14 y.o. black intrudor shot and killed in Louisiana, white home owner arrested.

People will be held accountable when they murder people with guns?

Frankly, I don't want homeowners going around shooting kids who wanderinto their driveways...

I'm not sure why you do.

Frankly, calling you an idiot would be an insult to idiots. This guy climbed over a seven foot fence before he wandered into the driveway.

Where did you see '7 foot fence'? Here we go again .

I posted a very nice picture of the fence and the gate, go look.
People will be held accountable when they murder people with guns?

Frankly, I don't want homeowners going around shooting kids who wanderinto their driveways...

I'm not sure why you do.

Frankly, calling you an idiot would be an insult to idiots. This guy climbed over a seven foot fence before he wandered into the driveway.

Where did you see '7 foot fence'? Here we go again .

There is a picture in the article.

The sixth of six pictures available on the following news web-page...


The 7-foot fence is real enough, alright...
Come on.
Get real.
This 14 year old was an accomplished burglar. He was, at the time of this shooting, awaiting trial on the last burglary. He wasn't an adventurous child. He was a criminal. He had been a criminal for a long time.

The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.

He lost a ball at 2AM, I believe that one like I believe that you are smart.

Will someone give this guy some help. That is not what i said.he probably was going to rob the home owner....but all he did was jump a fence and you can't shoot him then. By law you have ro wait until he b eaks in. Then shoot the piece of shit. Damn. Read!
Police say witness statement does not match Merritt Landry story. Police also say his shell casing was found over 30 feet from where unarmed 14 year old Marshall Coulter was shot. According to police those are the reasons Merritt Landry was arrested.

[youtube]wlJl_0r9MZQ[/youtube] [youtube]r9Oeiebhhrk[/youtube]
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"...Fuck that kid but come on. He jumped the fence in the middle? Really!?? Come on. Oh and fuck that little thief."

Do you see the cross-bar, half-way up the fence; a solid, reach-able place on which a limber 14-year-old could place a foot, to leverage himself to stand-up, half-way up the fence, then to swing his leg over the top, and transition to the other side of the fence.

I could have done it, at the age of 14.

The odds are 99.99% in favor of you being able to do that as well, at the age of 14.

I have never known a healthy average-sized 14-year-old who could NOT take that gate, easily, at least from the left and right sides, if not the center.

In the blink of an eye, mine good colleague...

In the blink of an eye...

And, for all we know, the kid could have jumped the fence at some other point, not showing on the photo, perhaps the stone section to the right? I dunno.

But the fence is there, and the 14-year-old vaulted it in order to enter the yard.

He sure-as-heck was not intentionally admitted by the owner.

Perhaps he parachuted-in, yes?

Doesn't matter.

The kid was, indeed, in the yard, at 1:44 am, after casing the joint and other nearby homes earlier in the day, according to witnesses.

And the only sensible way for him to have gained admittance to a fenced yard with a locked gate was to have vaulted that 7-foot fence.

With respect...

You are already in a deep hole, in the narrow context of the 7-foot fence...

I suggest that you stop digging...

You're only making it worse...

Let it go...

Concede the point gracefully to our colleague and move on to something else that looks more promising about the case, rather than continuing to deny Reality in this narrow context...
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The home owner did warn the thug when he said freeze. If the thug ran away at that point he likely would not have got shot because shooting in the back is a big no no unless he has done something real bad. But sounds like this thug turned toward him & grabbed waste area & got shot in the face.

Let's say you are the shooter. What are you going to say the about the kid? He Reached for something or not say he did. Of course you will say he reached for something, otherwise you just shot an unarmed kid because you were scared.

Feel free to provide some type of evidence he lied.
Provide something that says he didn't. You can't shoot people.because you find them on your lawn.
"...Fuck that kid but come on. He jumped the fence in the middle? Really!?? Come on. Oh and fuck that little thief."

Do you see the cross-bar, half-way up the fence; a solid, reach-able place on which a limber 14-year-old could place a foot, to leverage himself to stand-up, half-way up the fence, then to swing his leg over the top, and transition to the other side of the fence.

I could have done it, at the age of 14.

The odds are 99.99% in favor of you being able to do that as well, at the age of 14.

I have never known a healthy average-sized 14-year-old who could NOT take that gate, easily, at least from the left and right sides, if not the center.

In the blink of an eye, mine good colleague...

In the blink of an eye...

And, for all we know, the kid could have jumped the fence at some other point, not showing on the photo, perhaps the stone section to the right? I dunno.

But the fence is there, and the 14-year-old vaulted it in order to enter the yard.

He sure-as-heck was not intentionally admitted by the owner.

Perhaps he parachuted-in, yes?

Doesn't matter.

The kid was, indeed, in the yard, at 1:44 am, after casing the joint and other nearby homes earlier in the day, according to witnesses.

And the only sensible way for him to have gained admittance to a fenced yard with a locked gate was to have vaulted that 7-foot fence.

With respect...

You are already in a deep hole, in the narrow context of the 7-foot fence...

I suggest that you stop digging...

You're only making it worse...
Are you dense? He is a piece of shit thief who jumped a fence and probably was going to rob that house but the shooter shot him too soon. He should have waited until he broke into the house, then blew his brains out. He is not a responsible gun owner.

Get it? Fuck that thief kid but this is a bad shoot. Jesus Christ, I know its hard to admit it but this is a bad shoot.
The shooter knew that? There are laws for.a.reason. this pos kid climbing that gate could have been a kid who lost a ball.

The shooter was wrong here. Fuck that little thief, but he did not do enough yet to be shot. I am sorry but there are laws. Let the little shit beak in. The blow his brains out.

He lost a ball at 2AM, I believe that one like I believe that you are smart.

Will someone give this guy some help. That is not what i said.he probably was going to rob the home owner....but all he did was jump a fence and you can't shoot him then. By law you have ro wait until he b eaks in. Then shoot the piece of shit. Damn. Read!

You also said there wasn't a 7 foot fence, what's your point?
Let's say you are the shooter. What are you going to say the about the kid? He Reached for something or not say he did. Of course you will say he reached for something, otherwise you just shot an unarmed kid because you were scared.

Feel free to provide some type of evidence he lied.
Provide something that says he didn't. You can't shoot people.because you find them on your lawn.

I am following the law and presuming he is innocent until proven guilty. In other words, I don't have to prove anything.
"...Are you dense?..."


Like anyone else, I can be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time, but not today, and not over this.

YOU are the one who doubted the existence of a 7-foot-fence, in post No. 302 (above)...

"Where did you see '7 foot fence'? Here we go again ."

My own posts were merely designed to serve-up the evidence you sought.

I have no clue what YOU thought I was talking about.

Confidence is fairly high that you lost track of the conversation in that narrow context.

Your problem, not mine.
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There is a simple formula which governs the motion of a projectile when it goes straight up (no inclination). It is v = u + gt where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity and t = time.

When a projectile is thrown straight up, its velocity decreases steadily, it is called negative g or -g till it reaches zero. The distance between the point of initial velocity and final velocity is the maximum distance a projectile can travel given a particular initial velocity (u). We will call it h.

Based on what we know we can simplify our equation to: 0 = u -gt, which is u = gt.

As you can see from the equation, we can deduce the initial velocity if we simply time the fall of the projectile. The value of g by the way is 9.8m/s^2.

So that pretty much tells us two things among few other things:

a) It takes the projectile same amount of time to traverse up and down on h.
b) The projectile returns with the same velocity it leaves.
Wait a minute. Are some of you guys telling me that I can't shoot a kid on my lawn? What the hell other pleasure does a crabby old guy like me have anymore?
There is a simple formula which governs the motion of a projectile when it goes straight up (no inclination). It is v = u + gt where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity and t = time.

When a projectile is thrown straight up, its velocity decreases steadily, it is called negative g or -g till it reaches zero. The distance between the point of initial velocity and final velocity is the maximum distance a projectile can travel given a particular initial velocity (u). We will call it h.

Based on what we know we can simplify our equation to: 0 = u -gt, which is u = gt.

As you can see from the equation, we can deduce the initial velocity if we simply time the fall of the projectile. The value of g by the way is 9.8m/s^2.

So that pretty much tells us two things among few other things:

a) It takes the projectile same amount of time to traverse up and down on h.
b) The projectile returns with the same velocity it leaves.

A bullet fired straight up reaches apogee, loses it's spin stabilization and tumbles back to earth at 9.8 meters per second per second UNTIL it reaches terminal velocity at 90 meters per second...much slower than the velocity at which it left the barrel.

Your calculation may be correct in a vacuum, but not within earths atmosphere.
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There is a simple formula which governs the motion of a projectile when it goes straight up (no inclination). It is v = u + gt where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity and t = time.

When a projectile is thrown straight up, its velocity decreases steadily, it is called negative g or -g till it reaches zero. The distance between the point of initial velocity and final velocity is the maximum distance a projectile can travel given a particular initial velocity (u). We will call it h.

Based on what we know we can simplify our equation to: 0 = u -gt, which is u = gt.

As you can see from the equation, we can deduce the initial velocity if we simply time the fall of the projectile. The value of g by the way is 9.8m/s^2.

So that pretty much tells us two things among few other things:

a) It takes the projectile same amount of time to traverse up and down on h.
b) The projectile returns with the same velocity it leaves.

Dagnammit! I didn't come here for a frigging physics lesson. Who the hell cares about all that in the first place? I will never need or use that information for a doggone thing. :lol: What does it have to do with this shooting?

By the way, just razzing you.

I don't care, but thanks for the input.

"Whaaaaah! Whaaaaaaah! We can't shoot unarmed black guys and go scot free!! Whaaaaaaah!"

This trigger-happy murderer should have done what Zimmerman should not have done at all: Call the cops.
He did call the cops and they arrested him. His other recourse would have been to load the body in the car, take a drive to a remote 300' deep abandoned well and gotten rid of it.

You're asking people who protect their families to cover it up. Shame on you.

It's open season on young black men. The mistaken George Zimmerman verdict has taken its first victim.

Oh Gawd.........:gay:

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition

please with the regurgitated PC bantor.

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