$16 trillion fucking dollars in debt??

Lol... Under Romney/Ryan we will be around 20-21 Trillion after their first term is up... You jokers don't give two chits about the deficit. What a joke of a thread. What did Bush bring it up too... Should he go to trial?
Lol... Under Romney/Ryan we will be around 20-21 Trillion after their first term is up... You jokers don't give two chits about the deficit. What a joke of a thread. What did Bush bring it up too... Should he go to trial?

Indeed, it is such a tragedy. Republicans since Jefferson have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson's first. Liberals have killed everyone of them.

If they had passed Newts which passed the house and failed by one in the Senate our debt would be $0 today rather than 16 trillion.

I say make tax, borrow, and spend liberals illegal as the Constitution intended.
Liberals are not interested in a balanced budget...
They just want to spend.
The interest payment alone on this is staggering.
And if our credit rating falls any lower as it did earlier under this administration
the cost to borrow money to make the interest payments will be that much higher.

And what does this administration want to do...spend more money on another stimulus.
Yea,obama breaks another record,that clown needs to go......:clap2::clap2::clap2:

What did Bush bring it up too...

who cares, Bush is not a Tea Party libertarian conservative Jeffersonian or supply-side Republican. 100% of the energy for a Balanced Budget Amendment has always been Republican despite significant lapses over the centuries.
FACT: Thanks to Obama's socialist redistributionism and crushing big government, we've had 42 consecutive months of 8 percent plus unemployment, the longest stretch of such high unemployment since the Great Depression.

FACT: Obama has led an unprecedented spending blowout, giving us $1 trillion plus deficits for a record four years in a row.

FACT: Thanks to the Obama spending blowout, our national debt is scheduled to slam into $16 TRILLION by the end of the week.

FACT: Our debt was downgraded for the first time ever.

FACT: Economic growth is anemic to non-existent.

FACT: Senate Democrats have not produced a budget in over 1200 days. Obama's budgets have been so outrageously over-the-top unaffordable that they've gotten ZERO votes in Congress. That would be ZERO votes.

FACT: The number of people on food stamps and other social welfare programs is at record highs.

FACT: The president is a socialist who INTENDS all of these policies and their consequences .

FACT: The president is a socialist who INTENDS all of these policies and their consequences .

a socialist?? How is that possible given that he had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, suppports single payer, is beloved by the CPUSA, and Frank Marshall Davis was his mentor?
I'd say he's a communist like his folks.
FACT: The president is a socialist who INTENDS all of these policies and their consequences .

a socialist?? How is that possible given that he had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, suppports single payer, is beloved by the CPUSA, and Frank Marshall Davis was his mentor?
I'd say he's a communist like his folks.

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
US Debt Clock in real time $ 16,000,300,478,187 owed (That’s Trillion)...
I like numbers too. Let's understand them better. Here's the debt number from the Treasury Dept's website:

Note that $5T is what the gov't owes itself. I can decide to borrow $25T from myself and have more debt than the US gov't, but it doesn't mean anything.

The gov't owes

$11,272,625,663,662.57 to others, and that's

$35,866 per citizen.

You could say that 114,278,065 taxpayers means that each must pay $98,642, but remember that 37%, or

$4,140,435,406,263 will be paid by the top 1%.

Half the taxpayers will be paying $4,439 each.

Some can say that's good, others can say it's bad. Let's all say that this is what is.

Hell - this fucker Obama should be arrested and brought to trial....

But you idiot "Ass Sniffers," keep voting for this clown.....


$16,015,769,788,215.80 | The Weekly Standard
Ah, warrior spending his time in the far right. Tough guy goes to the Weekly Standard, for christ sake. What a dipshit. Can't to to the CBO or any other impartial site. Cause the Weekly standard posts what he wants to believe. And they make him mad. Can't beat that, can ya dipshit. Then posts totally misleading numbers. Who gives a shit about truth. Back to the far right sites. dipshit. Just a dipshit.

Hell - this fucker Obama should be arrested and brought to trial....

But you idiot "Ass Sniffers," keep voting for this clown.....


$16,015,769,788,215.80 | The Weekly Standard
Ah, warrior spending his time in the far right. Tough guy goes to the Weekly Standard, for christ sake. What a dipshit. Can't to to the CBO or any other impartial site. Cause the Weekly standard posts what he wants to believe. And they make him mad. Can't beat that, can ya dipshit. Then posts totally misleading numbers. Who gives a shit about truth. Back to the far right sites. dipshit. Just a dipshit.

So how much do we owe? What are your numbers?
The government is now spending more than the taxpayer's are paying in. We all know where this road leads.

If Obama is so great then why doesn't he cut government spending and stop ruining this nation???

--- "Deficit" vs. "Debt"---

“Suppose you spend more money this month than your income. This situation is called a "budget deficit". So you borrow (i.e.; use your credit card). The amount you borrowed (and now owe) is called your debt. You have to pay interest on your debt. If next month you spend more than your income, another deficit, you must borrow some more, and you'll still have to pay the interest on your debt (now larger). If you have a deficit every month, you keep borrowing and your debt grows. Soon the interest payment on your loan is bigger than any other item in your budget. Eventually, all you can do is pay the interest payment, and you don't have any money left over for anything else. This situation is known as bankruptcy.”


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Hell - this fucker Obama should be arrested and brought to trial....

But you idiot "Ass Sniffers," keep voting for this clown.....


$16,015,769,788,215.80 | The Weekly Standard
Ah, warrior spending his time in the far right. Tough guy goes to the Weekly Standard, for christ sake. What a dipshit. Can't to to the CBO or any other impartial site. Cause the Weekly standard posts what he wants to believe. And they make him mad. Can't beat that, can ya dipshit. Then posts totally misleading numbers. Who gives a shit about truth. Back to the far right sites. dipshit. Just a dipshit.

So how much do we owe? What are your numbers?

He thinks that by finding a different source the 16 Trillion debt will magically disappear... Too funny.
FACT: Thanks to Obama's socialist redistributionism and crushing big government, we've had 42 consecutive months of 8 percent plus unemployment, the longest stretch of such high unemployment since the Great Depression.
FACT: OF COURSE unemployment is the highest since the Great Depression, because the biggest recession since the Great Depression this country has gone through OCCURRED in 2007/2008, before President Obama began as President....one can only deal with what they were dealt. A new President can not just twitch their nose like bewitched and make all that occurred before they took office go away.

FACT: Obama has led an unprecedented spending blowout, giving us $1 trillion plus deficits for a record four years in a row.
FACT: Obama did NOT blow out spending nor did he begin the trillion dollar deficits. FACT: He has increased spending less than any other president in decades. FACT: President Bush's last fiscal year created 1.4 trillion dollar running deficit. FACT: President Obama's actions that he took when he first came in to office, accounted for only $150-200 billion of that $1.4 trillion in president bush's last fiscal year....before his first budget which began October 1, 2009 for fiscal year 2010. FACT: No President starts at zero on deficits, they begin with what they were left with by the previous president, and work from there to reduce the deficit or increase the deficit. President Bush began with a 200 billion dollar surplus, left to him by President Clinton's era of Presidency....When President Bush last fiscal year was completed we had 11.8 TRILLION in Total National Debt, under his 2 terms the total National Debt rose by $6 TRILLION Dollars due to his increased spending like there was no tomorrow, on unfunded legislation while giving tax cuts.

FACT: Thanks to the Obama spending blowout, our national debt is scheduled to slam into $16 TRILLION by the end of the week.
FACT: Once again, Obama has increased spending LESS THAN any President in decades. We had a running deficit of $1.4 trillion, left to him by the Bush reign, when he took office.

FACT: Our debt was downgraded for the first time ever.
FACT: Our downgrade occurred due to the actions of REPUBLICANS in Congress, not Obama.

FACT: Economic growth is anemic to non-existent.
FACT: The Dow Jones had crashed to around 6500 before Mr. Obama was President, it is now at the 13,000 range.

FACT: Senate Democrats have not produced a budget in over 1200 days. Obama's budgets have been so outrageously over-the-top unaffordable that they've gotten ZERO votes in Congress. That would be ZERO votes.
FACT: President Obama has presented a budget each and every year. His Budgets were not voted on due to political posturing from the Right wing and the left wing.

FACT: The number of people on food stamps and other social welfare programs is at record highs.
FACT: Of course there are....we have lots of people unemployed after the biggest housing bubble burst, bank crisis, and stock market fall since the great depression, that took place in 2008, before Obama took office.

FACT: The president is a socialist who INTENDS all of these policies and their consequences .
FACT: Have no idea what you are talking about here?

Where in the world did you get all of these non existent facts of yours?
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FACT: Thanks to Obama's socialist redistributionism and crushing big government, we've had 42 consecutive months of 8 percent plus unemployment, the longest stretch of such high unemployment since the Great Depression.
FACT: OF COURSE unemployment is the highest since the Great Depression, because the biggest recession since the Great Depression this country has gone through OCCURRED in 2007/2008, before President Obama began as President....one can only deal with what they were dealt. A new President can not just twitch their nose like bewitched and make all that occurred before they took office go away.

FACT: Obama has led an unprecedented spending blowout, giving us $1 trillion plus deficits for a record four years in a row.
FACT: Obama did NOT blow out spending nor did he begin the trillion dollar deficits. FACT: He has increased spending less than any other president in decades. FACT: President Bush's last fiscal year created 1.4 trillion dollar running deficit. FACT: President Obama's actions that he took when he first came in to office, accounted for only $150-200 billion of that $1.4 trillion in president bush's last fiscal year....before his first budget which began October 1, 2009 for fiscal year 2010. FACT: No President starts at zero on deficits, they begin with what they were left with by the previous president, and work from there to reduce the deficit or increase the deficit. President Bush began with a 200 billion dollar surplus, left to him by President Clinton's era of Presidency....When President Bush last fiscal year was completed we had 11.8 TRILLION in Total National Debt, under his 2 terms the total National Debt rose by $6 TRILLION Dollars due to his increased spending like there was no tomorrow, on unfunded legislation while giving tax cuts.

FACT: Thanks to the Obama spending blowout, our national debt is scheduled to slam into $16 TRILLION by the end of the week.
FACT: Once again, Obama has increased spending LESS THAN any President in decades. We had a running deficit of $1.4 trillion, left to him by the Bush reign, when he took office.

FACT: Our debt was downgraded for the first time ever.
FACT: Our downgrade occurred due to the actions of REPUBLICANS in Congress, not Obama.

FACT: Economic growth is anemic to non-existent.
FACT: The Dow Jones had crashed to around 6500 before Mr. Obama was President, it is now at the 13,000 range.

FACT: Senate Democrats have not produced a budget in over 1200 days. Obama's budgets have been so outrageously over-the-top unaffordable that they've gotten ZERO votes in Congress. That would be ZERO votes.
FACT: President Obama has presented a budget each and every year. His Budgets were not voted on due to political posturing from the Right wing and the left wing.

FACT: The number of people on food stamps and other social welfare programs is at record highs.
FACT: Of course there are....we have lots of people unemployed after the biggest housing bubble burst, bank crisis, and stock market fall since the great depression, that took place in 2008, before Obama took office.

FACT: The president is a socialist who INTENDS all of these policies and their consequences .
FACT: Have no idea what you are talking about here?

Where in the world did you get all of these non existent facts of yours?

The nonexistent facts are the ones I see highlighted in green.
Certainly lowering taxes and starting two never ending wars cannot account for our being in debt. Must be another reason? Maybe, teacher unions, elderly and disabled trying to vote, not wearing flag pins in our lapels?
...The government is now spending more than the taxpayer's are paying in. We all know where this road leads...
The United States started spending more than tax revenue before Washington was president. That's not the problem. The problem is whether the stuff we're buying is doing any good. In 1776 it was. Now it isn't.

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