich folks that didn't need it! There was a surplus and "W" turned it into a deep deficit and recession within years! Republicans don't deserve to ever take over the Presidency again after what they did this last time in power! You can't lower taxes and at the same time start 2 wars; that's insane! ;-/
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Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy!

You libs are something else. Giving DumBama credit for crap he had nothing to do with and blaming Bush for crap that's going on under DumBama.

DumBama has nothing to do with the price of energy. Our fortunes of energy prices are because of fracking which DumBama and the Democrats are against. The stock market is nothing more than a bubble that was filled with trillions of dollars from the feds. If you don't know, it's called quantitive easing if you care to look it up. As for your unemployment numbers, much of that is due to Americans not working nor looking for work; 95 million to be exact. That's almost 1/3 of our population if you include children. Of working age, much more.

DumBama is the most anti-business President in my lifetime. That's why this is the slowest growth in history not to mention median incomes lower today than when he took office.
Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy!

You libs are something else. Giving DumBama credit for crap he had nothing to do with and blaming Bush for crap that's going on under DumBama.

DumBama has nothing to do with the price of energy. Our fortunes of energy prices are because of fracking which DumBama and the Democrats are against. The stock market is nothing more than a bubble that was filled with trillions of dollars from the feds. If you don't know, it's called quantitive easing if you care to look it up. As for your unemployment numbers, much of that is due to Americans not working nor looking for work; 95 million to be exact. That's almost 1/3 of our population if you include children. Of working age, much more.

DumBama is the most anti-business President in my lifetime. That's why this is the slowest growth in history not to mention median incomes lower today than when he took office.

You say that now, but if the numbers were reversed you would be harping on it hypocrite! :anj_stfu: :ahole-1:
Giving $300 to the common man did nothing but depend the deficit! What was criminal was the thousands of dollars given to rich folks that didn't need it! There was a surplus and "W" turned it into a deep deficit and recession within years! Republican don't deserve to ever take over the Presidency again after what they did this last time in power! You can't lower taxes and at the same time start 2 wars; that's insane! ;-/

Most of the Bush years were good economic years; in fact, so good it spurred a worldwide economic growth. If not for the housing bubble and collapse, we would have enjoyed a good economy right into the McCain presidency.

And if you look at the housing bubble, you'd realize that it never would have happened without this mad desire to put minorities and poor into their own homes; two groups that mostly vote Democrat.

The reason W was successful with his economic growth and DumBama a failure is because you can't rely on one sector to boost the economy of 300 million people. You have to give everybody more money to spend at once.
Never had a need for one, I guess my Army dress blues cost more than a hundred but I don't really consider that a suit. BTW I'm debt free, own my home, I ain't poor. I have been broke in my life, but I've never been poor.

You've never gone anywhere where you need a suit? I see.

You're debt free. Good! But do you know the definition of 'good debt' vs. 'bad debt?'

You're not poor. By who's definition?

My guess is that you've lived to work, not worked to live.

You vote for Republicans who's manifesto is breaking the solidarity of the American voter and promoting the rich and wealthy.

You've never gone anywhere where you need a suit? I see.

No, if I go to a wedding or something like that, a sport coat, slacks and tie do the job very well.

You're debt free. Good! But do you know the definition of 'good debt' vs. 'bad debt?'

At this point in my life there is no good debt.

You're not poor. By who's definition?

By who's definition, total household income is north of 100K, I won't get more specific than that and no bills except the usual utilities and my ISP. So I would say by anyone's definition.

My guess is that you've lived to work, not worked to live.

I don't know if I lived to work or not, had a hell of a lot of fun along the way. Saw Vietnam, island of Grenada, Panama, Honduras, explored the Yuca Tan Pensula of Mexico, Belize and lived in PR for 6.5 years. Went diving in PR most weekends, owned a 27 ft Sport Fisherman boat rigged for diving. Took the boat to St. Thomas, St. John and out islands of PR. Lived in OK, CO, TN and TX during my working life. Skied in CO, enjoyed the many natural resources in OK, drove a Drag Racing Car in TN and TX and that's just the highlights. So you tell me, did I live to work?

You vote for Republicans who's manifesto is breaking the solidarity of the American voter and promoting the rich and wealthy.

You sound like an envious little bitch, I'm a Constitutionalist, when you regressive sodomite enablers decide to embrace the Constitution again, you might get my vote. Till then all you get is my disdain.

At this point in my life there is no good debt.

Define: Good debt.

By who's definition, total household income is north of 100K, I won't get more specific than that and no bills except the usual utilities and my ISP. So I would say by anyone's definition.

You'd better have some good debt or you'll pay a shit load of taxes.

You sound like an envious little bitch, I'm a Constitutionalist, when you regressive sodomite enablers decide to embrace the Constitution again, you might get my vote. Till then all you get is my disdain.

So you vote for the party that continues to fuck you in the ass? That's pretty stupid. But then again, you're a constitutionalist.......

You'd better have some good debt or you'll pay a shit load of taxes.

Not when the bulk of income is tax free, my federal tax liability last year was $200 and change, I paid way more in State sales taxes. But hey, feel free to keep telling me how bad I have it.

Not when the bulk of income is tax free, my federal tax liability last year was $200 and change, I paid way more in State sales taxes. But hey, feel free to keep telling me how bad I have it.

Is your tax free income listed in the constitution?

Yep. 16th Amendment. NEXT

Yep. 16th Amendment. NEXT

Really? How so?
Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy!

You libs are something else. Giving DumBama credit for crap he had nothing to do with and blaming Bush for crap that's going on under DumBama.

DumBama has nothing to do with the price of energy. Our fortunes of energy prices are because of fracking which DumBama and the Democrats are against. The stock market is nothing more than a bubble that was filled with trillions of dollars from the feds. If you don't know, it's called quantitive easing if you care to look it up. As for your unemployment numbers, much of that is due to Americans not working nor looking for work; 95 million to be exact. That's almost 1/3 of our population if you include children. Of working age, much more.

DumBama is the most anti-business President in my lifetime. That's why this is the slowest growth in history not to mention median incomes lower today than when he took office.
Slowest growth ?? Except for the roaring stock markets Peoples IRA's 401 k's recovering Who do you think makes up our markets ?? The largest companies in America do We are NOW GREATER than ever and all you punks cry doom and gloom I'm sick of all of you
Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy!

You libs are something else. Giving DumBama credit for crap he had nothing to do with and blaming Bush for crap that's going on under DumBama.

DumBama has nothing to do with the price of energy. Our fortunes of energy prices are because of fracking which DumBama and the Democrats are against. The stock market is nothing more than a bubble that was filled with trillions of dollars from the feds. If you don't know, it's called quantitive easing if you care to look it up. As for your unemployment numbers, much of that is due to Americans not working nor looking for work; 95 million to be exact. That's almost 1/3 of our population if you include children. Of working age, much more.

DumBama is the most anti-business President in my lifetime. That's why this is the slowest growth in history not to mention median incomes lower today than when he took office.
Slowest growth ?? Except for the roaring stock markets Peoples IRA's 401 k's recovering Who do you think makes up our markets ?? The largest companies in America do We are NOW GREATER than ever and all you punks cry doom and gloom I'm sick of all of you

If a Republican was in office, they would be touting all these numbers! These people are disgustingly hypocritical and don't even try to hide their partisanship! They're an embarrassment to the country constantly putting down everything good that occurs and making excuses when totally in the wrong! It's quite pathetic and predictable! :beer: :clap:
I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

Well her father was a member of the Communist Party...

Actually I thought she was a gold digger but a lot people say she is bright and articulate...

But if the RW want to gt into what Hillary is wearing Clinton has a simple answer.

'While I want to support the Middle class, ME security and Education standards, they want to discuss fashion tips!!!'

So please continue this thread.

I think it's imperative that our President and First Lady -- and all of the people in public life -- look their absolute best.

Hillary, left to her own devices, is a mess. Very typical of a leftist college student from the 60s. Look at her appearance when SOS -- the lank hair, the sloppy, cheap clothes.

As I said, I think the Armani jacket was good but she's a hypocrite for wearing it for her income inequality speech.

There are lots and lots of levels below that that would look appropriate but aren't screamingly hypocritical.

But as a slob, she wouldn't know.

Hillary's views on income inequality are that the wealthy (including herself) should pay more taxes
Wages need to be increased
We need to do more for education and healthcare

None of which say you can't wear an Armani suit

Why did Jackie have to patronize American designers and even Michelle Obama does, but Hillary gets a pass?

She can have the Italian.

I seem to remember Jackie patronizing French and Italian designers...Michelle too

Laura Bush patronized K Mart

Wouldn't that make Bush a women of the people then?:dunno: She certainly has much more class than the witch
Nothing was more funny and pathetic than "W" trying to blame Clinton for inheriting a recession! Forgot that huh? He used that lame arse line until the day he left even when losing 800,000 jobs a month, the auto industry about to collapse, and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market when the DOW went down to 6600! It's now at 18,000, unemployment under 5%, gas prices lower, and respect from around the world when they were burning "W" in effigy!

You libs are something else. Giving DumBama credit for crap he had nothing to do with and blaming Bush for crap that's going on under DumBama.

DumBama has nothing to do with the price of energy. Our fortunes of energy prices are because of fracking which DumBama and the Democrats are against. The stock market is nothing more than a bubble that was filled with trillions of dollars from the feds. If you don't know, it's called quantitive easing if you care to look it up. As for your unemployment numbers, much of that is due to Americans not working nor looking for work; 95 million to be exact. That's almost 1/3 of our population if you include children. Of working age, much more.

DumBama is the most anti-business President in my lifetime. That's why this is the slowest growth in history not to mention median incomes lower today than when he took office.
Slowest growth ?? Except for the roaring stock markets Peoples IRA's 401 k's recovering Who do you think makes up our markets ?? The largest companies in America do We are NOW GREATER than ever and all you punks cry doom and gloom I'm sick of all of you

If a Republican was in office, they would be touting all these numbers! These people are disgustingly hypocritical and don't even try to hide their partisanship! They're an embarrassment to the country constantly putting down everything good that occurs and making excuses when totally in the wrong! It's quite pathetic and predictable! :beer: :clap:
First president in the history of the country without 3 % growth. Nobody would be touting that, other than the Obama cult followers..

She's a millioniare for one .

So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Not $12,000.

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

I'd bet not.


You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.

She's a millioniare for one .

So what? My most expensive suit was about $500.00. And she's still a hag wearing $12,000.

How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Not $12,000.

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

I'd bet not.


You don't think Trump's suits cost $12,000?

Well, you're probably right. They almost certainly cost more.
Doubtful Trump wears $12,000 suit jackets, he also made his money in the private sector unlike witch and her husband:slap:

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