14 Million New Jobs - FOR WHOM?

Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
You might be surprised how far the threat of beheading, burning, drowning, crucifixion, and so forth can be, especially when they know that their brutality is sanctioned by the "powers-that-be". Death threats go a long way to keep your neighbors in line.
Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
Nothing says freedom of speech when one person demands a new person learn their language and stop expressing themselves freely by using a language that is most familiar...
Islam crashed panes into Manhattan. Japan did that lame ass shit too , they got their phony "god" worshiping suicidal asses wooped in less than 4 years, Islamic Wahhabism, We know were those assholes came from and who funded these attacks. What is the hang up?
What does that have to do with being bilingual?
Nothing, really. What does bilingualism/ multiculturalism have to do with America culture? They force other languages or cultures on us and if we don't like it, we are EVIL? Is this what America has come too? When these people attack US, it's soughed off. it is minimized. But if we show the slightness concern whatsoever towards THEM, its a racist phobic BACKLASH. Why is that?
You have forfeit your Constitutional rights by being a natural-born citizen. You cannot possible understand or long for those rights so granted because you did not "sacrifice" to get them. Like that little rich kid down the block, you cannot possibly be expected to welcome newcomers (who hate you and all you are) and cherish their "freedom" to verbally, and physically, curtail rights and privileges you have not "earned".
I work in 'the system' and trust me... there is less pressure on it from frightened people now that there was in 2009.

The fear factor is less now.

LOL The system is overloaded with people needing help. That's why there are record numbers on welfare and EBT. This aint rocket science

Perhaps... But is it more overloaded, or less overloaded, than it was in 2009?

My point being that things on average are better now than they were in 2009.

Don't just pick 2009, poverty is worse under Obama than it has been in 50 years. There is no argument to that. NONE

I disagree. I don't think that poverty is worse. It is different though...

50 years ago air conditioning was a luxury and many families had yet to install their first phone... Today air conditioning is a right and everyone over the age of 8 has their own smart-phone.

Besides, going back further than 2009 is unfair when judging the job of this president... all he had to work with was handed to him at that point.

"Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?"

I work in 'the system' and trust me... there is less pressure on it from frightened people now that there was in 2009.

The fear factor is less now.

LOL The system is overloaded with people needing help. That's why there are record numbers on welfare and EBT. This aint rocket science

Perhaps... But is it more overloaded, or less overloaded, than it was in 2009?

My point being that things on average are better now than they were in 2009.

Don't just pick 2009, poverty is worse under Obama than it has been in 50 years. There is no argument to that. NONE

I disagree. I don't think that poverty is worse. It is different though...

50 years ago air conditioning was a luxury and many families had yet to install their first phone... Today air conditioning is a right and everyone over the age of 8 has their own smart-phone.

Besides, going back further than 2009 is unfair when judging the job of this president... all he had to work with was handed to him at that point.

"Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?"


Facts and statistics confuse you.
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​
Lots of places around here are hiring. Little wonder that they are pushing for a $15/hr minimum wage so that they can fool qualified, dedicated American workers to take their crummy, part-time, no-benefits jobs. Illegals and "refugees" are the only morons who think that's a load of money.
My question is, if minimum wage is raised to $15/hr, will all of us who bothered to learn a trade and acquire skills also see a commensurate increase in salary/wages?
Typically that IS the case.
Not according to the lame-stream media. Their claims tell us that RW/GOP pundits have churned public fears to catastrophic levels.
It's called reporting REALITY. However, liberals prefer to CREATE their own "realities". The fear of ISIS and nuclear annihilation of America, IS a catastrophic situation, right now. You need to get head out of sand to discern.
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​
Of course NOT. B is the correct, very easy answer.
I gave the numbers and source, Gassy gave her own number, and you are doubling down on it. I am glad you have prepared for your old age.

You said >> "Those who are out of the force and qualified to work totals between 7.5 and 9.5 million." That doesn't contain a source. So you don't have one ? Then say so.
Got a link ? Got anything ? :link: :biggrin:
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​

Of course NOT. B is the correct, very easy answer.


Now we're talking! An actual opinion!

One I happen to disagree with... I think things are better.

Beer? :beer:
Just my average, semi-educated opinion on the subject.

The work I do fluctuates with the economy and we're seeing much more of the good kind of traffic and less of the bad.
That figure is based on a 95 million figure that are unemployed, which does not parse for youth, elderly, retired, ill, lame, crazy, students, and those who don't want to work, which comes to my figure. You can't rebut it with a


:biggrin: Sorry little buddy. The unemployment rate is 5%, no one can show that it is not accurate.
That figure is based on a 95 million figure that are unemployed, which does not parse for youth, elderly, retired, ill, lame, crazy, students, and those who don't want to work, which comes to my figure. You can't rebut it with a


:biggrin: Sorry little buddy. The unemployment rate is 5%, no one can show that it is not accurate.
It's totally inaccurate because it contains foreign (legal & illegal) workers as employed, when it shouldn't.
That figure is based on a 95 million figure that are unemployed, which does not parse for youth, elderly, retired, ill, lame, crazy, students, and those who don't want to work, which comes to my figure. You can't rebut it with a


:biggrin: Sorry little buddy. The unemployment rate is 5%, no one can show that it is not accurate.
It's totally inaccurate because it contains foreign (legal & illegal) workers as employed, when it shouldn't.
:link: first to see it is true
:link: then if it is significant

Yep, your opinion.
I work in 'the system' and trust me... there is less pressure on it from frightened people now that there was in 2009.

The fear factor is less now.

LOL The system is overloaded with people needing help. That's why there are record numbers on welfare and EBT. This aint rocket science

Perhaps... But is it more overloaded, or less overloaded, than it was in 2009?

My point being that things on average are better now than they were in 2009.

Don't just pick 2009, poverty is worse under Obama than it has been in 50 years. There is no argument to that. NONE

I disagree. I don't think that poverty is worse. It is different though...

50 years ago air conditioning was a luxury and many families had yet to install their first phone... Today air conditioning is a right and everyone over the age of 8 has their own smart-phone.

Besides, going back further than 2009 is unfair when judging the job of this president... all he had to work with was handed to him at that point.

"Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?"

(See highlighted above) So, you're going to go with that same thought after the new guy's sworn in in 2017?
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​
Lots of places around here are hiring. Little wonder that they are pushing for a $15/hr minimum wage so that they can fool qualified, dedicated American workers to take their crummy, part-time, no-benefits jobs. Illegals and "refugees" are the only morons who think that's a load of money.
My question is, if minimum wage is raised to $15/hr, will all of us who bothered to learn a trade and acquire skills also see a commensurate increase in salary/wages?
Typically that IS the case.
Interesting that WalMart is shutting its doors in so many places after the inception and implementation (in many locales) of the $15/hr minimum wage. I guess it's just not worth it when your profit margin starts dipping into the red because social justice becomes the law of the land. Pretty clear that the pols who force such things have so little understanding why people go into business in the first place.
Not according to the lame-stream media. Their claims tell us that RW/GOP pundits have churned public fears to catastrophic levels.
It's called reporting REALITY. However, liberals prefer to CREATE their own "realities". The fear of ISIS and nuclear annihilation of America, IS a catastrophic situation, right now. You need to get head out of sand to discern.
My head is certainly not sand encased. Too many others appear to like the subterranean view, though.
Less than 1% of its fronts, all within ten miles of another store, and the employees will be given either two months severance or transferred to near by fronts.

You support capitalism, do you not?

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