15 year old boy gets HIV using Grindr app

Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

How in the wide world of fuck do you get "defender of pedophiles" out of a third-party anecdote?
Is English a second language for you or what?
frigidweirdo was making excuses that children old enough to bleed are old enough to breed. There is no way around what she said. It's a FACT.

Yep. Remember....liberals have a goal of eventually eliminating any and all social standards from society. A female may be 5 or 50 or 90 or 16. It's all good. Hell....she may not even be a she. Or her biological age.

Maybe the 15 year old female is Transgender AND transmature. She may look like a 15 year old girl.....but if she identifies as a 40 year old man then hey....we gotta respect that.

Put money on it that to 50% of liberals ^^THAT^^ is a valid situation.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.
They're talking about mentally you disgusting asshole. Some kids can get pregnant at 9 years old. Will it be OK for your cult to access them at that age too?

The reasons societies set age limits for sex is not because of the body of the child. It's for their MIND. Their psychology can't handle the adult sex world and because they are vulnerable MENTALLY they are subject to being used and abused by more savvy older predators....and then turning around and preaching that that abuse was "OK" and in turn going after youngsters themselves..

GOT IT? That's the last time I'm going to remind you of that you twisted fuck.

This case affects me personally because this is exactly how we lost my old childhood friend to AIDS when he was in his early 30s. The most tragic thing of all was this kid was so bright and had so much to give the world, such a unique angle that his loss was a perversion, like what was done to him so young as a boy. The perverts are destroying our collective future folks. And this kid is just one more example of that.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, sometimes these kids are brilliant individuals capable of so much in life. It's a trade guy, for sure. Your point about being MENTALLY vulnerable is excellent. Some kids are able to emotionally overcome the perversion, others aren't so fortunate.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

You need to go look up the word pedophile.

Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."

Pedophile is for those attracted sexually to children younger than about 11 or younger, ie, those before their body has grown into having the ability to produce children.

"As a medical diagnosis, specific criteria for the disorder extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years of age, but adolescents must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.["

Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to those from about 11-14 years old, and ephebophilia for those 15 upwards.

So we're not dealing with a case of pedophilia at all, we're talking ephebophilia.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

How in the wide world of fuck do you get "defender of pedophiles" out of a third-party anecdote?
Is English a second language for you or what?
frigidweirdo was making excuses that children old enough to bleed are old enough to breed. There is no way around what she said. It's a FACT.

Yep. Remember....liberals have a goal of eventually eliminating any and all social standards from society. A female may be 5 or 50 or 90 or 16. It's all good. Hell....she may not even be a she. Or her biological age.

Maybe the 15 year old female is Transgender AND transmature. She may look like a 15 year old girl.....but if she identifies as a 40 year old man then hey....we gotta respect that.

Put money on it that to 50% of liberals ^^THAT^^ is a valid situation.

Remember- Buc is a liar.
Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to those from about 11-14 years old, and ephebophilia for those 15 upwards.

So we're not dealing with a case of pedophilia at all, we're talking ephebophilia.

Sex with an underaged person will land you in jail or prison. Let's just keep the definition to that, unless you want to go on about splitting hairs and gaining the "hearts and minds" by softening the crime by giving it a different name "ephebophilia". You have sex with an underaged person, you go behind bars. And the older you are doing that, the longer you spend behind bars. I'd raise the age of consent in all 50 states to 23-25 years old. Under that age they can have sex with each other down to a younger age, say 18. But anyone under 18, no.
15 is not a child. This kid went looking for it.

IMO, he is at much at fault as the others.

Now, if the men had sex with him while knowingly hiding their HIV positive status, that should be a crime IMO.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

How in the wide world of fuck do you get "defender of pedophiles" out of a third-party anecdote?
Is English a second language for you or what?
frigidweirdo was making excuses that children old enough to bleed are old enough to breed. There is no way around what she said. It's a FACT.

I don't see that. I see a story about somebody in his neighborhood.
Call me crazed but --- I don't plug in content that's not there. Just a thing I have.
So when kids are getting preyed on, you turn a blind eye until it's happening right in front of your face?
15 is not a child. This kid went looking for it.

IMO, he is at much at fault as the others.

Now, if the men had sex with him while knowingly hiding their HIV positive status, that should be a crime IMO.

A 15 year old is sexually charged. No doubt about it. Again he is not MENTALLY ready to enter the adult sexual world. So, any adult who knows better, stays away from a 15 year old. A 15 year old is not responsible in this situation. The adults who preyed on his sexual-charged/immaturity are at fault.
15 is not a child. This kid went looking for it.

IMO, he is at much at fault as the others.

Now, if the men had sex with him while knowingly hiding their HIV positive status, that should be a crime IMO.

A 15 year old is sexually charged. No doubt about it. Again he is not MENTALLY ready to enter the adult sexual world. So, any adult who knows better, stays away from a 15 year old. A 15 year old is not responsible in this situation. The adults who preyed on his sexual-charged/immaturity are at fault.

The kid went to the site looking for sex.

The kid physically went to a place to meet men for sex.

The kid is not responsible for these actions?

If this kid is dumb enough at 15 to engage in sex with strangers, who are likely to have aids, who is to say he will be smarter in 3 years?
So what is the "Grindr" ap ?

I'm almost afraid to ask.
It's a homo hookup site. I found out about it last year when I was taking a late night walk on campus and a homo student stopped me and asked if I was on Grindr. I asked what it was, he told me and I asked why he asked. He said he wanted to know if he could give me head.
Homos are so gross! And so promiscuous and disease-ridden.
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

You need to go look up the word pedophile.

Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."

Pedophile is for those attracted sexually to children younger than about 11 or younger, ie, those before their body has grown into having the ability to produce children.

"As a medical diagnosis, specific criteria for the disorder extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years of age, but adolescents must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.["

Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to those from about 11-14 years old, and ephebophilia for those 15 upwards.

So we're not dealing with a case of pedophilia at all, we're talking ephebophilia.

Well, I'll defer to our resident expert on child molestation- you.
The kid went to the site looking for sex...The kid physically went to a place to meet men for sex....The kid is not responsible for these actions?

If this kid is dumb enough at 15 to engage in sex with strangers, who are likely to have aids, who is to say he will be smarter in 3 years?

Yes, exactly. The 15 year old like most 15 year old boys was hormone infused and immature....and curious. That's a deadly combination for willing adults who indulge his immaturity. It isn't up to kids to curb these instincts. It's up to adults to say "no boy, you're too young".
Fifteen is hardly a child. Where I grew up a girl has a baby at 14, she was pregnant at 13 and her boyfriend was 13 at the time too.

Another ardent defender of pedophiles from the left.

You need to go look up the word pedophile.

Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."

Pedophile is for those attracted sexually to children younger than about 11 or younger, ie, those before their body has grown into having the ability to produce children.

"As a medical diagnosis, specific criteria for the disorder extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years of age, but adolescents must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.["

Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to those from about 11-14 years old, and ephebophilia for those 15 upwards.

So we're not dealing with a case of pedophilia at all, we're talking ephebophilia.

Well, I'll defer to our resident expert on child molestation- you.

Jeez you are pathetic.
Pedophile is for those attracted sexually to children younger than about 11 or younger, ie, those before their body has grown into having the ability to produce children....Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to those from about 11-14 years old, and ephebophilia for those 15 upwards.

So we're not dealing with a case of pedophilia at all, we're talking ephebophilia.

Well, I'll defer to our resident expert on child molestation- you.

Jeez you are pathetic.

TheHawk isn't the one trying to soften the blow of adults having sex with minors. You are. And so, YOU are pathetic.
The kid went to the site looking for sex...The kid physically went to a place to meet men for sex....The kid is not responsible for these actions?

If this kid is dumb enough at 15 to engage in sex with strangers, who are likely to have aids, who is to say he will be smarter in 3 years?

Yes, exactly. The 15 year old like most 15 year old boys was hormone infused and immature....and curious. That's a deadly combination for willing adults who indulge his immaturity. It isn't up to kids to curb these instincts. It's up to adults to say "no boy, you're too young".

Sounds like bullshit to me.

The kid got what he wanted, laid.

Plenty of adults are immature and/or "hormone infused" and it is quite often a deadly combination for them too.
I do think the caveat needs to be added "in America" here.

In Japan the age of maturity is 13. Their society is different and I don't doubt that /their/ kids mature at a younger age (because they are /expected/ to be "adults" by 13.)

That doesn't mean that the age of maturity should change in the US. I'm just saying that attacking someone because they grew up outside of America and have a different social upbringing regarding the age of maturity is biased and incorrect.

I've got a 21 and a 20 year old, neither of which are mentally /ready/ for a kid or marriage frankly. I don't think American's mature until like 30...

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