15% Admit to having sex while driving


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Distracted? Survey finds 15% of motorists admit to sex acts while driving - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive - USATODAY.com

It happens more often than you may think, a new international survey finds. Some 15% of the more than 1,800 motorists surveyed in the U.S.and five other countries admit to having to have "performed sex or sexual acts while driving." We always love that word "performed," implying it was a high-wire act or something.

But it in this case, it kind of is. Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. But when it comes to distractions, most people think of cell phones, not nooky. Of course, some of the prerequisites required to have sex while driving can be just as dangerous: The survey by the Danish headset maker Jabra found that 35% of drivers say they have taken clothes off, or put them on, while their car was moving.
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I used to do it a lot while driving, unfortunately that all stopped when I got married.

Cell phones are less distracting than passengers IMHO.
Some people do well at multitasking while others need to focus on the task at hand.
Surely they're counting road head as sex act here. In which case, my wife and I will continue to be part of that 15% on occasion.
Distracted? Survey finds 15% of motorists admit to sex acts while driving - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive - USATODAY.com

It happens more often than you may think, a new international survey finds. Some 15% of the more than 1,800 motorists surveyed in the U.S.and five other countries admit to having to have "performed sex or sexual acts while driving." We always love that word "performed," implying it was a high-wire act or something.

But it in this case, it kind of is. Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. But when it comes to distractions, most people think of cell phones, not nooky. Of course, some of the prerequisites required to have sex while driving can be just as dangerous: The survey by the Danish headset maker Jabra found that 35% of drivers say they have taken clothes off, or put them on, while their car was moving.

rightwinger, this just proves that 85% of people are liars.

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