16 year old boy shot to death by cop in courthouse

I like how the guy from the police union made his judgement that it was justified, while admitting that the only information he has came from the media like everybody else's. At least lie and omit that last part so you don't look like an irresponsible jackass.
Yeah, from the link, you can't tell what happened.

He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

This is a completely different topic, with completely different people, in a completely different situation. Please don't encourage him, Bodey.
Actually, at least during trials... Many courts don't allow cameras; video or otherwise, in the court room. That's why you often see artists depictions of "the scene" shown on the news. That might be doubly so for cases involving minors.

Can't imagine in this day and age court rooms without cameras.....

But then I'm a Conservative so I have no first hand knowledge of courtrooms...unlike many of my Leftists counterparts

wink wink
I like how the guy from the police union made his judgement that it was justified, while admitting that the only information he has came from the media like everybody else's. At least lie and omit that last part so you don't look like an irresponsible jackass.
Yeah, from the link, you can't tell what happened.

He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

This is a completely different topic, with completely different people, in a completely different situation. Please don't encourage him, Bodey.
Same claim you made applies you stated the police were not informed on what happened and just defending a cop cause he was a cop, that is exactly what Obama did defended a black man BECAUSE he was black with out any facts, he even admitted he had no facts.
Yeah, from the link, you can't tell what happened.

He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

This is a completely different topic, with completely different people, in a completely different situation. Please don't encourage him, Bodey.
Same claim you made applies you stated the police were not informed on what happened and just defending a cop cause he was a cop, that is exactly what Obama did defended a black man BECAUSE he was black with out any facts, he even admitted he had no facts.
I would defend anyone who was accosted by the police while trying to enter their own house. Can you say the same?
He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

This is a completely different topic, with completely different people, in a completely different situation. Please don't encourage him, Bodey.
Same claim you made applies you stated the police were not informed on what happened and just defending a cop cause he was a cop, that is exactly what Obama did defended a black man BECAUSE he was black with out any facts, he even admitted he had no facts.
I would defend anyone who was accosted by the police while trying to enter their own house. Can you say the same?
Ya except that is not what happened, and you know it. So did Obama when he made is ignorant comments.
Yeah, from the link, you can't tell what happened.

He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

This is a completely different topic, with completely different people, in a completely different situation. Please don't encourage him, Bodey.
Same claim you made applies you stated the police were not informed on what happened and just defending a cop cause he was a cop, that is exactly what Obama did defended a black man BECAUSE he was black with out any facts, he even admitted he had no facts.

And... where do we go from there?
Well, he can't be a thug in this case.

That sounds Racist.....

You liberals amaze me with your bullshit...

He looks like a punk...

I agree we need to see the video...

If he did attack the officer I say tuff shit....
How can you know all about this kid when you never met him and weren't there?
How can everyone else?
If you can see my post I clearly stated the opposite. How do you know all about this kid? Or are you just spouting more nonsense?
Repeating yourself doesn't actually further your argument. Why don't you ask the SEVERAL posters here who feel they know the kid so well that they've judged he deserves to be dead?
He was shot for a reason. We'll just have to wait and see if it's a good reason. I'm guessing that it will be ruled a justified shooting. I may be wrong, but so could all the people siding with this little punk. It's amazing how many are so eager to side with the criminal, when they don't even know what the f*ck happened.
It's not TOO hard to side with a skinny unarmed 16 year old who is KILLED defending his mother however stupidly from a power trippin sheriff's deputy. HOWEVER, if as a poster here said, the kid was reaching for another officer's weapon, yeah, shoot him.

Defending his mother...

What a bunch of bullshit...
I like how the guy from the police union made his judgement that it was justified, while admitting that the only information he has came from the media like everybody else's. At least lie and omit that last part so you don't look like an irresponsible jackass.
Yeah, from the link, you can't tell what happened.

He pretty much said, "It was justified, self defense, but admittedly I have no idea what I'm saying." He would have been better off not making a statement at all. Instead it comes across as him defending a fellow officer for no reason other than it's a fellow officer.
You mean like when Obama defended that professor with out any facts?
You mean the professor trying to get into his own house? What a (((((thug))))).

Yea that’s him…

He was the open and well known Racist

with a chip on his shoulder for White People

and especially White Police Officers…..

The same guy that had a Racist buddy that

just happened to be President at the time.

Who is the real racist in the Professor Gates story?
Gadell-Newton was critical of how the deputy initially handled his encounter with the boy and his mother.

“There was no effort to de-escalate the situation, to get them to calm down,” she said. “The deputy inserted himself too quickly without letting them settle down.”

Big surprise. Cop with big mouth,big attitude and I am a cop and can tell you what to do attitude.
Well, he can't be a thug in this case.
Why not?

Sounds like he was a defiant idiot from the reports. A true thug no doubt.

The cop, like all of them, probably went overboard, but only an absolute ignoramus assaults a power hungry gang member in blue.
He was not a power hungry gang banger! He was a bean poll, my daughter could have taken him! This was a child and a bean poll to boot. This guy had no buisness being a deputy! If you can not handle a child been pole,mom, and grandma you should not be a cop period!
Well, he can't be a thug in this case.
Why not?

Sounds like he was a defiant idiot from the reports. A true thug no doubt.

The cop, like all of them, probably went overboard, but only an absolute ignoramus assaults a power hungry gang member in blue.
I think it was kinda sweet that the kid was defending his mom. A kid-like thing to do. Very sweet and very deadly. This is a really sad story.
We don't know the history between this family and the law though.

I have a feeling there is a lot more going on here and a reason there is no video. I think they KNEW he would react this way, and I also have a feeling that this kid has no dad.
Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if there was "history" between this family and the cops. I don't think the cop baited the kid or was premeditatively planning to kill the kid, though. It also doesn't surprise me that the video wasn't working. Probably doesn't work half the time. Our courthouse had a metal detector sitting in the doorway for over a year and it wasn't used. We had video conferencing capabilities so people could testify remotely, but no one knew how to work the equipment.
Life in small towns.
Columbus is not a small town. There are metal detactors every where in that court house, you can not get inside with out going thru one and I know that courthouse like the back of my hand as I do alot of research there! I can alos tell you there was no long standing beef between the family and the cops. From what I am hearing from some of the locals that were in the courthouse it was just one of those freak things where things got out of hand.

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