14 Million New Jobs - FOR WHOM?

No, it doesn't mean that. The not seasonally adjusted UE rate for native born is 4.8% (compared to the 50% you falsely claim) compared to 4.8% when we include foreign born.

But you don't care about the truth, do you?

Dumbass! My links for what you asked are all over this forum. Just shows what an know-nothing airhead you to even ask such a question. And how detached from reality you are,to think that foreign workers here in the US, should be included in US unemployment counting.

Then you compound your original 4.8 % stupidity, by throwing Obama numbers at me. HA HA HA. Want to present some numbers from Kim Jong-un while you're at it ? So you DO doubt that huge #s of foreigners are being hired. What a dum dum. You think for a minute that Obama is going to tell you what's really going down ? He's an immigrationist, you dolt. If he reported true numbers, his own party members might impeach him.

YOU are who is not caring about the truth. And you are also not caring about American workers, who are massively unemployed, while they sit on the sidelines watching foreigners not only swiping their jobs, but also raiding America's economy ($ 123 Billion/year in remittances$$) as well as tens of Billions$$ more per year from America's tax treasuries, in welfare payouts.

So you like links so much ? Try this one on for size >>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​

Of course NOT. B is the correct, very easy answer.


Now we're talking! An actual opinion!

One I happen to disagree with... I think things are better.

Beer? :beer:
Why do you think things are better?

Specific to this thread? Because unemployment is down.

There are fewer desperate people trying to find a way to lean on the system now than there were in 2009.
Unemployment down compared to what, or when, exactly? We still have record numbers of people on the public dole, one way, or another.[/QUOTE]
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​

What makes you say that?
More people than before 2008 on public assistance.
Prices for everything increased, significantly in some cases, but food and other basics specifically.
Health care costs through the roof.
Fewer "middle class" earners and more people at "poverty level" or below.
Educational outcome results lower than previously.
There are loads of reasons why this nation looks far worse of today than in 2009.
So, 'NO'.
There is no confusion.... I'm just asking a simple question for which there is only 3 possible responses.

Does the nation look better off today than it did in 2009?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I cannot or will not make a decision.​

Of course NOT. B is the correct, very easy answer.


Now we're talking! An actual opinion!

One I happen to disagree with... I think things are better.

Beer? :beer:
Why do you think things are better?

Specific to this thread? Because unemployment is down.

There are fewer desperate people trying to find a way to lean on the system now than there were in 2009.

Gasoline under $2 per gallon is pretty cool too! :thup:
That's not the case here.
And, if you understand the dynamics of why gasoline is so much cheaper, you might thing differently.
I've got nothing but my opinion after working on the front lines of "The System" for the last seven years...

The worst part of my job, dealing with desperate people trying to find ways to lean on the system has been declining at a steady clip and the best thing about my job, helping people make retirement decisions, is rocking steady.

No, it doesn't mean that. The not seasonally adjusted UE rate for native born is 4.8% (compared to the 50% you falsely claim) compared to 4.8% when we include foreign born.

But you don't care about the truth, do you?

Dumbass! My links for what you asked are all over this forum.
No. they're not. You have no support for your claims.

Just shows what an know-nothing airhead you to even ask such a question. And how detached from reality you are,to think that foreign workers here in the US, should be included in US unemployment counting.
Why shouldn't they be? They are part of the U.S. economy, they are spending money in the United States, they are competing for jobs in the U.S. ...where else would you include them? I've studied and taught labor market theory for decades, and no one has ever not included foreginers or included their own citizens in other countries.

Then you compound your original 4.8 % stupidity, by throwing Obama numbers at me. HA HA HA. Want to present some numbers from Kim Jong-un while you're at it ? So you DO doubt that huge #s of foreigners are being hired. What a dum dum. You think for a minute that Obama is going to tell you what's really going down ? He's an immigrationist, you dolt. If he reported true numbers, his own party members might impeach him.
Obama has zero access or influence over the numbers. If you think he does: present your evidence.

So you like links so much ? Try this one on for size >>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012
That has nothing to do with employment. Those numbers are included, and important to, the Balance of Accounts.
No. they're not. You have no support for your claims.
1. Yes they are, You're just oblivious, and not my problem.

2. This is a perfect indicator of the idiocy of the liberal mind. You have absolutely no idea what is going on with immigration. It is IMPERIALISM (21st century style) without guns or bombs. The imperialist country attacks the US with poor people, dumping them here, to raid our economy by way of remittances$$ and welfare payouts. What a laugh to hear liberal fools say "American imperialism", when America is the # 1 victim of imperialism in the world today. ($123 Billion/year lost in remittances alone) This is money spent, not in the US, but in the home countries of the invaders. Money lost from the US economy and sales denied to American businesses. Did you read Post # 121 (and click the link), or did it all just fly right over your oblivious, liberal head ?

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

3. Of course they can't be included in HONEST US unemployment figures. US unemployment (some people have to be told twice) is US WORKERS unemployed vs the # of US jobs the could/should be employed in. That's all. And what we're getting is massive amounts of US workers unemployed, while foreign workers are getting jobs. Rick Santorum has said that over the last 10 years, ALL newly created jobs have gone to foreigners. It's quite apparent that the number is a lot closer to 100% than to zero.

4. I taught microeconomics in college, and if you were in my class and claimed that foreigners could be included in US unemployment counting, I'd flunk you.

5. You never taught a damn thing about economics or politics, and you talk like you're in the 8th grade right now. So "Obama has zero access or influence over the numbers", huh ? Pheeew!! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)

EARTH TO PINQY: Obama is the boss of all the secretaries of all the departments of the cabinet. That includes the Dept of Commerce, part of which is the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is where the "numbers", as you call them, comes from. Get it ? All these numbers you keep relying on, are Obama's numbers, who is one of the biggest frauds this country has ever seen.
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