14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

"...it's not worth killing someone over a couple hundred bucks."


Screw the money.

But it IS worth killing someone if it preserves the life and safety of my little daughter and my pregnant wife.

Hell yeah! But don't fuck up & wind up in jail & lots of legal bills leaving wife & child to fend for themselves.
Let's wait and see the video.

IMO, this is more clear cut than Zimmerman.

Kid was where he shouldn't have been...the homeowner really wasn't expecting to find a person inside the secure area behind the locked fence.

Startled, he announces himself.

FYI, when you have a firearm, it is not a stretch to assume the intruder has one as well, especially in N.O. with it's high murder rate.

The homeowner sees what he believes is a reach for a weapon and shoots.

No one is going to convict this guy.

The trespasser Climbing over a locked gate is responsible for the outcome of this encounter.

It's not like he was cutting across the lawn, if that was the case, I'd agree that the homeowner was not justified...but being surprised by an intruder behind a locked gate is a different situation altogether.

Seriously? NOLA is 60% black.

Black or African American alone, percent definition and source info Black or African American alone, percent, 2010 (a) 60.2% 32.0%

New Orleans (city) QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Black folks don't want to be burglarized any more than white folks do.

I read I couple of local New Orleans blogs pertaining to this incident and the consensus is "had he not gone robbin', he wouldn't have gotten shot."
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"...it's not worth killing someone over a couple hundred bucks."


Screw the money.

But it IS worth killing someone if it preserves the life and safety of my little daughter and my pregnant wife.

Hell yeah! But don't fuck up & wind up in jail & lots of legal bills leaving wife & child to fend for themselves.


That's the trick, alright.

Trouble is, when it's your turn to experience that split-second, you don't always make the right choice in the heat of the moment.

This could get tense, or it might end-up being a breeze... I think those interested in the story from one angle or another are still starved for facts... tough call, at this early juncture.
Before Landry is judged in the court of public opinion, wait for an examination of the video. If it shows the thug reaching for his waistband Landry is going to walk.

You know, the way kids wear their pants today, he was probably just reaching down to keep his pants from falling to the ground. Maybe because of the extra weight when Landry scared the shit out of him :)

I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far as shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is armed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?
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Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far as shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is armed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

I agree. The issue however becomes whether or not the burglar will stop at burglary when he finds you in the house. It is a judgement call.

I think a lot of the talk on this thread is just that talk.

I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

A fair observation.

It probably has much to do with not knowing the nature or intentions of the Intruder in the fear-gripping split-second of discovery and confrontation, and erring on the side of ultimate safety for one's own.
Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

Not at 1:44 am, outside his own neighborhood, and not after he had been seen casing-the-joint and other homes nearby, the previous afternoon, orbiting the area on bicycles along with an accomplice who was (I believe) also in-attendance at Invasion Time.

"...The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out."


"Mister Myagi... what't the best way to block a punch?"

"Ahhhh... Daniel-san... best defense, no be there."


"Mister Myagi... what's the best way to prevent an Intruder from harming your wife and child during a break-in?"

"Ahhhh... Daniel-san... best defense, stop him before he get into house."
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

A fair observation.

It probably has much to do with not knowing the nature or intentions of the Intruder in the fear-gripping split-second of discovery and confrontation, and erring on the side of ultimate safety for one's own.

And that falls under being a responsible gun owner. I hope to god I am one. You can't shoot someone for jumping a fence and being in your yard. Wait until he breaks in. At that point he is breaking a law and then shoot him. I would ... Without hesitation.
I feel for the shooter. I really do. He wants to protect his family but as a gun owner, you are responsible for your actions with that gun. This was a bad shoot. That shit stain kid was probably going to break in. Let him. Then kill him and go on with your life.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far as shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is armed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

The home owner did warn the thug when he said freeze. If the thug ran away at that point he likely would not have got shot because shooting in the back is a big no no unless he has done something real bad. But sounds like this thug turned toward him & grabbed waste area & got shot in the face.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far as shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is armed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

What an idiotic post. The law presumes that a stranger who breaks into your home is there to do you harm. You don't have to retreat. You don't have to question him. You don't have to psychoanalyze him. Legally, he is there to do you HARM. That means you can use deadly force on him. For your information, warning shots have to come down somewhere. Warning shots are against every lesson we are taught about gun safety. I had a patient who fired a warning shot and when it came down it killed a child.
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I feel for the shooter. I really do. He wants to protect his family but as a gun owner, you are responsible for your actions with that gun. This was a bad shoot. That shit stain kid was probably going to break in. Let him. Then kill him and go on with your life.

Or he was going to swipe a bike. Not a reason to kill someone. Or shoot them in the head.
Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.

Right. At 2 a.m.

Damn you are dense.
I don't understand why people think someone entering a house to steal should be killed. Since when was the sentence for burglary execution?

It just seems an excuse to blow someone away. If someone plans to enter your house to burlarize it, you feel it is approproprite to kill that person. Whatever the law allows or doesn't allow as far l shooting anyone who enters your home unauthorized, why, as an individual, do you wish to kill the person? Why talk about shooting them through the head or turning their body into Swiss cheese?

For example, why couldn't the guy in the original post have simply fired a warning shot into the sky and warned the kid he was armed? Then lock up his home tight and call the police? Once the supposed burglar knows he has been spotted and that the potential victim is , wouldn't it be reasonable to assume he would leg it? Why kill him? And most importantly of all, why do so many posters who say they'd shoot him describe the potential experience of killing an intruder with such pleasure and relish?

The home owner did warn the thug when he said freeze. If the thug ran away at that point he likely would not have got shot because shooting in the back is a big no no unless he has done something real bad. But sounds like this thug turned toward him & grabbed waste area & got shot in the face.

Let's say you are the shooter. What are you going to say the about the kid? He Reached for something or not say he did. Of course you will say he reached for something, otherwise you just shot an unarmed kid because you were scared.
14:19 only if the kid survives

Even if the 14 year old dies and if the requisite elements are present. "...the law said the use of force was justifiable when preventing an offense against one's personal safety or the safety of one's property, but only if the amount of forced used was "reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such offense."

The law also stated homicide was justifiable in similar cases: when committed in self-defense by one who "reasonably believes" he is in danger of great bodily harm or death; to prevent a forcible felony; and to prevent trespass on private property"
Understanding Louisiana's Stand-Your-Ground and Castle Laws | NOLA.com

Thereafter La. R.S. 14:20 or La. R.S. 14:21 may apply depending on the facts.

if the kid dies

14:19 is gone

Title 14. Criminal Law

§19. Use of force or violence in defense

A. The use of force or violence upon the person of another is justifiable when committed for the purpose of preventing a forcible offense against the person or a forcible offense or trespass against property in a person’s lawful possession, provided that the force or violence used must be reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such offense, and that this Section shall not apply where the force or violence results in a homicide.

Law of Self Defense ? LA §19. Use of force or violence in defense

14:20 comes into play

Law of Self Defense ? LA §20. Justifiable homicide
Depends on the facts and the cause of death and whether there are any intervening cause should the victim die. If death is a result from the shooting I agree, I would need to see the coroner's report and investigation if I were this shooter's attorney in the event the person dies. Moreover, should the facts not support the the shooter's contention none of these provisions would be available to him. I would need material as provided by official investigations not newspapers.
Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.

Right. At 2 a.m.

Damn you are dense.

Yes. That Is why there are laws. So you dont have to make yat call.
This ass wipe was a thief. A different kid could have been vetting a ball from a yard. Let the thief break in. Then its a legal shoot. Still dont get it?
I feel for the shooter. I really do. He wants to protect his family but as a gun owner, you are responsible for your actions with that gun. This was a bad shoot. That shit stain kid was probably going to break in. Let him. Then kill him and go on with your life.

Or he was going to swipe a bike. Not a reason to kill someone. Or shoot them in the head.
Not sure what you can do if you actually catch him stealing a bike from your yard, but I do know shooting him is out. Subdue until the cops come?

Screw the money.

But it IS worth killing someone if it preserves the life and safety of my little daughter and my pregnant wife.

Hell yeah! But don't fuck up & wind up in jail & lots of legal bills leaving wife & child to fend for themselves.


That's the trick, alright.

Trouble is, when it's your turn to experience that split-second, you don't always make the right choice in the heat of the moment.

This could get tense, or it might end-up being a breeze... I think those interested in the story from one angle or another are still starved for facts... tough call, at this early juncture.

Yup - I will make sure the shooting is worth while. It had best be worth a 4 year legal battle.

Ezekiel Gilbert of Texas walked 4 years after he shot a hooker for $150. He later regretted it. Gilbert said “I sincerely regret the loss of the life of Ms. Frago,” Gilbert said Wednesday. “I've been in a mental prison the past four years of my life. I have nightmares. If I see guns on TV where people are getting killed, I change the channel.”

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