15th year of Srebrenica


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Tomorrow is commemoration of Srebrenica genocide. Another 750 bodies identified to personalities will be buried.

In March 2010 the Serbian President Tadic made for first time an apology to Bosnia-Hercegovina for the genocide.
The apology by Serbia was mediated by Turkey.
Turkey Steps Into Void in Former Yugoslavia - WSJ.com

The article is very interesting covering various issues of the ex-Yugoslavia territory.
Read yourself... It ends with these words:
"If you compare the solo Turkish diplomatic efforts to everyone else's in the past six months, they are the only people who got anything done at all."
Turkey Steps Into Void in Former Yugoslavia - WSJ.com
Turks have layed ground for Serb-Bosnian reconciliation in April 2010 with Serbia apologizing for Srebrenica genocide.
On 11 July, Serbian president Tadic joins Srebrenica genocide commemoration.

Pictures of trilateral summint in April:



July 11th, Serb President Tadic joins Srebrenica commemoration
in pictures:
BBC News - In pictures: Srebrenica burials
pot, kettle ... black

When will you Turks start recognizing your own genocide (the armenian one)? When will Turkey apologize?
pot, kettle ... black

When will you Turks start recognizing your own genocide (the armenian one)? When will Turkey apologize?
They never will. A lot of Armenians have already given up, and generally I have too. :eusa_shhh:

Their recognition is irrelevant, the Armenian Genocide happened and Russia (Armenia's ally) as well as Europe, and most US states recognize it. Plus even if Obama and Bush deny the Armenian Genocide, Reagan and Wilson didn't.

So Turkey can waste all its money and resources denying history, but in reality it just makes them pathetic cowards as they can't even face their own history and say proudly that they killed the Armenian's and loved doing it. :rolleyes:
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From Austria, direct nothern neighbour of Balkans.

To the Source:
With a share of 19.4%, "Der Standard" is the most widely read newspaper among people with college or university education.
Der Standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The big old brother from Bosphorus
With economic investment and political mediation, Turkey established itself as a "soft power" in the Balkans

(...) The strategy of Turkey: After cultural development assistance follows economical investment. In recent years, Turkey has not only restored the bridges and mosques from the Ottoman era in the Balkans. Turkish patrons invested in the educations sector of South East Europeans, in hospitals and water supply.
Now they controll the national Airlines of Bosnia and Serbia.
The biggest infrastructural projects of Turkey are highways in Serbia and Albania.

The economic commitment is the basis for the increasing diplomatic and political position of Turkey in the region. The Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu emphasizes that Turkey was part of the Balkan region itself. Turkey does not want to be perceived as a leading nation, but Turkey "wants to shape the conditions in the region", says Davutoglu. And it does.

Ankara has managed to improve the historical rocky relationship with Serbia, so that even a loving relationship is now being termed between them.
Serbian Ambassador to Vienna:
"Serbia is a country with strong traditions of the Ottoman period, and we do not regard this as a loss, but as an important fact. There are people who feel close to this tradition. This is respected by the Serbs. In addition, Belgrade welcomes everything, which helps improve the climate in the Balkans, including Turkey."
Turkey is establishing itself as a soft power in the region. The recipe is always the same: investment and respect. The Turkish beer brewer Efes invested in Serbia, there are Turkish carpet factories in Bosnia. In Albania, the mobile telephony business is firmly in Turkish hands. Turkey grants visa-free travel to Balkan states. The Bosnian Muslims and the Albanians accept Turkey as a true protector. The first Kosovo Embassy abroad was established in Ankara. 90 percent of consumer goods in Kosovo come from Turkey.

Der große alte Bruder vom Bosporus - Türkei - derStandard.at ? International
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pot, kettle ... black
When will you Turks start recognizing your own genocide (the armenian one)? When will Turkey apologize?

Dude, you live in the past.
Armenia is a looser-state, it has always been.
It's Soviet in nature without having experienced Jelzin's hyper-adaption to capitalism in 90's of Russia. Armenia is a state-planning economy without an economy. Totally disconnected from infrastructural, economical integration that happens between regional states of Caucasus.
Now that's a bitch. Whole Armenian GDP is less then Turkish Defence budget.
It does not play any role in this region, it is just played against Turkey sometimes as a form of diplomacy by other powers. With that option increasingly becoming a non-option with ascendance of Turkey and capabilities to punch back.

You don't like it, you don't like us? Well, we don't like you much either.
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Recently Albanian Parliament parliament passed bill to allow another 1250 Turkish soldiers on their territory. We already have submarine base and air-force base there. In Kosovo and Bosnia we are through NATO troops.

The bankrupt Greeks are already pissing their pants:
Google Übersetzer

We already entered their Greek national waters from Albanian naval base

Strategic encirclement of Greece - For the first time intrusion by a Turkish submarine from Albania!
Google Übersetzer
Turks enter 1.500 times a year with armed aircraft Greek Airspace
gulfnews : Greece, Turkey still feel tension in the air

Turkish corvette enters Greek waters and sails almost to Athens (Capital of Greece)
Turkish naval corvette enters Greek waters and sails almost to Athens - South Eastern Europe - The Sofia Echo

Turkey declares Greek Naval exercise in Greek national waters null and void:
Google Übersetzer

We are already conducting Oil research in Greek continental shelf:
Greece lodges official complaint with Turkey about incursions - South Eastern Europe - The Sofia Echo
Soon we will drill the Greek oil. Drill baby drill.

And you want to mock us with tiny Armenia, whose GDP does not even match bankrupt Greece's defence expenditures. Wake up, dude.
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