12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

His glock has an extended magazine- so instead of holding ten bullets it probably held twenty or something like that. Lean mean human killing machine. Unless you’re dropping out of a helicopter getting ready to ice Osama Bin Laden put a ban on that fucking garbage right there. For fucks sake so many families ripped apart. So sad
----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBABLY huh , so you don't know details but expect to be taken seriously . Cop says EXTENDED but what does that mean . Cop would say extended if the Glock had had a magazine for 13 as the Glock 21 was designed for . Might be an accersory mag but you don't know as you say probably CWise . --- G21 Gen4 - GLOCK 21 Gen4 - G21 Gen4 .45 Auto --- and it just takes a second or less to switch mags and its easy to fill your pockets with loaded 10 round magazines . Remember , this bonehead murderer was an Experienced 'marine' [' VETERAN'] that planned these murders CWise .
He was a Marine with PTSD.

Most Marines are a bit nuts anyway.

Maybe the answer is throwing all Marines in padded cells.

Well, IF LE had put him under a 15 or 30 day order of evaluation, all 13 might still be alive.
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Maybe Bodecea and I would rather stay and work to make it a safer place to live and raise our families, like you say all those Hondurans should.

Why not ask your state to pass laws like California and stop telling others how they should live?

I asked her why she was such an asshole as to advocate taking away my Constitutional rights but never got an answer.
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Maybe Bodecea and I would rather stay and work to make it a safer place to live and raise our families, like you say all those Hondurans should.

Why not ask your state to pass laws like California and stop telling others how they should live?

I asked her why she was such an asshole as to advocate taking away my Constitutional rights but never got an answer.

Because she is waiting for MSM to tell her what she need to write. All her responses are the usual Democracy Now nonsense and her argument that her intelligence will defeat a dictator or tyranny, well she failed history if she believe that!
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Maybe Bodecea and I would rather stay and work to make it a safer place to live and raise our families, like you say all those Hondurans should.

Why not ask your state to pass laws like California and stop telling others how they should live?

I asked her why she was such an asshole as to advocate taking away my Constitutional rights but never got an answer.

Because she is waiting for MSM to tell her what she need to write. All her responses are the usual Democracy Now nonsense and her argument that her intelligence will defeat a dictator or tyranny, well she failed history if she believe that!

These Liberals always have a difficult time thinking for themselves. She is one confused person.

She did a very poor job of defending the idea of doing away with our Constitutional rights.
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Maybe Bodecea and I would rather stay and work to make it a safer place to live and raise our families, like you say all those Hondurans should.

Why not ask your state to pass laws like California and stop telling others how they should live?

I asked her why she was such an asshole as to advocate taking away my Constitutional rights but never got an answer.

Because she is waiting for MSM to tell her what she need to write. All her responses are the usual Democracy Now nonsense and her argument that her intelligence will defeat a dictator or tyranny, well she failed history if she believe that!

These Liberals always have a difficult time thinking for themselves. She is one confused person.

She did a very poor job of defending the idea of doing away with our Constitutional rights.

She is the typical Progressive voter that believe voting away her rights will save her from tyranny.

The answer is simple and the two Florida Mass Shootings could have been prevented if LEO had done it job and it look like LEO in California failed also...

So she want more laws?

She should be asking why LEO is failing to do their jobs with the laws they already have...
--------------------------------------- until someone breaks the LAW i think they can do as they like in America and right thinking Americans will think the same way Hunarcy .
deciding on what IS and IS NOT irational raving is an OPINION . Until a LAW is broke =
NO, if someone is a danger to themself or others, that person should be forced to receive mental health care until the danger is passed. It's people like you that have created the situation where mass shootings have become common. MOST of the people (who are not terrorists) who do these things have already come to the attention of law enforcement and action could have been taken to help them if not for people like you...I'm not talking about putting people in jail. I'm talking about getting them into a mental health facility where they can be cared for.
Sieg Heil.

If your neighbor had an active case of Ebola Fever, would you want them removed from society? Keep your ridiculous Nazi comparisons to yourself.
---------------------------- ebola can be proven , mental illness can not be proven . Some people on this board could be accused of mental illness because of their political point of view i suppose Hunarcy .

And mental illness can be proven by the irrational ravings of the mentally ill. And, of course, by the dead bodies left in their wake. Honestly, I would rather err on the side of caution than mop up the aftermath of a shooting like happened in California.
--------------------------------------- i think that rational or irrational are simply OPINIONS until laws are broken Hunarcy
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Maybe Bodecea and I would rather stay and work to make it a safer place to live and raise our families, like you say all those Hondurans should.

Why not ask your state to pass laws like California and stop telling others how they should live?

I asked her why she was such an asshole as to advocate taking away my Constitutional rights but never got an answer.
They never will answer.
I doubt if people come into this post to read about my failings. For the record, I told you why I believe the 2nd is useless, and
I am in total support of LEO's doing a better job of protecting us by evaluating these guys in crisis and taking away their guns until they're stable.
11:15 p.m. last night. Twelve dead, and they are still counting. Dead include the gunman, who went into a local Country-Western bar & grill having it's weekly College Night and began by shooting the security guard and cashier, then entered and began spraying bullets at college students with his rapid fire gun. Twelve dead include one of the first deputies on the scene.

Thousand Oaks is considered one of the safest communities in the country. Just like Parkland was.

People, it is time we stopped talking and started doing something about this. It is beyond ridiculous that we are no longer safe to go grocery shopping, pray in our church, go to yoga class, or to a bar to dance. Or to work. Or to school.

Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

You are responsible for this old lady. If you live in fear blame yourself.
I doubt if people come into this post to read about my failings. For the record, I told you why I believe the 2nd is useless, and
I am in total support of LEO's doing a better job of protecting us by evaluating these guys in crisis and taking away their guns until they're stable.

Well then you should ask LEO why they failed and stop asking others to give up their rights for you...
and i think the 'soviets' did that to millions as millions were involuntarily sent to 'gulags' or death camps some because they were SUPPOSEDLY Mentally ill Hunarcy .

And we all know that was wrong of them to do, pismoe. Are you saying that in our free society, we can't trust mental health professionals to truly focus on the mentally ill and completely refuse to engage in misdeeds as were done in the Soviet Union?
------------------------------------------ i have no use for people like you describe that 'dabble' in pseudo or PRETEND and unproven and unrepeatable science. They don't have my respect or confidence . And of course i don't trust them in any case in anything Hunarcy .
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and i think the 'soviets' did that to millions as millions were involuntarily sent to 'gulags' or death camps some because they were SUPPOSEDLY Mentally ill Hunarcy .

And we all know that was wrong of them to do, pismoe. Are you saying that in our free society, we can't trust mental health professionals to truly focus on the mentally ill and completely refuse to engage in misdeeds as were done in the Soviet Union?
------------------------------------------------- heck , they work for MONEY and praise and recognition and of course they can't be trusted the same way that the 'doktors' in the 'ussr' couldn't be trusted or the ' doctor gosnel ' and other abortion 'doktors' can't be trusted to do NO HARM Hunarcy .
I doubt if people come into this post to read about my failings. For the record, I told you why I believe the 2nd is useless, and
I am in total support of LEO's doing a better job of protecting us by evaluating these guys in crisis and taking away their guns until they're stable.
------------------------------------- some would say that you are a silly and naive woman as regards the 2ND Amendment OldLady !! Have you NO Balls OldLady ??
His glock has an extended magazine- so instead of holding ten bullets it probably held twenty or something like that. Lean mean human killing machine. Unless you’re dropping out of a helicopter getting ready to ice Osama Bin Laden put a ban on that fucking garbage right there. For fucks sake so many families ripped apart. So sad
----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBABLY huh , so you don't know details but expect to be taken seriously . Cop says EXTENDED but what does that mean . Cop would say extended if the Glock had had a magazine for 13 as the Glock 21 was designed for . Might be an accersory mag but you don't know as you say probably CWise . --- G21 Gen4 - GLOCK 21 Gen4 - G21 Gen4 .45 Auto --- and it just takes a second or less to switch mags and its easy to fill your pockets with loaded 10 round magazines . Remember , this bonehead murderer was an Experienced 'marine' [' VETERAN'] that planned these murders CWise .
He was a Marine with PTSD.

Most Marines are a bit nuts anyway.

Maybe the answer is throwing all Marines in padded cells.

Well, IF LE had put him under a 15 or 30 day order of evaluation, all 13 might still be alive.
------------------------------------------------- maybe Hunarcy
In the meanwhile we have to ask ourselves why we didn't have these problems with soldiers returning from other wars like WW2 and Korea. I don't think it's about guns. Back then and even in the '60s you could by a gun anywhere, no questions act. While we're at it, fut the wuck are we in Afghanistan or any of those other middle east countries for anyway. If our corporations want to do business in those God forsaken countries, then let them hire their own muscle instead of using USA's taxpayer supported military.

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