13 year old told she would be killed if she refused to work.

But your point was to deport her for her own safety.

Explain how deportation to El Salvador would have lessened her chance of being abused.

I gotta hear this one.
thats was never my point,,

as I just stated every country holds danger,, if we brought or allowed every person in danger into this country it would destroy just about everything that makes this country great,,

all our time would be spent providing for them on top of all the americans living off the government tit,,

hey maybe one of them should have been doing the job she was and not sucking the tit,,
You don’t give a damn about kids, you proved that in your sick thread politicizing the attempted suicide of a troubled teen. Do pretend now that you do.

The owner needs serious jail time, the shop needs to be shut down and sold With proceeds covering fines. Disgusting what people will do.
Of course the owner deserves serious jail time. I hope his dance card is filled every night.
Sure, send her back anyway. She might be allowed to live. I'm sure that's exactly what Jesus would do. You MAGAs are so caring, aren't you?
whats jesus got to do with law and rules???

I guess she can consider herself one of the lucky ones,,
at her age she is prime for the sex slave trade so the cartels that are now making billions on human trafficking would have scooped her up quick,,
Sure, send her back anyway. She might be allowed to live. I'm sure that's exactly what Jesus would do. You MAGAs are so caring, aren't you?
Ironically his point was to deport her back to El Salvador, before she could be abused in the USA.
whats jesus got to do with law and rules???

I guess she can consider herself one of the lucky ones,,
at her age she is prime for the sex slave trade so the cartels that are now making billions on human trafficking would have scooped her up quick,,

Aren't those cartels located in El Salvador.

You wanted to deport her back to the gates of hell.
whats jesus got to do with law and rules???

I guess she can consider herself one of the lucky ones,,
at her age she is prime for the sex slave trade so the cartels that are now making billions on human trafficking would have scooped her up quick,,
Not surprising that you want to blame the victim, and punish her. MAGA!!, right?

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