14 Million New Jobs - FOR WHOM?


That's funny.

The fact of the unemployment rate being down sharply since 2009 is un-correctable.

As for my opinion that there are fewer desperate people out there looking for ways to lean on the system... Dude, you can't 'correct' another Monkey's opinion.... The most you can do is disagree and try to explain to the readership at large why you disagree.

I base my opinion that things are better from having spent 8 hours of every business day since 2009 at a Social Security office helping both the desperate and the done to navigate the system.

Your turn.
THERE IS NO "the unemployment rate" The ruse that you fall for, is a reflection of FOREIGN workers (many of them illegal) who are to be counted yes, BUT in THEIR COUNTRIES employment rates not ours. Counting AMERICANS in the US, OUR unemployment rate is astronomical, since relatively few Americans have been obtaining employment over the past 15 years, with foreigners scooping up US jobs like hotcakes. Get it ?
To get a job?!? :disbelief:

I disagree with your opinion.

Tell you what... I'll bet you a dollar that I can find a 25 year old straight, boring white guy with an engineering degree who is more employable and or has a better work record than anyone you can come up with who meets your criteria above.
What I gave is FACT (including my own life experience), not opinion. And you don't have to bet me anything. Sure, that guy you describe is very employable. And "employable" (at professional jobs) guys like that are driving cabs all over America. You don't know much. Ever hear of Affirmative Action ? Nepotism ? Work visas ? Immigration ? False documention ? Back to the drawing board for you.
The day I don't learn something hasn't happened. Education is a lifelong attitude and tasks to complete.

The trick is to find a gig and work it until you, or your luck, make something better come along.
The "trick" is get affirmative action BANNED nationally (as it is already in 8 states) and stop needless, ridiculous immigration. Read the OP.

That's funny.

The fact of the unemployment rate being down sharply since 2009 is un-correctable.

As for my opinion that there are fewer desperate people out there looking for ways to lean on the system... Dude, you can't 'correct' another Monkey's opinion.... The most you can do is disagree and try to explain to the readership at large why you disagree.

I base my opinion that things are better from having spent 8 hours of every business day since 2009 at a Social Security office helping both the desperate and the done to navigate the system.

Your turn.
THERE IS NO "the unemployment rate" The ruse that you fall for, is a reflection of FOREIGN workers (many of them illegal) who are to be counted yes, BUT in THEIR COUNTRIES employment rates not ours.
That makes no sense. Besides being impossible to collect data on our own citizens in other countries, they don't affect our economy, while foreigners here do.

Counting AMERICANS in the US, OUR unemployment rate is astronomical,...
4.8% is astronomical? Www.blsgov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm
Foreign born is 4.7%. Statistically, no difference.
People forget that when they dance they have to pay the fiddler.
Translation please.
You need an education to get a job. A liberal education. Bible Study doesn't do it.
I put my work tools down four years ago and live the comfortable life of a Country Squire. My highest education was graduating High School with a 2.8 GPA. I never inherited any money and never accepted government assistance of any kind. It takes a smart person to act dumb, keep a low profile and strike when the iron is hot.
How old are you?
Funny, the GOP base is now crying about the wage gap. They feel they could close the wage gap if they cut taxes for the rich and end corporate tax all together.

Listen sweethearts, no matter how much money you shovel their way, if you don't have an education, they won't create jobs that require no skills. Because there are machines that dig ditches. Even a garbage man needs to know how to run a garbage truck.
4.8% is astronomical? Www.blsgov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm
Foreign born is 4.7%. Statistically, no difference.
I'm not talking about "collect data on our own citizens in other countries", I'm talking about improperly collecting data on other countries' citizens in our country (the USA). The rate is NOT 4.8%, that is a false number derived using data which includes employment of foreigners here in the US.

The US unemployment rate should be the number of AMERICANS who are unemployed vs the total number of AMERICANS who could/should have a job. That % number is probably somewhere between 50-100%, with foreigners getting jobs all over the place, both legally through work visas, and illegally.
Funny, the GOP base is now crying about the wage gap. They feel they could close the wage gap if they cut taxes for the rich and end corporate tax all together.

Listen sweethearts, no matter how much money you shovel their way, if you don't have an education, they won't create jobs that require no skills. Because there are machines that dig ditches. Even a garbage man needs to know how to run a garbage truck.
Low wages in the US is more the result of immigration than anything else (which the GOP base is against, and Democrats favor)

That's funny.

The fact of the unemployment rate being down sharply since 2009 is un-correctable.

As for my opinion that there are fewer desperate people out there looking for ways to lean on the system... Dude, you can't 'correct' another Monkey's opinion.... The most you can do is disagree and try to explain to the readership at large why you disagree.

I base my opinion that things are better from having spent 8 hours of every business day since 2009 at a Social Security office helping both the desperate and the done to navigate the system.

Your turn.
THERE IS NO "the unemployment rate" The ruse that you fall for, is a reflection of FOREIGN workers (many of them illegal) who are to be counted yes, BUT in THEIR COUNTRIES employment rates not ours. Counting AMERICANS in the US, OUR unemployment rate is astronomical, since relatively few Americans have been obtaining employment over the past 15 years, with foreigners scooping up US jobs like hotcakes. Get it ?


I still disagree with your opinion.

Beer? :beer:
Funny, the GOP base is now crying about the wage gap. They feel they could close the wage gap if they cut taxes for the rich and end corporate tax all together.

Listen sweethearts, no matter how much money you shovel their way, if you don't have an education, they won't create jobs that require no skills. Because there are machines that dig ditches. Even a garbage man needs to know how to run a garbage truck.
Low wages in the US is more the result of immigration than anything else (which the GOP base is against, and Democrats favor)

Tell that to Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George w Bush and George hw Bush. All supported high levels of immigration and h1b's.

What we should do is tighten immigration and focus on our children to make them capable of competing.
4.8% is astronomical? Www.blsgov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm
Foreign born is 4.7%. Statistically, no difference.
I'm not talking about "collect data on our own citizens in other countries", I'm talking about improperly collecting data on other countries' citizens in our country (the USA).
As part of that, you said the other countries should be counting their citizens here as part of their own UE rate. Which would be impossible. And it makes even less sense for other countries to count their citizens in the US as part of their UE rate, but us not to count our citizens overseas.

The rate is NOT 4.8%, that is a false number derived using data which includes employment of foreigners here in the US.
I wrote the link incorrectly, but try now: Www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm The unemployment rate of native born Americans is 4.8%. The unemployment rate for foreign born (who may or may not now be naturalized) is 4.7%.

The US unemployment rate should be the number of AMERICANS who are unemployed vs the total number of AMERICANS who could/should have a job. That % number is probably somewhere between 50-100%, with foreigners getting jobs all over the place, both legally through work visas, and illegally.
Sorry, the percent of native born Americans not working as a percent of the civilian labor force, is 4.8%
In his State of the Union address, President Obama glorified his record with praise on just about everything. One thing that really struck me though is his claim that >>>

"We're in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history. More than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two years of job growth since the '90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. Our auto industry just had its best year ever. Manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past six years."

Oh, that's just great but Rick Santorum, who has received the highest grade on immigration (A) from numbersUSA, of any presidential candidate, says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas (most H1B). I'd really like to know just how many Americans have actually gotten these new created jobs. I notice that while Obama talks about how many new jobs have been opened up, he doesn't talk about WHO is getting them, and what country they are from.

He also doesn't talk about all the jobs that Americans are LOSING, who have worked in those jobs for years, and are being deliberately dumped, so that employers can bring in lower wage foreign workers to replace them. Forgot about that little slice of the jobs picture, Mr. President ? And how these longtime loyal American workers are being forced to train the incoming foreign workers, under threat of losing their severance packages if they refuse.

I'm not sure about Santorum's claim that all the new jobs are going to foreigners, but I wouldn't doubt if the actual % turned about to a lot closer to 100%, than something much lower than that.

Ask one of those praising Obama that if so many jobs have been created, why are so many more on food stamps. They'll say the jobs being created are part time, etc. What I've gathered from that is they want credit for having created jobs claiming the unemployment percentage went down then talk about how the jobs aren't really good jobs.
In his State of the Union address, President Obama glorified his record with praise on just about everything. One thing that really struck me though is his claim that >>>

"We're in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history. More than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two years of job growth since the '90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. Our auto industry just had its best year ever. Manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past six years."

Oh, that's just great but Rick Santorum, who has received the highest grade on immigration (A) from numbersUSA, of any presidential candidate, says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas (most H1B). I'd really like to know just how many Americans have actually gotten these new created jobs. I notice that while Obama talks about how many new jobs have been opened up, he doesn't talk about WHO is getting them, and what country they are from.

He also doesn't talk about all the jobs that Americans are LOSING, who have worked in those jobs for years, and are being deliberately dumped, so that employers can bring in lower wage foreign workers to replace them. Forgot about that little slice of the jobs picture, Mr. President ? And how these longtime loyal American workers are being forced to train the incoming foreign workers, under threat of losing their severance packages if they refuse.

I'm not sure about Santorum's claim that all the new jobs are going to foreigners, but I wouldn't doubt if the actual % turned about to a lot closer to 100%, than something much lower than that.

Ask one of those praising Obama that if so many jobs have been created, why are so many more on food stamps. They'll say the jobs being created are part time, etc. What I've gathered from that is they want credit for having created jobs claiming the unemployment percentage went down then talk about how the jobs aren't really good jobs.
Obama was basing his change on the difference between February 2010, when private sector nonfarm employment was at its lowest, to now. For that time frame, the number of people who usually work part time has gone up 11.8 million Employed full time and those who usually work part time has gone down 268,000 Employed part time
Tell that to Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George w Bush and George hw Bush. All supported high levels of immigration and h1b's.

What we should do is tighten immigration and focus on our children to make them capable of competing.

It should be tightened to near zero incoming. Millions outgoing.
Ask one of those praising Obama that if so many jobs have been created, why are so many more on food stamps. They'll say the jobs being created are part time, etc. What I've gathered from that is they want credit for having created jobs claiming the unemployment percentage went down then talk about how the jobs aren't really good jobs.

I don't need to ask. They create new jobs. hand them all over to immigrants coming into the country, and all the Americans remain unemployed and broke.
Sorry, the percent of native born Americans not working as a percent of the civilian labor force, is 4.8%
Sorry yourself, it's 50-100%. Why would it be anything else, when the created jobs are all going to immigrants and visa holders, while Americans remain unemployed and broke. And every year that number of Americans unemployed goes up, as more of them graduate, and enter the job market, which is closed to them, as employers are only hiring from immigrants and visas.
Sorry, the percent of native born Americans not working as a percent of the civilian labor force, is 4.8%
Sorry yourself, it's 50-100%. Why would it be anything else, when the created jobs are all going to immigrants and visa holders, while Americans remain unemployed and broke. And every year that number of Americans unemployed goes up, as more of them graduate, and enter the job market, which is closed to them, as employers are only hiring from immigrants and visas.
I showed you my link...what's your source?
I showed you my link...what's your source?
Who needs links (for what is commonly known ?) Do you doubt that huge numbers of foreigners are getting hired ? And that when the Obamans count these foreigners as employed, that lowers the US unemployment rate artificially.
I showed you my link...what's your source?
Who needs links (for what is commonly known ?)
things you make up and numbers you pull out of your ass are not "commonly known."
Do you doubt that huge numbers of foreigners are getting hired ?
From Dec 2014 to Dec 2015, the number of foreign born employed in the U.S went up by 536,000. Is that huge compared to the 1,977,000 increase in native born employed?

And that when the Obamans count these foreigners as employed, that lowers the US unemployment rate artificially.
No, it doesn't mean that. The not seasonally adjusted UE rate for native born is 4.8% (compared to the 50% you falsely claim) compared to 4.8% when we include foreign born.

But you don't care about the truth, do you?

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