17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

Was that you in that car? :lol:

Anyhow, the cop completely lost his cool. He is terrible at his job and should resign before he kills another unarmed child because he's angry at his authority being challenged. :dunno: We citizens have rights. The police do not have the right to shoot unarmed teenagers. That is why there needs to be two officers per car. That would cut down on these kinds of incidents. Correct?

he's the guy I want out on the streets at night. you should really do more research. Oh yeah, you wouldn't get it if you did. funny stuff though. BTW, the cop is still alive the plight of the young man is over. gladly he didn't reproduce.
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.

Not even on his best day.
do you wear your best stilettoes to gain the extra inches?

No, I'll leave the stiletto wearing to you and the boyfriend you're protecting.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.

What does that have to do with anything at all? That's right. I talk a lot. Doesn't make me a crazy ass loon like yourself.
it doesn't? so are you judge and jury?
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.

Now, how about you try to address the serious issues here. The cops should never go out on patrol alone. There should be two per car and the cops should be trained better to deal with "difficult" citizens.
who's going to pay for that?
If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.

Not even on his best day.
do you wear your best stilettoes to gain the extra inches?

No, I'll leave the stiletto wearing to you and the boyfriend you're protecting.
ohhh not the false you're gay ploy again!
Resisting will only give you 2 choices you die or slam to the ground and get arrested. Why oh why this keep happening? Why is it so hard for these people to comply?
Because they were raised in a culture that tells them at home at school in the movies in Rap music to have NO regard for anyone but themselves. These fucking punks were the ones you saw in the grocery store checkout aged four smacking their mothers in the face. Their mothers, also raised in the 'no accountability' culture do nothing but let it happen.
Spoiled little brats with no regard for anyone but themselves.
Then they start driving and they encounter someone with REAL authority mandated by law to use that authority for the good of us all and the spoiled brats think they can act towards the cops like they've always talked to their parents, teachers and fucking guess what happens? They end up in jail or worse. Too fucking bad.
I guess you would know, you were one of those punks and still show the signs of it!
bullshit !

Really, psycho?

But the two available videos show that Guilford was shot after he was already laying on his stomach.

And he was shot after he had already been tased, which Frost later claimed, he had to do because the teen was looking back at him with an expression that he was going to suddenly jump up and attack him.

These are things they apparently teach officers in the academy; how to predict a person’s violent intentions from a single glance backwards as they lie on their stomach on the side of side of a dark road in snowy weather.

Within the six seconds from when Frost fired his taser to when he fired his gun, he claims that Guilford stood up and began violently attacking him, leaving him with a bloody face, making him feel as if he was going to lose consciousness, according to the Lansing State Journal.

He pulled the trigger, but the gun became jammed, so he manage to eject that round and fired seven rounds, killing the teen.

Frost, of course, was cleared of any wrongdoing and continues to work the beat, but now has a brand-new dashcam to go along with his high-intensity lights.

One of the justifications for use of force, besides the old backwards glance that apparently sent shivers down Frost’s back, was the fact that Guilford, at one point during the stop, attempted to make a phone call, which as we’ve been seeing lately, is the 2015 excuse police have been using to strip people from their phones.}

Michigan Family of Teen Shot to Death by Cop After Flashing High Beams Files Lawsuit - PINAC
No. My solution is to have two officers per car and for police to be trained better in de-escalating such situations and people.

So you want to pay higher taxes for more police instead of having a society that respects the law. The kid attacked an armed cop, you think two cops would have made a difference?

The cop didn't escalate the matter, the punk kid did. Stop blaming the cop when the kid made a conscience decision to attack an armed officer.

Kids do NOT make "conscious" decisions in a lot of instances. Another reason why they are considered "children."

Yes kids make conscience decisions, they do not respond by instinct. They are human after all and make stupid decisions but they're very much conscience of it.
This brat made a conscious decision to get into a fight with a cop. The brat attacked the cop as the video proves. The DA saw all the evidence........including the data recovered from the cop car's black box.
It PROVED the car did NOT have it's high beams on. The car was examined and the headlights were properly adjusted. The dash cam recording PROVED the brat was flashing his high beams at the cop car which is a civil crime in that state.
The brat was out looking for trouble and he found it. End of story.

No, I'm sorry, we citizens have rights. Are you some kind of government lackey?
what rights do you have when you are in a car on a public road? you know what those are? They are to obey the rules of the road and to follow directions of those with authority. It doesn't get any easier than that. The kid failed.
Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.

Not even on his best day.
do you wear your best stilettoes to gain the extra inches?

No, I'll leave the stiletto wearing to you and the boyfriend you're protecting.
ohhh not the false you're gay ploy again!

I doubt it's false, but hey.... to each their own.
facts not in evidence.


How many times have 17 year old white kids driving home shot and killed random strangers?

How often do cops kill random strangers.
what? that wasn't what you said at all. So go back, reread what you wrote and try again.

BTW, the 17 year old doesn't stay 17 if that helps you at all. And what is the percentage of cops that shoot people versus gangs who have 17 year olds in them.
bullshit !

Really, psycho?

But the two available videos show that Guilford was shot after he was already laying on his stomach.

And he was shot after he had already been tased, which Frost later claimed, he had to do because the teen was looking back at him with an expression that he was going to suddenly jump up and attack him.

These are things they apparently teach officers in the academy; how to predict a person’s violent intentions from a single glance backwards as they lie on their stomach on the side of side of a dark road in snowy weather.

Within the six seconds from when Frost fired his taser to when he fired his gun, he claims that Guilford stood up and began violently attacking him, leaving him with a bloody face, making him feel as if he was going to lose consciousness, according to the Lansing State Journal.

He pulled the trigger, but the gun became jammed, so he manage to eject that round and fired seven rounds, killing the teen.

Frost, of course, was cleared of any wrongdoing and continues to work the beat, but now has a brand-new dashcam to go along with his high-intensity lights.

One of the justifications for use of force, besides the old backwards glance that apparently sent shivers down Frost’s back, was the fact that Guilford, at one point during the stop, attempted to make a phone call, which as we’ve been seeing lately, is the 2015 excuse police have been using to strip people from their phones.}

Michigan Family of Teen Shot to Death by Cop After Flashing High Beams Files Lawsuit - PINAC
bullshit the shots are fired after the kid attacked the cop I don't know what video you 're hallucination but in the one I posted the shoot are very close to the en.d
One forfeits rights as part of an agreement. The agreement is made to the state when one receives and signs his/ her name on a requested driver's license.


You really are insane.

No, one does not "forfeit" all civil rights to be granted license by our overlords to operate the property we bought and paid for.

I take it you're voting for Hillary, you love the whole dictatorship thing.

All you libs seem to forget after that signature, the owner of that license has made an agreement to abide by the laws of the states. If a cop pulls you over, for nothing but to have a chat, you are legally bound to honor his request based on your signature on the agreement, the license. End of story. The kid had no rights, he was obligated to follow the directions, he choose a much different route and ended up losing his life by his actions. The cop did nothing but protect himself. We gave the cops that right as a citizen of the US like any other citizen. The cop puts his life on the line in every encounter, not so much the average citizen.


The SCOTUS ruled the the police must have reasonable suspicion of the crime or infraction to conduct a stop, and cannot detain a person for longer than reasonable.

{The Supreme Court handed down a notable Fourth Amendment ruling this morning in Rodriguez v. United States, holding that the Fourth Amendment does not allow the police to extend the duration of a traffic stop without reasonable suspicion, even for just a “de minimis” amount of time, for reasons unrelated to vehicle and driver safety. The vote was 6-3, with Justice Ginsburg writing for the majority and Justices Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito dissenting. I’m pleased with the Court’s opinion. The Court’s holding, and the reasoning, matches up well with the approach I have suggested.}

Police can’t delay traffic stops to investigate crimes absent suspicion, Supreme Court rules
As tax-paying American citizens, we have rights that protect us from Gestapo-like police tactics. We HAVE the right to film them.
film them all day. I don't think you'd get an argument in here. But then don't make excuses once the footage is shot and try and rearrange the facts. Facts are in the video, and back the cop. end of story, video taped BTW.
About Us

Photography is Not a Crime was launched in 2007 after Miami multimedia journalist Carlos Miller was arrested for taking photos of Miami police during a journalistic assignment in order to document his trial.

He quickly learned that citizens from all over the country were being harassed, threatened and arrested for recording in public, so he began documenting these incidents on his blog as he waited for his trial to begin.

By the time he went to trial more than a year later, the blog had developed a significant following who not only began learning about their rights, but also exercising those rights, many of them equipped with newly introduced smartphones which allowed them to record and upload videos instantly, something that had never been possible before.

Photography is Not a Crime, which became known as PINAC, inspired many new blogs, Youtube channels and Facebook pages that became dedicated to documenting police abuses throughout the country, sparking the movement that continues to grow today that is holding police accountable better than the mainstream media, politicians or the police themselves.

Today, PINAC is an evolving multi-staffed news site of writers, researchers and correspondents in almost every state.

For more background on the growth of PINAC, click on this story by the Columbia Journalism Review. Also, check out the above video by We Are Change where Miller talks about the birth of the blog. And here is a nice piece from the Florida Times-Union that provides good background.

We Are Change also recorded the video below where Miller recounted the Boston Boondoggle, which was when the Boston Police Department tried to charge him and a crew member with felonies.
the above is unhinged's "credible source" :rofl::rofl:
Is flashing your lights a crime? If not, then the police officer had no right to even pull this kid over to begin with. He should have been on his way to find CRIMES instead of wasting taxpayer money to pull over a person who for flashing his lights. The cops are OUT of control. They do not have a right to pull us over in our vehicles unless we are breaking a law.
a cop can pull you over anytime they choose. You know when they're looking for someone, they can pull over everyone in the world. They do it all the time, they look for drunk drivers by setting up checkpoint stations. Ever hear of that? So climb down from your high horse, you failed.
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