17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Let it go. You are losing.

The appropriate response for not "respecting authority" is to shoot a person to death?

Are you people insane?
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Let it go. You are losing.

The appropriate response for not "respecting authority" is to shoot a person to death?

Are you people insane?

Yes, apparently they are. Anyway, good luck to you arguing with them. I have to go to work now. Lol. :2up:
Obviously, you people have NO concept of our rights as citizens. No, the police cannot shoot and kill us because we are unruly. No, they cannot KICK our cellphones out of our hands when we are recording them on a public roadway. They are OUR employees. We pay their salaries, and we have rights to protect us against those police who abuse their power, of which there are MANY.

I don't agree with you on the cell phone part. The cop told him to put it down and it was clear the kid was never going to cooperate.

and failure to cooperate means DEATH!!!!!!!!!...if you live in some totalitarian banana republic.
De-escalate the situation. Do not escalate the situation. There was no need for him to kick the cellphone out of the boy's hands. That is when the boy reacted. Now, at that point, the boy was NOT a criminal. He was just not cooperative. The officer proceeds to kick the phone out of the boy's hands and when the boy gets angry and reacts, instead of trying to subdue him and restrain him, he shot him with the taser which malfunctioned. The boy has now been hurt, and reacts again in a negative way. The cop shoots him and kills him. Nope, I'm sorry. This is just not right.

Was the boy wrong? Of course, but he is the BOY in this situation. The officer is the one I expect to have a professional demeanor at ALL times.

You are nine kinds of wrong.

When you do not cooperate with a lawful order, you are in fact breaking the law, which makes you a criminal.

You want us to believe that the boy could not do anything but react negatively, that he had no control over his anger and that the cop should have either just let the kid go or take an ass whipping.

Do you have children? Do you allow them to disobey you and not suffer consequences?

My child is an adult, thanks. Why the personal questions? I am not the topic of the thread. I am arguing from a position I have taken. My life and my child are NONE of your business.

I expect more from the officer than I do from the 17-year-old child, YES.

The reason I asked is because you sound like you would be a terrible parent. I expect more from my 17 year old than I do anyone else. Regardless of age, gender or profession.

I expect my 17 year old to respect law enforcement and to comply with whatever lawful orders they give.
And if they don't comply you gladly accept them being killed by the cop they showed disrespect towards.

Yeah, sure.

I've come to the conclusion that these people are sociopaths.
If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.

Oh Jackson, you want to explain to us what you find "funny" about this post? Teenaged boys being gunned down by cops who don't know how to handle people? That "funny" to you?
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Ket it go. You are losing.

Lol. I don't think so. There is nothing "funny" about this situation. A boy's life has been extinguished by a cop who is poorly trained and because he was on patrol by himself. If he had a partner, this would not have happened.

Whether or not you think the boy was a "brat" is completely irrelevant. The police do not get to shoot and kill us because we are "bratty." End of story.
There is nothing funny about this story, but what is ironic and amusing is your answer to people on this thread. The police officer is not there to play psychologist. He even warned the kid that if he had just followed directions, there wouldn't be need for an arrest. The kid, who probably got his way with his parents was just behaving in an anti authoritative manner. I hope parents who are reading this think about their own teenagers and instill a respect for police officers and their safety. Just an easy lesson. Do what the police officer tells you to do. If you don't, this ending could be an ending for them. His parents needed that discussion and it's too late now.
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Let it go. You are losing.

The appropriate response for not "respecting authority" is to shoot a person to death?

Are you people insane?

Yes, apparently they are. Anyway, good luck to you arguing with them. I have to go to work now. Lol. :2up:
Drive safely and follow the directions if any police officer on your way. We would miss you if you didn't.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.
You are nine kinds of wrong.

When you do not cooperate with a lawful order, you are in fact breaking the law, which makes you a criminal.

You want us to believe that the boy could not do anything but react negatively, that he had no control over his anger and that the cop should have either just let the kid go or take an ass whipping.

Do you have children? Do you allow them to disobey you and not suffer consequences?

My child is an adult, thanks. Why the personal questions? I am not the topic of the thread. I am arguing from a position I have taken. My life and my child are NONE of your business.

I expect more from the officer than I do from the 17-year-old child, YES.

The reason I asked is because you sound like you would be a terrible parent. I expect more from my 17 year old than I do anyone else. Regardless of age, gender or profession.

I expect my 17 year old to respect law enforcement and to comply with whatever lawful orders they give.
And if they don't comply you gladly accept them being killed by the cop they showed disrespect towards.

Yeah, sure.

I've come to the conclusion that these people are sociopaths.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.

Oh Jackson, you want to explain to us what you find "funny" about this post? Teenaged boys being gunned down by cops who don't know how to handle people? That "funny" to you?
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Ket it go. You are losing.

Lol. I don't think so. There is nothing "funny" about this situation. A boy's life has been extinguished by a cop who is poorly trained and because he was on patrol by himself. If he had a partner, this would not have happened.

Whether or not you think the boy was a "brat" is completely irrelevant. The police do not get to shoot and kill us because we are "bratty." End of story.
There is nothing funny about this story, but what is ironic and amusing is your answer to people on this thread. The police officer is not there to play psychologist. He even warned the kid that if he had just followed directions, there wouldn't be need for an arrest. The kid, who probably got his way with his parents was just behaving in an anti authoritative manner. I hope parents who are reading this think about their own teenagers and instill a respect for police officers and their safety. Just an easy lesson. Do what the police officer tells you to do. If you don't, this ending could be an ending for them. His parents needed that discussion and it's too late now.

I am a police officer and I am ordering you strip naked, run down to the nearest convenience store, cover yourself with whipped cream, jump up and down and scream like a chicken. If you don't provide video evidence within 24 hours we will tase your pee pee till you sing like Abba.

Ahh, I love the smell of my unlimited power in the morning...it helps mask the smell of stupidity that reeks throughout the posts of the serfs and slaves in this thread.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Stop it you idiot!
I can put up hundreds/thousands of videos showing cops acting in courageous brave compassionate ways. Helping people is dire emergencies. Saving lives. Donating money to charities. Risking their lives. Rescuing pets. Helping little old ladies cross the street. GET THE FUCKING POINT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're behaving like a ten year old 'deflecting' from the issue in this particular case.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.

What does that have to do with anything at all? That's right. I talk a lot. Doesn't make me a crazy ass loon like yourself.
Everyone is crazy except you.
You notice it's you against the world on here.
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Let it go. You are losing.

The appropriate response for not "respecting authority" is to shoot a person to death?

Are you people insane?
The appropriate response was on the kid. Follow the police officers directions, no shooting would have occurred, because the kid would not have attacked the police officer.
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.
Sure you would asshole.
Permanent Ignore
This kid was shot because he was attacking a cop. Don't be stupid!

The cop was attacking him, because he had a cellphone. When the kid defended against the attack by the cop, the cop murdered him.
You forget that this was investigated and it was all good for the officer. Why do you claim he was shot because he had a cellphone. He was shot because he attacked the police officer! You weren't part of the investigation were you? They have much more information than you do.
My child is an adult, thanks. Why the personal questions? I am not the topic of the thread. I am arguing from a position I have taken. My life and my child are NONE of your business.

I expect more from the officer than I do from the 17-year-old child, YES.

The reason I asked is because you sound like you would be a terrible parent. I expect more from my 17 year old than I do anyone else. Regardless of age, gender or profession.

I expect my 17 year old to respect law enforcement and to comply with whatever lawful orders they give.
And if they don't comply you gladly accept them being killed by the cop they showed disrespect towards.

Yeah, sure.

I've come to the conclusion that these people are sociopaths.
Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.

Oh Jackson, you want to explain to us what you find "funny" about this post? Teenaged boys being gunned down by cops who don't know how to handle people? That "funny" to you?
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Ket it go. You are losing.

Lol. I don't think so. There is nothing "funny" about this situation. A boy's life has been extinguished by a cop who is poorly trained and because he was on patrol by himself. If he had a partner, this would not have happened.

Whether or not you think the boy was a "brat" is completely irrelevant. The police do not get to shoot and kill us because we are "bratty." End of story.
There is nothing funny about this story, but what is ironic and amusing is your answer to people on this thread. The police officer is not there to play psychologist. He even warned the kid that if he had just followed directions, there wouldn't be need for an arrest. The kid, who probably got his way with his parents was just behaving in an anti authoritative manner. I hope parents who are reading this think about their own teenagers and instill a respect for police officers and their safety. Just an easy lesson. Do what the police officer tells you to do. If you don't, this ending could be an ending for them. His parents needed that discussion and it's too late now.

I am a police officer and I am ordering you strip naked, run down to the nearest convenience store, cover yourself with whipped cream, jump up and down and scream like a chicken. If you don't provide video evidence within 24 hours we will tase your pee pee till you sing like Abba.

Ahh, I love the smell of my unlimited power in the morning...it helps mask the smell of stupidity that reeks throughout the posts of the serfs and slaves in this thread.
Show me where something like that happened. You can't because police officers don't make a habit of abusing their authority. When they possibly are abusing their authority, they are up on charges. Did that happen in this case? No.
Obviously, you people have NO concept of our rights as citizens. No, the police cannot shoot and kill us because we are unruly. No, they cannot KICK our cellphones out of our hands when we are recording them on a public roadway. They are OUR employees. We pay their salaries, and we have rights to protect us against those police who abuse their power, of which there are MANY.

I don't agree with you on the cell phone part. The cop told him to put it down and it was clear the kid was never going to cooperate.

and failure to cooperate means DEATH!!!!!!!!!...if you live in some totalitarian banana republic.

Certainly not, but once the kid retaliated, the situation was escalated and the risk for this outcome was greatly increased.

I wish we knew the whole story here. Unfortunately due to the kids death we may never have the complete truth.

The kid acts a bit cocky, I have a feeling he was trying to catch an officer losing his cool on video.
Unfortunately it went well beyond that.

Another part of the story, is today we keep hearing over and over comments by police officers, and police agencies that I swear I don't remember hearing years ago. That is, and I'm paraphrasing, "the officer felt his life was in danger". Obviously in order to justify lethal actions taken.

Maybe there is a difference in the way officers are trained today, or maybe this is the way it's always been and it's due to cable news and the internet why we hear it all the time now.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.
again, not fulfilling his terms of the agreement he made to use the vehicle legally. All of those documents are developed as an agreement between the state and the individual. And the kid was obligated to comply to the officer based on him having a valid drivers license. PERIOD.

All that happened was self inflicted.
Oh, poor Chris. You just can't handle the facts, can you. Did you want the Police Officer to invite the brat over for hot chocolate so they could share a conversation about respecting authority while you are in your teens?
Maybe after weeks of this "bonding," the brat would see that respecting authority figures is number one, not their self absorbed self in not complying with directions.
Just as others have pointed out to you, the DA investigated and it was considered a "good stop resulting in a shooting." Let it go. You are losing.

The appropriate response for not "respecting authority" is to shoot a person to death?

Are you people insane?
The appropriate response was on the kid. Follow the police officers directions, no shooting would have occurred, because the kid would not have attacked the police officer.
The kid failed to honor the commitment he made with the state to maintain a valid driver's license, end of story. The result was all self inflicted.
Why is it everytime some fucking violent loser gets shot by a cop all the fucking LIB pussies come out to put up the dumbest fucking posts imaginable?
Even in the face of scientific facts proving the cop was totally justified in 'offing' one of these fuck-wits they won't accept reality.
Remember 'Big Mike'? Remember how the resident LIB cop hating assholes reacted?
Only to find out they had once again climbed on another stinking rotten dead horse.
How many of these fools are wearing their T-Boner hoodies today? NONE!
Now we have a LIB bitch trying to deflect from the PROVEN fact that the 'kid' had assaulted a cop. by putting up videos having no relation to this case. "SEE! See what I mean? All cops are psychos just itching to bully the innocent".
This bitch has some SERIOUS issues with all authority figures. Did 'Daddy' have a job where he wore a uniform when the bitch was three years old? Did 'Daddy' ......... ....... ... ........ ........?
Cop car: Black box proves the high beams were not on. On board camera PROVES the brat repeatedly flashed his high beams at the cop car. The cop car's lights were inspected by an independent forensic lab and found to be correctly adjusted.
Audio video PROVES the brat lied about why he flashed his high beams.
Video PROVES the brat was refusing a calm request to see his paperwork 6 times.
Video PROVES the brat attacked the cop.
The DA saw all the evidence and ZERO charges were laid against the cop. The cop was back in his patrol car the next day.
He should send the parents a bill for the cost of the 7 rounds.

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