150,000+ say no to EU migrants in UK


Nov 9, 2013
150,000 say no to EU migrants: Daily Express readers demand block on migration tidal wave

A HUGE army of Daily Express readers has called on David Cameron to defy the EU – and stop a new wave of *migration into Britain.

By: Alison Little
Published: Mon, November 25, 2013



Cameron prepares for showdown with Europe over benefits for Romanian and Bulgarian migrants

Prime Minister unveiling proposals to renegotiate relationship with Europe

New arrivals would have to wait a year, up from 3 months, to get benefits
EU rules ban discriminating between citizens and migrants' hand-outs

PM considering move today, which would spark court battle with Brussels

By Mia De Graaf

PUBLISHED: 09:01, 24 November 2013| UPDATED:22:19, 24 November 2013



I usually try to avoid debates on immigration, because you can always count on some fool pulling out the race card. This has nothing to do with race.

Cameron is under pressure would be the understatement of the year. The free movement of people between member states is a fundamental part of EU open border policy and membership.

Unemployment figures in UK are high, especially for young people. Wages have been reduced to minimum wage and below, zero hour contracts, and those figure continue to rise. Add to this that people from other member states are coming to UK looking for work or benefits to survive and support their families is increasing, and common sense should tell you that the borders need to be losed. . Even public services across the board have been stretched to breaking point because they cannot keep up with demands on limitted resources.

This problem is not limitted to UK, as anyone reading the news of other member states will find, and it is not a problem that will go away anytime soon. To keep accepting more migrants from other member states at current levels is unsustainable, and major problems will result. Crime will increase for simple reason people will do whatever it takes to support themselves and their families. I know I would, and how many here could say otherwise?

Number of signatures:153,786

Stop mass immigration from Bulgarian and Romanians in 2014, when EU restrictions on immigration are relaxed.

Responsible department: Home Office

In 2014 EU restrictions are set be removed, allowing nationals of Bulgaria and Romania ‘free movement’ to the UK. The move is similar to the one that granted access to around 600,000 Polish immigrants to enter Britain over recent years.

Despite Bulgaria and Romania joining the EU in 2005, restrictions were put on the number who could move to Britain. However, those restrictions will be abolished in 2014.

Once the restrictions are lifted all new comers will entitled to claim benefits, housing, child, job seekers etc. There is currently an estimated 1.5 million people seeking work within the two countries

The impact will also put pressure on housing, infrastructure, schools, and heath care. All at a time the government are cutting pensions, jobs, public services and the armed forces.

I request the government suspends the easing on these restrictions for another 5 years.



I included this post for my friends across the Atlantic (USA). Note that when the people in UK acquire 100,000 signatures in petition any concerns must be debated and addressed by Parliament.
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That one card does spark debate and conflicts, and someone always plays it. And to certain extent you would be right. The UK has them too. Many even keep quiet about their true opinions, but cast their vote quietly where none can see. The BNP was viewed as such a political party in UK, and were previously known as National Front I believe.

So the card is played, but what has changed? Have you changed the way such people think? I seriously doubt it. The only thing achieved is clouding the issue. The UK is a small Island that cannot support mass imigration.

There is a very good article written on subject entitled 2The Folly of Mass Immigration". It can be found on the Open Democracy web site. The folly of mass immigration | openDemocracy
This is what the BNP stands for.

Believe me I used to be a white nationalist. I woke up to reality as no one should be treated like shit. I was angry at the way I was treated in life and treated a lot of innocent people badly.

I hate violent thugs.

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