12 things tobacco industry doesn't want you to know

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
12 Things The Tobacco Industry Would Like You Not To Know

1. Smoking-related health conditions are a leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly one of every five deaths annually.

2. Every year, tobacco use kills more Americans than HIV, drug and alcohol abuse, suicides, murders and car accidents combined.

3. Secondhand smoke accounts for approximately 50,000 deaths in the United States every year.

4. Cigarette smoke emits nearly 8 billion kilograms of greenhouse gases annually.

5. Tobacco farming also contributes to deforestation, destroying more than 500,000 acres of forest a year, according to Examiner.com.

6. If tobacco farmers around the globe were to grow food instead, they could feed more than 70 percent of the world's 28 million malnourished people.

7. In 2012, cigarette companies spent nearly $27 million lobbying government agencies and members of Congress, according to OpenSecrets.org.

8. Big Tobacco companies market covertly to teens, despite publicly stating that youth should not smoke.

Four more at the link.

Note that each point is referenced at the link.
OK, let me just say that I can prove that smoking does not cause cancer.
Logically if smoking caused cancer then everyone who smokes would get cancer - NEWS FLASH! they don't!

As a matter of fact people who have never been exposed to smoking of any kind do die of the same lung cancers that smokers die from. So what caused their cancer?

Smoking doesn't cause emphysema either. Not every smoker gets it but there are some who get it that have not been exposed to cigarettes or tobacco of any kind. what caused their emphysema?

Smoking is a "contributing factor" that, combined with other factors can lead to cancer in those persons who are susceptible to cancer.

Case in point: My mother smoked from her young teen years until she finally died from old age at 86.She didn't have cancer, emphysema or any other pulmonary problems other than scarring on her lungs from her many bouts with pneumonia throughout her long life.

A friend of hers who's parents didn't smoke joined the convent in her early teens and was never exposed to cigarettes died of lung cancer at 76 years of age.

How can one conclude that smoking CAUSES cancer?
It is only one of many factors that contribute to the development of cancer.
OK, let me just say that I can prove that smoking does not cause cancer.
Logically if smoking caused cancer then everyone who smokes would get cancer - NEWS FLASH! they don't!

As a matter of fact people who have never been exposed to smoking of any kind do die of the same lung cancers that smokers die from. So what caused their cancer?

Smoking doesn't cause emphysema either. Not every smoker gets it but there are some who get it that have not been exposed to cigarettes or tobacco of any kind. what caused their emphysema?

Smoking is a "contributing factor" that, combined with other factors can lead to cancer in those persons who are susceptible to cancer.

Case in point: My mother smoked from her young teen years until she finally died from old age at 86.She didn't have cancer, emphysema or any other pulmonary problems other than scarring on her lungs from her many bouts with pneumonia throughout her long life.

A friend of hers who's parents didn't smoke joined the convent in her early teens and was never exposed to cigarettes died of lung cancer at 76 years of age.

How can one conclude that smoking CAUSES cancer?
It is only one of many factors that contribute to the development of cancer.

It is interesting. I enjoy a smoke once in awhile. Yet, I can share the same stories. I know people that never smoked and died. I know people who smoked all their lives, and lived into their 90's.

Gotta wonder. I think I read in Lancet, the British Journal of Medicine, recently, that it has all to do with a gene. Some people just got it. Some people don't. But, like autism and its causes, which the Lancet also exposed, its doesn't make people feel good to believe otherwise.

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