14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

It will be assumed that anyone trespassing on my property at night is attempting to steal from me. If my dogs don't get 'em.....my shotgun will.

You & I may assume they are up to no good, but the law & prosecutor may assume you are going to jail & force you to pay far more for defense than the thug would have stole from you. I may not shoot unless something of great value is stolen. Because the law may take more than the thief. So it's not worth killing someone over a couple hundred bucks.

Not in Texas. All I need to have is a reasonable fear. And trust me, I will.

Is America's gun problem speaking loud and clear? Force over reason, violence over restraint, ready resort to the gun, law of the jungle over the rule of law? Are people who think this way the people who think they will always land on their feet, always be on top, always be the winner? Life is only like that in the short run. It is a reasonable presumption that the shooter thought he was safe based on the Zimmerman verdict. Let's watch and see if a lawyer for the wounded man sues the shooter and takes his home and everything else out from under him. Is that a fair trade for a bullet in the head?
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It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.

Warning shots are not OK.


Just making a point. If shot straight up a bullet wont kill you on the way down.
And warning shots wont be fired due to the increase in ammo prices.:eusa_whistle:
Yes, it has happened, more than once. I just don't think this case was in the dark or a warning shot gone wrong. If there was a surveillance camera there was likely some kind of light. A lot of people have their own security lights if there are no street lights where they live. I personally have one. I can turn it on or off, but I leave it on all the time.

It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.

Don't you need to adjust for the wind?


I can see how this could happen. 1:44 Am guys at home with pregnant wife and kid. Dog starts barking,somebody jumps over an Iron fence into a yard so you automatacally assume he is up to no good and he is ready to confront you cause your car is there and he knows your home. You yell freeze and the guy turns with his hand on his hip, might have a gun. It's dark,it's 1:44 am, you just woke up,all kids should be in bed right? So Landry fires thinking he's about to become a victim himself.

People really responsible for this are the parents. At 14 that kid should have been home safely tucked in bed, not wandering the streets.

I did a lot of reading on this case when the story broke. A couple of things come to mind. One, his wife is pregnant. Two, there was a home invasion just a couple of blocks away, a couple of hours before. Don't ask for the link, I am full of good BBQ and not a few beers. But those facts right there are enough to say he was probably a bit twitchy about defending his family to the best of his ability.

The main reason I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid is because he is a dad with one on the way. He's a good guy. He shouldn't be out on bail, and waiting for trial. I think he made a stupid mistake.

I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid too, I also don't think he should be on bail cause I don't think he should be charged with anything. It's sad that a kid was killed but I don't see how Landry could have know it was a 14 year old and not a 24 year old. At age 14 the kid knew he had no business being there, he may not have thought he was gonna get shot but he knew he was doing wrong. At 1:44 am the kid wasn't retrieveing a ball, he was there for Mischief. IMHO it was tragic but the people who should be arrested are the kids parents,they failed him miserably.

No one is calling that piece of shit thief kid an angel. It's a good chance he was going to rob that house although doubtful due to the dog...but the shooter was wrong here. He acted too soon. This is a bad shoot.
You & I may assume they are up to no good, but the law & prosecutor may assume you are going to jail & force you to pay far more for defense than the thug would have stole from you. I may not shoot unless something of great value is stolen. Because the law may take more than the thief. So it's not worth killing someone over a couple hundred bucks.

Not in Texas. All I need to have is a reasonable fear. And trust me, I will.

Is America's gun problem speaking loud and clear? Force over reason, violence over restraint, ready resort to the gun, law of the jungle over the rule of law? Are people who think this way the people who think they will always land on their feet, always be on top, always be the winner? Life is only like that in the short run. It is a reasonable presumption that the shooter thought he was safe based on the Zimmerman verdict. Let's watch and see if a lawyer for the wounded man sues the shooter and takes his home and everything else out from under him. Is that a fair trade for a bullet in the head?

I am a responsible gun owner. This shooter is not. He has to be held responsible for his actions.
I can see how this could happen. 1:44 Am guys at home with pregnant wife and kid. Dog starts barking,somebody jumps over an Iron fence into a yard so you automatacally assume he is up to no good and he is ready to confront you cause your car is there and he knows your home. You yell freeze and the guy turns with his hand on his hip, might have a gun. It's dark,it's 1:44 am, you just woke up,all kids should be in bed right? So Landry fires thinking he's about to become a victim himself.

People really responsible for this are the parents. At 14 that kid should have been home safely tucked in bed, not wandering the streets.

I did a lot of reading on this case when the story broke. A couple of things come to mind. One, his wife is pregnant. Two, there was a home invasion just a couple of blocks away, a couple of hours before. Don't ask for the link, I am full of good BBQ and not a few beers. But those facts right there are enough to say he was probably a bit twitchy about defending his family to the best of his ability.

The main reason I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid is because he is a dad with one on the way. He's a good guy. He shouldn't be out on bail, and waiting for trial. I think he made a stupid mistake.

I wish he wouldn't have shot the kid too, I also don't think he should be on bail cause I don't think he should be charged with anything. It's sad that a kid was killed but I don't see how Landry could have know it was a 14 year old and not a 24 year old. At age 14 the kid knew he had no business being there, he may not have thought he was gonna get shot but he knew he was doing wrong. At 1:44 am the kid wasn't retrieveing a ball, he was there for Mischief. IMHO it was tragic but the people who should be arrested are the kids parents,they failed him miserably.
Key point, he didn't know. He didn't know anything and reacted with emotion.
I can see how this could happen. 1:44 Am guys at home with pregnant wife and kid. Dog starts barking,somebody jumps over an Iron fence into a yard so you automatacally assume he is up to no good and he is ready to confront you cause your car is there and he knows your home. You yell freeze and the guy turns with his hand on his hip, might have a gun. It's dark,it's 1:44 am, you just woke up,all kids should be in bed right? So Landry fires thinking he's about to become a victim himself.

People really responsible for this are the parents. At 14 that kid should have been home safely tucked in bed, not wandering the streets.

Awwwwww, but he be a guuut boi! Just as his mamma.

His parents are the idiots who should be arrested here not Mr. Landry. They should be investigated by DCF and charged with child endangerment,neglect and man slaughter if possible and any other siblings taken away. A 14 year old has no business being out a 1:44 am. If his parents had been doing their job the kid would be alive today.
You're a hysterical nutter. At 12 I was babysitting all night or in the summer camping outside with friends.
Awwwwww, but he be a guuut boi! Just as his mamma.

His parents are the idiots who should be arrested here not Mr. Landry. They should be investigated by DCF and charged with child endangerment,neglect and man slaughter if possible and any other siblings taken away. A 14 year old has no business being out a 1:44 am. If his parents had been doing their job the kid would be alive today.

Well the mom has already made a bid for the sympathy vote because the kid's father died 3 years ago. I just can't take the bait on that one. My children lost their father to death when they were 9 and 11, and they were never out carousing around at 2 in the morning. It is not a rule that a kid who loses a parent will be a delinquent. But it's a real handy excuse for a lot of people.

Good point. Fathers are worthless :rolleyes:
Yes, it has happened, more than once. I just don't think this case was in the dark or a warning shot gone wrong. If there was a surveillance camera there was likely some kind of light. A lot of people have their own security lights if there are no street lights where they live. I personally have one. I can turn it on or off, but I leave it on all the time.

It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.
It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.

The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.
No - You can't shoot someone trespassing in your yard at night in Texas unless they are attempting to steal, vandalize or break in.

The use of deadly force to protect property is contained in Texas Penal Code§9.42. This section of the law lays out a couple of scenarios where you are justified in reasonably using deadly force to protect your property. The first is if someone is committing trespass or interference with your property and you must reasonably use deadly force to prevent arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the night time or criminal mischief during the night time. If someone is unlawfully on your property and attempting to commit any of these crimes, you will gain the legal justification for using deadly force.

The second scenario is the law of recovering your property by using deadly force. Texas has a 3-prong test that, if met, gives a justification in using deadly force to recover stolen property. This test is as follows: (1) force is necessary to prevent or terminate another's trespass on land or unlawful interference with the property, (2) deadly force is reasonably necessary to prevent another who is immediately fleeing after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the night time from escaping with the property, and (3) the person reasonably believes that the property cannot be recovered by any other method or that the use of non-deadly force to recover the property would expose them to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury. Lawyers cannot stress enough that under this scenario, while the law may allow you to use deadly force - It Is Most Likely A Very Bad Idea!

Criminal trespass alone is not one of the crimes listed in Texas Penal Code §9.42 or even as part of the "Castle Doctrine" under §9.31 or §9.32. A mere criminal trespass may, however, evolve into one of the above crimes where you may be justified in using deadly force to protect your property. If someone decides to sit on your lawn, you holler at them from your bedroom window to "get off my property." If the trespasser refuses to leave, you are almost certainly not justified in using deadly force to remove him. But if that person sitting on your lawn gets up and charges towards your bedroom window with a firearm and a crow bar, you will very likely be legally justified in using deadly force to protect yourself and your home. His actions of charging you with a weapon make him more than just a trespasser under Texas law.

It will be assumed that anyone trespassing on my property at night is attempting to steal from me. If my dogs don't get 'em.....my shotgun will.

So, some drunk staggers into your yard and you blow him away. What a really tough fucker you truly are. The drunk would be more of a man than you in that case.

When did he say he was so tough? That is the point of guns; YOU DONT HAVE TO BE TOUGH TO DEFEND YOURSELF! God made man, but Sam Colt made him equal.

Good Lord, you liberals sometimes just go off the freaking mental reservation like you don't have any use being there.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.

The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.

that is if you shoot straight up

Yeah, there are so many factors its impossible to do it deliberately.

But with my luck, if I ever shot straight up into the air it would probably come down near some politician and I'd get put away for life convicted of terrorism or some such BS.
It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.

Don't you need to adjust for the wind?



Talk about a tough shot. Putting em in there like a mortar round.
It happened here last New Year's Eve. I could never understand what causes an idiot to fire a gun in the air like that. Surely they don't think the bullet will attain orbit! Maybe that is it... they don't think.


As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.

Got a shitload of em. Thats why I know these things.
Edumacate yourself.
As long as you shoot straight up you're good. You would only end up with a knot on your head if it happened to hit you.
Not that I recommend shooting into the air.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.

The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.

Not likely to hurt you even then. A bullet falling straight down will only reach a little over 100 mph which is around 150 fps. An airsoft gun shoots faster.

But you're right that they will generally fall backwards.
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The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.

that is if you shoot straight up

Yeah, there are so many factors its impossible to do it deliberately.

But with my luck, if I ever shot straight up into the air it would probably come down near some politician and I'd get put away for life convicted of terrorism or some such BS.

Nah..It's easy. You could aim a gun 5 degrees off vert and it wouldnt matter.
It's still going to almost come to a stop at the apex of it's flight and become a falling chunk of lead.
That's retarded. I hope you don't own a gun.

The bullet comes down blunt end first, doofus. It wont hurt you except for some rifle rounds that come down point first.

Not likely to hurt you even then. A bullet falling straight down will only reach a little over 100 mph which is around 150 fps. An airsoft gun shoots faster.

But your right that they will generally fall backwards.

the problem is if you shoot it not straight up but rather at some angle

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