14 Million New Jobs - FOR WHOM?

Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
Nothing says freedom of speech when one person demands a new person learn their language and stop expressing themselves freely by using a language that is most familiar...
In his State of the Union address, President Obama glorified his record with praise on just about everything. One thing that really struck me though is his claim that >>>

"We're in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history. More than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two years of job growth since the '90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. Our auto industry just had its best year ever. Manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past six years."

Oh, that's just great but Rick Santorum, who has received the highest grade on immigration (A) from numbersUSA, of any presidential candidate, says that over the past 8 years, all the new jobs have gone to immigrants and foreigners coming here on work visas (most H1B). I'd really like to know just how many Americans have actually gotten these new created jobs. I notice that while Obama talks about how many new jobs have been opened up, he doesn't talk about WHO is getting them, and what country they are from.

He also doesn't talk about all the jobs that Americans are LOSING, who have worked in those jobs for years, and are being deliberately dumped, so that employers can bring in lower wage foreign workers to replace them. Forgot about that little slice of the jobs picture, Mr. President ? And how these longtime loyal American workers are being forced to train the incoming foreign workers, under threat of losing their severance packages if they refuse.

I'm not sure about Santorum's claim that all the new jobs are going to foreigners, but I wouldn't doubt if the actual % turned about to a lot closer to 100%, than something much lower than that.
Oh please. over 5 million jobs available. Fucking dumbass right wingernuts don't believe in education. These fools see no link between good jobs and education. Tards.
Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
Nothing says freedom of speech when one person demands a new person learn their language and stop expressing themselves freely by using a language that is most familiar...
Islam crashed panes into Manhattan. Japan did that lame ass shit too , they got their phony "god" worshiping suicidal asses wooped in less than 4 years, Islamic Wahhabism, We know were those assholes came from and who funded these attacks. What is the hang up?
Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
Nothing says freedom of speech when one person demands a new person learn their language and stop expressing themselves freely by using a language that is most familiar...
Islam crashed panes into Manhattan. Japan did that lame ass shit too , they got their phony "god" worshiping suicidal asses wooped in less than 4 years, Islamic Wahhabism, We know were those assholes came from and who funded these attacks. What is the hang up?
What does that have to do with being bilingual?
Oh please. over 5 million jobs available.

Many Hi-tech postings are not exactly real. Some of those is looking for a "superman" who might be unhappy and jump from competitor. Some of it it budget related, meaning you cut the req rather than layoff existing working stiff.
Multiculturalism, and particular, supporting Muslims and sharia law. Not seeing the big plus in any of that. I need an interpreter to talk to my neighbor? How is that freedom of speech? And then these foreigners are so subtle as to NOT acclimate, and then ignore our culture. But then want us to ignore they hate us and want to destroy America, but then want us to accept Islamic law (even though the separation of church and state is clearly part of the constitution)? What part of that do plane crashing suicide cell anti freedom anti west anti freedom Muslims NOT get?
Nothing says freedom of speech when one person demands a new person learn their language and stop expressing themselves freely by using a language that is most familiar...
Islam crashed panes into Manhattan. Japan did that lame ass shit too , they got their phony "god" worshiping suicidal asses wooped in less than 4 years, Islamic Wahhabism, We know were those assholes came from and who funded these attacks. What is the hang up?
What does that have to do with being bilingual?
Nothing, really. What does bilingualism/ multiculturalism have to do with America culture? They force other languages or cultures on us and if we don't like it, we are EVIL? Is this what America has come too? When these people attack US, it's soughed off. it is minimized. But if we show the slightness concern whatsoever towards THEM, its a racist phobic BACKLASH. Why is that?
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Tough titty for you, and the far right and libertarians who have not kept up their skills in a changing world are most fortunate to have the safety net.
Actually, it isn't tough on me. My income is a VA pension + Social Security + guitar teaching (which less than 1% of anyone including foreigners is capable of) So I'm not in any competitive position with the foreign invaders and job stealers. And you ? As for the "safety net" the reduction of it by anchor baby's parents, is part of my list of Harms of Immigration >> #s 5 & 13 on the list.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of ISIS et al terrorists.
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Some fairy they made up so the low info will swallow it hook, line and stinker. this administration has lied so much why anyone would take their word at anything
Retired, sick, lame, crazy, students, etc. are almost 90% of that number, Gassy.

Those who are out of the force and qualified to work totals between 7.5 and 9.5 million.

The millennials got on to the far right lie more quickly than other age groups.

That's why they support left of center by more than two to one than the right.
That's funny. I've heard the out of the force and qualified to work totals between 90-100 million. You got a source for your 7.5-9.5 ? Got a link ? Got anything ? :link: :biggrin:
Got link?
You NEED one. for that ?
Obama just flat out lied a lot in his speech last night. Just bald faced, especially about the economy and jobs. He spoke a veiled warning to the industrialists on both sides of the aisle when he talked about automation, offshore labor and foreign bank accounts were the sources of ultimately their own ruing as "trickle-up" economic tragedy keeps eating away at demand from US consumers..
I know, just like all the other presidents..
You finally got something right. Yet with this POTUS, you try so hard to defend his lies.
Fast Food joints have We Hire signs in the windows.
Lots of places around here are hiring. Little wonder that they are pushing for a $15/hr minimum wage so that they can fool qualified, dedicated American workers to take their crummy, part-time, no-benefits jobs. Illegals and "refugees" are the only morons who think that's a load of money.
My question is, if minimum wage is raised to $15/hr, will all of us who bothered to learn a trade and acquire skills also see a commensurate increase in salary/wages?
Retired, sick, lame, crazy, students, etc. are almost 90% of that number, Gassy.

Those who are out of the force and qualified to work totals between 7.5 and 9.5 million.

The millennials got on to the far right lie more quickly than other age groups.

That's why they support left of center by more than two to one than the right.
That's funny. I've heard the out of the force and qualified to work totals between 90-100 million. You got a source for your 7.5-9.5 ? Got a link ? Got anything ? :link: :biggrin:

from the liar Obama probably
Retired, sick, lame, crazy, students, etc. are almost 90% of that number, Gassy.

Those who are out of the force and qualified to work totals between 7.5 and 9.5 million.

The millennials got on to the far right lie more quickly than other age groups.

That's why they support left of center by more than two to one than the right.
That's funny. I've heard the out of the force and qualified to work totals between 90-100 million. You got a source for your 7.5-9.5 ? Got a link ? Got anything ? :link: :biggrin:
I gave the numbers and source, Gassy gave her own number, and you are doubling down on it. I am glad you have prepared for your old age.

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