13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots And Casinos


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

These are the problems you're not hearing enough about.

Most of the recent headlines about indigenous Americans have had to do with a certain D.C. football team, or a surpassingly dumb Adam Sandler movie, or casinos of the kind operated by the fictional Ugaya tribe on "House of Cards." And we're not saying these issues don't matter. But beyond the slot machines, the movie sets and the football fields, there are other problems facing Native communities -- insidious, systemic, life-or-death problems; the kinds of problems it takes years and votes and marches to resolve -- that aren't getting nearly as much attention.

There are 567 tribes, including 229 Alaska Native communities, currently recognized by the federal government. The Bureau of Indian Affairs -- the primary federal agency in charge of relations with indigenous communities -- is also considering extending federal status to Native Hawaiians.

Each of the federally recognized tribes is a nation unto itself -- sovereign, self-determining and self-governing -- that maintains a government-to-government relationship with the United States. In addition, the rights of all indigenous peoples, including Native Hawaiians, have been affirmed in a 2007 United Nations declaration. Each indigenous nation has a distinct history, language and culture. While many face concerns that are specific to their government, state, or region, there are certain issues that affect all Native communities throughout the United States -- from Hawaii to Maine, and Alaska to Florida. Here are 13 such issues that you probably aren't hearing enough about.

Native Americans face issues of mass incarceration and policing.

Native communities are often impoverished and jobless.

The federal government is still stripping Native people of their land.

Exploitation of natural resources threatens Native communities.

Violence against women and children is especially prevalent in Native communities.

The education system is failing Native students.

Native families live in overcrowded, poor-quality housing.

Native patients receive inadequate health care.

There's a dearth of capital and financial institutions in Native communities.

Native Americans have the right to vote... but that's not always enough.

There is an epidemic of youth suicide in Native communities.

Native languages are dying, and the U.S. government is doing little to help.

Many Native communities do not have their rights recognized by the federal government.

DETAILS: 13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots And Casinos

This article corrects many of the wrongful stereotypes about today's Native American life.
I did read it. Grab your boot straps pull them up and take care of life. Not difficult to understand. The woe is us thing is old. Nobody owes you anything, what happened took place years ago....like slavery. You are born and you make your own life. As Nike says, Just Do It
Tribal people just do not do well in modern Western civilization. Just look at what happened in Africa. Africans were just fine roaming around in small groups. Stick them all in cities and they just end up living in squalor, they have no idea how to prosper.
That's what you get for letting the government take care of you. Think about it

I know a couple Indians. the woman is quite the activist. and I told her that same thing. And she about went through the roof. she said: this government made the Treaties with them and has now ignored them to the tune of poverty, schools need to shut down, etc. And I'm sorry but I don't think Lakota is the person who should be Speaking for them. He is a lover OF BIG government.
Jeez, Lizzy Cheekbones did alright and got off the reservation. Maybe she should do speaking tours to show others the way
That's what you get for letting the government take care of you. Think about it

I know a couple Indians. the woman is quite the activist. and I told her that same thing. And she about went through the roof. she said: this government made the Treaties with them and has now ignored them to the tune of poverty, schools need to shut down, etc. And I'm sorry but I don't think Lakota is the person who should be Speaking for them. He is a lover OF BIG government.

My thing is all this happened decades ago. At some point you have to say to yourself the government isn't getting it done and you have to do it yourself. I tell our children everyday "the world doesn't owe you a thing", I grew up hearing that. If your situation sucks then do something to get yourself out of it. It's just that simple
When white people realize the mess they made of things everywhere they have gone in this world their typical first response is to get upset at the very people that were discriminated against and survived the genocidal tendencies whites display..

These are the problems you're not hearing enough about.

Most of the recent headlines about indigenous Americans have had to do with a certain D.C. football team, or a surpassingly dumb Adam Sandler movie, or casinos of the kind operated by the fictional Ugaya tribe on "House of Cards." And we're not saying these issues don't matter. But beyond the slot machines, the movie sets and the football fields, there are other problems facing Native communities -- insidious, systemic, life-or-death problems; the kinds of problems it takes years and votes and marches to resolve -- that aren't getting nearly as much attention.

There are 567 tribes, including 229 Alaska Native communities, currently recognized by the federal government. The Bureau of Indian Affairs -- the primary federal agency in charge of relations with indigenous communities -- is also considering extending federal status to Native Hawaiians.

Each of the federally recognized tribes is a nation unto itself -- sovereign, self-determining and self-governing -- that maintains a government-to-government relationship with the United States. In addition, the rights of all indigenous peoples, including Native Hawaiians, have been affirmed in a 2007 United Nations declaration. Each indigenous nation has a distinct history, language and culture. While many face concerns that are specific to their government, state, or region, there are certain issues that affect all Native communities throughout the United States -- from Hawaii to Maine, and Alaska to Florida. Here are 13 such issues that you probably aren't hearing enough about.

Native Americans face issues of mass incarceration and policing.

Native communities are often impoverished and jobless.

The federal government is still stripping Native people of their land.

Exploitation of natural resources threatens Native communities.

Violence against women and children is especially prevalent in Native communities.

The education system is failing Native students.

Native families live in overcrowded, poor-quality housing.

Native patients receive inadequate health care.

There's a dearth of capital and financial institutions in Native communities.

Native Americans have the right to vote... but that's not always enough.

There is an epidemic of youth suicide in Native communities.

Native languages are dying, and the U.S. government is doing little to help.

Many Native communities do not have their rights recognized by the federal government.

DETAILS: 13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots And Casinos

This article corrects many of the wrongful stereotypes about today's Native American life.

Complete bullshit!! You must be a flaming libatard. If you can sleep at night and wake up in the morning and look yourself in the mirror, you must need your head examined. The government is the cause of the majority of the problems you listed because they've made it possible for these folks be dependent, to be on the dole. That's the reason these people don't work, have drugs and alcohol problems, are depressed and have a higher than average suicide rate, don't engage in educating themselves, etc. Furthermore, one can't use too broad a brush to paint a group of people the same. Not all reservations are alike. Here, one tribe, if not the richest in the state maybe in the entire nation, is doing exceedingly well. They have prime real estate, prime fishing rights, prime casinos, prime hotels, prime entertainment of the arts, and prime alcohol and cigarette establishments. All that and they are exempt from the laws the rest of us have to live by through their own judicial system. And, they collect taxpayers' money just because, not because it's needed. America needs to wake the F**K up! Grow a set of balls, take a stand for once in a long time, and stop with making everyone so dependent.
When white people realize the mess they made of things everywhere they have gone in this world their typical first response is to get upset at the people that were discriminated against and survived the genocidal tendencies whites display..
Stop blaming the failure of your people on others
When white people realize the mess they made of things everywhere they have gone in this world their typical first response is to get upset at the people that were discriminated against and survived the genocidal tendencies whites display..
Stop blaming the failure of your people on others
I dont consider not being white a failure. I see that as a triumph. Whites are the failures.

"Everywhere the white man go, he bring misery
All throughout history—look it up
Everything them bald heads touch, they fuck it up
Every government he set up, it be corrupt."
Integrate...prosper...same chance as everyone else...Tonto did...became famous hangin' with whitey.
That's what you get for letting the government take care of you. Think about it

I know a couple Indians. the woman is quite the activist. and I told her that same thing. And she about went through the roof. she said: this government made the Treaties with them and has now ignored them to the tune of poverty, schools need to shut down, etc. And I'm sorry but I don't think Lakota is the person who should be Speaking for them. He is a lover OF BIG government.

My thing is all this happened decades ago. At some point you have to say to yourself the government isn't getting it done and you have to do it yourself. I tell our children everyday "the world doesn't owe you a thing", I grew up hearing that. If your situation sucks then do something to get yourself out of it. It's just that simple

Oh I agree. but they have bought into that treaty thing. AND hang onto that for dear life. Kind of like how the Black people do with Slavery... She's actually made a lot for herself. but she gets down on the government. I'm one of those. Pull up your boot straps take off the diapers you whine in and get out and make something of YOUR LIFE
When white people realize the mess they made of things everywhere they have gone in this world their typical first response is to get upset at the very people that were discriminated against and survived the genocidal tendencies whites display..

We white people built the worlds number one economy and superpower in record time. You got something better than number one?

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