125 House Members Sighn Up For Motion To Censure House Intel Chairman

why were you embarrassed to type "House Republicans" in the title?
Sorry to burst your little bubble, lil' snowflake, but I wasn't. I quoted the Article's Title.
Well that's a lie.


Not Terribly unexpected from a tRumpling though.
why were you embarrassed to type "House Republicans" in the title?
Sorry to burst your little bubble, lil' snowflake, but I wasn't. I quoted the Article's Title.
No you didn't.

This is the article title:
125 House Republicans co-sponsor resolution to censure Schiff over 'parody' reading of Trump-Zelensky call

You left "Republicans" out of the topic title.

And the article title does not contain the word "sighn".
It does contain the words "Adam Schiff is a Liar"

So are you.

You can go to Hell for that, or don't you care?
D-Schiff attempted to pass his fictional account of the phone call between President Trump and the Ukraine PM off as what was really said in an effort to con people into believing their false 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' and incite anger / unrest and a call for Impeachment of the president.

That is FACT....EASILY proven by pointing out that it worked! He did successfully con the DUMBEST, least intelligent, and most clueless of Americans into believing his bullshit:

"Nancy Pelosi tried to throw a lifeline to Rep. Adam Schiff, insisting the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee “did not” make up a phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky."

"I want the American people to know what that phone call was about. I want them to hear, it. So yeah it’s fair,” she said. “It’s sad, but it’s using the president’s own words.”

- D-Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House.
-- Nancy Pelosi On Schiff's Made Up Trump Phone Call: 'He Did Not Make It Up'

Yes, D-Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, was actually stupid and clueless enough to believe the manufactured fictional fake evidence Schiff authored and attempted to pass off as the real conversation between the 2 leaders was an actual transcript! Yes, D-Schiff made Pelosi look like a fool.

Perhaps it wasn't stupidity and cluelessness on Pelosi's part but the fact that even she did not believe D-Schiff would stoop to such a new Seditious low as to attempt to pass of a manufactured lie he authored as actual evidence during a televised Impeachment Committee hearing.) And if Schiff was able to dupe his own House Leader / Speaker of the House then it was guaranteed there were a lot more idiots out there who believed it as well.

"Schiff undeniably fabricated quotes as he led off a hearing with acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire last week. ... ABC News’ anchor George Stephanopoulus even confronted Schiff over the incident, playing the clip of the disgraceful display and stating, “That was you making up dialogue, putting it in the president’s mouth.”

It was not until intelligent people actually paying attention, pretty quickly, noted that none of Schiff's fabricated BS was anywhere in the actual transcript and a backlash against him began that Schiff and the MSM quickly tried to spin his seditious act as being a 'parody'. .
Even a Democrat who supports impeachment must admit Schiff's behavior is worse than Trump's and he needs at least a censure.
Why would we have to admit to a lie like that?
YOU don't have to-Shiff does-he is the one who lied.
Schiff has already admitted he leaked classified.

He attempted to pass his manufactured fiction off as legitimate evidence during a televised Committee meeting he chaired...until the backlash from him getting caught quickly, at which point he quickly tried to spin it as a 'parody'. No admission is necessary. The entire thing was televised, recorded, reported - heavily, as well as the fallout, such as the article / interview with Pelosi in which she declared Schiff's 'SNL Skit' was real.

The American people aren't as stupid as Democrats / snowflakes believe they are, and they don't need admissions of guilt - which never come unless you're as dumb...or arrogant...as Biden, Comey, Schiff - to know / understand what happened.

Schiff is a the epitome of a 'rabid dog', out of his mind, doing whatever he wants, that needs to be muzzled and reigned in. It isn't a secret. For 2+ years he lied to Congress and America by claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, which he finally had to admit was a lie. (It wasn't just a 'lie', it was a planned / chosen act of Sedition.) He leaked classified - and admitted to it. He coached Trump's convicted Felony Perjuring lawyer prior to his 2nd testimony before Congress - on his way to prison for perjuring himself the 1st time he testified under oath before Congress. Schiff is a witness in the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' case he is somehow being allowed to lead after lying to Congress and the American people about having 'no contact' with the Whistle Blower. He was 'punked' by a radio DJ posing as a Ukrainian politician offering 'dirt' on the President & Schiff jumped all over it, eager to collude with foreign politicians in order to take down the President...for which there has been an Ethics Violation complaint filed against him now. And finally, he attempted to con Americans in an act of Sedition - intended to anger Americans and increase the call for the President's Impeachment based off of the fabricated account he authored and presented as 'evidence' before Congress.

For these actions, Schiff should not only be Censured, he should be stripped of his Chariman position, kicked completely off of the House Intel Committee, indicted for admittedly leaking classified, and indicted for Sedition.

No MORE admissions are necessary - the one he gave already and the evidence of his crimes are enough...but Democrats protect their own.
This is the equivalent of them voting 50 plus times to get rid of ObamaCare when the votes meant nothing. This is just red meat for the faithful and you were a good little follower and played along.
How quickly snowflakes are willing to / try to forget...

The House already rebuked one of its own Democrats for inappropriate conduct / comments:

'The House voted 424-0 last month on a Republican motion to condemn anti-Semitism following a controversy over Omar's tweets in which she suggested lawmakers support Israel only because of Jewish lobbying influence and money. Omar apologized for the tweets.'
-- Democrats Planning Another Public Rebuke Of Rep. Ilhan Omar

D-Schiff has now crossed the line numerous times in his rabid pursuit of affecting a political coup against the President, to include admitting to leaking classified. Pelosi might be wise to allow a Censure of Schiff now to prevent worse repercussions for his actions later. Schiff currently faces an Ethics Violation complaint for demonstrating a willingness to collaborate with foreign government officials to obtain 'dirt' on the President that could help him Impeach Trump.
How quickly snowflakes are willing to / try to forget...

The House already rebuked one of its own Democrats for inappropriate conduct / comments:

'The House voted 424-0 last month on a Republican motion to condemn anti-Semitism following a controversy over Omar's tweets in which she suggested lawmakers support Israel only because of Jewish lobbying influence and money. Omar apologized for the tweets.'
-- Democrats Planning Another Public Rebuke Of Rep. Ilhan Omar

D-Schiff has now crossed the line numerous times in his rabid pursuit of affecting a political coup against the President, to include admitting to leaking classified. Pelosi might be wise to allow a Censure of Schiff now to prevent worse repercussions for his actions later. Schiff currently faces an Ethics Violation complaint for demonstrating a willingness to collaborate with foreign government officials to obtain 'dirt' on the President that could help him Impeach Trump.

Why are you comparing something that passed 424-0 to something that has the support of only one party?
Why are you comparing something that passed 424-0 to something that has the support of only one party?
You are the one trying to imply that rebukes of Democrats in the House will go nowhere. I just wanted to point out how you selectively chose to ignore the fact that Democrats have already been Censured / Rebuked in the House.

So, you believe reprimanding D-Schiff for attempting to pass off his own manufactured fictitious seditious account of a conversation that never happened in an attempt to incite anger and an increased call for Impeachment only helps one party?

Yeah, I guess if you stand with Democrats in their continuous political coup attempt and view everything through their 'Party' lens - instead of looking at what is going on as an AMERICAN CITIZEN who supports the Constitution and rule of law - attempting to Censure Schiff for his act of Sedition does not benefit the Democratic party at all.
You are the one trying to imply that rebukes of Democrats in the House will go nowhere. I just wanted to point out how you selectively chose to ignore the fact that Democrats have already been Censured / Rebuked in the House.

So, you believe reprimanding D-Schiff for attempting to pass off his own manufactured fictitious seditious account of a conversation that never happened in an attempt to incite anger and an increased call for Impeachment only helps one party?

Yeah, I guess if you stand with Democrats in their continuous political coup attempt and view everything through their 'Party' lens - instead of looking at what is going on as an AMERICAN CITIZEN who supports the Constitution and rule of law - attempting to Censure Schiff for his act of Sedition does not benefit the Democratic party at all.

I am pointing out this is nothing but political theater, this will go nowhere because the Dems are not going to join in. The Repubs know this is the case but they are doing it anyhow....just like the 50 plus times they voted to do away with ObamaCare but then failed to do so when they actually had the power.

I am also pointing out you are blind sheep and they do this stuff specifically for people like you as they know you will eat it up.
[I am pointing out this is nothing but political theater....
D-Schiff claimed the same thing after being busted for trying to pass off his seditious attempt to present the fictional account of the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM as the actual contents of the conversation during a televised House Intel Committee meeting he was running.

That wasn't political theater or a 'parody' - that was an act of Sedition, an act intended to incite outrage and an increased call for the Impeachment of the President...based on the LIE he authored and presented as legitimate evidence.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one of the morons he managed to con into believing his fiction was legit before being busting and forced to spin the incident to avoid the growing backlash:

“I want the American people to know what that phone call was about. I want them to hear, it. So yeah it’s fair,” she said. “It’s sad, but it’s using the president’s own words.”
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who gets to hear classified information almost all other politicians do not get to hear - some of our nation's secrets - admittedly leaking classified information and attempting to seditiously defraud / con the American people by presenting lies as 'legitimate evidence' is not funny, it is not amusing - it is a serious breach of acceptable behavior / conduct....a crime. Taking action to hold D-Schiff accountable for his actions is also, thusly, not 'political theater'.

Then again, I guess Democrats - who believe they are above the law and have gotten away with 3+ years of Sedition and treasonous attempted political coups - actually believe any attempt to reign in their attack on our democracy , the Constitution, and Rule of Law is nothing to take serious.
Even a Democrat who supports impeachment must admit Schiff's behavior is worse than Trump's and he needs at least a censure.
Why would we have to admit to a lie like that?
YOU don't have to-Shiff does-he is the one who lied.
Schiff has already admitted he leaked classified.

He attempted to pass his manufactured fiction off as legitimate evidence during a televised Committee meeting he chaired...until the backlash from him getting caught quickly, at which point he quickly tried to spin it as a 'parody'. No admission is necessary. The entire thing was televised, recorded, reported - heavily, as well as the fallout, such as the article / interview with Pelosi in which she declared Schiff's 'SNL Skit' was real.

The American people aren't as stupid as Democrats / snowflakes believe they are, and they don't need admissions of guilt - which never come unless you're as dumb...or arrogant...as Biden, Comey, Schiff - to know / understand what happened.

Schiff is a the epitome of a 'rabid dog', out of his mind, doing whatever he wants, that needs to be muzzled and reigned in. It isn't a secret. For 2+ years he lied to Congress and America by claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, which he finally had to admit was a lie. (It wasn't just a 'lie', it was a planned / chosen act of Sedition.) He leaked classified - and admitted to it. He coached Trump's convicted Felony Perjuring lawyer prior to his 2nd testimony before Congress - on his way to prison for perjuring himself the 1st time he testified under oath before Congress. Schiff is a witness in the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' case he is somehow being allowed to lead after lying to Congress and the American people about having 'no contact' with the Whistle Blower. He was 'punked' by a radio DJ posing as a Ukrainian politician offering 'dirt' on the President & Schiff jumped all over it, eager to collude with foreign politicians in order to take down the President...for which there has been an Ethics Violation complaint filed against him now. And finally, he attempted to con Americans in an act of Sedition - intended to anger Americans and increase the call for the President's Impeachment based off of the fabricated account he authored and presented as 'evidence' before Congress.

For these actions, Schiff should not only be Censured, he should be stripped of his Chariman position, kicked completely off of the House Intel Committee, indicted for admittedly leaking classified, and indicted for Sedition.

No MORE admissions are necessary - the one he gave already and the evidence of his crimes are enough...but Democrats protect their own.
You have a very active imagination.

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