17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
Your day will come bitch. And when it does you'll be squealing like a pig for mercy.
In my profession I saw a thousand of you trailer park fat sweaty drunks and bullies and wife beater COWARDS! BIG fucking talk! When you sobered up in the can the first thing you'd do is ask for a ride home in a cop car. Scum of the earth you are. Another time and place. Another time and place.
How does it feel to be basically an illiterate piss head loser? Fit for nothing. No skills. You can't even get a hardon. So what the fuck use are you? Zero. Enjoy the cat food sandwich from the food bank.
Don't forget 'mamma' has to get to the welfare office before four today!
My point is that in the past kids joining games and packing wasn't as expected, today it is.

That is what you say now, after I corrected you, but that ain't what you said that prompted me to correct you and sent you into a tizzy of weasel words.

EverCurious said:
Years ago we didn't have kids at the age of 13 joining gangs and shit.?

Perhaps you should consider typing a bit slower so your words don't outrun your brainhousing unit?
The teenager did in fact have arms and attached were hands. (Not sure how much good they are now though). The teenager attacked the cop with arms and hands.......which are legally considered 'weapons' BTW. The cop needed medical assistance after the teenager attacked him.
What advice would you give any teenager who gets stopped by a cop.....for any reason?
Would you advise the teenager to behave the way the now dead loser punk brat behaved?
Thought not.

Of course I wouldn't advise anyone to behave that. Some people can't help themselves. Teenage boys are hormonal, have a lot of boyhood pride, and get adrenaline when challenged. Anyone who knows kids knows this much. It's also widely recognized in the psychiatric community. That is why we classify a 17-year-old boy as a CHILD. That is why he can't drink, smoke, vote, etc.

If there had been two officers, this probably would not have happened.
But a 17 year old is given a license to drive a vehicle that is a weapon. And as such there are rules. And those rules are that police officers are entitled to do certain things and as a licensed driver, the 17 year old is expected to obey the rules he received his license for. Hmmmmmmmmm?

Yes, well in my opinion, if they aren't old enough to drink, smoke or vote, then they have no business driving either. And there are plenty of adults who are even more difficult than this boy. The police need to learn and be trained to handle these types of situation, setting a calm tone. If a citizen asks for a police officer's badge number, he should give it. He should remain calm and do his job to the best of his ability, not with attitude. Some of these officers behave as if a traffic violation is . . . the equivalent of an armed robbery.

off topic, but I'm guessing you don't get out into the real world. You live in a room and live life from there. You are definitely clueless on how society actually works in our world and the world the 17 year old existed in. Get out and see how social skills are really necessary to interact with others.

No, I think that seems more like you. You seem ignorant of our rights as citizens in this country. I assume you are a very old man and completely out of touch.

Now, is flashing your lights a crime?

In that State yes it is.
... I'm sorry I have no idea what your talking about anymore, but frankly I have zero interest in arguing your hypothetical real life.

My point is that in the past kids joining games and packing wasn't as expected, today it is. In the past it wasn't "cool" to be in a gang, today it is. In the past kids wanted to be successful respectable folks, today that's shunned in favor of being a "cool" criminal. Today kids have far less respect for life in general, and far more selfish tendencies. All of this social change has lead to a concern that /anyone/, and especially those who reject and fight against a lawful authority figure, might be armed. This automatically increases the "danger" factor in any interaction.
Obviously, you people have NO concept of our rights as citizens. No, the police cannot shoot and kill us because we are unruly. No, they cannot KICK our cellphones out of our hands when we are recording them on a public roadway. They are OUR employees. We pay their salaries, and we have rights to protect us against those police who abuse their power, of which there are MANY.

I don't agree with you on the cell phone part. The cop told him to put it down and it was clear the kid was never going to cooperate.

and failure to cooperate means DEATH!!!!!!!!!...if you live in some totalitarian banana republic.

Certainly not, but once the kid retaliated, the situation was escalated and the risk for this outcome was greatly increased.

I wish we knew the whole story here. Unfortunately due to the kids death we may never have the complete truth.

The kid acts a bit cocky, I have a feeling he was trying to catch an officer losing his cool on video.
Unfortunately it went well beyond that.

Another part of the story, is today we keep hearing over and over comments by police officers, and police agencies that I swear I don't remember hearing years ago. That is, and I'm paraphrasing, "the officer felt his life was in danger". Obviously in order to justify lethal actions taken.

Maybe there is a difference in the way officers are trained today, or maybe this is the way it's always been and it's due to cable news and the internet why we hear it all the time now.

Yes, there is a difference in how officers are trained today...at least that is what I have to think, because the alternative would be that we just have a lot more officers today who don't deserve the honor of wearing that badge, let alone the responsibility to enforce the law and the power to use deadly force.

In my day, in my Dad's day and in my great-granddaddy's day, we put our lives on the line to prevent needless deaths, we didn't get our panties in a wad and get scared like a little girl in a scary movie at unarmed perps mouthing off to us or resisting. Indeed, it seems we managed to protect ourselves just fine from these scary, unarmed, folks using our billy clubs, black jacks, mag lights, or some nice lead-filled gloves, without having to kill them. Now these little wussies are scared of their own shadows and seem to have a hard time refraining from deadly force despite all their new, non-lethal, gadgets. Today, way too many cops don't act like men, they act like scared little girls. They need to find a new profession before they totally loose the support of their communities...which is the most important asset they have.
yeah, you go tell that to the families whose fathers and Husbands lost their lives for merely walking up on a car during a regular traffic stop. it isn't yesterday's criminal anymore friend, the parents who are raising these unadjusted loons don't care about authority and couldn't care less about their sworn oath to uphold the rights of the law abiding citizen. nope all that is now water under the bridge.

BTW, in the old days, someone did something illegal they could get popped by the cops. Don't want everyone here to think the old cops were darlings. No sirree, they had their agendas back in the day and self defense was necessary frequently.. Guess you never heard of Al Capone right? Funny though, you live in your reality because it makes you feel superior to everyone else. But for me you're a loser.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
did you take a swing at the cop and hit him? Did your wife catch that on the video?
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
did you take a swing at the cop and hit him? Did your wife catch that on the video?
It was a dream.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.

Well since he told him he didn't have his license I guess asking him for something he doesn't have is pretty resonable.

Like I said. You guys have moved the goal posts from being a threat to be shot to simply DISOBEYING ORDERS.

The word escalation, look it up. The cop was doing that for no reason. Pulled him over for no reason and confronted him for no reason. Hell, tased him for no reason. So keep with the "he had a bad attitude" schtick. Because that's all you have. The escalation was unwarranted. Period.
I agree, the kid should have stated nicely officer I don't have any of the items you requested. first, that would have stopped the need to repeat it over and over by the cop. second, he could have gone quietly with the officer to the station and had his credentials pulled and his insurance and registration items looked into. yep you're right, there was absolutely no need for the kid to escalate the stop. And again, as I stated in an earlier couple of posts, the kid signed his name on a license agreeing that he would abide by the laws of the state. With that signature, he agreed to follow the directions of the people hired to monitor our streets. That's it in a nutshell. oh, the cop didn't take an oath that every tom, dick and harry get to just punch him in the face. Unless of course you have that statute somewhere.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
did you take a swing at the cop and hit him? Did your wife catch that on the video?
It was a dream.
was he marching with others?
You are nine kinds of wrong.

When you do not cooperate with a lawful order, you are in fact breaking the law, which makes you a criminal.

You want us to believe that the boy could not do anything but react negatively, that he had no control over his anger and that the cop should have either just let the kid go or take an ass whipping.

Do you have children? Do you allow them to disobey you and not suffer consequences?

My child is an adult, thanks. Why the personal questions? I am not the topic of the thread. I am arguing from a position I have taken. My life and my child are NONE of your business.

I expect more from the officer than I do from the 17-year-old child, YES.

The reason I asked is because you sound like you would be a terrible parent. I expect more from my 17 year old than I do anyone else. Regardless of age, gender or profession.

I expect my 17 year old to respect law enforcement and to comply with whatever lawful orders they give.
And if they don't comply you gladly accept them being killed by the cop they showed disrespect towards.

Yeah, sure.

Yes. If my kid attacks a cop I expect the cop to take the necessary action and if he has to shoot my kid then so be it.

You want us to believe what we saw on the video was just some kid not complying and got shot instead of what really happened. The kid ATTACKING the cop!

Okay, you're crazy. Thanks for the confirmation.

I'm crazy for teaching my children to obey the law and not attack an officer?
You are nine kinds of wrong.

When you do not cooperate with a lawful order, you are in fact breaking the law, which makes you a criminal.

You want us to believe that the boy could not do anything but react negatively, that he had no control over his anger and that the cop should have either just let the kid go or take an ass whipping.

Do you have children? Do you allow them to disobey you and not suffer consequences?

I was never inclined to shoot my children for recording me with a cell phone.

I also fail to see police as parental figures.

I still cling to the old republic of free citizens.

This kid was shot because he was attacking a cop. Don't be stupid!

It could have avoided with a little bit of training and a partner on the scene. What is your solution? I want to hear something from you other than making excuses for shooting unarmed children who are unruly and maybe "bratty."

There is no solution. You cannot legislate irrational behavior. When stupid people do things like attack an officer the only recourse the officer has is to use whatever force he/she believes necessary to protect themselves.
Just as a note, not one of my three boys "rebelled" - at worst they blamed their brothers for shit. Never did they break curfew, never did they shoplift, and never did they even raise their voices at us. So no, I don't think that young man was acting like a "normal" teen at all, he was being a punk and then he attacked the officer, likely because for some reason there is a group of moron's who think that acting like a punk is okay so they never taught the kid that being a punk is unacceptable.

Well, I don't believe you. :D It is normal for teen boys to challenge authority from time to time.

Oh, I forgot, you and your children are "perfect." :lol: They never do anything wrong, that you know of anyways.
You finally got something right bitch.
All my six kids are 'perfect' When they were tiny we jointly enforced our rules of behavior.
We seriously trained them in the basics of 'how to behave if you want to feel comfortable in our home and with the rest of the family and society. Fucking period!
You could say they were in a very tight corral in their early learning formative years. As they grew older and proved they were honest compassionate hard working individuals the 'corral' got bigger and bigger. By the time ALL of them were in their middle teens the 'corral' door was wide open for all of them.
Real parenting is a lot of work. The fucking LIBs here will immediately scream we were too hard on our little babies. It's exactly because we wanted our little babies to grow up to live happy successful lives that we insisted on their being the best they could be. Libs are basically too fucking lazy and or stoned to really give a shit. We've seen it dozens of times with the kids parents our kids went to school with.
I never spanked any of my kids once BTW. Not once.
By the time they were old enough to understand for the thought of disappointing their parents by doing anything illegal or violent was an anathema to them.
Such is love and respect on both sides.
(Who really believes if a little kid can smack their mothers in the face or scream the mother is teaching the kid 'life lessons' that will help the kid when they grow up?)
Result of good hard work parenting?
Three of my girls are RN's. One boy (man) is a head chef. The other a head driller on an oil rig. My other boy was killed in a car crash caused by a drunk 17 year old driver driver.
The lawyer for the family of the 17 year old drunk driver told the drunk driver's family never to contact our family.
This kid was shot because he was attacking a cop. Don't be stupid!

The cop was attacking him, because he had a cellphone. When the kid defended against the attack by the cop, the cop murdered him.

The cop wasn't attacking anyone. Did you bother to watch the video. The officer did kick the phone out of his hand but that's hardly an attack.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
did you take a swing at the cop and hit him? Did your wife catch that on the video?
It was a dream.
was he marching with others?
you could call it that.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
your points? Your points have been explained several different times differently by quite a few of us on here. And yet here you are acting like you won something. you won nothing, in fact as someone already suggested it's parents with your subset of intelligence that is ruining life for others in the world. Unless you have anything else, the points remain the same, the kid violated his agreement with the state and he lost his gamble to take out a cop with his life. Sucks to be his parents today.
Once again for the truly slow stupid and moronic, he got shot for ATTACKING the cop.

He got shot because the cop was a piss poor excuse for a cop who obviously doesn't know how to do his job properly and to the best of his ability. Killing unarmed kids is completely UNACCEPTABLE.
You're the reason there has to be cops in the first place.
If parents raised their kids properly the need for so many cops would be less.
The cops have to deal with brat punks whose parents enabled these eventual loser and prisoners.
In this case the punk brat laid his loser life on the line the instant he attacked the cop.
The cop 'took of the garbage'.
He should send the loser parents a bill for the seven rounds.

You're an idiot. My son is an adult and has never been in trouble with the police. Now what, douche?
Despite having a liberal wacko for a mother.

I'm neither a liberal nor a wacko, so now what? What else you got?
I'll bet we could throw that out there for a vote, but the posts would most probably be deleted since it is off topic to the OP. But challenging nonetheless.
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

Grabbing the cops hands with his throat and shoulder and violently jumping out the car window. What could the cop do other than shoot him 7 times? If a cop pulls you over, grovel on the ground before your master - or die.

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