17 Tourists Killed in Tunisia. Why Does Anyone Visit These Middle East Countries ?

It seems to me that Muslim terrorist activities in the US is somewhat similar in instances and frequency as school shootings. It happens. In both we see a reaction to bullying. America reaches out with military and later with drones to kill Muslims. Bullies in schools push psycho's and weaklings until they snap and get revenge. It happens.

There was no good reason to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. What happened in NY and the Pentagon was a CRIMINAL ACT. Bush showed what a spoiled brat he was and lashed out with the full force of our military when all that was needed was an immediate and thorough CIA/FBI/INTERPOL investigation and send Seal Teams in to destroy the nucleus of the attack. Getting hundreds of thousands of Arabs killed, millions displaced, that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack was a far bigger atrocity than anything the Arabs have done. We still butcher upwards of 25,000 people a year on our own highways. Dead and maimed is dead and maimed.

We are sad as human beings when we can instill hostility in millions of people then act like spoiled children when these already oppressed people reach out to sting us like an angry hornet then conveniently choose to forget what we have done to these people. We are pathetically unable to walk in anyone's shoes, especially those we have caused unbelievable harm to.

Do we as Americans that have benefited from free education right up to young adulthood lack the ability to reason that we have brought these terrorist onto ourselves?

I am just as irresponsible as most voters that elected George Bush into the power of the White House. That was just too much power in the hands of an imbecile. Now we are STILL unable to look at what we did with any maturity. There was no wisdom leading this country in our reaction to 9/11. Now there are a hand full of people we have outraged that will not let it go. Why should they? If any of you had the balls to look at yourselves and ask the question "what would you do if these things happened to you or your family?" Is it a bit more difficult to travel as Americans in the region of the world we have destroyed for millions of it's inhabitants? Obviously yes. We made this bed and now we must lay in it. There is no reparation that could possibly be adiquit.

You can thank George Bush and his daddy and Dick Cheney and that whole pack of thugs in charge of the military response for what happens to tourists now and probably until most of the aggrieved have died.

When we kill and destroy because we can and not only when we HAVE to we will suffer the outcome for many years after.

Ask yourself this.... Why do these Muslims primarily only attack those countries that banded together to attack them over something they as countries never took part in?

You can't because you are weak and immature. You are pathetic bullies. You deserve to get your asses kicked occasionally because that's what happens to bullies.

Me personally???? I openly apologize to the Arabs and Muslims for voting George Bush and his Daddy our leader. I had no idea he was that stupid. I'm sorry I didn't look harder into his character and intelligence before casting my vote.
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
gee, having a BA would make one think you could come up with a more mature retort than that.
IMMATURE: a word boring people use to describe fun people.
you could never be considered fun even in the broadest sense
Not by YOU.
by any one who is not a paranoid...

Calling normal reaction to jihad "paranoid" in 2015, is clearly a denial syndrome, brought on by too much leftwing media programming.



FBI tracked plot to attack U.S. Capitol for months - CNN.com


Oklahoma Muslim BEHEADS Female Co-Worker - Starts to Behead Another Before Gunman Stops Him - Freedom Outpost



Texas Muslim killed daughter her lesbian lover left Koran open to verse condemning homosexuality Creeping Sharia


Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops, 'spent months visiting jihadist websites, and stalked officers for hours.


Purported Islamic State video calls for attacks on Canadians - National Globalnews.ca


Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Muslim accused of beheading 2 Christians in U.S.

ISIS Urges Supporters To Kill 100 U.S. Military Personnel On Hacked Hit List

And all this (and many more) are just the violent side of jihad in America. Then we have the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization, and all their front groups.

in reality this post is smoking gun proof of paranoia , delusion etc.
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
note the lack of logic if everyone stayed away, there would be no need to send troops.....you should volunteer....
I guess your liberal media never told you that jihad has been going on continuously for 1400 years, right ?
And that it's killed 270 million people around the world.

EARTH TO DAWS: Here's a partial list of attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims (who "stayed away") >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after.
still more paranoia...
to the op

How many people have been killed by Christians since Biblical times?

Listed are only events that solely occurred on command or participation of church authorities or were committed in the name of Christianity. (List incomplete)
Ancient Pagans


    • As soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
    • Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
    • Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
    • Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as "temple destroyer." [DA468]
    • Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
    • Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
      According to Christian chroniclers he "followed meticulously all Christian teachings..."
    • In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
    • In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
    • The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.

    • Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded. [DO30]
    • Peasants of Steding (Germany) unwilling to pay suffocating church taxes: between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children slain 5/27/1234 near Altenesch/Germany. [WW223]
    • 15th century Poland: 1019 churches and 17987 villages plundered by Knights of the Order. Number of victims unknown. [DO30]
    • 16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops "pacified and civilized" Ireland, where only Gaelic "wild Irish", "unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing." One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that "the heddes of all those (of what sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies... and should bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie", which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused "greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolke, and freinds on the grounde".
      Tens of thousands of Gaelic Irish fell victim to the carnage. [SH99, 225]
Crusades (1095-1291)

    • First Crusade: 1095 on command of pope Urban II. [WW11-41]
    • Semlin/Hungary 6/24/96 thousands slain. Wieselburg/Hungary 6/12/96 thousands. [WW23]
    • 9/9/96-9/26/96 Nikaia, Xerigordon (then Turkish), thousands respectively. [WW25-27]
    • Until January 1098 a total of 40 capital cities and 200 castles conquered (number of slain unknown) [WW30]
    • After 6/3/98 Antiochia (then Turkish) conquered, between 10,000 and 60,000 slain. 6/28/98 100,000 Turks (incl. women and children) killed.
      Here the Christians "did no other harm to the women found in [the enemy's] tents - save that they ran their lances through their bellies," according to Christian chronicler Fulcher of Chartres. [EC60]
    • Marra (Maraat an-numan) 12/11/98 thousands killed. Because of the subsequent famine "the already stinking corpses of the enemies were eaten by the Christians" said chronicler Albert Aquensis. [WW36]
    • jesusinator.jpg
      Jerusalem conquered 7/15/1099 more than 60,000 victims (Jewish, Muslim, men, women, children). [WW37-40]
      In the words of one witness: "there [in front of Solomon's temple] was such a carnage that our people were wading ankle-deep in the blood of our foes", and after that "happily and crying for joy our people marched to our Saviour's tomb, to honour it and to pay off our debt of gratitude."
    • The Archbishop of Tyre, eye-witness, wrote: "It was impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror; everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror of all who looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished." [TG79]
    • Christian chronicler Eckehard of Aura noted that "even the following summer in all of Palestine the air was polluted by the stench of decomposition". [WW41]
    • Battle of Askalon, 8/12/1099. Thousands of heathens slaughtered "in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ". [WW45]
    • Fourth crusade: 4/12/1204 Constantinople sacked, number of victims unknown, numerous thousands, many of them Christian. [WW141-148]
    • Crusades (1095-1291)
      • Estimated totals:
      • Individual Events:
        • Davies: Crusaders killed up to 8,000 Jews in Rhineland
        • Paul Johnson A History of the Jews (1987): 1,000 Jewish women in
          Rhineland comm. suicide to avoid the mob, 1096.
        • Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, v.5, 6
          • 1st Crusade: 300,000 Eur. k at Battle of Nice [Nicea].
          • Crusaders vs. Solimon of Roum: 4,000 Christians, 3,000 Moslems

          • 1098, Fall of Antioch: 100,000 Moslems massacred.
          • 50,000 Pilgrims died of disease.
          • 1099, Fall of Jerusalem: 70,000 Moslems massacred.
          • Siege of Tiberias: 30,000 Christians k.
          • Siege of Tyre: 1,000 Turks
          • Richard the Lionhearted executes 3,000 Moslem POWs.
          • 1291: 100,000 Christians k after fall of Acre.
          • Fall of Christian Antioch: 17,000 massacred.
          • [TOTAL: 677,000 listed in these episodes here.]

        • Catholic Encyclopedia (1910) [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/]
          • Jaffa: 20,000 Christians massacred, 1197

        • Sorokin estimates that French, English & Imperial German Crusaders lost
          a total of 3,600 in battle.
          • 1st C (1096-99): 400
          • 2nd C (1147-49): 750
          • 3rd C (1189-91): 930
          • 4th C (1202-04): 120
          • 5th C (1228-29): 600
          • 7th C (1248-54): 700

        • James Trager, The People's Chronology (1992)
          • 1099: Crusaders slaughter 40,000 inhabs of Jerusalem. Dis/starv reduced
            Crusaders from 300,000 to 60,000.
          • 1147: 2nd Crusades begins with 500,000. "Most" lost to
          • 1190: 500 Jews massacred in York.
          • 1192: 3rd Crusade reduced from 100,000 to 5,000 through famine, plagues and
            desertions in campaign vs Antioch.
          • 1212: Children's Crusade loses some 50,000.
          • [TOTAL: Just in these incidents, it appears the Europeans lost around
      • TOTAL: When I take all the individual death tolls listed here, weed out
        the duplicates, fill in the blanks, apply Occam ("Pluralitas non est
        ponenda sine necessitate"
        ), etc. I get a very rough total of 1½ M
        deaths in the Crusades.

Heretics and Atheists

    • Already in 385 C.E. the first Christians, the Spanish Priscillianus and six followers, were beheaded for heresy in Trier/Germany [DO26]
    • Manichaean heresy: a crypto-Christian sect decent enough to practice birth control (and thus not as irresponsible as faithful Catholics) was exterminated in huge campaigns all over the Roman empire between 372 C.E. and 444 C.E. Numerous thousands of victims. [NC]
    • Albigensians: the first Crusade intended to slay other Christians. [DO29]
      The Albigensians (Cathars) viewed themselves as good Christians, but would not accept Roman Catholic rule, and taxes, and prohibition of birth control. [NC]
      Begin of violence: on command of pope Innocent III (the greatest single mass murderer prior to the Nazi era) in 1209. Beziérs (today France) 7/22/1209 destroyed, all the inhabitants were slaughtered. Number of victims (including Catholics refusing to turn over their heretic
      neighbors and friends) estimated between 20,000-70,000. [WW179-181]
    • Carcassonne 8/15/1209, thousands slain. Other cities followed. [WW181]
    • Subsequent 20 years of war until nearly all Cathars (probably half the population of the Languedoc, today southern France) were exterminated. [WW183]
    • After the war ended (1229) the Inquisition was founded 1232 to search and destroy surviving/hiding heretics. Last Cathars burned at the stake 1324.
    • Estimated one million victims (Cathar heresy alone), [WW183]
    • Other heresies: Waldensians, Paulikians, Runcarians, Josephites, and many others. Most of these sects exterminated, (I believe some Waldensians live today, yet they had to endure 600 years of persecution) I estimate at least hundred thousand victims (including the Spanish inquisition but excluding victims in the New World).
    • Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada, a former Dominican friar, allegedly was responsible for 10,220 burnings. [DO28]
    • John Huss, a critic of papal infallibility and indulgences, was burned at the stake in 1415. [LI475-522]
    • Michael Sattler, leader of a baptist community, was burned at the stake in Rottenburg, Germany, May 20, 1527. Several days later his wife and other follwers were also executed. [KM]
    • University professor B.Hubmaier burned at the stake 1538 in Vienna. [DO59]
    • Giordano Bruno, Dominican monk, after having been incarcerated for seven years, was burned at the stake for heresy on the Campo dei Fiori (Rome) on 2/17/1600.
    • Thomas Aikenhead, a twenty-year-old scottish student of Edinburgh University, was hanged for atheism and blasphemy.

    • From the beginning of Christianity to 1484 probably more than several thousand.
    • In the era of witch hunting (1484-1750) according to modern scholars several hundred thousand (about 80% female) burned at the stake or hanged.
Religious Wars

    • 15th century: Crusades against Hussites, thousands slain. [DO30]
    • 1538 pope Paul III declared Crusade against apostate England and all English as slaves of Church (fortunately had not power to go into action). [DO31]
    • 1568 Spanish Inquisition Tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million rebels in (then Spanish) Netherlands. [DO31]
      Between 5000 and 6000 Protestants were drowned by Spanish Catholic Troops, "a disaster the burghers of Emden first realized when several thousand broad-brimmed Dutch hats floated by." [SH216]
    • 1572 In France about 20,000 Huguenots were killed on command of pope Pius V. Until 17th century 200,000 flee. [DO31]
    • 17th century: Catholics slay Gaspard de Coligny, a Protestant leader. After murdering him, the Catholic mob mutilated his body, "cutting off his head, his hands, and his genitals... and then dumped him into the river [...but] then, deciding that it was not worthy of being food for the fish, they hauled it out again [... and] dragged what was left ... to the gallows of Montfaulcon, 'to be meat and carrion for maggots and crows'." [SH191]
    • 17th century: Catholics sack the city of Magdeburg/Germany: roughly 30,000 Protestants were slain. "In a single church fifty women were found beheaded," reported poet Friedrich Schiller, "and infants still sucking the breasts of their lifeless mothers." [SH191]
    • 17th century 30 years' war (Catholic vs. Protestant): at least 40% of population decimated, mostly in Germany. [DO31-32]

    • Already in the 4th and 5th centuries synagogues were burned by Christians.Number of Jews slain unknown.
    • In the middle of the fourth century the first synagogue was destroyed on command of bishop Innocentius of Dertona in Northern Italy. The first synagogue known to have been burned down was near the river Euphrat, on command of the bishop of Kallinikon in the year 388. [DA450]
    • 694 17. Council of Toledo: Jews were enslaved, their property confiscated, and their children forcibly baptized. [DA454]
    • 1010 The Bishop of Limoges (France) had the cities' Jews, who would not convert to Christianity, expelled or killed. [DA453]
    • 1096 First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered, maybe 12.000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prag and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prag/Czech) [EJ]
    • 1147 Second Crusade: Several hundred Jews were slain in Ham, Sully, Carentan, and Rameru (all locations in France). [WW57]
    • 1189/90 Third Crusade: English Jewish communities sacked. [DO40]
    • 1235, Fulda/Germany: 34 Jewish men and women slain. [DO41]
    • 1257, 1267: Jewish communities of London, Canterbury, Northampton, Lincoln, Cambridge, and others exterminated. [DO41]
    • 1290 Bohemia (Poland) allegedly 10,000 Jews killed. [DO41]
    • 1337 Starting in Deggendorf/Germany a Jew-killing craze reaches 51 towns in Bavaria, Austria, Poland. [DO41]
    • 1348 All Jews of Basel/Switzerland and Strasbourg/France (two thousand) burned. [DO41]
    • 1349 In more than 350 towns in Germany all Jews murdered, mostly burned alive (in this one year more Jews were killed than Christians in 200 years of ancient Roman persecution of Christians). [DO42]
    • 1389 In Prag 3,000 Jews were slaughtered. [DO42]
    • 1391 Seville's Jews killed (Archbishop Martinez leading). 4,000 were slain, 25,000 sold as slaves. [DA454] Their identification was made easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all Jews above the age of ten had been forced to wear.
    • 1492 In the year Columbus set sail to conquer a New World, more than 150,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, many died on their way: 6/30/1492.
    • 1648 Chmielnitzki massacres: In Poland about 200,000 Jews were slain.
for the complete listExChristian.Net - Articles How many people have been killed by Christians since Biblical times
seems my numbers are better than yours
Ok----history----so true----the early Christians
were HEIR to roman "culture"----the muslims inherited their system from a syncresis of
Christian and HUMMARABI Mesopotamia---the Mesopotamia that Abraham rejected
Ok----history----so true----the early Christians
were HEIR to roman "culture"----the muslims inherited their system from a syncresis of
Christian and HUMMARABI Mesopotamia---the Mesopotamia that Abraham rejected

I don't know why there are posters who feel they have to go back far in history as if they are proving anything. This is now, and the past is the past. As tragic as this attack was, it could have been worse.
Tunis museum attackers wore belts packed with explosives
Tunis museum attackers wore belts packed with explosives - Africa - World - The Independent
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?
IMMATURE: a word boring people use to describe fun people.
you could never be considered fun even in the broadest sense
Not by YOU.
by any one who is not a paranoid...

Calling normal reaction to jihad "paranoid" in 2015, is clearly a denial syndrome, brought on by too much leftwing media programming.



FBI tracked plot to attack U.S. Capitol for months - CNN.com


Oklahoma Muslim BEHEADS Female Co-Worker - Starts to Behead Another Before Gunman Stops Him - Freedom Outpost



Texas Muslim killed daughter her lesbian lover left Koran open to verse condemning homosexuality Creeping Sharia


Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops, 'spent months visiting jihadist websites, and stalked officers for hours.


Purported Islamic State video calls for attacks on Canadians - National Globalnews.ca


Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Muslim accused of beheading 2 Christians in U.S.

ISIS Urges Supporters To Kill 100 U.S. Military Personnel On Hacked Hit List

And all this (and many more) are just the violent side of jihad in America. Then we have the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization, and all their front groups.

in reality this post is smoking gun proof of paranoia , delusion etc.

No, the post was a reiteration of the jihad attacks that have been occuring in recent years in the US and Canada, and the indication of a growing problem. And it is just a partial list,

And you post is smoking gun proof of ridiculous DENIAL , delusion etc. If one of your friends or relatives had been one of those killed or maimed in the Boston Marathon bombing or one of the other attacks, you wouldn't be so nonchalant about this. Why don't you ask those people what THEY think about it ?

Here's something else to consider >> Facebook rant lands US man in UAE jail - BBC News
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
note the lack of logic if everyone stayed away, there would be no need to send troops.....you should volunteer....
I guess your liberal media never told you that jihad has been going on continuously for 1400 years, right ?
And that it's killed 270 million people around the world.

EARTH TO DAWS: Here's a partial list of attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims (who "stayed away") >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after.
still more paranoia...

Still more DENIAL. AKA >>> :bsflag:
you could never be considered fun even in the broadest sense
Not by YOU.
by any one who is not a paranoid...

Calling normal reaction to jihad "paranoid" in 2015, is clearly a denial syndrome, brought on by too much leftwing media programming.



FBI tracked plot to attack U.S. Capitol for months - CNN.com


Oklahoma Muslim BEHEADS Female Co-Worker - Starts to Behead Another Before Gunman Stops Him - Freedom Outpost



Texas Muslim killed daughter her lesbian lover left Koran open to verse condemning homosexuality Creeping Sharia


Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops, 'spent months visiting jihadist websites, and stalked officers for hours.


Purported Islamic State video calls for attacks on Canadians - National Globalnews.ca


Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Muslim accused of beheading 2 Christians in U.S.

ISIS Urges Supporters To Kill 100 U.S. Military Personnel On Hacked Hit List

And all this (and many more) are just the violent side of jihad in America. Then we have the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization, and all their front groups.

in reality this post is smoking gun proof of paranoia , delusion etc.

No, the post was a reiteration of the jihad attacks that have been occuring in recent years in the US and Canada, and the indication of a growing problem. And it is just a partial list,

And you post is smoking gun proof of ridiculous DENIAL , delusion etc. If one of your friends or relatives had been one of those killed or maimed in the Boston Marathon bombing or one of the other attacks, you wouldn't be so nonchalant about this. Why don't you ask those people what THEY think about it ?

Here's something else to consider >> Facebook rant lands US man in UAE jail - BBC News
more smoking gun proof of paranoia , delusion etc...
We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
We should enourage our rightwing christian fundamentalists to visit there
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
he's got nothing so why not swing for the fences
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
To put things in prospective, approximately 4,000 Americans have died in terrorist attacks in the last 50 years and the cost of the fight is about 5 trillion dollars.

By comparison, 400,000 Americans died in WWII in 4 years and in just 5 weeks 19,000 American solders died in the Battle of Bulge. The US expended just under 300 billion dollars on WWII, 4 trillion in today's dollars.

What makes the current war on terror so ridiculous is that it is exactly what the terrorist want, media attention, engagement with the US, and martyrdom.
It's what happens when we elect "Chicken Hawks" to positions with access to military power.

The very fate of the world was in doubt at the beginnings of WWII. If not for some incredible blunders by the Nazis mixed together with some very lucky weather the Russians prevailed. The outcome in the Pacific theater was in doubt for some time.

Those who equate the stakes in WWII to these trifling rag tag Mid Eastern war refugees are the ones pissing on the graves above the beaches in Normandy, France. Those sacrifices were truly unavoidable and heroic. What we have now are the deaths of our finest in uniform because the Bush's liked to play war with real men's and women's lives. If Bush(one) had respected the religious lands in Saudi Arabia and packed up our bases as soon as the also unnecessary War with Iraq was over there never would have been a Bin Ladin or an Al Quida. There could very well be some form of Arab and Muslim uprising but not focused on attacking the USA.

Our phoney defense of European and multi-national's grip on Arab oil and meddling in Mid East affairs including some miss placed allegiance to Israel's interests at our expense has been a lesson in what NOT to do in foreign treaties and guarantee's to defend what is not nor ever would be OURS.

Israel is assumed our 51st state when it suites the Jews and the Chicken Hawk war mongers and none of our business when it's policies don't conform to our morals. How many Americans have died in defense of Israel? A..many tens of thousands. How many Israeli Jews have died in defense of the USA? A... None..ZERO.
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
We should encourage everyone to stay the hell away from there. (except for US troops needing to keep a handle on nuclear weapons, and exterminate the jihadists- ISIS, Boko Haram, etc)
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
We are capable of doing much more vs the entire worldwide jihad that eventually will coalesce and be a far worse adversary to us than we have ever had in all our history. In fact, it could be said that exists already right now, due to the fanaticism of Muslim jihad, combined with the existence of nuclear weaponry (100+ warheads sitting in Pakistan right now). This is why Obama had better not pull out of Afghanistan. And ISIS is a threat to acquire nukes as well, as is anybody who has the $$$$$$ to pay for it, or has the potential to acquire that much wealth (as ISIS does).

PS - the "don't make them mad" notion is about as idiotic as anything I've ever heard. Imagine Eisenhower and Patton saying, before the Battle of the Bulge > "We better not go any further. They'll get mad." There's an idiot around here all right. YOU.
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
he's got nothing so why not swing for the fences
That's what YOU have > NOTHING.
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
That is exactly what Muslims have been asking westerns to do for over 50 years. Get the hell out and stay out. They don't want to be saved, democratized, or westernized. They want to be left alone to slaughter each other and cram their version of Islam down their neighbors throat. I think we should oblige them.

I don't care one iota what they want. When I talk about sending US troops to fight over there, it is for one reason. To defend the USA from attack, by these lunatics.

You are an idiot. It is thinking like this that blows up one known terrorist and makes martyrs out of ten innocents that get murdered as collateral damage. You create a hundred terrorist for each one you kill with bombs and tanks. And if you had a knife in your hand and was ordered to use it on another human being you would piss down your leg.
Good thing your kind of ass clown thinking wasn't prevalent in 1941. If it had been, we'd all be talking German and Japanese now. Any more :lame2:brain ideas about US troops you want to stain these pages with ?

Attempting to equate WWII to what happened on 9/11 is ridiculous. No sovereign country attacked the US on 9/11. A splinter group of Muslim extremist so-called fundamentalists attacked us. The reasons, unrelated to their
Muslim fanaticism, of why they attacked us were to some degree sound. What their attack set off in response by us was unnecessary. We could have certainly demanded access to the people that attacked us.
For some reason you seem to believe that I condone the 9/11 attacks the Muslims known as Al Qaida were responsible for. I do not. I do not condone the over reaction on our part either. We were fully capable of bringing Al Qaida to justice.
To put things in prospective, approximately 4,000 Americans have died in terrorist attacks in the last 50 years and the cost of the fight is about 5 trillion dollars.

By comparison, 400,000 Americans died in WWII in 4 years and in just 5 weeks 19,000 American solders died in the Battle of Bulge. The US expended just under 300 billion dollars on WWII, 4 trillion in today's dollars.

What makes the current war on terror so ridiculous is that it is exactly what the terrorist want, media attention, engagement with the US, and martyrdom.
You don't get it. The things you said about what terrorists want is secondary. The primary thing is that they want what Muslims have been wanting and fighting over, for 1400 years > world domination. ANd now because of nuclear technology they have the means to achieve it (if we allow them to) What is ridiculous is that the US is up against its greatest threat ever, and you are sitting there clueless.
"17 Tourists Killed in Tunisia. Why Does Anyone Visit These Middle East Countries ?"

Middle East countries in North Africa.

At least you're consistent at being an ignorant idiot.

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