15 Year Old Sailor Girl Found Alive!!!!

Oh, I'm sure they were quite aware that the odds were that a multi national multi million dollar rescue would be needed to save their little princess and chose to let her do it anyway, you prove the point of how stupid these parents are.

By the way, the very fact that she needed help from ANYONE else negates your argument that she was self sufficient and independent.

Your racial and class envy is showing.

The Australian Coast Guard sent out one plane to locate her, and a couple of volunteer ships are on the way to render aid. I would hardly call that a multinational multi-million dollar rescue effort. The fact that she lived through a storm in that part of the ocean shows a lot, I have actually been in that part of the ocean during one of those winter storms, and her survival more than proves that her parents were right to trust her.

Racial and class envy? Huh? I'm white and could easily afford to take the time off work to sail around the world if I stupidly chose to do so. Why oh why do we have to try to fit racism into EVERY debate?
Presuming this fifteen year-old girl has parents I would be very interested in knowing how they reasoned allowing her to sail off alone like that. The very idea of it is baffling to me. I helped to raise three girls and at age fifteen I wouldn't allow them to travel from Brooklyn to the Bronx alone!

I wouldn't even allow a fifteen year-old boy to sail off like that. It's plain stupid.
Presuming this fifteen year-old girl has parents I would be very interested in knowing how they reasoned allowing her to sail off alone like that. The very idea of it is baffling to me. I helped to raise three girls and at age fifteen I wouldn't allow them to travel from Brooklyn to the Bronx alone!

I wouldn't even allow a fifteen year-old boy to sail off like that. It's plain stupid.

They, and everyone who thinks its ok that they let her, are IDIOTS. that's right, if you think sending a 16 y/o child on a solo cruise around the world is okay, you are a fucking moron. End of discussion.
NO THEY SHOULDN'T, not when their decisions affect others. What part of SOCIETY do you not understand? If you expect society to pick up the pieces of the consequences of your bad decisions than you implicitly give society the right to have a say in those bad decisions.

These morons KNEW without a doubt that if something happened someone else would save their brat, for free. Are you seriously suggesting that is an acceptable attitude?

Right along with every other sailor who KNOWS. They try and fail to circumnavigate the globe, who if alive and found are rescued. There have been many from many countries who fail and need rescue.

I understand society very well, where do I ever say that any idiot who puts themselves in harms way should expect an immediate world wide rescue? I don't. Those are the risks you run for playing on the edge.

When it comes to the high seas we are a mutual aid world. We rescue their problems, they rescue ours.


That is a universal call of distress. Age, sex and nationality make no difference.
NO THEY SHOULDN'T, not when their decisions affect others. What part of SOCIETY do you not understand? If you expect society to pick up the pieces of the consequences of your bad decisions than you implicitly give society the right to have a say in those bad decisions.

These morons KNEW without a doubt that if something happened someone else would save their brat, for free. Are you seriously suggesting that is an acceptable attitude?

Right along with every other sailor who KNOWS. They try and fail to circumnavigate the globe, who if alive and found are rescued. There have been many from many countries who fail and need rescue.

I understand society very well, where do I ever say that any idiot who puts themselves in harms way should expect an immediate world wide rescue? I don't. Those are the risks you run for playing on the edge.

When it comes to the high seas we are a mutual aid world. We rescue their problems, they rescue ours.


That is a universal call of distress. Age, sex and nationality make no difference.

It certainly does, or perhaps you envy the Chinese who use child labor because they have determined that it is best for their children?

These parents exploited not one, but TWO children for their own vanity. You're scum for celebrating that.
NO. Because unless hse had enough water and food to survive in perpetuity eventually someone had to go save her ass.

What part of this is a CHILD are you not getting. A CHILD is NOT able to comprehend the possible ramifications of such decisions. That's what parents are for. To help make GOOD decisions. The complete opposite happened here and bad decisions were made.

At 20 years old if you want to risk your life for something stupid, go for it, hell we've all probably done stupid dangerous things; but at 16 a responsible adult is supposed to be in the picture to prevent such things.

I am shocked at how many people don't get this very simple concept... At 16 how many kids would choose not to go to school if parents, and society, didn't make them; even though there is no doubt that a high school education is of the utmost importance?

There is a reason we don't allow 16 year old CHILDREN to make their own decisions.

On top of that, this girl didn't decide to do this, her parents convinced her to do it, that is pretty obvious.

What part of parents are you not getting? They knew the ramifications, and decided that she could handle them. It seems that they were right, she survived a storm that disabled her boat. Would you expect your children, if you allow them to drive before they move out of your repressive home, to be able to survive if they get caught in a storm that is beyond their control? To stay with the car if it was disabled and not panic, thus making things worse?

Let me try this in simple words so you will get it, she did not make this decision alone, she made it with the support of her parents, and they were right about her. She was able to deal with everything, even the potential disasters, just like they thought she would. If she had set out to sail around the world, and ended up in Alaska, you would have a point. As it currently stands, all you have is a rant.

Oh, I'm sure they were quite aware that the odds were that a multi national multi million dollar rescue would be needed to save their little princess and chose to let her do it anyway, you prove the point of how stupid these parents are.

By the way, the very fact that she needed help from ANYONE else negates your argument that she was self sufficient and independent.

Just wondering how those people that support the parents decision to let this child go sailing around the world would feel if she had been captured, raped and killed by pirates?
Would they still hold her parents blameless?
What part of parents are you not getting? They knew the ramifications, and decided that she could handle them. It seems that they were right, she survived a storm that disabled her boat. Would you expect your children, if you allow them to drive before they move out of your repressive home, to be able to survive if they get caught in a storm that is beyond their control? To stay with the car if it was disabled and not panic, thus making things worse?

Let me try this in simple words so you will get it, she did not make this decision alone, she made it with the support of her parents, and they were right about her. She was able to deal with everything, even the potential disasters, just like they thought she would. If she had set out to sail around the world, and ended up in Alaska, you would have a point. As it currently stands, all you have is a rant.

Oh, I'm sure they were quite aware that the odds were that a multi national multi million dollar rescue would be needed to save their little princess and chose to let her do it anyway, you prove the point of how stupid these parents are.

By the way, the very fact that she needed help from ANYONE else negates your argument that she was self sufficient and independent.

Just wondering how those people that support the parents decision to let this child go sailing around the world would feel if she had been captured, raped and killed by pirates?
Would they still hold her parents blameless?

Yep, and they would have expected a full on assault by the Marines to rescue her if need be.

It's the universal distress thing you know. :lol:
WOW you , and others are fucking dense.

IF you rely on the government for something, you give the government the right to have a say on that area. Ergo, if you rely on the government to come save your ass if you get lost at sea the government has an absolute right to set standards on who they save, how they do it, and whether they charge for it or not. Meaning they can say "no you can't let your 16 y/o child go out to see by herself where potentially we may have to go save her"

Or are you suggesting we should just be able to demand whatever we want from the government and they should just hand it over , no questions asked?

Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.

WOW you , and others are fucking dense.

IF you rely on the government for something, you give the government the right to have a say on that area. Ergo, if you rely on the government to come save your ass if you get lost at sea the government has an absolute right to set standards on who they save, how they do it, and whether they charge for it or not. Meaning they can say "no you can't let your 16 y/o child go out to see by herself where potentially we may have to go save her"

Or are you suggesting we should just be able to demand whatever we want from the government and they should just hand it over , no questions asked?

Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.


Get a clue.
WOW you , and others are fucking dense.

IF you rely on the government for something, you give the government the right to have a say on that area. Ergo, if you rely on the government to come save your ass if you get lost at sea the government has an absolute right to set standards on who they save, how they do it, and whether they charge for it or not. Meaning they can say "no you can't let your 16 y/o child go out to see by herself where potentially we may have to go save her"

Or are you suggesting we should just be able to demand whatever we want from the government and they should just hand it over , no questions asked?

Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.


Get a clue.

I know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't offer opinions on topics I'm ignorant on. That's the difference between me and people like you and that other chucklehead.
WOW you , and others are fucking dense.

IF you rely on the government for something, you give the government the right to have a say on that area. Ergo, if you rely on the government to come save your ass if you get lost at sea the government has an absolute right to set standards on who they save, how they do it, and whether they charge for it or not. Meaning they can say "no you can't let your 16 y/o child go out to see by herself where potentially we may have to go save her"

Or are you suggesting we should just be able to demand whatever we want from the government and they should just hand it over , no questions asked?

Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.


Really? Hmmm, the family admits that the first thing they did was contact the USG.

Her family have contacted the US government to try to organise an air rescue. Family spokesman Christian Pinkston said: "We've got to get a plane out there quick." The nearest land to her position was Reunion Island, east of Madagascar, and the closest ship was 400 miles away.

Search begins for teenage sailor attempting to sail solo round world - Telegraph

oops there goes your educated fact that they didn't rely on the USG for anything. :lol:
Just wondering how those people that support the parents decision to let this child go sailing around the world would feel if she had been captured, raped and killed by pirates?
Would they still hold her parents blameless?

Would you blame her parents if it happened in her home town on her way home from school? Of course you wouldn't, you would blame the people who attacked her, unless you are an idiot.
It certainly does, or perhaps you envy the Chinese who use child labor because they have determined that it is best for their children?

These parents exploited not one, but TWO children for their own vanity. You're scum for celebrating that.

How the fuck did they exploit them?
Just wondering how those people that support the parents decision to let this child go sailing around the world would feel if she had been captured, raped and killed by pirates?
Would they still hold her parents blameless?

Would you blame her parents if it happened in her home town on her way home from school? Of course you wouldn't, you would blame the people who attacked her, unless you are an idiot.

I would blame them if they left a CHILD alone and unsupervised for 4 months at their own home and something bad happened. YES I would.

As for exploitation. Don't be silly. They wanted the glory and TV money of saying they're two kids are dumber than the average box of rocks.
WOW you , and others are fucking dense.

IF you rely on the government for something, you give the government the right to have a say on that area. Ergo, if you rely on the government to come save your ass if you get lost at sea the government has an absolute right to set standards on who they save, how they do it, and whether they charge for it or not. Meaning they can say "no you can't let your 16 y/o child go out to see by herself where potentially we may have to go save her"

Or are you suggesting we should just be able to demand whatever we want from the government and they should just hand it over , no questions asked?

Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.


Really? Hmmm, the family admits that the first thing they did was contact the USG.

Her family have contacted the US government to try to organise an air rescue. Family spokesman Christian Pinkston said: "We've got to get a plane out there quick." The nearest land to her position was Reunion Island, east of Madagascar, and the closest ship was 400 miles away.

Search begins for teenage sailor attempting to sail solo round world - Telegraph

oops there goes your educated fact that they didn't rely on the USG for anything. :lol:

I didn't say they didn't rely on the government for anything. The American government didn't foot millions of dollars on a rescue mission, which pretty much blows apart your entire argument. The search planes that found her were out of Australia.
Do you have the slightest what the hell you are talking about? This girl was lost in the INDIAN OCEAN! Do you know where that is? It's on the other side of the world. What American government resources is this family using? The girl had a support team available to assist her if she got into the trouble and they were the ones running the search. They found her.

By the way, she's been out at sea since January. I'd say she's done pretty well.


Really? Hmmm, the family admits that the first thing they did was contact the USG.

Her family have contacted the US government to try to organise an air rescue. Family spokesman Christian Pinkston said: "We've got to get a plane out there quick." The nearest land to her position was Reunion Island, east of Madagascar, and the closest ship was 400 miles away.

Search begins for teenage sailor attempting to sail solo round world - Telegraph

oops there goes your educated fact that they didn't rely on the USG for anything. :lol:

I didn't say they didn't rely on the government for anything. The American government didn't foot millions of dollars on a rescue mission, which pretty much blows apart your entire argument. The search planes that found her were out of Australia.

So what is the threshold of how much we can expect the government to spend to save our children when we make a stupid decision?

My two year old and I have agreed that she is mature enough climb Mt Everest. I want to know how much I can demand from the government when the inevitable happens and they have to rescue my child from my stupidity.:cuckoo:
So what is the threshold of how much we can expect the government to spend to save our children when we make a stupid decision?

My two year old and I have agreed that she is mature enough climb Mt Everest. I want to know how much I can demand from the government when the inevitable happens and they have to rescue my child from my stupidity.:cuckoo:

It's not possible for a two year old to climb Mt Everest. Come back with something other than a poorly constructed Straw Man.
So what is the threshold of how much we can expect the government to spend to save our children when we make a stupid decision?

My two year old and I have agreed that she is mature enough climb Mt Everest. I want to know how much I can demand from the government when the inevitable happens and they have to rescue my child from my stupidity.:cuckoo:

It's not possible for a two year old to climb Mt Everest. Come back with something other than a poorly constructed Straw Man.

How do you know what is possible? My two year old is a strong, self sufficient, intelligent, independent woman.

How dare you attempt to dictate to me what my child is ready for.................

How do you know what is possible? My two year old is a strong, self sufficient, intelligent, independent woman.

How dare you attempt to dictate to me what my child is ready for.................


Exactly. If you feel your 2 year old child is up to a climb like that please feel free to take her.
How do you know what is possible? My two year old is a strong, self sufficient, intelligent, independent woman.

How dare you attempt to dictate to me what my child is ready for.................


Exactly. If you feel your 2 year old child is up to a climb like that please feel free to take her.

oh no, she wants to go alone. and I fully expect for the USG to rescue her gratis when the inevitable occurs on her, and of course I also expect this board to praise her and my parenting skills after.

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