14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.

Not likely to hurt you even then. A bullet falling straight down will only reach a little over 100 mph which is around 150 fps. An airsoft gun shoots faster.

But your right that they will generally fall backwards.

the problem is if you shoot it not straight up but rather at some angle

Exactly. If you shoot at say at a 45 degree angle it would still have forward velocity when it hit the ground.
Cant give you an exact angle but I would bet you could shoot at a 10 degree angle off vert and still be alright.
Not likely to hurt you even then. A bullet falling straight down will only reach a little over 100 mph which is around 150 fps. An airsoft gun shoots faster.

But your right that they will generally fall backwards.

the problem is if you shoot it not straight up but rather at some angle

Exactly. If you shoot at say at a 45 degree angle it would still have forward velocity when it hit the ground.
Cant give you an exact angle but I would bet you could shoot at a 10 degree angle off vert and still be alright.

think i read somewhere 15 degrees
Zimmerman Redux, Merritt Landry | Louisiana Self-defense - Downtrend.com

Hazouri reports that Landry, who has a baby daughter and whose wife is pregnant, believed that the victim was trying to break into his house. “All I know is that Merritt had told his family that he had said: ‘Freeze!’ and it looked like the guy turned at him and had his hand on his hip,” Hazouri reported.

The rear door of Merritt Landry’s home, and the driveway where car was parked, when Landry came upon intruder at 2:00AM.

Landry has been charged with attempted second degree murder. His bond was set to $10,000; he posted bond late Friday afternoon. Landry works for the City of New Orleans as a building inspector. The city says he has been placed on emergency suspension without pay pending the outcome of this case.

This is getting ridiculous. The prosecutor is going after this man only because he is a white man who killed a black man, and had it been a black man who killed that young man no one would have said shit. [is that a fact, you've interviewed the prosecutor and he told you this is his reason for filing?)

Do people realize what this will lead to if it keeps up?

No. Please tell us what you 'think'. I think some asshole wanted to kill someone and did. A reasonable person would have armed himself, called 911 and told the intruder the police had been called.
He still had no reason to shoot, in my opinion.

Lets just see what eventuates. Charges have been laid, it will be interesting to see if they are dropped.

Noomi, how can you possibly argue that a trespasser enountered at 2AM wouldn't be preceived as a threat to someone?
If you would rather just call the police, that is your choice, but a man still has the right to defend his own home and family on his own. Attempting to call the police doesn't automatically mean you'll be safe. It still takes a lot of time for them to show up.

When such a thing happens, you have to assume the worse. The intruder might possibly have accomplices, and be armed. I don't think you have any idea how common home invasions are in the US. Armed men raid homes, rape and kill women, steal what they want. Of course our liberal media ignores these stories, because it does not fit into their progressive agenda.

Someone on your property at 2AM doesn't have good intentions. I can tell you if I ever see anyone on my property that late at night, I am getting my gun. Yes, I would probably call the police, but I would not simply hide in a closet and wait.

This man was a coworker of a friend of mine: Home invasion leads to fatal gunfight - San Antonio Express-News
Later on gang bangers did drive by shootings at his house in retaliation of him defending his own home.

I never said the kid wasn't a threat, but shooting him because you assume he had a weapon is just overkill, and not necessary, IMO.
The owner has reason to question why the hell someone has climbed over his fence and entered his property, but I consider it excessive that he could just shoot and severely injure someone because he assumed that the boy was planning to break into his home.

Perhaps its because I live in a country, and in an area where I don't have to concern myself with break ins. Who knows.

There are never any break ins in Australia? Why don't I believe that?
I can see how this could happen. 1:44 Am guys at home with pregnant wife and kid. Dog starts barking,somebody jumps over an Iron fence into a yard so you automatacally assume he is up to no good and he is ready to confront you cause your car is there and he knows your home. You yell freeze and the guy turns with his hand on his hip, might have a gun. It's dark,it's 1:44 am, you just woke up,all kids should be in bed right? So Landry fires thinking he's about to become a victim himself.

People really responsible for this are the parents. At 14 that kid should have been home safely tucked in bed, not wandering the streets.

I did a lot of reading on this case when the story broke. A couple of things come to mind. One, his wife is pregnant. Two, there was a home invasion just a couple of blocks away, a couple of hours before. Don't ask for the link, I am full of good BBQ and not a few beers. But those facts right there are enough to say he was probably a bit twitchy about defending his family to the best of his ability.

The main reason I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid is because he is a dad with one on the way. He's a good guy. He shouldn't be out on bail, and waiting for trial. I think he made a stupid mistake.

In other words, he was too emotional to possess a gun.

Too emotional to possess a gun? Why do idiots assume that guns grant their owners power to never be afraid?

This is getting ridiculous. The prosecutor is going after this man only because he is a white man who killed a black man, and had it been a black man who killed that young man no one would have said shit.

Do people realize what this will lead to if it keeps up?

People will be held accountable when they murder people with guns?

Frankly, I don't want homeowners going around shooting kids who wanderinto their driveways...

I'm not sure why you do.

Frankly, calling you an idiot would be an insult to idiots. This guy climbed over a seven foot fence before he wandered into the driveway.
It was 2 AM

The home owner told the asshole to freeze
The asshole then reached to his hip

I would assume that he was going fora weapon
A cop would assume he was going for a weapon

A cop would shoot the asshole.

So why shouldn't the home owner shoot the asshole?

Because he didn't have a weapon and wasn't really a threat?

Oh, wait, he's living the dream. Shooting some darky who made you wet your pants.

The ironic thing is, this guy probably has a better justification that that POS Zimmerman, but NOLA will nail him to the wall.

Incidently, a cop who shot a kid under these circumstances would be suspended and thoroughly investigated and would probably be a career-ender.

That was funny, and I can prove you are wrong.

I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far as shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is armed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

I don't understand why I should assume someone breaking in my house while I am in it is going to leave after he takes the TV.

By the way, what goes up must come down, which explains why no one with a brain fires a bullet into the sky.
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"...Oh, wait, he's living the dream. Shooting some darky who made you wet your pants..."

The language of the Race-Baiter and Fear-Monger.

I'll bet Jackson and Sharpton just love your particular type of Useful Tool.

It is incumbent upon the American People - indeed, ALL people of goodwill - to ignore such inflammatory rhetoric and to set aside knee-jerk reaction -caliber accusations of racism, in potentially controversial incidents such as this.

That's really a Unicorn Far Left kind of statement...
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Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.

He lost a ball at 2AM, I believe that one like I believe that you are smart.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far l shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is , wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

The home owner did warn the thug when he said freeze. If the thug ran away at that point he likely would not have got shot because shooting in the back is a big no no unless he has done something real bad. But sounds like this thug turned toward him & grabbed waste area & got shot in the face.

Let's say you are the shooter. What are you going to say the about the kid? He Reached for something or not say he did. Of course you will say he reached for something, otherwise you just shot an unarmed kid because you were scared.

Feel free to provide some type of evidence he lied.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far l shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is , wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

The home owner did warn the thug when he said freeze. If the thug ran away at that point he likely would not have got shot because shooting in the back is a big no no unless he has done something real bad. But sounds like this thug turned toward him & grabbed waste area & got shot in the face.

Let's say you are the shooter. What are you going to say the about the kid? He Reached for something or not say he did. Of course you will say he reached for something, otherwise you just shot an unarmed kid because you were scared.

Why is there always an argument?

Hey! Don't put yourself in a position where mean ol' homeowner can get away with shooting you!

It seems so simple!

Don't jump over locked gates!

Don't assault the guy watching you!

Don't steal!

Wow...those are really fucking hard rules to abide by!

Good grief, how could one possibly make through the day without climbing over a locked six foot wrought iron gate???

I mean, what kind of society do we live in where a man can't steal another man shit without having the threat of death hanging over his head???
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Noomi, how can you possibly argue that a trespasser enountered at 2AM wouldn't be preceived as a threat to someone?
If you would rather just call the police, that is your choice, but a man still has the right to defend his own home and family on his own. Attempting to call the police doesn't automatically mean you'll be safe. It still takes a lot of time for them to show up.

When such a thing happens, you have to assume the worse. The intruder might possibly have accomplices, and be armed. I don't think you have any idea how common home invasions are in the US. Armed men raid homes, rape and kill women, steal what they want. Of course our liberal media ignores these stories, because it does not fit into their progressive agenda.

Someone on your property at 2AM doesn't have good intentions. I can tell you if I ever see anyone on my property that late at night, I am getting my gun. Yes, I would probably call the police, but I would not simply hide in a closet and wait.

This man was a coworker of a friend of mine: Home invasion leads to fatal gunfight - San Antonio Express-News
Later on gang bangers did drive by shootings at his house in retaliation of him defending his own home.

I never said the kid wasn't a threat, but shooting him because you assume he had a weapon is just overkill, and not necessary, IMO.
The owner has reason to question why the hell someone has climbed over his fence and entered his property, but I consider it excessive that he could just shoot and severely injure someone because he assumed that the boy was planning to break into his home.

Perhaps its because I live in a country, and in an area where I don't have to concern myself with break ins. Who knows.

There are never any break ins in Australia? Why don't I believe that?

Dollars to donuts she's not a home owner. And not to slag her. But apartment renters have for the most part a really seriously different mindset.

Why is there always an argument?

Hey! Don't put yourself in a position where mean ol' homeowner can get away with shooting you!

It seems so simple!

Don't jump over locked gates!

Don't assault the guy watching you!

Don't steal!

Wow...those are really fucking hard rules to abide by!

Good grief, how could one possibly make through the day without climbing over a locked six foot wrought iron gate???

I mean, what kind of society do we live in where a man can't steal another man shit without having the threat of death hanging over his head???


Just so...

Not exactly rocket science, is it?
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That has gotta be the least informed link I have ever read.

Bullets fired straight up are not fatal when they come down, but most bullets are not fired straight up.
Remember the story of the Amish girl who was killed by the guy shooting his black powder rifle over a mile away?

He came home from hunting with a ball and powder still loaded, and instead a getting a balk puller or firing it in a safe direction, he shouldered it and fired it at an angle into the sky.

It hit the girl in the head while she was riding in her buggy on her way home, killing her.

I want to say it was in Ohio.
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This is getting ridiculous. The prosecutor is going after this man only because he is a white man who killed a black man, and had it been a black man who killed that young man no one would have said shit.

Do people realize what this will lead to if it keeps up?

People will be held accountable when they murder people with guns?

Frankly, I don't want homeowners going around shooting kids who wanderinto their driveways...

I'm not sure why you do.

Frankly, calling you an idiot would be an insult to idiots. This guy climbed over a seven foot fence before he wandered into the driveway.

Where did you see '7 foot fence'? Here we go again .

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