18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

Warn your children that they will be prosecuted. I remember many relationships like this when I was in school. Its a different world in high school and these kids tend to see each other as the same. By the law they are not. The strange twist on this case is that both of these teens are girls. 16 is the age of consent in most cases.

Teen charged for sex with girl, 14 - CNN.com Video

The adult committed statutory rape on a child. That's the law. End of story. You don't like the law? Work to have it changed, but good luck on that.

No she didn't. That isn't what she is being charged with.

Yes, she did. You didn't even watch the link, did you?
People are so stupid.

Just because you did it is not a reason to allow your children to do it. It's ILLEGAL for one thing...you don't teach your kids to just ignore the law. You don't *suggest* they follow the law. Otherwise, you're teaching them to be criminals and you're modeling criminal thinking for them to even suggest they can go ahead and give in to their impulses, if those impulses happen to be sexual, regardless of the law.

I swear. It's like people are proud if their 14 year old girls can reel in a senior. Grow the fuck up.
I think it's ludicrous that this is even a issue. When I was 14, I dated an 18 year old in high school..we had been together for nearly a year before we broke up and went our separate ways. Our parents may not have liked it that we were together for other reasons, but age was NOT an issue for them.
When I had barely turned 13, there was a 22 and a 25 year old in our neighborhood that took great interest in me...heh...my mother came UNGLUED about that and would have literally killed them both if she had been given the chance..at the time, I thought mom was just being her nutty controlling self, I was flattered that the older men took interest in me.........now that I am a mother of two girls aged 17 (going on 18 in less than a month) and 14, I would be doing the same as my mother did if this were the case with my 14 yr old.. Make no mistake about that. Jail would be too good for freaks like that.
In the case of my nearly 18 year old daughter..IF she were to try to date a 14 year old, I would ask her to think twice about it....as a matter of fact the issue was brought up not that long ago when she befriended a 14 year old...I questioned it, and she looked me dead in the eye and said "she's ONLY 14 Mom!" ..I am thinking her issue with the age thing had a lot to do with the fact that her baby sister is 14, she's very protective of her brother and sister.
All three of my kids know of my teenage dating history and it would be highly hypocritical of me to down either of them for dating a senior while they are just a freshman...I don't see anything wrong with it...technically an 18 year old is still a teenager by nature, even though by law they are considered adults...there is NOTHING NATURAL about any laws, other than the common sense laws. Just because a law is passed, doesn't make it fair,

This post says it all.
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

I find it laughable that people are saying here "just because it's a law doesn't make it RIGHT"

But at the opposite end of the spectrum,, the same group argue that women can kill their babies and it's right because the law allows it.
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You know all this how, exactly?

Have you spoken with the parents?

The DA?

The child involved? No?


There are a few articles out there where her parents give their side. Instead of being hateful, I looked up about ten different articles on it. Instead of passing judgment and being homophobic I looked up more than just one article on it.
And instead of being hateful I realized the girl is in high school.

In other words..no, you haven't spoken with the parents, no, you haven't spoken with the DA, no you haven't spoken to the child.

So you really don't know what happened. But you know a dyke had a sexual relationship with a kid, and decided that would be a good thing to take a stand for. Thank you.

There is really only one thing to get out of this. When homosexuals say that gays and lesbians don't target children they are lying. When they say that they don't intend to legalize pedophilia because children can't consent, they are lying.
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

Perhaps seniors should be schooled in a separate building than the other children.

Separate classes like they are now.
Thanks to Urban Dictionary for its "Jail bait" description page:

1. Jail bait Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more

1418 up, 147 down tempting female below the age of consent.
I didn't want to ask her age,
It's enough she's here backstage,
I did it though and now it's too late,
she's jailbait, honey, jailbait
buy jail bait mugs & shirts
by matt the jakie Aug 5, 2004 add a video
2. Jail Bait Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more

974 up, 321 down My neighbor's 14-year-old daughter who hangs out on the street corner in her Goth clothes and prances around her room in her underwear when she knows all the neighbors can see in her window, that slut.
Yo, Bitch, how much? Aw, shit! I know you! You JAILBAIT!
buy jail bait mugs & shirts
by Jiminy Cricket Oct 8, 2004 add a video
3. jail bait Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more

737 up, 202 down A male or female, who by state law is underage, but doesn't look it.
"Look at that honey over there."
"She's 15, mah brutha."

"Damn jail bait..."
buy jail bait mugs & shirts
Even guys on the street know a girl under the age of consent is Jail bait. ;)
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People are so stupid.

Just because you did it is not a reason to allow your children to do it. It's ILLEGAL for one thing...you don't teach your kids to just ignore the law. You don't *suggest* they follow the law. Otherwise, you're teaching them to be criminals and you're modeling criminal thinking for them to even suggest they can go ahead and give in to their impulses, if those impulses happen to be sexual, regardless of the law.

I swear. It's like people are proud if their 14 year old girls can reel in a senior. Grow the fuck up.

,Well then damn it, put them in separate schools. You act as if they should know the law from what many consider nature. My Aunt who died some years back, Married a preacher at 14 and moved to Detroit. She Died the Mother of the church with a tribe of people on earth due to her. Tell them her husband should have been arrested and labeled as a sex offender.

Its amazing to me how many right wingers run in to take the holier than though approach but support ted nugent! Care to venture into his past?!
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It's silly to put teenagers in the same school, on the same sports teams, and in the same classes and expect that they won't interact or date.

The 18 year old and 15 year old went to the same school, had the same friends, played on the same team and even attended the same honors class together, and yet people are shocked they should tumble into love. :rolleyes:
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

Perhaps seniors should be schooled in a separate building than the other children.

It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

I'm sorry,but is there something you are not telling us?
What I'm telling you is just because your kid wants something doesn't mean you give it to them...particularly if what they want is sex.
And parents who will allow their young children to pair up with anyone, let alone adults, are worse than pimps. Anyone who teaches her children that they "understand" if they just HAVE to have sex with an 18 year old should be in jail.
My ten year old could reel in an 18 year old, and she'd be tickled pink. Am I going to let her? HELL no. Because she's only 10.

These are 14 year olds we're talking about. They shouldn't even be left alone with adults of the opposite sex.

Perhaps seniors should be schooled in a separate building than the other children.

It is kind of odd. This relationship started when the yonger one was 13 and the older one was 17. A thirteen year old should be in middle school, not in high school. An 18 year old should be near to graduation and way out of the orbit of a 14 year old. Again, at that age, 4 years is a big deal and any kid who is 4 years older and nearing or having reached majority should not be having a sexual relationship with a child 4 years younger. If they are, they have issues, they are extremely immature for their age. It is not a healthy situation.
There is a 3 year age difference, not 4. No one is suggesting the younger was 13 at any point during the relationship, she wasn't. The only point in question was how old the older girl was when it started, her family say 17, the other girls family say 18.

Right now the girls are 18 and 15.
It was a better world when the male relatives of a rape victim took care of it personally and spattered brains over the landscape.
It was a better world when the male relatives of a rape victim took care of it personally and spattered brains over the landscape.

You are seriously sick.

It's much better to help rapists get away with their crimes.

Kaitlyn Hunt is very lucky that the parents of her victim were so gentle. If I were that girl's mother, the rapist would have been found hanging in the closet in two weeks, tops. I'd make sure every one knew, every parent knew and been to the press half a dozen times by now. And hospitalized the daughter out of state.
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It's not necessarily pedophilia...but the gamut of sex offenses is wide.

She MAY be a pedophile...I had a couple of female pedophiles (guess what? 18 year olds!) who were pedophiles; they groomed and preyed upon kids they babysat...and those relationships sometimes went on for years, well after the kids were no longer pre-pubescent, and starting before the girls were 18.

And I wonder if this 14 year old was actually in high school, or middle school, when targeted by her. Because most high schools aren't grades 9-12 anymore...most are 10-12.

You have the most interesting ANECDOTES, I must say.

People who have worked with sexual predators often do, you'll find.

Worked "with" you say.......

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