17 Tourists Killed in Tunisia. Why Does Anyone Visit These Middle East Countries ?

btw o shit headed op Tunisia is in north Africa not the middle east .
so Despite having a bachelors degree in geography you screwed the pooch on a extremely simple geographical question.
any 5h grader could have answered...
a fine example among countless others why you are in no position to judge..
Middle east, North Africa, ho hum, no big deal. They are both the Islamic, nutjob world. That's the point.
really? if it's no big deal why did you start your rant with this little gem?:" Despite having a bachelors degree in geography" - projectionist.
I felt like it. :biggrin:
Despite having a bachelors degree in geography, I have never been outside the United States. I also have no desire to visit any foreign countries, and if I did, the Middle East sure would not be on my list. Going there gives the jihad terrorists a chance to kill them, or take them hostage, and hold them for ransom. I'm honestly debating with myself if Americans should even be permitted to visit these hellholes.

Sure there are hellholes here in the USA too. High crime Black communities. Well, I'd advise anyone concerned with their safety to stay away from them too. As for the Middle East, I don't know what the attraction is to a desert climate place, where whatever Islamic cultural attributes they have, I can get along very well without them.

Want to go traveling ? Lots of land to cover in the USA, Canada, and Europe.
Yeah I want to see as much of the world as I can before I die but the middle east is a no no.

Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.

Should be safe from Muslim nutties in Antarctica. Just don't get stranded outside anywhere.
Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Name how it changes your mind for the better (in your wacko-multiculturalist opinion)
Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Yes it is................Like the Persian Gulf, Somalia...........and etc.................Like seeing Phillipinos working at a Pizza Hut who admitted to me that they were OWNED as Slaves to their masters who bought them.........To the Sheik who lead the 3 women in their black clad Burkas following behind him like nice little dogs.......as they are treated less than a dog over there.............

Like the waters of the Persian Gulf where the Iranians were dumping mines into the waters trying to kill us...................

Like Somalia where the Radical elements were killing their own people for trying to get something to eat..........aka they were Starving to Death...........

Like Indonesia...................where we were forced to leave early because they RIOTED against us for being there...................throwing bricks at us...............for JUST BEING AMERICANS..........

Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Yes it is................Like the Persian Gulf, Somalia...........and etc.................Like seeing Phillipinos working at a Pizza Hut who admitted to me that they were OWNED as Slaves to their masters who bought them.........To the Sheik who lead the 3 women in their black clad Burkas following behind him like nice little dogs.......as they are treated less than a dog over there.............

Like the waters of the Persian Gulf where the Iranians were dumping mines into the waters trying to kill us...................

Like Somalia where the Radical elements were killing their own people for trying to get something to eat..........aka they were Starving to Death...........

Like Indonesia...................where we were forced to leave early because they RIOTED against us for being there...................throwing bricks at us...............for JUST BEING AMERICANS..........


I'll pass on world travel. I'm content with seeing the uncivilized, barbaric savages around the world, on my TV set. No need to immerse myself in their filthy, foreign diseases (physical and cultural). A lot cleaner and safer in my living room.
deflection. If you had any viable point at all, you could/would have answered the questions. Instead, you ran so fact the hounds couldn't catch you.
the queen of false assumption rants.
I am under no kind of contract or pressure to answer in a manner or a time that you dictate...my first statement stands....
My statement stands that you ran like a scared rabbit. And now you'r hiding under your desk, still unable to answer the quesitons.. We know you're under no contract. We also know you'd answer the question, if your could. You can't.
who is we shit head?
I'm not running anywhere, your blathering is another fine example why you are unqualified to make judgments more complex than what size toilet paper rolls to buy, even than it's an iffy proposition.
If you weren't the "shithead", you'd know who "we" is. You ALREADY ran, and you're still in hiding, refusing to answer my questions, because you know if you did, you would prove me to be right. You can go back under your desk now.
you live a rich fantasy life but it's no substitute for real life experience..
btw o shit headed op Tunisia is in north Africa not the middle east .
so Despite having a bachelors degree in geography you screwed the pooch on a extremely simple geographical question.
any 5h grader could have answered...
a fine example among countless others why you are in no position to judge..
Middle east, North Africa, ho hum, no big deal. They are both the Islamic, nutjob world. That's the point.
really? if it's no big deal why did you start your rant with this little gem?:" Despite having a bachelors degree in geography" - projectionist.
I felt like it. :biggrin:
gee, having a BA would make one think you could come up with a more mature retort than that.
Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Name how it changes your mind for the better (in your wacko-multiculturalist opinion)
it's un explainable to a mono cultural isolationist with one working brain cell.
Experience isn't necessary for judgement. KNOWLEDGE is what's necessary. I don't need the experience of robbing a bank to judge that act as illegal. That comes from knowledge. That comes from various good sources, all within the USA.
bullshit! you can have no real knowledge without experience...even her the term you can't learn this in books.
you are so full of shit it's wonder you don't explode.
a real live jingoist who'd a thunk it!
You are incredibly stupid. I already proved you don't need experience to engage in judgement. So let's go back to my analogy. Do you need to experience robbing a bank yourself, to judge it to be illegal ? Do you need to catch a 200 pound tuna, to know that is a strenuous task ? Do you need to go to the arctic in winter to know it's cold there ? I feel like I'm talking to a 4 year old.
matter of fact you do.
your analogy is laughable...all of it is rationalization
the only thing you've proven is you are a pretentious fuck who lives in the dark.
but I knew that already, because I've had a shit load of experience with ass hats like you.
just couldn't resist the urge to poke you with a stick.
A a matter of fact YOU DON'T, and the mere fact that you sit here and try to say you do, shows that you are just another programmed robot of liberal media, and its many gooneybird redefinitions of simple common sense, designed to fit a change agenda. Ho hum. Shoo ultra-liberal, programmed fly. Shoo. :biggrin:
another unintendedly hilarious shot of pretentiousness.

I see you both as being pretentious and fundamentally wrong. One can get enough flavor of a foreign country from the knowledge of others that have spent time there with all the video supplementation to have a pretty good idea what it is like to be there.

What I disagree with as the reason to stay away being kidnapping. A handful of people get kidnapped. There are few places on the planet that a tourist cannot get into trouble, including much of this country.

As far as the "stench" of third world countries, it is real. Poor sanitation, the lack of electricity and refrigeration and bad water supplies add up to a nasty experience for someone that has lived in the USA for their whole life.

I would also be nervous going to some places on the planet that are some distance and time from top notch medical services. I suspect more Americans out of this country die from a lack of services we take for granted than being held for ransom.

The main reason I would avoid an Islamic country, other than I hate religion, is that Muslim populations are ignorant. Stupid people kill far more fellow inhabitants of this planet than do terrorists.
bullshit! you can have no real knowledge without experience...even her the term you can't learn this in books.
you are so full of shit it's wonder you don't explode.
a real live jingoist who'd a thunk it!
You are incredibly stupid. I already proved you don't need experience to engage in judgement. So let's go back to my analogy. Do you need to experience robbing a bank yourself, to judge it to be illegal ? Do you need to catch a 200 pound tuna, to know that is a strenuous task ? Do you need to go to the arctic in winter to know it's cold there ? I feel like I'm talking to a 4 year old.
matter of fact you do.
your analogy is laughable...all of it is rationalization
the only thing you've proven is you are a pretentious fuck who lives in the dark.
but I knew that already, because I've had a shit load of experience with ass hats like you.
just couldn't resist the urge to poke you with a stick.
A a matter of fact YOU DON'T, and the mere fact that you sit here and try to say you do, shows that you are just another programmed robot of liberal media, and its many gooneybird redefinitions of simple common sense, designed to fit a change agenda. Ho hum. Shoo ultra-liberal, programmed fly. Shoo. :biggrin:
another unintendedly hilarious shot of pretentiousness.

I see you both as being pretentious and fundamentally wrong. One can get enough flavor of a foreign country from the knowledge of others that have spent time there with all the video supplementation to have a pretty good idea what it is like to be there.

What I disagree with as the reason to stay away being kidnapping. A handful of people get kidnapped. There are few places on the planet that a tourist cannot get into trouble, including much of this country.

As far as the "stench" of third world countries, it is real. Poor sanitation, the lack of electricity and refrigeration and bad water supplies add up to a nasty experience for someone that has lived in the USA for their whole life.

I would also be nervous going to some places on the planet that are some distance and time from top notch medical services. I suspect more Americans out of this country die from a lack of services we take for granted than being held for ransom.

The main reason I would avoid an Islamic country, other than I hate religion, is that Muslim populations are ignorant. Stupid people kill far more fellow inhabitants of this planet than do terrorists.
Kidnapping is just one reason, among many, to stay away from the Islamic world. The main reason is, it is just plain sickening, in every way.
deflection. If you had any viable point at all, you could/would have answered the questions. Instead, you ran so fact the hounds couldn't catch you.
the queen of false assumption rants.
I am under no kind of contract or pressure to answer in a manner or a time that you dictate...my first statement stands....
My statement stands that you ran like a scared rabbit. And now you'r hiding under your desk, still unable to answer the quesitons.. We know you're under no contract. We also know you'd answer the question, if your could. You can't.
who is we shit head?
I'm not running anywhere, your blathering is another fine example why you are unqualified to make judgments more complex than what size toilet paper rolls to buy, even than it's an iffy proposition.
If you weren't the "shithead", you'd know who "we" is. You ALREADY ran, and you're still in hiding, refusing to answer my questions, because you know if you did, you would prove me to be right. You can go back under your desk now.
you live a rich fantasy life but it's no substitute for real life experience..
You have a twisted (programmed) definition of "real life experience". And one of the experiences of real life experience is being con jobbed, while you're experiencing your real life.
Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Name how it changes your mind for the better (in your wacko-multiculturalist opinion)
it's un explainable to a mono cultural isolationist with one working brain cell.
btw o shit headed op Tunisia is in north Africa not the middle east .
so Despite having a bachelors degree in geography you screwed the pooch on a extremely simple geographical question.
any 5h grader could have answered...
a fine example among countless others why you are in no position to judge..
Middle east, North Africa, ho hum, no big deal. They are both the Islamic, nutjob world. That's the point.
really? if it's no big deal why did you start your rant with this little gem?:" Despite having a bachelors degree in geography" - projectionist.
I felt like it. :biggrin:
gee, having a BA would make one think you could come up with a more mature retort than that.
IMMATURE: a word boring people use to describe fun people.
...you have a classic case of xenophobia ..
In our present age of a re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam and all its barbaric and savage manifestations, that may not be such a bad thing.

What was that old, humorous maxim?

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that they're not out to get you."
the queen of false assumption rants.
I am under no kind of contract or pressure to answer in a manner or a time that you dictate...my first statement stands....
My statement stands that you ran like a scared rabbit. And now you'r hiding under your desk, still unable to answer the quesitons.. We know you're under no contract. We also know you'd answer the question, if your could. You can't.
who is we shit head?
I'm not running anywhere, your blathering is another fine example why you are unqualified to make judgments more complex than what size toilet paper rolls to buy, even than it's an iffy proposition.
If you weren't the "shithead", you'd know who "we" is. You ALREADY ran, and you're still in hiding, refusing to answer my questions, because you know if you did, you would prove me to be right. You can go back under your desk now.
you live a rich fantasy life but it's no substitute for real life experience..
You have a twisted (programmed) definition of "real life experience". And one of the experiences of real life experience is being con jobbed, while you're experiencing your real life.
another false assumption.
Plenty to see right here. I love to travel the U.S., and Canada is beautiful. Been to the border towns of Mexico...not for me. The wife wants to see Great Briton, so I suppose I'm going whether I want to or not.

I'd like to see Antarctica before I die...aside from that, I have no interest in leaving the good old U.S.A.
imo that's sad

world travel is a mind changing life altering experience
Yes it is................Like the Persian Gulf, Somalia...........and etc.................Like seeing Phillipinos working at a Pizza Hut who admitted to me that they were OWNED as Slaves to their masters who bought them.........To the Sheik who lead the 3 women in their black clad Burkas following behind him like nice little dogs.......as they are treated less than a dog over there.............

Like the waters of the Persian Gulf where the Iranians were dumping mines into the waters trying to kill us...................

Like Somalia where the Radical elements were killing their own people for trying to get something to eat..........aka they were Starving to Death...........

Like Indonesia...................where we were forced to leave early because they RIOTED against us for being there...................throwing bricks at us...............for JUST BEING AMERICANS..........

btw o shit headed op Tunisia is in north Africa not the middle east .
so Despite having a bachelors degree in geography you screwed the pooch on a extremely simple geographical question.
any 5h grader could have answered...
a fine example among countless others why you are in no position to judge..
Middle east, North Africa, ho hum, no big deal. They are both the Islamic, nutjob world. That's the point.
really? if it's no big deal why did you start your rant with this little gem?:" Despite having a bachelors degree in geography" - projectionist.
I felt like it. :biggrin:
gee, having a BA would make one think you could come up with a more mature retort than that.
IMMATURE: a word boring people use to describe fun people.
you could never be considered fun even in the broadest sense
getting back to the OP------does anyone have some information on the MOTIVES of the people
who shot up the Museum?------their victims seem to have been just people who were booked on a ship TOUR of the area-----what
could they have had against them?

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