12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

If 90 million people used guns to defend themselves since I was born I would know a couple hundred of them. I don`t know a single one. You can`t be that gullible I hope.

And MOST people will never know anyone killed in a mass shooting....so by your failed logic, they don't occur.
That`s completely senseless. If 90 million people used a gun for defensive purposes since I`ve been born why wouldn`t I know several dozen? You`re comparing apples to oranges unless you`re saying that 90 million people were killed in mass shootings.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

"extended cartridges"?????
Flash, I have a right to want safety, too. Don't I? It isn't idiotic to want to end mass shootings where innocent unarmed people minding their own business are gunned down with increasing frequency. If it isn't the guns at fault, what is? Just calling liberals "stupid" for being concerned is not going to solve the problem. Next time, it could be in your town, or one of your kids. No one wants it to happen again, but the longer we keep ignoring the problem, the more it is going to happen. Which we have already seen.

You are really confused about this, aren't you? Are you confused or simply naive?

It is idiotic to think that giving up Liberty will get you what you perceive is security. It is idiotic because as the Founding Fathers understood the "security of a free state" is best secured by the American people having the right to keep and bear arms.

No gun law passed by stupid Moon Bats will ever make you secure. It ain't gonna happen. For instance, using today's shooting as an example. The idiots in Commie Kalifornia passed a stupid law against high capacity magazines and millions of Californians gave their magazines up. However, that didn't do a damn thing to stop this nutcase from using a high capacity magazine in a crime, did it?

Chicago has the the nation's strictest gun control laws and the the nation's worst gun control crime. Gun control does absolutely nothing to stop crime.

I could give you many more examples of how gun control doesn't stop gun crime. It is simply ineffective. All it does it take away the Liberty of law abiding citizens and that is wrong. Very wrong.

You live in a nation of 330 million people. Gun crime will happen no matter what laws are passed. There are a lot of nutcases and bad people out there. However, the great majority of that crime is restricted to the drug and gang thugs of the inner city shitholes.

Occasionally gun crime happens elsewhere and innocent people get hurt. It is no different than the many other ways that innocent people get hurt every day. In my county a child died two days ago drowning in a swimming pool. Very tragic. Unfortunately shit happens. Learn to live with it. There are no guarantees in life.
You are sadly blind to the facts. Look at any other developed nation in the world that doesn't have a goddamned 2nd Amendment and you will find far lower gun deaths AND the fact that citizens are not living under tyranny. Everyone using this "guard against tyranny" argument is on hallucinogens, I guess, because have you taken a look at what our government has for fire power lately? If they wanted us under their thumb, we would be under their thumb, and all the AR 15's in the world wouldn't stop that. It's purely laughable.
Fuck the Second. I'm going to cross stitch it on a pillow.
I have no issue with responsible, carefully screened and trained people owning guns. But this "right" for every loon and his uncle to go into Cabelas and buy an AR or a glock is absolutely ridiculous, considering how many Americans die thanks to giving them that right based on a pipe dream. Every year tens of thousands die at the wrong end of a gun.
----------------------------------------------------- thats why Americans should only take the American point of view regarding FREEDOMS unique to America . Feck foreign countries and the way they do things OldLady .
I'm just pointing out that your silly "freedom" dream of holding back a tyrannical government with your pop gun is not what keeps a bad government from taking over; it is intelligent vigilant people. NOT GUNS.

You Liberals are as confused about history as you are confused about economics, ethics, biology and climate science.

Many examples in history of where the people were brutalized by a government that took away the arms of the people. Other examples of when a lesser armed populace overcame a more heavily armed tyrannical government.

If you are confused I will be glad to give you some examples.
Not on my account, but thank you. As I just said, I'm headed out.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

It'll likely be discovered that he was prescribed psychotropic drugs and that he was one them.

Almost every single mass shooter was prescribed them.

Given the steady flow of drug commercials between news breaks, I doubt that'll ever be discussed in mainstream media. A lot of times I listen to those commercials and they always say to consult your doctor if you experience suicidal thoughts or depression as some patients have reported these symptoms. True story.
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Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

But yet most of your comments on this thread had to do with gun control and in even one post you said you wanted to abolish the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.

You are a confused lady, aren't you?

Don't feel alone. Most Liberals are confused about a great many things.
You are really confused about this, aren't you? Are you confused or simply naive?

It is idiotic to think that giving up Liberty will get you what you perceive is security. It is idiotic because as the Founding Fathers understood the "security of a free state" is best secured by the American people having the right to keep and bear arms.

No gun law passed by stupid Moon Bats will ever make you secure. It ain't gonna happen. For instance, using today's shooting as an example. The idiots in Commie Kalifornia passed a stupid law against high capacity magazines and millions of Californians gave their magazines up. However, that didn't do a damn thing to stop this nutcase from using a high capacity magazine in a crime, did it?

Chicago has the the nation's strictest gun control laws and the the nation's worst gun control crime. Gun control does absolutely nothing to stop crime.

I could give you many more examples of how gun control doesn't stop gun crime. It is simply ineffective. All it does it take away the Liberty of law abiding citizens and that is wrong. Very wrong.

You live in a nation of 330 million people. Gun crime will happen no matter what laws are passed. There are a lot of nutcases and bad people out there. However, the great majority of that crime is restricted to the drug and gang thugs of the inner city shitholes.

Occasionally gun crime happens elsewhere and innocent people get hurt. It is no different than the many other ways that innocent people get hurt every day. In my county a child died two days ago drowning in a swimming pool. Very tragic. Unfortunately shit happens. Learn to live with it. There are no guarantees in life.
You are sadly blind to the facts. Look at any other developed nation in the world that doesn't have a goddamned 2nd Amendment and you will find far lower gun deaths AND the fact that citizens are not living under tyranny. Everyone using this "guard against tyranny" argument is on hallucinogens, I guess, because have you taken a look at what our government has for fire power lately? If they wanted us under their thumb, we would be under their thumb, and all the AR 15's in the world wouldn't stop that. It's purely laughable.
Fuck the Second. I'm going to cross stitch it on a pillow.
I have no issue with responsible, carefully screened and trained people owning guns. But this "right" for every loon and his uncle to go into Cabelas and buy an AR or a glock is absolutely ridiculous, considering how many Americans die thanks to giving them that right based on a pipe dream. Every year tens of thousands die at the wrong end of a gun.
----------------------------------------------------- thats why Americans should only take the American point of view regarding FREEDOMS unique to America . Feck foreign countries and the way they do things OldLady .
I'm just pointing out that your silly "freedom" dream of holding back a tyrannical government with your pop gun is not what keeps a bad government from taking over; it is intelligent vigilant people. NOT GUNS.

You Liberals are as confused about history as you are confused about economics, ethics, biology and climate science.

Many examples in history of where the people were brutalized by a government that took away the arms of the people. Other examples of when a lesser armed populace overcame a more heavily armed tyrannical government.

If you are confused I will be glad to give you some examples.
Not on my account, but thank you. As I just said, I'm headed out.

I didn't think you wanted to be educated. Education is the bane of Liberals, isn't it?
and whats the deal with all the Sensitive types taking issue with my use of the FUNNY ICON . Its the only appropriate SYMBOL to use for me to politely express disdain for unamerican thinking or illegal , stupid or naive thinking or dumb thinking , Its a CATCH ALL symbol of DISDAIN or Disgust at the way a person thinks .
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

But yet most of your comments on this thread had to do with gun control and in even one post you said you wanted to abolish the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.

You are a confused lady, aren't you?

Don't feel alone. Most Liberals are confused about a great many things.
It's being reported that he had mental problems and the police and their eval team or whatever was called out to his house in April where they decided he was not a threat.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

It'll likely be discovered that he was prescribed psychotropic drugs and that he was one them.

Almost every single mass shooter was prescribed them.

Given the steady flow of drug commercials between news breaks, I doubt that'll ever be discussed in mainstream media. A lot of times I listen to those commercials and they always say to consult your doctor if you experience suicidal thoughts or depression. True story.
--------------------------------------------------- and the DRUGS prescribed by expert doktors and 'social workers' .
Doesn’t California have the best gun laws?

This couldn’t have happened in California because liberals have made California a perfect state.

Sounds like he might be "Middle Eastern" he apparently used a pistol, not a rifle of any sort....so this story is already over...nothing to use for gun control, since he isn't a Trump supporter and he didn't use an AR-15...

What we know? It was another gun free zone... all those people were helpless in the face of this killer....from witnesses..they had time to throw chairs through windows, clear the broken glass and climb through.......had they been allowed to have a gun for self defense, the shooter would have killed himself sooner, ending the attack and saving lives.....

Meanwhile..... there are close to 600 million guns in private hands...all those guns were not used today in California.

Meanwhile.... each year, Americans who actually have their guns use them 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders, and even against mass public shooters.....
You fucking ghoul. You just were salivating for the next mass shooting so you could run to the message boards and yell:



You sick fuck.
That was a given. The only surprise was that he didn't start these threads. Must have been napping.
He`s usually spiking the ball and high fiving himself before the bodies grow cold. Maybe he had a late date last night with one of his guns.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

But yet most of your comments on this thread had to do with gun control and in even one post you said you wanted to abolish the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.

You are a confused lady, aren't you?

Don't feel alone. Most Liberals are confused about a great many things.
It's being reported that he had mental problems and the police and their eval team or whatever was called out to his house in April where they decided he was not a threat.

Hear that story a lot, don't we?

Mental illness is the problem, not gun control.
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
Getting greater by the day! You don't like it feel free to leave.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

But yet most of your comments on this thread had to do with gun control and in even one post you said you wanted to abolish the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.

You are a confused lady, aren't you?

Don't feel alone. Most Liberals are confused about a great many things.
It's being reported that he had mental problems and the police and their eval team or whatever was called out to his house in April where they decided he was not a threat.

Hear that story a lot, don't we?

Mental illness is the problem, not gun control.
If the shooter is a white male, yes.
Okay. I broke the news that another dozen innocent civilians are dead due to a mass shooting. He was a veteran with mental health problems who had a mental health crisis less than a year ago and was allowed to keep his guns. So he went ahead and got smoke bombs and illegal extended cartridges for his glock and he created mayhem in a bar full of college kids dancing to country music. I don't actually call that PTSD. That's just plain messed up.

I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was interested in discussing ways to stop this madness OTHER than gun control. For the most part, that was ignored and I just got the usual screaming and screeching about taking away people's guns. Mental health services and changing the laws about committing people and taking away their firearms are great ideas. It is true that most mentally ill people are harmless. Those who aren't can be hard to predict. I think there are usually "clues," though, and if more research is needed to figure out what those are, we need to get busy. If someone is actually violent or threatening to harm people though, and they are mentally unstable, the guns should go.

Y'all know how I feel about guns. But every single one of you who said that more gun control won't solve the problem are right. That is only PART of the solution. So is teaching kids that taking a human life is the worse thing you can do. That it is a loser attitude to threaten violence. Getting the gratuitous violence off video games and entertainment generally would help. Most of you think that's foolish too. It is a factor, though. Very much so. It hardens us to violent behavior, whether we actually commit crimes ourselves. Look at how hardened most of the people are in this thread to the latest mass shooting, not even 24 hours ago. Meh. So what, you can't have my gun.

The thread is yours. I shepherded it as long as I could take it.

But yet most of your comments on this thread had to do with gun control and in even one post you said you wanted to abolish the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.

You are a confused lady, aren't you?

Don't feel alone. Most Liberals are confused about a great many things.
It's being reported that he had mental problems and the police and their eval team or whatever was called out to his house in April where they decided he was not a threat.

Hear that story a lot, don't we?

Mental illness is the problem, not gun control.
If the shooter is a white male, yes.
If he's a black male then he's just a racist.
I have been wondering why I can't find a picture of the shooter, but no more.

Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
----------------------------------------------------------------- LUCKY Duck eh Bode ?? I survived falling off a cliff one time when i was a kid and i survived a car accident that was caused by an illegal alien wrong way driver on the highway one time . [the illegal couldn't read English] . [also fell through the ice one time at breakup in spring] --------------------- YEAH , Life is full of pitfalls and unexpected events Bode .
Some reports are saying that at least one person at the Thousand Oaks shooting survived the Las Vegas shooting. Is this a great country or what!?
----------------------------------------------------------------- LUCKY Duck eh Bode ?? I survived falling off a cliff one time when i was a kid and i survived a car accident that was caused by an illegal alien wrong way driver on the highway one time . [the illegal couldn't read English] . [also fell through the ice one time at breakup in spring] --------------------- YEAH , Life is full of pitfalls and unexpected events Bode .

It is a known fact that shit happens.

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