12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

She actually claimed they were all from here. Only one posted here.
I wonder if this shooter was a USMB member....we've had three members so far who've committed such acts.
I have heard this rumor passed around before, why do folks say such things?
Because they are true.....One was the Colorado Abortion Clinic shooter, another was the Holocaust Museum shooter...third one, someone else mentioned right after the synagogue shooting....

Okay, so I followed up on your info, seems you are right, one was an internet poster on a Marijuana forum, the other was a poster on Stormfront, and the last one was at Gab.

So all user communities are the same? I guess by implication, that means everyone at the Democratic Underground is guilty of mass murder, eh?
This act definitely doesn't change the fact that blacks are the most violent race on earth. Per capita they commit more violent crimes than any other race.

African-American Homicide Rate Nearly Quadruple the National Average | American Council on Science and Health
Wake me when Blacks have wiped out even half the number of humans that whites have. :rolleyes:

Whites bring genocide to every continent they have occupied.

Blacks kill 10 times more than whites.

In 2015, the homicide rates were (per 100,000 population):

20.9 for blacks (non-Hispanic)
4.9 for Hispanics
2.6 for whites (non-Hispanic)
5.7 for all races
This act definitely doesn't change the fact that blacks are the most violent race on earth. Per capita they commit more violent crimes than any other race.

African-American Homicide Rate Nearly Quadruple the National Average | American Council on Science and Health
Wake me when Blacks have wiped out even half the number of humans that whites have. :rolleyes:

Whites bring genocide to every continent they have occupied.

Blacks kill 10 times more than whites.

In 2015, the homicide rates were (per 100,000 population):

20.9 for blacks (non-Hispanic)
4.9 for Hispanics
2.6 for whites (non-Hispanic)
5.7 for all races
Whites kill 1000 times more than Blacks. In the various genocides in Africa over 5 million alone where killed because of whites. Dont let me get started on this continent or europe. :rolleyes:
Don't be man enough to admit your race is the most violent on earth. Take 100000 blacks and 100000 whites and the murder rates are 10 times worse for blacks.

That is fact and that is ugly.

Why are you people so violent? Why do you always resort to violence? Why do you make up 13 percent of the population but 50 percent of the prison population? Why do you abort more babies than you bring to term? Aren't you killing off your own race with your high rates of abortion? Why is black unemployment twice white unemployment at any given period? Why do blacks drop out of high school at a much higher rate than whites? Why do blacks graduate from college at much lower rates?

Sounds like blacks can't see the speck in whites eyes for the log in their own. You worry about your own race, we'll worry about ours.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

The odds of you getting shot at any of those activities is lower than getting struck by lightning

But it's interesting that this happened in the state with the strictest gun laws in the country while in states with the most lax gun laws in the country don't seem to have mass shootings

I wonder why that is

Probably get shot quicker if committing a crime.
He was a soldier he served in the war. Are you now for taking guns from soldiers, who, unlike you, actually served overseas and put their lives on the line for their country?
I could give a damn where or if he served like I did overseas. If he is a nut case white boy he shouldnt have access to a weapon.

So a nut case black boy should have one? What does this have to do with race? He was a white dude who shot white people.
There is no such thing as a black person with mental illness

Any crime of this sort that they commit is due to their genetics or something -- but mentally, they are super-human and don't suffer mental illness..

So I have been told....
The rule is if a Black person does a mass shooting its due to genetics. If a white person does it the poor guy suffers from mental illness. At least thats what I heard.

Must be a lot of crazy white guys out there.

Most of the mass shootings happened to be done by white guys.... maybe not all but most. And it does happen to be a fact that they have all been on psych meds.... maybe with an exception but I'm not aware of it. This guy... I dont know if we have all the info yet, but there looks to be a strong possibility, that it was a medication induced response. This is not necessarily to excuse the guy for his actions... that definately is not my point. But I would say if this is so... we really need to look at how we are treating our returning vets and if the VA is just trying to numb people with meds instead of looking at other ways of helping them.
Typically for anyone to do something like this, whether they are black or white it has to be a mental instability. Who is denying that black people who commit things like this have mental issues? The beltway shooter for one... I'd say he was crazy. I think most people understood that. Its even pretty clear that even a lot of jihadists are picked out to do suicide bombings because they have a mental instability and are susceptible to influence.

Its interesting you have to go and insert RACE into this tragedy, which it certainly was, when the bigger issue is the over medication of Americans as well as our vets, and the medical treatment they recieve, and of course the issue of gun regulations is there as well to discuss.
----------------------------------------------------------- muslim beltway shooter and his widdle lad were muslims or muslim and boy both 'fighters or jihadists for islam' despite your ecuses for their stability Yarddog .
Don't be man enough to admit your race is the most violent on earth. Take 100000 blacks and 100000 whites and the murder rates are 10 times worse for blacks.

That is fact and that is ugly.

Why are you people so violent? Why do you always resort to violence? Why do you make up 13 percent of the population but 50 percent of the prison population? Why do you abort more babies than you bring to term? Aren't you killing off your own race with your high rates of abortion? Why is black unemployment twice white unemployment at any given period? Why do blacks drop out of high school at a much higher rate than whites? Why do blacks graduate from college at much lower rates?

Sounds like blacks can't see the speck in whites eyes for the log in their own. You worry about your own race, we'll worry about ours.
We make up way more than 13 percent of the worlds population. You whites have written entire history books filled to the brim with your genocidal ways. No I wont stop worrying about whites and their violent ways. They have shown they cannot be trusted.
We make up way more than 13 percent of the worlds population. You whites have written entire history books filled to the brim with your genocidal ways. No I wont stop worrying about whites and their violent ways. They have shown they cannot be trusted.

No you don't. 12.2% to be factual:

Population of the United States by Race and Hispanic/Latino Origin, Census 2000 and July 1, 2005

In 2015, 12.96%, exactly what I'd said.

U.S. population: ethnic groups in America 2015 and 2060 | Statista
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We make up way more than 13 percent of the worlds population. You whites have written entire history books filled to the brim with your genocidal ways. No I wont stop worrying about whites and their violent ways. They have shown they cannot be trusted.

No you don't. 12.2% to be factual:

Population of the United States by Race and Hispanic/Latino Origin, Census 2000 and July 1, 2005
The US isnt the only place on the planet dummy. There are more Blacks on the planet than whites by far yet you whites have killed and still kill more humans by far than any other demographic on the planet. :rolleyes:
WHITES pretty much dominate in most respects outside of bouncing a ball . Plus i think that Whites are the smallest number of individuals in a race and far outnumbered by other races Ace .
WHITES pretty much dominate in most respects outside of bouncing a ball . Plus i think that Whites are the smallest number of individuals in a race and far outnumbered by other races Ace .
To be honest whites only dominate in violence and stealing from other cultures. No wonder they couldnt create a legit numerical system or their own alphabet. :rolleyes:
amd WHITES do pretty good even being the smallest race of people Ace .
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?
There was a whole lot of it after WWII as well. People just didn't know what to call it. The vets eventually coped with it (a lot by "burying it" I think--how many times have you heard of a WWII vet "he NEVER talked about it.") War and the general "brainwashing" required to be in the military makes it hard to reenter civilian life. I think the military is trying, though, to be more proactive. I know that a friend's daughter, who is on a military base with her husband, had a lot of support when her husband came back from a deployment with PTSD and was abusive to her, drinking heavily, etc. It wasn't like him at all. They helped a lot (although he was not real happy about it at first). Where they were on base and he was still active, they could control things. With vets it's a whole nother story.

No...being in the military doesn't make it harder to be in civilian life..... that is a lie the left wing has perpetrated because they hate the military...if you look at any statistics, especially from Vietnam....let alone World War 2, you will find that veterans outperformed their civilian counterparts in every way.....you really have to stop buying the left wing crap.
Youre an idiot. :laugh:

Of course its harder for someone to deal with civilian life after being exposed to combat and military life.

Not long term...as the stats show....they outperform their civilian counterparts and even have less suicide than civilians. The damaged Vietnam Vet is somehting the left in Hollywood created to attack soldiers...
and the English coming for a tiny island once ruled the world as the Sun never set on their EMPIRE Ace .
Britain has increasing gun crime as does Australia
And a firearm homicide rate a fraction of that of the US. 20 or 30 times less. You are a raving loony.

Yes... you have to focus like a laser on the murder rate, since the gun control laws in Britain do not decrease gun crime there.....again, their criminals, for now, do not murder their victims...but they have illegal guns, they use them in crime, they just don't murder with them...they typically shoot to wound as punishment or a warning...but they don't murder as often....
PTSD is real and sad. Our vets need help. Those poor victims. Should never have happened.
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?
There was a whole lot of it after WWII as well. People just didn't know what to call it. The vets eventually coped with it (a lot by "burying it" I think--how many times have you heard of a WWII vet "he NEVER talked about it.") War and the general "brainwashing" required to be in the military makes it hard to reenter civilian life. I think the military is trying, though, to be more proactive. I know that a friend's daughter, who is on a military base with her husband, had a lot of support when her husband came back from a deployment with PTSD and was abusive to her, drinking heavily, etc. It wasn't like him at all. They helped a lot (although he was not real happy about it at first). Where they were on base and he was still active, they could control things. With vets it's a whole nother story.

No...being in the military doesn't make it harder to be in civilian life..... that is a lie the left wing has perpetrated because they hate the military...if you look at any statistics, especially from Vietnam....let alone World War 2, you will find that veterans outperformed their civilian counterparts in every way.....you really have to stop buying the left wing crap.
Youre an idiot. :laugh:

Of course its harder for someone to deal with civilian life after being exposed to combat and military life.

Not long term...as the stats show....they outperform their civilian counterparts and even have less suicide than civilians. The damaged Vietnam Vet is somehting the left in Hollywood created to attack soldiers...
Like I said youre an idiot. You can be an alcoholic and out perform someone. What does out performing someone have to do with with being mentally disabled?
plus i think that WHITES dominated in exploring and discovery of new undiscovered worlds on this planet Ace .
The frustrating thing is -- how do we improve it?
There was a whole lot of it after WWII as well. People just didn't know what to call it. The vets eventually coped with it (a lot by "burying it" I think--how many times have you heard of a WWII vet "he NEVER talked about it.") War and the general "brainwashing" required to be in the military makes it hard to reenter civilian life. I think the military is trying, though, to be more proactive. I know that a friend's daughter, who is on a military base with her husband, had a lot of support when her husband came back from a deployment with PTSD and was abusive to her, drinking heavily, etc. It wasn't like him at all. They helped a lot (although he was not real happy about it at first). Where they were on base and he was still active, they could control things. With vets it's a whole nother story.

No...being in the military doesn't make it harder to be in civilian life..... that is a lie the left wing has perpetrated because they hate the military...if you look at any statistics, especially from Vietnam....let alone World War 2, you will find that veterans outperformed their civilian counterparts in every way.....you really have to stop buying the left wing crap.
Youre an idiot. :laugh:

Of course its harder for someone to deal with civilian life after being exposed to combat and military life.

Not long term...as the stats show....they outperform their civilian counterparts and even have less suicide than civilians. The damaged Vietnam Vet is somehting the left in Hollywood created to attack soldiers...
Like I said youre an idiot. You can be an alcoholic and out perform someone. What does out performing someone have to do with with being mentally disabled?

You are the moron...you take left wing propaganda against whatever Conservative group or institution.....and accept it...without any thought...

Report: Young vets are more successful than their civilian peers

Young veterans are better educated, better paid and better off than many of their civilian peers, which researchers believe could be due to their military service.

The analysis, released by The Graduate Center at the City University of New York earlier this month, cuts against public perception of veterans struggling to adjust to post-military life. Researchers examined a decade of economic and demographic trends among veterans who served during the post-Sept. 11 era, and found that generally “the news is good.”

“On the whole, 9/11 era veterans performed well above the national average in most socio-economic categories,” the report stated. “The data indicate that between 2005 and 2015 employment, income, and educational attainment rates were consistently higher, and poverty rates consistently lower, than general nationwide rates.

Suicide Rates Among Active Duty Service Members Compared with Civilian Counterparts, 2005–2014

The number of active component (AC) service members whose manner of death was certified as suicide was determined for specific age and sex groups for each year from 2005 to 2014. Indirect standardization was then used to determine the expected number of suicides for each age/sex group, based on the U.S. suicide rates for the corresponding age/sex groups obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System. Although suicide rates among U.S. active duty Service Members were found to increase between 2005 and 2009, overall age- and sex-adjusted AC suicide rates were lower than or comparable to civilian rates every year of the study period.

When suicide numbers were analyzed within specific age and sex categories, there was a significant association between higher suicide incidence and AC military status for 17–29-yr-old females in 2010, 2012, and 2014, and a significant association between lower suicide incidence and AC military status for 25–49 -yr-old males in some years.


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