17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Drive safely and follow the directions if any police officer on your way. We would miss you if you didn't.

When she bows, does she need to kiss the ring of the overlord, or just make sure she keeps her eyes down?
no do what she agreed to do when she got her license, it isn't really that hard to be polite and respect the person putting his life on the line at each encounter.
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

Grabbing the cops hands with his throat and shoulder and violently jumping out the car window. What could the cop do other than shoot him 7 times? If a cop pulls you over, grovel on the ground before your master - or die.
there you go!! well said, it's what he had available to him during the attack. I agree. thanks for that play by play. Glad to know there are those out there protecting us from punks such as this.
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

Grabbing the cops hands with his throat and shoulder and violently jumping out the car window. What could the cop do other than shoot him 7 times? If a cop pulls you over, grovel on the ground before your master - or die.
really where? see post #33 the clip show both pov's and is unedited .
The appropriate response was on the kid. Follow the police officers directions, no shooting would have occurred, because the kid would not have attacked the police officer.

No, the kid didn't murder anyone.

The kid flashed his headlights. The cop then murdered this kid - and you are excusing it.

"Ah asked him for his license SIX TIMES, so I fucking killed him - that'll learn these peasants to bow to their master."
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:

What exactly are your points?

From what I have seen the driver failed to comply with just about every instruction given to him and then did in fact attack the officer. Police just want to do there job and go home at the end of the day, they don't need belligerent punks giving them a hard time. If the kid would have simply complied the odds are he would have got a warning for flashing his high beams and been on his way. HE chose to make things hard for himself and it ultimately cost him.

That there needs to be two officers per patrol car at all time. At no time should an officer be out on patrol alone. This is nothing but trouble. He/she has no one to back them and have to wait for help to get there. This is going to make them more likely to shoot instead of trying to restrain.

The police need better training to deal with kids who might be difficult or others that might be suffering from some kind of mental illness that would make it difficult for them to cooperate. The police are here to protect and serve and are paid by taxpayer money. They are OUR employees. Something THEY need to realize. They are not the Gestapo.
already addressed next!!!
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
do you know the brat? how do you know he isn't. Let's use your own words back at you.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

I wonder how the police would handle someone like yourself? You can't even keep your cool on a forum.
funny stuff. A little PeeWee Herman comes out.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
do you have any information that can contradict the post? If not, then you are talking nonsense.
You forget that this was investigated and it was all good for the officer. Why do you claim he was shot because he had a cellphone.

Because the video shows that he was shot because he was recording the attack.

He was shot because he attacked the police officer! You weren't part of the investigation were you? They have much more information than you do.

He didn't attack the cop, the cop attacked him. He defended against the attack, which the cop was fully in control of, yet still decided to kill.

It's simply murder.

Why do you want a society where armed thugs can murder people on the slightest provocation?
The appropriate response was on the kid. Follow the police officers directions, no shooting would have occurred, because the kid would not have attacked the police officer.

No, the kid didn't murder anyone.

The kid flashed his headlights. The cop then murdered this kid - and you are excusing it.

"Ah asked him for his license SIX TIMES, so I fucking killed him - that'll learn these peasants to bow to their master."
tell me something o unhinged one, who many time would a cop have to ask you for your DL a POI?
WHAT do you think would happen if you refused?
You forget that this was investigated and it was all good for the officer. Why do you claim he was shot because he had a cellphone.

Because the video shows that he was shot because he was recording the attack.

He was shot because he attacked the police officer! You weren't part of the investigation were you? They have much more information than you do.

He didn't attack the cop, the cop attacked him. He defended against the attack, which the cop was fully in control of, yet still decided to kill.

It's simply murder.

Why do you want a society where armed thugs can murder people on the slightest provocation?
bullshit !
The kid failed to honor the commitment he made with the state to maintain a valid driver's license, end of story. The result was all self inflicted.

Well there you go, fail to have a license, you die.

We once were a free and rational nation.

That time is past. We have the Bolesheviks on the left demanding a totalitarian dictatorship, and the insane on the right looking for a brutal police state.
there you go!! well said, it's what he had available to him during the attack. I agree. thanks for that play by play. Glad to know there are those out there protecting us from punks such as this.

Chance of being killed by a kid like this? Zero.

Chance of being killed by and armed thug like this cop? Extreme.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.

Not even on his best day.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

See how the driver behaves, it would be nice for all traffic stops to end up like this. But isn't that the irony of this video, it isn't.
there you go!! well said, it's what he had available to him during the attack. I agree. thanks for that play by play. Glad to know there are those out there protecting us from punks such as this.

Chance of being killed by a kid like this? Zero.

Chance of being killed by and armed thug like this cop? Extreme.
facts not in evidence.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.

Not even on his best day.
do you wear your best stilettoes to gain the extra inches?
tell me something o unhinged one, who many time would a cop have to ask you for your DL a POI?
WHAT do you think would happen if you refused?

It depends on the circumstance. Do you view the police as a higher class than the peasantry? Is there a duty to obey our betters?
there you go!! well said, it's what he had available to him during the attack. I agree. thanks for that play by play. Glad to know there are those out there protecting us from punks such as this.

Chance of being killed by a kid like this? Zero.

Chance of being killed by and armed thug like this cop? Extreme.
facts not in evidence.
unhinged never met a fact that he didn't deny.

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