1500 year old bible found in Turkey

Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

As opposed to the King James Version which of course- doesn't mention abortion, doesn't mention gay marriage, says that Christians should obey the law, and doesn't mention opposing every attempt to protect the earth.

Really- based upon what Conservatives care about- you would think that the Bible was all about abortion and homosexuality- even though the first is never mentioned and the second is barely mentioned.

I rarely ever hear a Conservative Christian actually promote the actual commandments of Jesus.
Don't forget Thomas describing our age now where people like Caitlen Jenner & Chaz Bonno will be adding body parts and male will become female and female becoming male.
Maybe Jesus had a gender identity crisis?
*in my best Seinfeld voice*
"Not that there's anything wrong with that".

thanks, I forgot about that
Jesus as 'king of the jews' was a threat to roman authority. Jesus was just one of some 250,000 jews crucified by the romans

To be politically & historically correct;
Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter (6bc) and Theudas by the Jordan(45ad) were the revolutionary threats to Rome, however Rome has the fishy worshiping the half Roman harlot Mary's son Yeshu of 100bc who was not a threat to Rome.
None of the christs use for the Jesus story were Fulfilled liberators nor qualified prophets or Moshiach which is why Rome had to mix the deification qualities of other mythologies and figures.

“I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to with, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries.” -Gospel of Barnabas, 94:1.

something isn't right here ... why again was Jesus being tried by Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who gave the final order for the crucifixion. According to the gospels, he actually believed that Jesus was innocent, and wanted to save him, but was pressured into ordering his death by the Jewish religious leaders ...

either J did not say the above as there would have not been a trial, or just the blood thirsty jews ignored the pleas of an innocent man and murder him for their own pleasure.


Jesus as 'king of the jews' was a threat to roman authority. Jesus was just one of some 250,000 jews crucified by the romans
aris2chat: Jesus as 'king of the jews' was a threat to roman authority.

The Jewish authorities saw Jesus as extremely dangerous, someone who had to be got rid of as soon as possible ... In any case they decided that Jesus should be put to death, the most obvious charge being blasphemy.

But only the Roman governor could order that a sentence of death be carried out. In matters of this kind, the death penalty was meted out by the Roman magistrate as sole representative of the imperial authority - the imperium. Moreover, Pilate may not have been interested in a charge of blasphemy, seeing it as a Jewish matter and not something he cared to be involved in.

So Jesus was charged with a different offence: high treason. This was something Pilate could not overlook.

not any of it makes any sense - much less the way guno would misrepresent the very reason Jesus accepted his death sentence ...

There were many such a kind of 'gospels' flowing around ever since the 2nd century. That actually drove the need for the Bible to be canonized.

It remains to one's preference to believe with faith about what is said in those flowing 'gospels', or to believed what was canonized by Church.
Here is chapter 1, verse 1

1 And God said, let there be abortions and Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts.

2. Let gays marry across the globe.

3. Let government take your money and give to the poor. Listen to the Pope on this.

4. Let there be Obama.

5. Global warming must be stopped at any cost, so give all you have to government to stop it. Listen to the Pope on this.

Seems kinda suspicious to me.

Global warming is not able to be stopped any longer. We have to start to minimize the negative effects. The process of global warming is unfortunatelly not intuitive understandable. The Pope of the Catholic Church calls everyone - not only Catholics - to help to save the life of our planet. Everyone should fight against global warming and for the creation of god.

Yes brother, preach the gospel of climate change.

Carbon taxes save!!!!

Wake up

There were many such a kind of 'gospels' flowing around ever since the 2nd century. That actually drove the need for the Bible to be canonized.

It remains to one's preference to believe with faith about what is said in those flowing 'gospels', or to believed what was canonized by Church.

It was not the people but bishops and constantine that decide what would be canon. Even the recognition of jesus as divine brought the bishops to physical blows and passed only by a narrow margin.
The aramaic bible could be right and the rest of christiandom wrong. Vatican has not had access and already they are screaming forgery.
Judas put to the cross instead of Jesus? The muslims have long believed in the Gospel of Barnabas. Many sects had their own bible, but to them are as valid if not more so than Origen or KJ
This is not the first aramaic bible and hopefully not the last to be found and analyzed. Why is modern christianity more authentic than other early groups? Catholics went on a nazi like book burning after the canon of the bible. So did the quran. They are afraid of any truth but their own. Afraid of being proven wrong and loose power.
There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

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There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Yea, 1500 yrs ago they were plotting and planning all this when writing the aramaic bible.
There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Yea, 1500 yrs ago they were plotting and planning all this when writing the aramaic bible.

Fact - f-a-c-t: The Bible - original of the NT written in the greek language
Fake - f-a-k-e: The Barnabas Pamphlet

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There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Yea, 1500 yrs ago they were plotting and planning all this when writing the aramaic bible.

Fact - f-a-c-t: The Bible - original of the NT written in the greek language
Fake - f-a-k-e: The Barnabas Pamphlet

early christians spoke aramaic before the greek text were written. Greek text could well be the fakes now that other text are discovered.

Even the gospels were not first hand accounts from the apostles, but written much late by others in their name.

Why should the aramaic be less authentic that a book ordered for political purposed by constantine?
There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Yea, 1500 yrs ago they were plotting and planning all this when writing the aramaic bible.

Fact - f-a-c-t: The Bible - original of the NT written in the greek language
Fake - f-a-k-e: The Barnabas Pamphlet

early christians spoke aramaic before the greek text were written. Greek text could well be the fakes now that other text are discovered.

Even the gospels were not first hand accounts from the apostles, but written much late by others in their name.

Why should the aramaic be less authentic that a book ordered for political purposed by constantine?

The bible (NT) was written in greek language on very good reasons. And the textes of the NT were written a long time before the bible was constituted. Anyway it makes no sense to discuss about fakes as if it would be facts.

What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

Men wrote the books.
When a voice in all languages of the world speaks at the same time to every human at the same instance and tells us we are F#$%ed, then I might listen and then question.
Now, it is just men that make themselves believe, or try to convince others they speak for god. Why can't god speak for itself?
Most of the bible has a basis in far older pagan religions. Bible is just an amalgam of what came before. Even one god is not unique. So what makes people so idiotic for quoting the words of the bible when they can't explain most of it without quoting. They don't understand so they just keep repeating over and over as if that is any kind of answer to questions.

Mother nature make more sense than this male deity that wages war on its own creation when is should have know everything in advance. Einstein, repeating the same thing expecting a different answer...? If god knows all then why create mankind in the first place rather than punish us for doing what is in our nature because god created us that way? Why not just avoid making us in the first place if everything was preordained? Isn't that like putting a mouse in a maze without an exit? Sound sadistic to me, not a god of love for its creation.

And people wonder why there is so much skepticism about this god figure? We are using our god given, evoloved, brains.
There are several versions of the writings of Barnabas and most Christians do not accept any of them.

There is one version I find interesting because of a single verse which deals with abortion. As far as I know, it is the only verse in any purported religious text that is so clear and unambiguous that it is absolutely dispositive of the issue. Here it is:

“Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born (XIV: 11).”

The Lost Books of the Bible The General Epistle of Barnabas

Fake is fake. The reason for the forgers of this extarordionary stupid pamphlet seems to be the will to cause a reorientation in the relations between Muslims and Christians. Atheistic Pseudomuslims like the people of the terrororganisation "IS" are murdering in the name of god everyone who is not a Muslim - even if he is a Muslim. 90% of the Christians in the Iraq for example are not any longer living there. The situation in Syria is a desaster. And so on and so on. ...

Who is to say what is fake? If you have two sets of books from the same period that say opposite things, how do you know which is the fake if you cannot prove there is a god or prove what is in the text is real?

Two different perspective of the same thing does not make one more or less true.

Aramaic could be more true and the greek a later faulty translation. We already know of many translation errors in the greek text, made worse when further translated to other languages.
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

Men wrote the books.
When a voice in all languages of the world speaks at the same time to every human at the same instance and tells us we are F#$%ed, then I might listen and then question.
Now, it is just men that make themselves believe, or try to convince others they speak for god. Why can't god speak for itself?
Most of the bible has a basis in far older pagan religions. Bible is just an amalgam of what came before. Even one god is not unique. So what makes people so idiotic for quoting the words of the bible when they can't explain most of it without quoting. They don't understand so they just keep repeating over and over as if that is any kind of answer to questions.

Mother nature make more sense than this male deity that wages war on its own creation when is should have know everything in advance. Einstein, repeating the same thing expecting a different answer...? If god knows all then why create mankind in the first place rather than punish us for doing what is in our nature because god created us that way? Why not just avoid making us in the first place if everything was preordained? Isn't that like putting a mouse in a maze without an exit? Sound sadistic to me, not a god of love for its creation.

And people wonder why there is so much skepticism about this god figure? We are using our god given, evoloved, brains.

Of course.

If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person, then he knows before he creates someone whether they are going to 'hell' or not. Hell, a place of pain, suffering, misery, and torture, where people are sent for eternity. 'God' knows BEFORE he creates someone if they are going to hell or not. And the ones going to hell, he creates them anyway. He in fact creates millions for the sole purpose of suffering horrifically in hell, forever. According to Christian dogma. Yet this person loves all mankind?

And here is where the conundrum with religions comes in. Most people that need religion are too ignorant to even ask such questions or understand the answers and implications. Their whole existence is built on their belief, and ANYTHING that would shake that belief would violently shake the ground they stand on.

And for the ignorant, that fear is more than enough to get them to push closed the door to keep too much light from entering that dark room.
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the current violent erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures. People who lived together since a very long row of hundreds of years are under an unbelievable pressure to have to leave their homelands if they like to survive any longer a kind of bloody pseudorennaisance in the world of the Muslims - where some people like to recall a time of history what never existed.

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What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

This antichristian pamphlet of forgers in an turkish museum is an instrument of hate. The problem is the hateful blindness of big parts of the world in case of the erasement of the oldest indigen christian cultures in the world.

its part of the bible of the area.

I'm sure the intent 1500 yrs ago was to make a forgery to be found i the 21st century

take a class in logic
What is oddly fascinating to me is how Christians claim the bible to be wholly the 'word of god', yet there are many books that were left out and this was decided by people.

People who had an agenda and who kept what THEY like and discarded what THEY didn't like. In essence, a group of men 1700 years ago voted on what was 'gods' word and what wasn't.

Seems contradictory on the grandest scale to say the least. And anything new that is discovered is automatically discarded as well.

Men wrote the books.
When a voice in all languages of the world speaks at the same time to every human at the same instance and tells us we are F#$%ed, then I might listen and then question.
Now, it is just men that make themselves believe, or try to convince others they speak for god. Why can't god speak for itself?
Most of the bible has a basis in far older pagan religions. Bible is just an amalgam of what came before. Even one god is not unique. So what makes people so idiotic for quoting the words of the bible when they can't explain most of it without quoting. They don't understand so they just keep repeating over and over as if that is any kind of answer to questions.

Mother nature make more sense than this male deity that wages war on its own creation when is should have know everything in advance. Einstein, repeating the same thing expecting a different answer...? If god knows all then why create mankind in the first place rather than punish us for doing what is in our nature because god created us that way? Why not just avoid making us in the first place if everything was preordained? Isn't that like putting a mouse in a maze without an exit? Sound sadistic to me, not a god of love for its creation.

And people wonder why there is so much skepticism about this god figure? We are using our god given, evoloved, brains.

Of course.

If 'god' is all knowing and all powerful, and created and creates everything, and is the creator of every person, then he knows before he creates someone whether they are going to 'hell' or not. Hell, a place of pain, suffering, misery, and torture, where people are sent for eternity. 'God' knows BEFORE he creates someone if they are going to hell or not. And the ones going to hell, he creates them anyway. He in fact creates millions for the sole purpose of suffering horrifically in hell, forever. According to Christian dogma. Yet this person loves all mankind?

And here is where the conundrum with religions comes in. Most people that need religion

Every human being needs religion.

are too ignorant to even ask such questions or understand the answers and implications. Their whole existence is built on their belief, and ANYTHING that would shake that belief would violently shake the ground they stand on.

And for the ignorant, that fear is more than enough to get them to push closed the door to keep too much light from entering that dark room.


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