18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

I would. I'd by the 'five year' rule. No more than five years between the two partners.

An 18 year old is of age. It is not mom's choice. And you couldn't tell the judge to let you go to prison for him/her either.

Yeah I know. I think the law should be changed, though.

It used to be 21. But 18 year olds were getting drafted back in the 60s. So there was some dissonance with theory and practice there. They lowered the age of majority and in many states the drinking age to match the age that one could be forced to die for their country.
An 18 year old is of age. It is not mom's choice. And you couldn't tell the judge to let you go to prison for him/her either.

Yeah I know. I think the law should be changed, though.

It used to be 21. But 18 year olds were getting drafted back in the 60s. So there was some dissonance with theory and practice there. They lowered the age of majority and in many states the drinking age to match the age that one could be forced to die for their country.

The drinking age over there is something I really disagree with. Old enough to go to war, but not old enough to have a beer? Its ridiculous.
I would. I'd by the 'five year' rule. No more than five years between the two partners.

An 18 year old is of age. It is not mom's choice. And you couldn't tell the judge to let you go to prison for him/her either.

Yeah I know. I think the law should be changed, though.

Do you really mean to say you wish the law would allow parents to give permission for legal adults to have sex with their children?
It's not necessarily pedophilia...but the gamut of sex offenses is wide.

She MAY be a pedophile...I had a couple of female pedophiles (guess what? 18 year olds!) who were pedophiles; they groomed and preyed upon kids they babysat...and those relationships sometimes went on for years, well after the kids were no longer pre-pubescent, and starting before the girls were 18.

And I wonder if this 14 year old was actually in high school, or middle school, when targeted by her. Because most high schools aren't grades 9-12 anymore...most are 10-12.

You have the most interesting ANECDOTES, I must say.

People who have worked with sexual predators often do, you'll find.
An 18 year old is of age. It is not mom's choice. And you couldn't tell the judge to let you go to prison for him/her either.

Yeah I know. I think the law should be changed, though.

Do you really mean to say you wish the law would allow parents to give permission for legal adults to have sex with their children?

A 16 year old isn't a legal adult - should she not be able to have sex with her 18 year old boyfriend, even though there is only a 2 year age difference?
Yeah I know. I think the law should be changed, though.

Do you really mean to say you wish the law would allow parents to give permission for legal adults to have sex with their children?

A 16 year old isn't a legal adult - should she not be able to have sex with her 18 year old boyfriend, even though there is only a 2 year age difference?

The question was not should she be legally allowed, but should her parents be able to give consent. Big difference.
Btw, the title of this thread is incorrect. She is not being charged with sex with a 14 year old.

Than what are the charges?:confused:

800.04 - - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

They aren't charging her with rape and there is no proof of anal/oral/vaginal sex. They are charging her because she admitted to kissing, and that's "sexual contact".

If she was male, they wouldn't be allowed to charge her with this because the '07 Romeo and Juliet law would protect her.


943.04354 - - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

Florida's "Romeo & Juliet" law does not protect someone who is 18 from being charged with a crime for consensual sex with a minor if they are close in age. It provides ONLY that if they are close in age (as defined in the law linked above) the individual can request to have their name removed from the sex offender registry. The crime is still prosecuted and if found guilty the penalty is still imposed.

Just FYI if anyone wants it, here is the arrest affidavit -->> http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/05/21/us/hunt-arrest-affidavit.html?_r=0

Than what are the charges?:confused:

800.04 - - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

They aren't charging her with rape and there is no proof of anal/oral/vaginal sex. They are charging her because she admitted to kissing, and that's "sexual contact".

If she was male, they wouldn't be allowed to charge her with this because the '07 Romeo and Juliet law would protect her.


943.04354 - - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

Florida's "Romeo & Juliet" law does not protect someone who is 18 from being charged with a crime for consensual sex with a minor if they are close in age. It provides ONLY that if they are close in age (as defined in the law linked above) the individual can request to have their name removed from the sex offender registry. The crime is still prosecuted and if found guilty the penalty is still imposed.

Just FYI if anyone wants it, here is the arrest affidavit -->> http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/05/21/us/hunt-arrest-affidavit.html?_r=0


Yeah, I later realized that. Which baffles me.
I don't know where you grew up, but in my world, an 18 year old having sex with a 14 year was absolutely not okay. Ever hear of jail bait? Not to mentiion a 14 year old is a child and shouldn't be having sex at all.

No they should not be having sex but these type of things happen and the participants don't know it is against the law. I promise you that the high school were you are has couples like this. I'm not even saying it is right but that awareness is the only way to stop it. Tell them you will go to jail.

Zarius if you were there to shout at them, you could have prevented this.

I shouted loud today at a suspected Romney supporter. He had on a shirt that read "real life". That had to mean something that pissed me off.......so a shout he got RIGHT IN HIS FACE!

He showed respect and called for help.........next time Romney GUY!
Warn your children that they will be prosecuted. I remember many relationships like this when I was in school. Its a different world in high school and these kids tend to see each other as the same. By the law they are not. The strange twist on this case is that both of these teens are girls. 16 is the age of consent in most cases.

Teen charged for sex with girl, 14 - CNN.com Video

The adult committed statutory rape on a child. That's the law. End of story. You don't like the law? Work to have it changed, but good luck on that.
No they should not be having sex but these type of things happen and the participants don't know it is against the law. I promise you that the high school were you are has couples like this. I'm not even saying it is right but that awareness is the only way to stop it. Tell them you will go to jail.

Zarius if you were there to shout at them, you could have prevented this.

I shouted loud today at a suspected Romney supporter. He had on a shirt that read "real life". That had to mean something that pissed me off.......so a shout he got RIGHT IN HIS FACE!

He showed respect and called for help.........next time Romney GUY!

So, you are boasting of being a psycho? Way to go.
Warn your children that they will be prosecuted. I remember many relationships like this when I was in school. Its a different world in high school and these kids tend to see each other as the same. By the law they are not. The strange twist on this case is that both of these teens are girls. 16 is the age of consent in most cases.

Teen charged for sex with girl, 14 - CNN.com Video

The adult committed statutory rape on a child. That's the law. End of story. You don't like the law? Work to have it changed, but good luck on that.

No she didn't. That isn't what she is being charged with.
Florida is a very weird state.

They don't call it statutory rape.

Lewd or lascivious conduct[191] Lewd or lascivious conduct[192] with someone less than 16 years of age.
Lewd or lascivious battery[193] Sexual activity[194] with someone more than 12 years of age and less than 16 years of age.
Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors[195] Sexual activity with someone at least 16 years of age and less than 18 years of age where the defendant is at least 24 years of age.
Lewd or lascivious molestation[196] Lewd or lascivious molestation[197] with someone less than less than 16 years of age where the defendant is at least 18 years of age.[198]
Lewd or lascivious molestation with someone less than 16 years of age where the defendant is less than 18 years of age.[199]

Statutory Rape: A Guide to State Laws and Reporting Requirements: State Laws

So I guess she actually is being charged with statutory rape, which she did do, according to flordia law. However the DA has the ability to determine what the charge is or to charge her at all. There was a very similar case that the DA dismissed recently, and the family has already said they are willing to plead to a lesser charge and will even move the girl out of the state to ensure the girls have no further contact.
An. 18 year old is not a pedophile with a 15 year old

To prosecute it is a miscarriage of justice
Why is everyone saying she was 14?

And yes, sex with a minor by an adult is pedophilia. An 18-year-old is an adult.

No it's not. Two teenagers dating does not pedophilia make. Who should teens be attracted to if not other teens?

This relationship isn't even illegal in every state, let alone even remotely close to the heinous crime of pedophilia.
An 18-year-old is an adult. If they break the law, they're responsible for what they did. If they rape an underage child, it's rape, and in the case of the 14-year old, it's pedophilia. The adult woman needs to confine her sexual conquests to people in her own age bracket. A 14-year-old is not a candidate for illicit sex.
I think it's ludicrous that this is even a issue. When I was 14, I dated an 18 year old in high school..we had been together for nearly a year before we broke up and went our separate ways. Our parents may not have liked it that we were together for other reasons, but age was NOT an issue for them.
When I had barely turned 13, there was a 22 and a 25 year old in our neighborhood that took great interest in me...heh...my mother came UNGLUED about that and would have literally killed them both if she had been given the chance..at the time, I thought mom was just being her nutty controlling self, I was flattered that the older men took interest in me.........now that I am a mother of two girls aged 17 (going on 18 in less than a month) and 14, I would be doing the same as my mother did if this were the case with my 14 yr old.. Make no mistake about that. Jail would be too good for freaks like that.
In the case of my nearly 18 year old daughter..IF she were to try to date a 14 year old, I would ask her to think twice about it....as a matter of fact the issue was brought up not that long ago when she befriended a 14 year old...I questioned it, and she looked me dead in the eye and said "she's ONLY 14 Mom!" ..I am thinking her issue with the age thing had a lot to do with the fact that her baby sister is 14, she's very protective of her brother and sister.
All three of my kids know of my teenage dating history and it would be highly hypocritical of me to down either of them for dating a senior while they are just a freshman...I don't see anything wrong with it...technically an 18 year old is still a teenager by nature, even though by law they are considered adults...there is NOTHING NATURAL about any laws, other than the common sense laws. Just because a law is passed, doesn't make it fair.

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